Chapter 706

Hearing what Xu Xin said, Jianhua felt a little more relaxed.

However, he still looked back at Lin Hui and touched Lin Hui's forehead at the same time, and found that it was obviously not as hot as before.

This also relieved his hanging heart.

At the same time, Jianhua remembered that Xu Xin came to see them for something, "Xu Xin, are you here to talk about playing basketball? Maybe I can't help you, after all, Lin Hui is sick now."

Xu Xin frowned when he heard this.

She didn't say how she knew that she couldn't help what she couldn't help, and why Jianhua didn't have self-confidence now.

"I said Jianhua is looking for you, but not necessarily Lin Hui, you can too!"
"Me." When Jianhua heard Xu Xin say his name, he pointed to himself in disbelief without a doubt.

"Yes, it's you, don't you have confidence in yourself! It's still disapproval of yourself, don't forget that you are an athlete of our national team, and you are no worse than anyone else!"

Xu Xin actually praised him like this, which surprised Jianhua.Very surprised.

His eyes widened unexpectedly, and he stared at Xu Xin in disbelief.

"Why don't you mind telling me about it? But I'm afraid I'll steal your art."

"Wow, no way, I just can't figure it out, you still want to discuss technology with me, I'm half a catty!"

Jianhua stuttered excitedly, saying that he never thought that he would have such a day or that it would be time for others to discuss with him.

It was always when he and Lin Hui were together, everyone liked to listen to Lin Hui's speeches, but today Xu Xin was willing to discuss technology with him in front of him.

It made him feel honored and even made him feel useful in the national team.

Jianhua is used to following Lin Hui and doing everything in obscurity.

I have already forgotten the grades, when he was also such a young boy who distributed and discussed problems with everyone.

"Don't say that. When you came to our provincial team, you entered with No.1 excellent grades. At that time, many members of our women's team admired you very much and wanted to be friends with you." Woolen cloth!"

Why does Jianhua not know about these?It turned out that when he was in the provincial team, everyone paid attention to him silently.

And he also sang duet, which he admired very much, which he never thought of.

"Xu Xin, stop joking with me, you're not just trying to make fun of me!"

When hearing these words, Xu Xin covered her mouth and secretly laughed.

"Look, you don't even believe what you said, and even laughed! How could you lie to me like this!"

In Jianhua's eyes, he thought that Xu Xin was laughing at him, making up stories for him and telling him how good he was, but he didn't expect that in Xu Xin's eyes, he didn't think that way at all.

"Jianhua, you misunderstood me. I was laughing at you, saying that I was making fun of you. How could I make fun of you with this kind of thing? Obviously at that time you were the saver of our provincial team. Everyone wanted to be with you when they saw you." You get in touch, but you really don't like to talk all the time, which makes everyone afraid to approach you!"

Saving grass, this sounds a bit awkward.

But the plan is still very listening.

No, shouldn't the divine grass be Lin Hui?How could it be him?

Then he asked Xu Xin with a face full of doubts.

"Are you sure I didn't mean Lin Hui? Why do I feel like the person you're talking about is Lin Hui?"

"Of course it's you. When Lin Hui was in the provincial team, he was a famous wild player. Everyone was very resistant to wild players, but you were different from him. You played a normal style of play, and everyone I think you play very well, and you look very serious. Compared with Lin Hui, everyone naturally likes you more! I didn’t lie to you at all. By the way, you are the one who is always with me. Ling, I don't know if you remember, but he has always admired you for a long time!"

Chang Ling, Jianhua has this person's name in his heart.

But suddenly I can't remember.

After all, being in the provincial team is different from the national team.

Everyone generally practices on their own.

There will not be any contact between the men's team and the women's team, unless it is a special situation, such as letting the men's team members serve as training partners for the women's team, so that they will be more familiar with the women's team members.

Just like Lin Hui, last time Lin Hui was a sparring partner for the provincial team, so he naturally knew each of their names.

And like Jianhua, he has an impression of Chang Ling that Xue Xue said, but he can't remember what he looks like at all.

"Don't you remember, it's just a thin girl with two buck teeth who is taller than me!"

Xu Xinjian Jianhua looked confused, probably unable to recall what Chang Ling looked like, so she simply helped Jianhua recall Chang Ling's appearance.

Chang Ling's appearance is not ugly, but the teeth of the two big white rabbits are particularly conspicuous, making people look like buck teeth at first glance.

But later Xu Xin heard that Chang Ling had her teeth adjusted because of these two buck teeth, so it shouldn't be a buck tooth now.

If she hasn't seen her for a long time.

But when she was in the provincial team, Chang Ling admired Jianhua for a long time. Whenever Jianhua's name was mentioned, her eyes would stare at her.

It can be seen how much Chang Ling liked Jianhua at that time.

If Xu Xin had not had time to chat with Jianhua alone today, Jianhua would have never known such a thing in this life.

Suddenly Jianhua's voice sounded. "I remembered, that one is tall, and the tall one is not ugly, but those two teeth are particularly buckled!"

"That's right, it's him, but now that he has had his teeth straightened, he shouldn't be so ugly!"

Yeah?Jianhua remembered that there was such a girl.

He didn't pay attention at that time, but now he can only vaguely remember the general appearance.

But Xu Xin can also say that he is Shengcao, that's okay, and shouldn't Shengcao be the brightest person in the provincial team, everyone likes him, and why is there only one person who likes him? It must be Xu Xin teasing him.

"Just such a person, you actually praise me to the sky, saying that I am a careless person, which makes me a little flattered!"

"What's the matter Jianhua, everyone obviously likes you, but they didn't reveal their feelings. They look at you differently from other people. As long as you play table tennis on stage, their eyes are straight. Gougou stared at you, and even cheered for you in the audience, don't you remember all of this!"

It is true that Jianhua no longer remembers these things.

Because when playing a game, all the attention is focused on the scene, how can you notice who is cheering for him and who is cheering for him?
"Well, since you don't remember this incident, then you can't deny that everyone still likes you, and you are still the careless one in our hearts. This is an unchangeable fact!"

Hearing Xu Xin's succinct yelling, he actually felt warm in his heart. He never thought that everyone would think so highly of him.

"Okay, then I will take it as a fact, thank you for your high evaluation of me!"

At this moment, Jianhua was not as worried as before, but started a joke with Xu Xin.

When Xu Xin saw the smile on Jianhua's face, he laughed even more happily. He hadn't seen such a happy smile on Jianhua's face for a long time. Usually, Jianhua always looked worried, especially when he came to the national team. when.

He smiled less than once, and it could even be said that his face was always tightly sullen, and it was difficult to show a smile on his face.

Especially during the time when he was dating Wenya.

Xu Xin feels that the Jianhua he once knew has changed a lot.

It is no longer the cheerful, sunny Jianhua who played with everyone.

When he saw the smile on Jianhua's face today, he didn't know how happy he was.

Jianhua is as happy as a flower smiling.

"Water! Water!"

When the two of them were laughing happily, they suddenly heard a weak voice from the bed.

This voice belonged to Lin Hui.

Immediately, Jianhua stopped smiling and ran to Lin Hui's bedside.

"Lin Hui, what are you talking about?" Jianhua didn't hear what Lin Hui said just now, but only heard Lin Hui's weak voice, as if he wanted something.

"Water, water.!"

"It's water, right?"

Jianhua heard Lin Hui calling for water.He immediately asked Lin Hui if he wanted to drink water, but he didn't get any response.
"Jianhua, is it Lin Hui who wants to drink water?"

Xu Xin who was standing aside also heard Lin Hui's voice.

"Yes, yes, Lin Hui wants to drink water!"

After getting a response from the phone, Xu Xin quickly poured a glass of water from the kettle and handed it to Jianhua.

"Lin Hui, the water is coming!"

While supporting Lin Hui, Jianhua put the water glass against Lin Hui's mouth.

Then slightly inclined to send the water to his mouth.

It wasn't until seeing Lin Hui's swallowing action that Jianhua was sure again that Lin Hui should be much better than before. At least he could drink water, or he wanted to drink water.

This is a better sign.

People will lose a lot of water when they have a fever, and they will naturally need to replenish water.

Just now he tried to ask Lin Hui if he wanted to drink water, but Lin Hui didn't answer him at all, but now he took the initiative to ask him to drink water, which proves that Lin Hui has gradually improved and his temperature has dropped. down.

Watching Lin Hui drink the water one gulp and then purify it, he gently put Lin Hui down and covered him with the quilt.

Generally, patients need to rest in bed more and eat some light food.

He looked at Lin Hui with his eyes closed, and he was no longer as upset as he was just now.

Moreover, Lin Hui's complexion gradually became better than before, not even as red as before.

Just now Lin Hui's face was extremely hot, but now the red color has slowly faded away.

"Jianhua, Lin Hui should be able to drink water, which proves that his medicine has worked. I saw that his complexion is much better than before. You can take his temperature again!"

With that said, Xu Xin handed the thermometer to Jianhua.

Jianhua also followed Xu Xin's instructions and put the thermometer under Lin Hui's armpit.

Generally, it takes about 10 minutes to measure body temperature before it can evolve accurately during this waiting time. Although it is not as anxious as before, it can be seen from Xu Xin that Jianhua is a little uneasy.

She immediately opened her mouth to change the topic for Jianhua.

"Jianhua, have you had breakfast? If you haven't, I'll bring you some later!"

Jianhua shook his head.

Since he woke up and found that Lin Hui had been busy, he didn't have time to eat breakfast, and Lin Hui didn't eat it either.

"Then what do you want to eat? Is it porridge, rice or something else?"

Seeing that Jianhua was silent, Xu Xianxin asked again.

Especially seeing that Jianhua seemed to be worried about Lin Hui, after all, the waiting time was a bit long.

If Lin Hui's body temperature dropped, it would prove to be nothing. If Lin Hui's body temperature didn't drop, then they had to think of other ways.

"Drink porridge! When Lin Hui has a fever, his body loses a lot of water. Drinking porridge can help him replenish some water."

"Okay, then I'll bring you some back later!"

Although Xu Xin had found an excuse to talk to Jianhua, the time seemed as long as a century.

Finally Jianhua took out the thermometer from Lin Hui's armpit.

He moved slowly, as if praying, and then opened his closed eyes.

"37 degrees 5! It has come down. Just now the tortoise has a fever of 38 degrees. The normal body temperature is 37 degrees 2. This is just a little higher than the normal body temperature. It seems that Lin Hui is fine!"

After Jianhua finished speaking, a happy smile appeared on his face.

"I said that Lin Hui will be fine. He just had a simple fever, and he didn't go out yesterday! Don't worry, Jianhua, we are all athletes, we are not so fragile, everyone is like this, minor illness is minor Pain is nothing at all!"

Yes, minor illnesses and pains are nothing at all, as long as there are no major problems such as fractures and inability to play, it is nothing.

They often have a cold and fever, which is already a common occurrence.

But this time is special, Lin Hui will participate in the competition, so Jianhua can't let you have other things happen again.

Especially when he was sick, when he heard that Lin Hui was sick, he almost exploded.

He was with Lin Hui every day, how could it make Lin Hui sick, and he didn't notice that Lin Hui was sick. If he had noticed it earlier, then Lin Hui might not have been in such pain.

Now Lin Hui has been asleep for such a long time.

It was all his fault, and if he had found out sooner, it might not have taken so long.

But Jianhua is still very grateful to Xu Xin for always comforting him by his side.Make him feel less alone, less alone.

(ps: Ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a reward, pass by, please leave your little feet, the author is very grateful here, let the author know that he is not alone, be a lonely person, thank you!) .

(End of this chapter)

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