When returning to the hotel apartment, Xu Xin said goodbye to Lin Hui and Jianhua briefly, and left with firm steps.

The moment Xu Xin's figure disappeared from sight, Lin Hui and Jianhua looked at each other in unison.There was a kind of tacit understanding and joy in the eyes of the two.

Immediately, a burst of laughter sounded in the room.Lin Hui and Jianhua laughed loudly, and there seemed to be a trace of relief and relief in their laughter.

This is the two people who are ecstatic about the shameful price they paid for eating fungi.

"I won't eat fungi again!" Lin Hui said with a smile, with a slight tremor in his voice.

After this experience, he deeply realized the horror of fungus, and never dared to try it again.

"Me too, it's too embarrassing, too embarrassing!" Jianhua echoed.

"But to be honest, Lin Hui, have you noticed that the fungus is really delicious?" After Jianhua finished speaking, there was a gleam in his eyes, and he looked at Lin Hui, waiting for the other party's reaction.

"Indeed, the taste is very delicious, but somehow it was inexplicably poisoned." Lin Hui nodded.He didn't blame Jianhua for this incident.

Under such circumstances, no one person can control the development of the situation.

If Jianhua really knew the danger of fungus, he would definitely be reminded to be careful.

"This is really strange." Jianhua frowned and thought, his eyes flashed with doubts. Then, Jianhua seemed to think of something again, and a look of excitement appeared on his face: "By the way! Lin Hui, is that Can fungi really turn a person into a vegetable?"

Hearing Jianhua's question, Lin Hui couldn't help being taken aback.

"No way! It's just poisonous at most, how could it turn into a vegetable, no." Lin Hui shook his head.

"No!" Hearing Lin Hui's veto, Jianhua interrupted him eagerly, "Lin Hui, I've seen this kind of situation before! I personally saw some people slowly fall into a coma after being corroded by toxins. And, The effects of this poison will not last long."

"So serious?" Hearing Jianhua's words, Lin Hui's face suddenly changed.

"That's right!" Jianhua nodded, his expression full of dignity, "As far as I know, that kind of poison is more overbearing, but as long as the user's body is not damaged, he can slowly recover his health!"

Hearing Jianhua's explanation, Lin Hui's face became even uglier.

"Jianhua, don't scare yourself like this, it's just that you've had a bad hand, you're not doing well now, there won't be any sequelae, you can definitely play."

Seeing that Jianhua was too nervous, Lin Hui comforted him.

"Well, I hope." Jianhua nodded, his expression still dignified, "Lin Hui, don't you think this is strange? Why is it us?!"

Hearing Jianhua's words, Lin Hui fell silent. He fell into deep thought, and Jianhua's words kept echoing in his mind: see green hands, green hands, green hands
Suddenly, Lin Hui raised his head, and a gleam flashed in his eyes: "Yes! I understand, I finally understand"

Hearing Lin Hui's words, Jianhua couldn't help being taken aback, looked at Lin Hui in puzzlement, and asked, "What do you understand?"

"Jianhua, why are we the only ones poisoned and no one else? There is indeed something wrong with this matter." Lin Hui looked at Jianhua and said word by word, "I suspect that this accident was premeditated and the target was us."

"The target is us?!" Hearing Lin Hui's words, Jianhua's heart was shocked, and his face turned pale instantly.

"Yes!" Seeing Jianhua's pale face, Lin Hui nodded firmly, "I wonder if this accident has something to do with your victory in table tennis!"

Lin Hui guessed.

Jianhua's complexion fluctuated, and finally, Jianhua's complexion became colder and colder. He stared at Lin Hui and asked in a sinister tone, "Lin Hui, do you think it's them?"

"After all, you beat someone else, and you made a small move to make you suffer." Lin Hui said his thoughts.

Jianhua's expression changed, but he finally gritted his teeth and said, "No matter who did it, I will remember this account!"

Lin Hui looked at Jianhua and said in a deep voice, "Jianhua, don't be impulsive, let's wait and see what happens. If someone else did this, I will not let him go. But if someone else did it, We must find him!"

Jianhua nodded.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door of the room, and Lin Hui and Jianhua immediately became vigilant, with a sense of tension rising in their hearts.

They exchanged glances, and then Lin Hui walked carefully towards the door.

"Who?" Lin Hui's voice was somewhat wary.

"It's me, Shaojie." Shaojie's voice came from outside the door. For a moment, Lin Hui heaved a sigh of relief and opened the door immediately.

The moment the door opened, Shaojie's figure came into view.

He was dressed in sports attire, with an anxious expression on his face, like a sailor after experiencing a storm.

"That Xu Xin said that you had hallucinations when you saw your hands blue. I hurried over to see you two. What's the matter?" Shaojie's voice revealed his concern for the two of them.

Lin Hui looked at Shaojie's face, his eyes were full of gratitude and confusion.

"Shaojie, we..." Lin Hui's voice carried a trace of deep anxiety.

Before Lin Hui could finish speaking, Shaojie hurriedly lectured the two of them.

"Why are you so careless? How can you be so sloppy at the critical moment of the game!" Shaojie's tone was full of blame.

Lin Hui and Jianhua lowered their heads silently, feeling the weight of criticism in Shaojie's words.

They knew that Shaojie's accusation was not unreasonable. They had experienced countless difficulties and setbacks together, and they knew that a slight mistake at a critical moment could lead to a reversal of the entire situation.

However, even though they were deeply guilty, Lin Hui still had a look of determination on his face.

He knew that the disaster of illusion in front of him was not accidental, but a deeper conspiracy was hidden.

He made up his mind that no matter what difficulties and challenges he encountered, he would fight side by side with Jianhua and Shaojie to guard their common belief.

There was a tense atmosphere in the room, and the faces of Lin Hui, Jianhua and Shaojie were full of firmness and determination.

They know that the road ahead is full of hardships and unknowns, but they are willing to go forward bravely and risk their lives for the truth and justice.

"I think it's a conspiracy! It's unreasonable why Jianhua and I were taken to the hospital when everyone else was fine!" Lin Hui finally expressed his guess after thinking for a while.

At the same time, his brows were slightly frowned, and there was a trace of suspicion on his face.

And Shaojie's eyes fell on Lin Hui, as if he was thinking that it might be Lin Hui who ate fungus and ruined his brain!

Especially seeing Lin Hui nod his head firmly, with a firm light shining in his eyes.

Even Jianhua stood aside and nodded silently, implying that he also agreed with Lin Hui's statement.

"That's right, Shaojie, Lin Hui and I ate some mushrooms in the restaurant. Everyone else was fine, but it was only the two of us who had a problem. What do you mean it's not a conspiracy?"

Jianhua also felt that someone was making trouble for the two of them.

"Wait, what did you say you ate??"

Shaojie found a flaw in the tone of the two of them speaking.

"What happened to our mushrooms?"

"Is it the kind of mushroom that turns blue when everything opens?"

"We don't know if it's blue or not. After we ate the mushrooms, we didn't feel anything at first. When I got back to the hotel, I saw Lin Hui with a ping pong ball in his mouth, and Lin Hui was constantly I started to pick up ping-pong balls from my body, if Xu Xin hadn’t found out and sent the two of us to the hospital in a hurry, maybe the two of us are still poisoned!”

Jianhua talked about what happened when the two of them were poisoned!
After Shaojie listened to it, everything came to light. Xu Xin had told him about this matter, and the two of them had seen each other.

In a moment of impatience, he got confused and forgot about the fact that the two of them ate poisonous mushrooms.

Shaojie shook his head.

"There is no conspiracy. The two of you really guessed that the mushrooms were not cooked when they were eaten. They must be cooked, but if there are some raw ones in the pot or in the bowls and chopsticks, they will be stuck in the mouth. There will be hallucinations!"

Shaojie heard that people in Yunnan, Guizhou and Sichuan like to eat mushrooms.

At that time, there happened to be a member of the national team who was there, and he himself liked to eat mushrooms.

Once when we were eating in a restaurant, we happened to eat together, and Shaojie was curious, so he asked.

Tell him that the fungus is very delicious, it is brought from home, it is the taste of hometown, only they have it, the taste is very unique, very delicious, but there is a disadvantage, that is, it must be used well, Anything as long as a little bit may be poisoned!

At that time, Shaojie was very surprised by the poisoning, and asked what kind of adverse reactions would he have if he was poisoned? !

At that time, the teammate also told him that after eating the fungus, he would experience hallucinations. Only the person who ate the fungus can experience the hallucinations.
And when he heard Jianhua say that just now, Shaojie concluded that the two of them must have been exposed to unfamiliar bacteria, which led to hallucinations!

"No, Shaojie, the two of us were framed by someone. Jianhua beat each other in table tennis, and the other party's deep jealousy made us poisoned!"

Shaojie, what he said just now was almost a waste of time, he seemed very helpless.

But he started to ask, "Then do they know that the two of you are eating fungi?"

Lin Hui and Jianhua shook their heads at the same time
Then he continued to ask Lin Hui and Jianhua, "Then do they know where you are going to eat?"

Lin Hui and Jianhua shook their heads at the same time.

"Shaojie spreads hands" I don't know that you are going to eat mushrooms, and I don't know where you are going! "

He clapped his hands.

"Is this over? Even he doesn't know where you are going to eat, what to eat, how could he poison you, how could it be a conspiracy? You two are worrying too much!"

"But Jianhua obviously won this game, so he will be envied by others! They have certain motives."

Lin Hui is still insisting on his point of view.

Shaojie was really convinced, "To make others jealous, even if they were jealous, how could they tamper with eating? Besides, but you ordered it yourself, how could they think that you want to eat mushrooms, not the two of you?" , I really think too much, or you haven't cured it?"

At this moment, Shaojie felt that Lin Hui and Jianhua, the two of them, were not fully awake, or were they being poisoned?Otherwise, how could there be such random guesses!
"The two of us have been transfused, and now we don't have hallucinations. Shaojie, we are already cured, so don't worry about that!"

Lin Hui said to Shaojie.

"Now that the two of you are awake, stop thinking about it, it's not as complicated as you imagined. Yes! Although we have had similar situations when we participated in competitions before, the situation you mentioned is completely nasty means!"

Shaojie comforted Lin Hui and Jianhua.

At this time, Jianhua also began to say, "Maybe we are thinking too much, it is not as terrible as we imagined, maybe we are food poisoning!"

To be honest, Jianhua can't find any evidence, and they can't question others without evidence.

Even if others are targeting them from the front, they have nothing to do, let alone from the back.

"Really? Are we thinking too much?"

Lin Hui asked unwillingly.

"Even if we don't want to do too much, so what? All kinds of tricks will appear on the field, and besides, we did get poisoned by eating without others knowing."

Jianhua, I thought about it carefully just now, the ins and outs of their meal time.

First, no one followed them, second, no one else knew where they were going, and third, what they ate made the two of them voluntary.

If it is aimed at them, it must not be so easy.

This is obviously because they worry too much!
"Well, since you think so, Jianhua, maybe we're just overthinking it."

Lin Hui couldn't find any substantive evidence. Besides, this is a no match, and you can't just blame any good people unless they get other people's evidence.

Even now there are a lot of unwillingness.

"Okay, the two of you ate poisonous mushrooms, and your body is still a little weak, so just sleep well and don't think about anything, everything will pass when you wake up tomorrow!"

Shaojie could only continue to comfort Lin Hui and Jianhua in this way.

And the two of them nodded affectionately.

"Then Shaojie, you should go to bed earlier, we two will be fine, we will take care of ourselves, you don't have to worry too much!"

Seeing that Lin Hui hadn't spoken for a long time, Jianhua spoke to Shaojie.

(ps: Ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a reward, pass by, please leave your little feet, the author is very grateful here, let the author know that he is not alone, be a lonely person, thank you!) .

(End of this chapter)

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