Chapter 716
"Stinky boy!"

Li Yu slapped him fiercely!
Xiao Ye stared at Li Yu with wide eyes, "It's fine, why did you hit me?"

Supper felt aggrieved.

"Hitting you is to understand you! Don't become so disobedient in the future! I like to make my own decisions and let you be a lesson!"

Li Yu felt uncomfortable when he thought that such a lively, lovely, cheerful, righteous and promising brother had no blood relationship with her at all.

"Lin Hui, we're almost here, we're packing up and getting ready to leave the station!"

Jianhua stopped a car and ran back, and saw them playing and laughing happily!

Seeing this, Lin Hui hurriedly said to Jianhua, "You two brothers and sisters, stop making trouble, let's go back! Let's talk when we go back!"

After Li Yu knew that he and Xiaoye were not related by blood, she gradually became sensitive and suspicious, especially when Lin Hui said the words brother and sister, she became even more flustered!
From driving to returning to the supper hall, he looked uncomfortable.

Even under Lin Hui's reminder, "Li Yu, we are here!"

She just came back to her senses.

"Li Yu, what's wrong with you today? Ever since I saw you, I've seen you absent-minded. Could it be that you did something sorry for me behind my back?!"

As soon as Xiaoye finished saying this sentence, Li Yu was about to reach out and slap him again. Fortunately, Xiaoye hid in time, so he didn't get hit by Li Yu!

"Could I be wrong! Look at you, you're like a shrew like this, brother Lin Hui, don't you think so!"

The current Xiaoye has become even more rampant due to his brave actions just now, and dared to call Li Yu a shrew.

Li Yu didn't say a word, and directly asked Xiao Ye to prepare to do it.

"Xiao Ye, are you itchy? I haven't seen you for a few days, but you have learned to swear! See if I don't punish you, you don't know what it means to be humble!"

Speaking of which, Li Yu actually rolled up his sleeves, and was about to shake his fists at Xiaoye.

But Lin Hui stopped him directly, "Li Yu, just after you came back from supper, the two of you started fighting, isn't it good?"

When Xiaoye heard that Brother Lin Hui was protecting him, he had a smug smile on his face, thinking that Brother Lin Hui was still good to me.

Three seconds later, I heard Lin Hui say to Li Yu again, "Anyway, wait until we leave and we can't see him before calling! Doesn't this clearly mean that we are not friendly to him!"

This remark caused Xiaoye to retort, "Good brother Lin Hui, I thought you were only thinking of my own good, but I didn't expect you to be ungrateful for sex!"

Seeing Xiaoye's aggrieved appearance, he felt that this was interesting, so he began to tease Xiaoye with great interest, "That's for sure, I must stand by Li Yu's side! Only if I stand by your side is the real unmanly!"

Lin Hui spoke eloquently, but his mouth was puffed out in anger.

"Good! Good! All of you are going too far. I just came back, and you have learned to bully me!" Then walked to Jianhua's side!

"Brother Jianhua is better, standing in the middle, impartial, unlike your brother Lin Hui who is ungrateful for sex!"

However, the supper had just been finished.

Jianhua began to say to Xiaoye, "But, Xiaoye, shouldn't it be natural for Li Yu to teach you a lesson? Shouldn't the blood be suppressed?"

"You, you! I haven't seen you for a few days! You actually learned to bully the weak! You are too high!"

Now the supper is anxious straight stomping!It never occurred to him that after only a few days of seeing each other, he would start forming cliques and rebelling!
"We bullied you, what can you do to us?"

Li Yu said to Xiaoye very bluntly.

"I, I can't afford to offend you, can't I still hide from you?"

Talking about supper, he was about to leave, but Lin Hui directly stopped him, "I want to leave! I'm afraid it won't be that easy!"

Why can't he provoke them or hide them?
"Brother Lin Hui, what do you mean by blocking me? Are you trying to get on me!"

Lin Hui showed a weird smile, and then the fingers of both hands were tightly clenched, making a clicking sound.

"How did you answer? If the answer is good, I will naturally not beat you, but what, if the answer is not good!" Lin Hui's fist made a crackling sound.

At the same time, Li Yu and Jianhua also showed the same smile to Xiaoye.

Xiao Ye frowned, what were these people thinking?

It's only been a few days since I saw him, when did he start to overshadow him in a different way.

"Okay, okay, don't be so suspicious, just ask any questions!"

Xiao Ye spoke to them one by one impatiently.

"We are very curious. How are you and Zhang Xuan? You'd better be one-on-one. Tell us!"

From the moment they picked up the supper at the train station, they sent Zhang Xuan back directly. They originally wanted to sit in the supper hall first, but Zhang Xuan refused to say anything, which made the few of them I felt tricky in my heart, so I had to use such a method!
"Khan, that's what you're asking! Don't be suspicious all the time! A few of you wanted to ask me some questions, but you all ended up one by one!"

As he said that, he even laughed at them!
On the contrary, this made Lin Hui and the others feel quite uncomfortable.

"Isn't it right for you to ask us that?"

Lin Huihui was talking to Xiaoye, but Xiaoye nodded and said, "Yes, yes, yes!"

"But, you guys don't have to be so serious, as if I committed some heinous crime!"

When Li Yu heard it, he said directly to Xiaoye, "Hurry up, we're still waiting here! A big man has been murmuring for a long time without saying anything!"

Why did Xiaoye feel that Li Yu's speech was so different from the past, that such an earth-shaking change had taken place after only a few days of seeing each other!

However, Xiaoye still calmly said to them, "When Zhang Xuan and I returned to the province, we followed Zhang Xuan and kept asking for his father! Zhang Xuan's mother watched In the eyes! At the beginning, they didn’t recognize it, but slowly later”

Xiao Ye told a few of them about him and Zhang Xuan.

"According to what you said, Zhang Xuan's parents neither dislike nor accept it. Is that what you mean? Anyway, they just don't express their views!"

Li Yu listened to Xiao Ye talking for a long time, and that's probably what he meant.

"It can be said that, after all, the attitude towards me is much better than before! At least I don't object!"

He is the best strategy for Zhang Xuan's parents not to object to him.

At that time, Zhang Xuan's parents didn't agree with anything. What he talked about when they were together was cultural differences and knowledge gaps.

Those words were not said at the time!This is a good choice for late night snacks!

"I'm pretty proud to see you. What's there to be proud of? You didn't handle Zhang Xuan's parents, so you're ashamed to say it!"

Li Yu saw Xiao Ye's smile stretched to the back, and couldn't help but start to feel very disgusted with him.

"It's just a good one. It's pretty good for them at the beginning! Besides, I have now deeply realized that there is still a certain gap between me and Zhang Xuan!"

When talking about this, Xiaoye looked straight at Jianhua and Lin Hui, "I want to tell you guys something, and I've already thought about it on the way back!"

"What on earth is Xiaoye going to tell us? Why are you still twitching?!"

Li Yu felt embarrassed looking at the supper, and didn't know what kind of medicine this guy was selling in the gourd.

"It's nothing, I just want to tell you, I want to open a club!"

When Xiaoye was sick, he told Lin Hui about it. When Xiaoxiao mentioned this, Lin Hui immediately understood.

On the contrary, Li Yu looked puzzled and asked Xiao Ye, "What club!"

"It's a sports club. I want everyone to exercise together. You can play table tennis, basketball, and billiards here. All kinds of sports are established! Naturally, this is a membership system! No Anyone can come in at will."

Xiaoye talked about his great idea, he felt that to do it this time, he had to make it bigger, make it stand upright, and make it a little more masculine!
"This club talked to me at the time of supper before. I think it is much better than opening a supper club. This can at least reduce some unnecessary disputes! I excluded some miscellaneous people, and the people who came in were all Some people who love sports!"

Lin Hui very much agrees with the idea of ​​supper, after all, it is for the development of sports, so why not do it?

"The idea of ​​supper is very good, but is it feasible? Will it fail? If it fails, you will lose all your money!"

Jianhua began to say such words unintentionally.

Xiao Ye showed a smile on his face, "Naturally, your help is indispensable!"

"Our help?" Jianhua asked with doubts.

"Yes! I run a sports club, and it's naturally for you people who love sports. As athletes of the national team, of course you should come to me often to attract more people who love sports!"

When Xiaoye reopened the club, it had already started to use the name of the owner of their national team.

"Xiao Ye, it's very good of you to say that! Using Brother Lin Hui's reputation to deceive you!"

It took Li Yu such a long time to figure out what Xiao Ye said. He just wanted to open a club, specifically to let famous people like Lin Hui drive the club and bring good profits to the club.

"Li Yu, it's meaningless to say that! What's the trick of pretending to be zero-return customers? It's clear that Brother Lin Hui and all the athletes of the national team he knows are cheating!"

Now Xiaoye has realized the key point of Li Yu's words, so he deliberately said this to Li Yu.

"You still have to ask brother Lin Hui and his friends to come to the club to remember, you are so envious!"

Li Yu is now talking to supper, bluntly.

However, Lin Hui felt that this attention was very good. He has always supported Xiaoye's decision. People can come to him to learn better and more things. And building this club at night can also create some good platforms for those who have no connections!"

"Okay? Brother Lin Hui, will this bother you? I used your fame to open a club here. Do you agree? This is a crime of tort in the law. Besides, the national team allows you do that?"

Li Yu is aware of the importance of the law, especially as an athlete of the national team, he is not allowed to engage in other commercial activities. Will brother Xiang Lin be punished?

"It's okay, did you forget that I did some suns before? It's not so harsh. If the national team is held accountable, then I can let Xiaoye fund it. This will solve some unnecessary troubles." Yet?"

Lin Hui had thought of this a long time ago. Lin Hui would abide by all the rules of the national team and at the same time help with supper.

"Okay, brother Lin Hui, as long as you think it's okay, then I don't think there is any problem, brother Jianhua, what about you? Do you agree with brother Lin Hui?"

Li Yu turned around and asked Jianhua who was beside him.

"Lin Hui has already said that, so of course I don't have any opinions. Lin Hui's table tennis plays a pivotal role in the national team. The event is naturally played, not as good as Lin Hui!"

When Jianhua said this, Xiaoye hastily interrupted him, "Brother Jianhua, what are you talking about? The original intention of this club is to promote the development of sports.

It is also for people who love sports to learn from those who have entered the national team."

Xiaoye talked word by word about his grand plan and hegemony, and at the same time, he also said that the purpose of building the club is to let people who like sports come here, there is no distinction between high and low?There is no such thing as better or worse.

"Yes, Jianhua! It's not as complicated as you imagined. We were already tired enough when we were in the national team. When we come to Xiaoye, we can play as we like. We don't need to care whether we are a member of the national team or not." Members, will they play badly, will someone laugh at you, anyway, we all appear here as sports!"

Lin Hui felt that it would be even better if he could come to the club at his own level and bring some passion to the usually depressing life!
"Brother Lin Hui, you're right! It's just for you to lead people and let others know that I have the best athletes here, and others want to learn skills from here!"

Xiaoye felt that what brother Lin Hui said just now must have attracted many people.

(ps: Ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a reward, pass by, please leave your little feet, the author is very grateful here, let the author know that he is not alone, be a lonely person, thank you!)

(End of this chapter)

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