The big devil in table tennis

Chapter 741 Almost Missed the Game

Accompanied by Jianhua, Shaojie and Jianhua checked their watches carefully after the infusion, and found that there was still a period of time to use.

Jianhua looked around, they were in the corridor of the hospital, the white tiles looked flawless under the sunlight.

The breeze brushed their faces, bringing a touch of coolness.

Occasionally, doctors and nurses rush by, wearing white overalls, busy in this busy hospital.

The hospital's promotional posters hang on the walls, with vivid patterns and eye-catching fonts conveying messages of health and hope.

"Shaojie, why don't we go back to the hotel and have a rest first. Lin Hui told me last night that the game will be in the afternoon." Jianhua suggested.

Shaojie smiled and nodded. He knew that Jianhua was thinking of him, after all, the infusion would make people feel tired.

Then the two walked towards the hotel where they were staying.

The door of the hotel is open to welcome the guests.

The golden marble floor shone warmly under the light, shining like a jewel.

The hotel's lobby is bright and spacious, decorated with ornate crystal chandeliers and delicate floral arrangements.

The aroma is tangy and refreshing.

The two walked into the elevator and pressed the floor button.The elevator ascended steadily, the floor numbers flashing on the panel.

The elevator door opened, Shaojie and Jianhua got out of the elevator, and came to Shaojie's room.

The door of the room opened, and a gust of fresh air rushed in.

The room is spacious and bright, with sunlight streaming in through the large windows, illuminating the entire room.The bed was covered with snow-white sheets, and the soft pillows exuded a faint fragrance.

There is also a desk and a comfortable chair in the room, and a beautiful landscape painting hangs on the wall, which seems to bring people into a peaceful world.

"Shaojie, you have a good rest today, if you need anything, I'll call you!" Jianhua said softly.

Shaojie looked up at Jianhua with a hint of reluctance in his eyes.

He thought gratefully in his heart, thanks to Jianhua's care along the way, and at the same time he could feel Jianhua's exhaustion.

He caught up and asked eagerly, "What's the matter? Aren't you here to rest for a while?"

Jianhua shook his head with a smile, and said, "No, I'll go back to my room. Take a good rest."

Shaojie could only nod helplessly, watching Jianhua's back gradually drifting away.

A warm feeling surged in his heart, and he was very grateful for Jianhua's care and dedication.

After Jianhua returned to the room, he was still very tired. He lay on the bed, feeling the tranquility of that moment.

He closed his eyes, recalling bits and pieces of the journey.

Those picturesque landscapes and those happy times spent with Shaojie all came to mind.

Taking a deep breath, I felt the fragrance of flowers and grass in the air.

Gradually, his breathing stabilized and he fell asleep.

In his dream, he seemed to be in a beautiful garden, with colorful flowers blooming around him, and the breeze brushing his cheeks, bringing a trace of coolness.

And Shaojie, in his dream, was walking on a verdant grassland with Jianhua.They laugh out loud and enjoy each other's company and friendship.

In the competition venue, the lights were dim, and the atmosphere was tense and intense.

Lin Hui waited anxiously at the competition site.

The auditorium was full, and people were excitedly waiting for the start of the game.

Lin Hui thought anxiously, why Jianhua hasn't come yet, is it because Shaojie hasn't finished his transfusion yet?

He looked at Xu Xin and saw her standing on the edge of the arena.

Lin Hui walked over and asked softly, "Xu Xin, why hasn't Jianhua come yet? Is it because Shaojie hasn't finished his infusion yet?"

Xu Xin raised her head, with a look of anxiety on her face.

At this time, the shouts in the venue included screams, shouts, and cries.

"Then what should we do?" Lin Hui frowned, with a hint of anxiety in his eyes.

"Should we go back and find Jianhua, or else?" His voice gradually became low, as if he was worried about some unforeseen consequences.

Seeing Lin Hui's anxious look, Xu Xin felt a little uneasy in her heart, and she quickly thought about the countermeasures.

"Then I'll go back and find Jianhua, I'll be here right away, don't worry, Lin Hui."

After all, Xu Xin didn't have a game scheduled for the morning, so he had time to find Jianhua.He decided to act as soon as possible, so as not to worry Lin Hui for too long.

"Then Xu Xin, please go back and find Jianhua." Lin Hui said softly, with a hint of gratitude in his voice.

After a while, Xu Xin finally returned to the hotel where she was staying.

Tired, she first came to Shaojie's door, hoping to get some news about Jianhua.

Gently knocking on Shaojie's door, the door opened slowly, Shaojie showed a surprised expression.

"Xu Xin, aren't you at the competition? Why are you back?" He asked, apparently surprised by Xu Xin's sudden appearance.

Xu Xin panted slightly, and replied with a smile: "The competition has started, I want to know where Jianhua is, because he has a competition in the morning! Do you know where he went?"

Xu Xin's tone revealed anxiety and worry.

Um?Didn't Jianhua say there is no competition?After thinking for a moment, he immediately said, "He should be in his room."

The voice was gentle and calm, as if wanting to comfort Xu Xin.

Xu Xin frowned slightly, his worries about Jianhua deepened.

She quickly walked through the corridor and came to Jianhua's room.

The door of the room was closed, and he knocked lightly on the door, but there was no response.

She secretly hoped that Jianhua would just rest in the room, but he couldn't restrain his uneasiness.

She tried to turn the doorknob, but found it locked.

Began to worry about Jianhua's safety.

Xu Xin was so anxious that he couldn't help knocking on the door vigorously. "Jianhua! Jianhua! Are you in there?"

Her voice was full of anxiety and tension.

no respond.

Xu Xin's heart sank to the bottom, and she began to knock on the door vigorously.

At this moment, Jianhua was lying on the bed tiredly, sleeping soundly.

Then he heard a knock on the door, Jianhua rubbed his eyes in a daze, and opened the door.

And Xu Xin thought that she had to see if there was Jianhua inside.

Just as he was about to find the hotel staff, the door squeaked open.

Seeing Jianhua who was still asleep, Xu Xin breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, fortunately, Jianhua is here.

Otherwise, she really doesn't know where to find it.

Immediately stretched out his hand, if Jianhua could not open his eyes and see who was coming, he grabbed Jianhua's arm, "Jianhua, come with me!"

It turned out to be Xu Xin, while Jianhua had a masked face.

He opened his eyes in bewilderment, "Xu Xin? Did something happen? Why did you come back from the game!"

Jianhua clearly remembered that Xu Xin was going to the competition field, how could he appear here!
And Xu Xin heard the same question as Shaojie asked,
She didn't have time to explain to Jianhua, so she directly pulled Jianhua's arm and walked forward.

Jianhua even came to his senses completely, where is Xu Xin trying to drag him to!
What happened?

At this moment when Jianhua was in doubt, Shaojie rushed over in a hurry!

Stopping them, panting heavily, "Jianhua, how can you be so sloppy? You have a match this morning, if Xu Xin didn't come here specially to find you, wouldn't you be delaying a major event!"

"With me playing? Isn't it afternoon?"

Jianhua remembered clearly in his mind, how could there be a game without him tomorrow morning? .

"It is true that there was your match in the morning, but it was temporarily changed today. Didn't Lin Hui sue you in the morning?"

Jianhua tried his best to recall that he was leaving in a hurry this morning, and then Lin Hui seemed to wake up and say a word to him, while he was washing in the bathroom at that time.
At the same time, he responded.
I didn't expect Lin Hui to talk to him about this matter
"It's all my fault that I was washing in the bathroom. The faucet was turned on very loudly. I didn't hear what Lin Hui said clearly?"

"Don't talk so much, let's go to the competition site first!"

Shaojie reminded Xu Xin and Jianhua to recover quickly.

"Shaojie, you don't have to go, let's cultivate your body here. Jianhua and I can go together. There will be a competition in the afternoon, so you can rush there in the afternoon!"

Xu Xin knew that Jianhua's body hadn't fully recovered, so he couldn't bear to let him go.

However, Shaojie said to Xu Xin, "I have rested for a while now. There is no problem now!"

Shaojie's implication is that he wants to go to the competition field with Xu Xin and the others.

Xu Xin saw Shaojie's stubborn look, as if he would not give up, but he could only nod in agreement.

"Okay, then let's go together!"

After that, a few of them took a car and came to the scene of the competition!
Trot along the way for fear of missing.

Also anxious with them was Lin Hui who kept looking around in the arena.

From time to time, he checked to see if there was Jianhua, but he failed every time!
After coming here for a while, Lin Hui continued to look in the direction just now. This time he finally saw Jianhua's figure, and immediately got up from his seat and walked to Jianhua's side.

"Jianhua, you're finally here, but you're going to scare me!"

Lin Hui watched Jianhua appear in front of him, and said excitedly.

"It's all my fault. I didn't hear you talking in the morning, otherwise I would have known that I would have a game in the morning!"

Jianhua immediately apologized to Lin Hui!

However, it was only at this time that Lin Hui realized that Jianhua hadn't heard what he said clearly, so it was no wonder why Jianhua was so late.

Now he has completely figured it out.

"But fortunately Xu Xin went back and called me, otherwise I really forgot about this match!"

Jianhua attributed all the credit to Xu Xin. If Xu Xin hadn't called him this time, he would still be sound asleep!
"Jianhua, what are you talking about? Isn't it natural for everyone to help each other?!"

After Xu Xin finished speaking, Lin Hui looked at Shaojie at the side, and asked Shaojie, "Shaojie, how are you? Is your health better? Why are you here so early? You can come later."

"It's okay, my body is fine." Shaojie patted his chest lightly to show that there is no major problem with his body!
"Then let's sit down under the stage as soon as possible. There are still a few rounds until it's your turn, Jianhua!"

Lin Hui hurriedly greeted them and came to sit in front!

Then he turned his eyes to the stage and watched the fierce competition on the stage!

"Lin Hui, how are the players in today's competition?" Jianhua meant to ask about the skills of the players in this year's game!
"Don't worry, Jianhua, you can handle it!"

Lin Hui did not answer Jianhua's words directly, but encouraged Jianhua from the side.

He knew that if he said that this group of opponents was relatively strong, Jianhua would be afraid of losing self-confidence. If he said that they were weak, if Jianhua could not win, it would make Jianhua lack confidence!

Instead of talking like this, Lin Hui might as well speak vaguely to Jianhua!

"Lin Hui, you're lying to me again. Don't you even dare to tell me a single truth? If you don't tell me, maybe this year's athletes are very good?"

Jianhua and Lin Hui lived together for a long time, what did Lin Hui say and do?Jianhua guessed it clearly!
Including this time too!He could feel how difficult Lin Hui said this competition was!

"Jianhua, what did you say? Is there anything I can't tell you about? Some of the athletes in this class are stronger and some are weaker. I don't think they are your opponents at all. If you play with your heart, you can definitely do it! "

It's over, Lin Hui was exposed by Jianhua immediately, he can only fool Jianhua like this again!

"Really?" Jianhua asked suspiciously, but if it was true, he could only trust Lin Hui.

"I don't believe it, the athlete in the stands, how badly he played! If you met such an athlete, wouldn't it be easy for you to pass the test?"

Lin Hui pointed to the athlete on the stage, and then Jianhua also turned his attention to the stage!
After watching it for a while, he found that it was indeed the case.

"How did you fight so badly?" Jianhua asked Lin Hui after he had finished asking for the first time.

"As long as they don't play well, we have a chance, and we should be happy!"

Similarly, Lin Hui didn't give correct positive instructions, Jianhua's question, but a sideways answer!
The two athletes in front of me are relatively good, but Jianhua didn't come before, and those two athletes really played very well!
And it looks like they are indistinguishable.

But in the end, for the two of them, no matter who wins or loses, it doesn't matter anymore, they have already played at the highest level!

Lin Hui recalled the way the two athletes played just now, he was very impressed, and couldn't help but want to give a thumbs up to the two athletes just now!
It happened that Jianhua didn't see this scene. If Jianhua could see it, maybe Jianhua would start feeling stressed again!
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(End of this chapter)

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