The big devil in table tennis

Chapter 758 Competition

Hearing these words, an inexplicable pride welled up in Lin Hui's heart, and he couldn't help saying, "I am indeed a piece of jade in the rough."

Jianhua and Xu Xin's eyes were full of envy and shock.

They never imagined that there is such a gem in the world.

In their opinion, Lin Hui's skills are simply perfect, without any flaws.

Such skills can only be possessed by stars in top professional leagues.

But Lin Hui reached this level in only a few years.

They dare not imagine how Lin Hui's skills have improved.

"Wang Ran, thank you!"

Lin Hui spoke suddenly and said to him, his eyes were full of sincerity and sincerity.

A smile appeared on Wang Ran's face: "What's there to be polite about?"

"You are the opponent I respect the most, of course I want to learn from you." Wang Ran's tone was very firm, "And I believe I can beat you."

Wang Ran's heart is also full of confidence.

This year's table tennis league is imperative for him, and his goal is to be the champion.

Lin Hui's eyes were also full of confidence and perseverance.

"Come on!" Xu Xin's eyes were full of expectation.

Wang Ran nodded. He knew that his chances were slim, but he never flinched.

He must work hard!He will definitely win the championship!

The eyes of Lin Hui and Wang Ran collided, and countless sparks shot out, as if thousands of needles were intertwined with each other.

"I will prove to you that I am not only a good seed, but I am also qualified to stand by your side!"

Wang Ran said silently in his heart.

He must be able to succeed!Must be able to win the championship!
"It's getting late, I won't bother you anymore," Wang Ran turned around and left after finishing speaking.

After Wang Ran left, Xu Xin said, "Lin Hui, you have another competitor."

Lin Hui smiled wryly, and shook his head, "Yes, I have another competitor."

Lin Hui couldn't help being a little worried. In this case, he would have more and more opponents in the future.

However, these are not his concerns.

Because he believes that he will win the championship!

"Lin Hui, relax, you must win this competition." Xu Xin encouraged.

Lin Hui nodded heavily: "Yes! I will work hard, Xu Xin."

Xu Xin smiled and nodded, then she turned and left.

Looking at Xu Xin's back, Lin Hui showed a bright smile.

"I want to become stronger too!"

Game day is finally approaching.

On this day, Lin Hui put on table tennis sportswear and came to the playing field.

Seeing Lin Hui's arrival, everyone gathered around.

Looking at the people around him, Lin Hui felt as if he had passed away.

For so long, this was the first time that Lin Hui wore sportswear, and it was still worn in the team.

Lin Hui glanced around, but didn't find any familiar figures.

Lin Hui felt a little lost.

Although he is looking forward to this game, he also hopes that he can become the champion.

But he knew better that he was not qualified.

Lin Hui warned himself in his heart, "Lin Hui, if you work hard, you will definitely succeed."

Jianhua saw Lin Hui's nervousness, "Lin Hui, you are going to compete on stage, relax," his voice sounded.

Lin Hui came back to his senses and nodded, then he took a deep breath and walked slowly towards the stage.

His steps were slow, and each step seemed to use up all the strength in his body.

Lin Hui recalled what Wang Ran said to him last night.

Then he walked onto the stage. Although Lin Hui had played many table tennis matches on the stage, he was still a little nervous.

He was afraid of embarrassing the national team.

"Lin Hui, come on!" Seeing his nervousness, Xu Xin couldn't help comforting him.

Lin Hui nodded, took a deep breath, and said, "I know!"

Then he turned his attention to Wang Ran.

The eyes of the two collided, and a dazzling light suddenly burst out.

A confident smile appeared on the corner of Lin Hui's mouth.

Then his eyes moved to Xu Xin.

Seeing his gaze, Xu Xin was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled warmly.

"Lin Hui!"

"Lin Hui!"

"Lin Hui!"

Shouts came from Lin Hui's ears one after another.

"Come on, I believe in you!" Lin Hui shook his fist at Xu Xin.

Lin Hui's body trembled a little. He clenched his fists and said word by word, "I, also, believe, believe, you!"

Lin Hui rushed forward and hugged Wang Ran.

"I believe that I can beat you, and I want to prove to you that I am better than you!"

The game officially started, and with the whistle of the referee, the table tennis game kicked off.

The game officially started, and with the whistle of the referee, the table tennis game kicked off.

Lin Hui lowered his head, bent over, stared straight ahead and started to serve.

Boom, the ping pong ball flew out

, fell to the ground and rolled to the sidelines.

This is a very simple serving action, and it is not difficult for Lin Hui to do it.

His feet are fast but rhythmic, and every kick is accurate and has great weight.

This kind of serve seems very ordinary, but when you really touch it, you will find the great power contained in it.

Just like the serve just now, if Lin Hui was not strong enough, it would be impossible to complete such a serve.

At this time, Lin Hui served again

The ping-pong ball drew an arc in the air and landed outside the court. After bouncing, it was held by Lin Hui's hand, and Lin Hui continued to serve.

"Okay!" There were bursts of exclamations from the stands. They didn't expect Lin Hui to serve such a wonderful serve.

The ping pong ball flew more than 30 meters in the air and finally landed on the ground. This time, Lin Hui stopped serving.

For this serve, Lin Hui still did not choose any technical moves, but served with the most standard posture, and this serve was very accurate, hitting a circle.

Inside the circle, a red ping pong ball lay quietly.

At this moment, applause and cheers resounded in the auditorium.


"Lin Hui, come on!"

Looking at Lin Hui on the court, Xu Xin on the court waved his arms excitedly and shouted.

Although they know that Lin Hui's skills don't require any skills, and it can even be said that he doesn't even know how to serve. Only in hand.

However, even these things have already made them feel very satisfied.

Because Lin Hui's serve is so beautiful, so beautiful that it makes people feel unbelievable.

"Lin Hui's serve is really beautiful." Xu Xin asked Jianhua beside him with a smile.

His eyes stared at Lin Hui on the field without blinking, as if he was looking for something.

"It's beautiful, it's just a trump card." Jianhua said.

"That's right, this move is really powerful." Xu Xin agreed, "And the ball is played with a sense of rhythm. If you don't know the rules, it's hard to avoid it."

"I think Lin Hui's serve is very good." Jianhua said with a smile

The two laughed while talking.

At this time, there was another exclamation on the field.

"The luck of this ball is too good?" Xu Xin couldn't help shouting in surprise

"What's wrong?" Jianhua asked

"Lin Hui played the ball so beautifully. Moreover, he actually held the ball with his hands. This way, the strength of the serve is even smaller." Xu Xin said: "If it was someone else, such a serve would definitely not be possible. There is a chance. However, Lin Hui's serve is so simple."

Jianhua nodded and said, "Lin Hui's level of playing is unquestionable, but I still think he has a more rhythmic serve."

"Haha, you are such an old antique." Xu Xin scolded with a smile
"How could I? What I said is the truth, okay?" Jianhua said dissatisfied
At this moment, Lin Hui on the field started his second serve.

This serve, he did not use any technical things.

However, this serve was so steady.

Lin Hui held the ball with his right hand, raised his left hand slightly, sent the ball forward, and then exerted force suddenly.

The ping-pong ball crossed an arc and hit the red heart outside the court accurately.

This serve was still very exciting. Lin Hui's serve did not show any hesitation or sloppiness, as if he had practiced for a long time in advance.

When the ping pong ball hit the ground, Lin Hui took back the racket and walked onto the court.

In the stands, there was warm applause and cheers, while on the field, Xu Xin and Jianhua looked at each other with smiles on their faces.

Lin Hui's serve was very beautiful, but the luck of this ball should not be underestimated.

Under such circumstances, Lin Hui can still hit such a high-quality serve, which shows that he is really lucky.
In the fourth game, Lin Hui served the serve. His serve still didn't use any technical content, but it was very accurate.

The ping pong ball hits the heart and lands.

Off the court, there was joy.

Lin Hui's performance was really great.

However, Lin Hui's serve was a 3:0.

In the fifth game, Lin Hui served again.

This time, his serve was still very simple, but this time he did not make any mistakes in his serve, but hit the red heart very accurately.

In the sixth game, Lin Hui served, and his serve was still very exciting.

However, when Lin Hui served the ball this time, he ran into trouble.

At the most critical moment, Lin Hui's serving finger touched the red heart. As a result, the serve was not hit, but bounced out.

"What's going on?" Xu Xin couldn't help frowning on the sidelines.

This situation has really exceeded everyone's expectations.

"Could it be because the fingers are too short when serving the ball? Shouldn't it be?" Jianhua shook his head and said.

"It shouldn't be because of this." Xu Xin said: "We all know that if we serve this way, it is impossible to hit the heart, because Lin Hui's serve is too short, so no matter what the serve No matter how short your fingers are."

"Could it be because the fingers are short when serving the ball, so the serve is not good?" Jianhua guessed.

"No, it's definitely not the reason. It's clear that Lin Hui served the ball like this on purpose." Xu Xin firmly denied it.

"Why?" Jianhua asked puzzled
"It's very simple, because Lin Hui's serve speed is too slow." Xu Xin explained: "Also, in Lin Hui's serve just now, his finger has already touched the heart, but he didn't hit it out, which means His serve fingers are too short, so this serve was particularly sluggish.”

Hearing Xu Xin's words, Jianhua suddenly realized, and said: "In this way, Lin Hui's serve speed is indeed too slow, and his fingers are short, so he can't hit the serve accurately."

Hearing Jianhua's words, Xu Xin nodded and said, "So we just need to analyze why Lin Hui's fingers get shorter and then longer when he serves the ball? If we can deduce the reason, maybe, just Can break the serve."

Hearing Xu Xin's analysis, Jianhua nodded, a flash of inspiration suddenly flashed in his mind, and said: "By the way, the finger length and speed of this ball are interlinked. Since they are interlinked, then we can completely Use this finger to analyze the running route of the serve, and then use it to make a fuss."

Hearing Jianhua's analysis, Xu Xin nodded and said, "That's right."

After that, she added: "However, before that, let me tell you about Lin Hui's serve routine."

"Lin Hui likes playing table tennis like this." Jianhua said with a smile.

Hearing Jianhua's words, Xu Xin couldn't help but rolled his eyes, and said angrily: "We all know that this guy serves like this, but he still wants to serve like this, isn't he asking for guilt? "

"That's not necessarily true." Jianhua said: "Think about it, if Lin Hui didn't use his hands to control the serve, then the serve would definitely fly out of the court."

"But if we grasp it well, we can still win this competition, right?" Xu Xin said.

Hearing Xu Xin's words, Jianhua's eyes lit up, and he said, "That's not bad! Let's analyze the trajectory and gestures of Lin Hui's serve, and then analyze based on these. After the analysis, we can judge Find out what kind of serve Lin Hui is."

"That's okay, let's analyze it now!" Xu Xin said impatiently.

Lin Hui's serve was over soon.

The game continues.

"Lin Hui hit a beautiful through ball."

"It's a beautiful through ball."

"His ball speed is too fast."

Off the court, there was a lot of discussion.

"His ball speed is too fast." Xu Xin repeated Lin Hui's words.

She carefully studied Lin Hui's ball, and then, she found that after half a circle in the air, the ball suddenly changed direction, and then the ping pong ball flew away rapidly.

"Good shot!" Seeing Lin Hui's action, the audience couldn't help but marvel.

Xu Xin couldn't help admiring, but she didn't stop thinking.

Her eyes were fixed on the ping pong ball that flew into the basket without blinking, and she kept analyzing every movement of Lin Hui when serving the ball in her mind.

"It's a beautiful shot, but lacks flexibility."

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(End of this chapter)

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