In the early morning of the next day, the opening ceremony of the World Expo was about to begin, but Shaojie had a melancholy expression on his face.

His face was pale and his brows were tightly furrowed. After eating hot pot last night, his stomach began to ache in the middle of the night. He held his stomach tightly, but couldn't get up no matter what.

After that, he took a lot of effort to get up from the bed, and staggered to the bathroom to wash up.

But his stomach started acting like a monster again, so he had no choice but to go back to the bed again, lying there in unspeakable misery, as if his body was being tortured mercilessly.

"Bang!" The door was pushed open forcefully, and Xu Xin rushed into the room in a hurry.

"What time is Shaojie, why don't you go out!"

Xu Xin shouted anxiously.

When we were in the lobby with Lin Hui Jianhua just now, Shaojie was still missing, so Xu Xin decided to come and look for it himself.

The moment he opened the door, he was startled by Shaojie's pale face.

Xu Xin's heart skipped a beat, and he hurried to Shaojie's side.

At this time, Shaojie was already sweating profusely and looked very uncomfortable.

Xu Xin quickly took the towel from Shaojie's hand, and gently wiped the cold sweat off his forehead.

"What's wrong?" Xu Xin asked anxiously.

Shaojie gritted his teeth and said, "My stomach hurts badly."

As soon as Xu Xin heard the stomachache, Xu Xin suddenly remembered that they ate hot pot together last night. Could it be because of stomach discomfort?
"Shaojie, was it caused by eating hot pot last night?" Xu Xin asked eagerly.

At this moment, Shaojie was already sweating profusely, and he was in no mood to answer Xu Xin's question.

"Be patient, I'll take you to the hospital!" Xu Xin helped Shaojie up without hesitation.

At this moment, she could not care so much, she just wanted to send Shaojie to the hospital as soon as possible.

"I'm fine," Shaojie said intermittently, but he didn't have the strength to stand up at all.

In desperation, Xu Xin had no choice but to support Shaojie and run towards the door. She just opened the door, but suddenly froze.

Because Jianhua and Lin Hui also came at the door.

"Lin Hui, Jianhua, why are the two of you here?" Xu Xin hurriedly asked.

"The two of us are worried about you. We have seen you come for so long, but there has been no movement."

As Lin Hui spoke, he turned his attention to Shaojie, Shaojie, what's wrong? "

Shaojie looked very strange, his eyes were empty, his lips were blue, and his face was very ugly.

"He..." Xu Xin didn't know how to explain to Lin Hui.

"Stop talking so much, let's send Shaojie to the hospital first!" Lin Hui said while supporting Shaojie.

"But what about the World Expo?" Jianhua asked them.

Hearing this, Shaojie hurriedly said, "I'm fine, it's not that exaggerated, I'll just lie down, you can still participate, and I won't go."

Shaojie heard that everyone was worried about him, and at this time he couldn't drag everyone's opening ceremony.

Suddenly, after Shaojie finished speaking, his stomach began to hurt, even worse than before.

"Shaojie, don't be brave, hurry up and follow me to the hospital," Xu Xin insisted.

Then Xu Xin said to Lin Hui and Shaojie, "Go to the opening ceremony, and I will take Shaojie to the hospital.

"How about Xu Xin, let me take Shaojie to the opening ceremony with you and Jianhua."

Lin Hui was worried that Shaoxin might not be able to accompany Shaojie with a girl, if that was the case, he might as well take Shaojie there.

"Lin Hui, what did you say? Have you forgotten that you are an important role? If you don't go at this time, you will be gossiped by others!"

Xu Xin denied it to Lin Hui on the spot.

Jianhua hurried forward and said to Xu Xin, "I'll go with Shaojie, you two hurry up!"

However, Xu Xin disagreed with Jianhua accompanying him to the opening ceremony, "Don't talk about it, Shaojie and I are going to the hospital, we will act separately, let's make this decision."

After Xu Xin finished speaking, she supported Shao Jiejie's shoulders and rushed towards the hospital.

Lin Hui could only stare blankly at the direction in which Shaojie and Xu Xin left.

After they left, Jianhua asked Lin Hui, "Why did we all have nothing to do last night, but Shaojie's stomach was uncomfortable. Did he eat his own stomach? If so, he can still participate in the future." Is it a show? A game?"

"Yesterday, everyone was already very full, but Shaojie was still there, insisting on eating all the leftovers. If he doesn't have a stomachache, whoever has a stomachache!"

Lin Hui thought about what happened yesterday, Shaojie had been stuffing things into his stomach, he had seen it with his own eyes.

I will definitely feel uncomfortable in my stomach at this moment, but it shouldn't delay the practice and competition.

"It shouldn't be a big problem, at most it's just an upset stomach. If it's serious, it'll be fine with some IV drip. Let's go, we still have to attend the opening ceremony!"

After Lin Hui finished speaking, he walked in the front direction.

At the same time, as soon as he came over, he told the coach the news.

On the other side, Xu Xin had already taken a taxi and brought Shaojie to the hospital.

As soon as he entered the door, Xu Xin said to Shaojie, "We have already arrived at the hospital, please bear with it."

Looking at Shaojie's flushed face, he must be feeling uncomfortable.

However, Shaojie had no intention of replying to Xu Xin's words, so he could only let him be at the mercy of his humility.

Then, under the leadership of Xu Xin, he was taken to the emergency room.

Xu Xin truthfully told the doctor about Shaojie's situation.

The doctor asked Xu Xin to wait outside.

After a while, the doctor came out from inside.

Handed Xu Xin a list, "It's nothing serious, go and pay the fee!"

It's nothing serious, why does Shaojie have such a severe stomachache?
When he was in the taxi just now, Shaojie twisted himself into a twist in pain.

But when he came to the hospital, the doctor said such a sentence so casually, which made Xu Xin feel somewhat unresponsive.

"That doctor, he is an athlete of the national team, you can save him, he still wants to participate in sports!"

Xu Xin pulled the doctor with a pleading face.

The doctor glanced at Xu Xin, and then looked at Xu Xin with an indescribable look.

"It's just a simple gastrointestinal discomfort, just infuse some fluids. If you delay like this, maybe his stomach will feel uncomfortable for a while longer!"

The doctor's words hurt Xu Xin deep in his heart.

The analysis revealed that Shaojie's problem was not serious, so he immediately walked towards the toll office.

Just now he was worried about whether Shaojie would be able to participate in the competition normally, but he didn't expect that Shaojie was not as serious as he imagined.

After he paid the money, he immediately turned back to the nurse's desk.

The nurse had already put the liquid prepared in advance in front of her eyes.

After taking a look at the burden, he took the liquid and walked towards the patient, and Xu Xin followed closely behind.

When they came to Shaojie's side, their faces were still pale, so they said to Shaojie, "It's nothing serious, it's just an upset stomach, just get some fluid."

At this moment, Shaojie was still holding his stomach, and looked at Xu Xin feebly.

At this moment, the nurse had already injected the liquid into Shaojie's body.

"If you feel uncomfortable, or just press the bell after typing to call me!"

After the nurse lady finished speaking, she left.

Shaojie's expression was still the same as before after the fluid was transfused.

After a long time, when the liquid was half infused, Shaojie's face recovered.

"Xu Xin, it's all my fault that you delayed the opening ceremony of the competition!"

After Shaojie got better, he said to Xu Xin very ashamedly.

"Shaojie, what did you say? We are partners. If you are sick, can I continue to play? If you feel guilty, then get well soon!"

Xu Xin comforted Shaojie.

"It's all my fault. If I didn't eat so much yesterday, I wouldn't have a stomachache at night. I can go to the opening ceremony today, and I won't let you stay here with me!"

Although Xu Xin had said it was nothing, Shaojie still had a hurdle in his heart.

And Xu Xin said it was nothing, but who doesn't want to have their own figure at the opening ceremony.

But because of his illness, Xu Xin wanted to take care of him by his side.

"Xu Xin, I will definitely compete with you this time and try to get a certain result!"

Only by saying such things can Shaojie be worthy of Xu Xin.

However, Xu Xin glanced at Shaojie.

"Could it be that if you don't come here this time, you won't play well?"

"Xu Xin, you know that's not what I mean."

Shaojie tried his best to defend himself.

"Shaojie, I can tease you!"

Shaojie looked at Xu Xin and laughed.

After a while, Shaojie liquid was almost lost.

Xu Xin quickly stood up and walked to the nurse's desk.

"Hello, the patient over there has already finished transfusion!"

Xu Xin said to the nurse very politely.

The nurse lady raised her head and glanced at Xu Xin, then put down what she was doing, and followed her into the ward.

Then quickly pull out the liquid.

While pulling out the liquid, Xu Xin took advantage of the time when the nurse was cleaning up the liquid, and hurriedly asked, "Can we go now?"

"Yes, you can leave today, there are still two days of liquid, remember to come here tomorrow, or this time!"

"I, I am tomorrow and the day after tomorrow" Shaojie said that he wanted to talk about tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, can he not come?

It was interrupted by Xu Xin directly, "Okay, we got it."

The nurse lady took another look at them and left.

After the nurse lady walked away, Shaojie began to say to Xu Xin, "Don't you know? Maybe we will participate in the competition tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, how can I come here for an infusion!"

Xu Xin naturally knew about it.

"Then do you still want to win? If you want to win, just obey the nurse!"

"I think, but if I have a certain time difference, how can I come to the infusion instead of playing ball?"

Obviously, what Shaojie said meant that he was going to participate in the competition, and he would not come for the infusion if he didn't have time.

"Shaojie, do you still want to die? If you want to die, just listen to the doctor and nurse obediently. You can spare some time to come over for the infusion. Do you have to infuse while playing ball?"

Xu Xin's words reminded Shaojie.

It seems that this is the only way to do it, and there seems to be no other way now.

"Listen to you!" After Shaojie finished speaking, he smiled at Xu Xin with a smile on his face. .

Then Xu Xin supported Shaojie to walk back.

On the way, Shaojie asked Xu Xin, "I don't know how the opening ceremony is going, whether it's lively or not."

"It should be lively. After all, this city is so beautiful. I'm sure his opening ceremony should also be very lively!"

To be honest, Xu Xin was very wronged that she was not able to attend the opening ceremony this time.

But even though she was wronged, compared to Shaojie, his body is still more important.

As long as Shaojie is fine, the two of them can win the championship during the competition.

If Shaojie is not feeling well now, she alone cannot play.

"Xu Xin, what are you thinking? Do you really want to go to the opening ceremony? According to the time, more than an hour has passed, and the opening ceremony may not be over yet. How about we go to the scene?"

"But is your body okay?"

Naturally, Xu Xin didn't want to miss the opening ceremony, and wanted to go to the opening ceremony to feel the atmosphere of the scene.

"The fluid has been transfused, and now the stomach pain is gone, there is no problem at all!"

Hearing what Shaojie said, Xu Xin nodded embarrassedly.

As for Shaojie, after getting Xu Xin's consent, he reached out and stopped a car.

Go in the direction of the opening ceremony.

More than an hour ago, Shaojie still had abdominal pain. After an hour, Shaojie was able to move around freely.

In this hour, it seems that earth-shaking changes have taken place.

"Driver, please take us to the opening ceremony site!"

"You guys are going to the opening ceremony too. It's almost halfway through the opening ceremony. Is there still time to go?"

The driver master said kindly to the two of them.

"It's in time, it must be in time!"

Although Shaojie knew in his heart that it was too late, he still hoped that they could catch up in time to see the scene of the opening ceremony.

Hearing what Shaojie said, the driver master glanced at the two of them through the rearview mirror and asked you, "You are from other places, don't you? It sounds like you don't speak like our local people."

Shaojie nodded with a smile on his face, and said to the driver, "Yes, we are here to participate in the competition, but because of my stomach discomfort, I went to the hospital for a fluid transfusion."

"What, are you guys from the national team? I've met a lot of athletes today, and this is already the first batch of you guys!"

While driving the car, the master spoke to Xu Xin and Shaojie without saying a word.

Then seeing that the two of them were in a hurry, they accelerated the accelerator.

(ps: Ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a reward, pass by, please leave your little feet, the author is very grateful here, let the author know that he is not alone, be a lonely person, thank you!) .

(End of this chapter)

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