Chapter 760
Thinking of Lin Hui's terrifying ball speed, Xu Xin couldn't help being speechless.

Seeing Lin Hui's ball speed, she couldn't help feeling a little worried.

She was worried that her ball speed would not be able to catch up with Lin Hui.

If her ball speed can't catch up with Lin Hui.Then she loses.

Moreover, the game was lost when the score was behind.

Thinking of all this, she couldn't help feeling a little nervous.

Watching the game on the court, her heartbeat began to speed up, and she even trembled a little.

Watching the game on the court, Xu Xin stared fixedly at Lin Hui.

Lin Hui's ball speed was so fast that she couldn't make an accurate judgment at all. It took her some time to judge what Lin Hui would do next.

Thinking of all this made her even more anxious.


Looking at Lin Hui's ball, Lin Hui took a few deep breaths, and then began to adjust his state.

Lin Hui's expression was very serious, and his body gradually became stiff.


Following Lin Hui's movements, he threw the ping pong ball perfectly.

Seeing Lin Hui's actions, Xu Xin couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, and then closed his eyes.

With a "crack", the ping pong ball drew a beautiful arc in the air, and then fell.

Looking at the ball played by Lin Hui, Jianhua also breathed a sigh of relief, then looked at Shaojie, and said, "Shaojie, Lin Hui's ping pong ball is very beautiful, and the essence of this ball is fully displayed. Lin Hui's ball speed is also very stable and perfect. In this game, Lin Hui leads the score, there is no suspense."

"Yes! This time Jianhua will definitely win." Shaojie stared at the front and said to Jianhua.

Hearing Shaojie's words, Jianhua smiled and didn't speak.

"Bang bang bang!"

At this moment, Lin Hui sent out a series of passes again.

Seeing Lin Hui serving again, all the audience's eyes were attracted by Lin Hui again, and at this time, Lin Hui had already thrown his ping-pong ball into the air.

"call out"

The moment Lin Hui served the ball, everyone's attention was focused on Lin Hui's ball.

And after Lin Hui launched his ball, he also let out a deep breath, and then put the ball back to its original place.

In his opinion, he has reduced his ball speed as much as possible, but even if he reduced his ball speed, he still couldn't reach the fastest level, which made Lin Hui very depressed.

"Lin Hui's ball speed seems a bit slow." Seeing Lin Hui's ball speed, Xu Xin frowned and couldn't help saying.

Hearing Xu Xin's words, Shaojie nodded.

He also discovered the problem of Lin Hui's ball speed, but looking at Lin Hui's ball, Shaojie couldn't help but shook his head and said, "Lin Hui's ping pong is indeed much slower."

Although Lin Hui's serving speed is slow, his ball speed is very stable.

However, the pass he just made was obviously a little flustered, as if he didn't have a good grasp of the position.


Seeing Shaojie's ball, Xu Xin couldn't help but sigh.

Then they turned their heads and continued watching Lin Hui playing table tennis.

Lin Hui's ping pong ball hovered in the air for a long time, and then slowly landed.

Seeing Lin Hui hit the ping pong ball to the opposite side, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and then clapped their hands.

But Lin Hui stood up straight, staring straight ahead, and then quickly threw the ball with both hands. With a snap, the ping-pong ball flew back and forth between the two of them.

"call out"


A loud bang.

Seeing Lin Hui's ping pong ball flying in the air, the audience couldn't help gasping, and then shouted in surprise: "Lin Hui hit the ping pong ball on the opposite side, isn't it amazing?"

When Lin Hui exchanged balls with the opponent, everyone thought it was a normal thing.

Because the speed of the ball is too fast.

In this extreme high-speed movement, it is normal for anything to happen.

However, everyone never expected that Lin Hui's ball would hit the opposite table directly.


With a loud noise, the ping pong ball popped out instantly.


Seeing the ping pong ball flying over, the person on the opposite side couldn't help but screamed, and then quickly backed away.


With a muffled sound, the ping pong ball exploded instantly.

At the same time, Lin Hui's ball also flew over.

Seeing the ping-pong ball flying towards her, Xu Xin couldn't help but froze in place.

"The speed of the ball is too exaggerated, it is simply unbelievable!"

"Yes, Lin Hui's ball speed is really terrifying. I think even the world champion would not dare to catch Lin Hui's ball easily. After all, Lin Hui's ball speed is really terrifying."

"I wonder if Lin Hui can still score a goal this time?"

Looking at Lin Hui's ping-pong ball, the audience couldn't help talking.

At the moment when they saw the ping-pong ball, everyone felt a strong sense of frustration.

In their view, this game, they really have lost.

Lin Hui's ping pong ball is really powerful, even if they use all their strength, it is estimated that it will be difficult to resist the attack of Lin Hui's ping pong ball.

Seeing Lin Hui's ping pong ball flying towards him rapidly, Xu Xin was startled, his legs trembled slightly.

Just when he thought that the ping pong ball would hit him directly, he suddenly found that his body could not move at all, as if he was fixed by someone.

Seeing this scene, Xu Xin was stunned. He couldn't believe his eyes.

Because, he was actually pinned down by Lin Hui!


Seeing Lin Hui's ping pong ball getting closer, he couldn't help but roar.


When the ping-pong ball was about one centimeter away from him, Lin Hui threw his ball directly.


With a muffled sound, the ping pong ball fell heavily to the ground.

"I'm going, am I dreaming?" Seeing this scene, he couldn't help but rubbed his eyes and murmured.

Seeing Xu Xin's appearance, Shaojie couldn't help but shook his head and said, "Lin Hui, this is really crazy."

"Lin Hui dared to throw a ping-pong ball over in the ring!" Looking at Lin Hui, Xu Xin couldn't help swallowing, and then said in shock.

Seeing Xu Xin's appearance, Shaojie next to him couldn't help but smile and said, "Did you see the speed of Lin Hui's ball just now?"

Hearing this sentence, Xu Xin nodded and said, "Of course I saw it. Lin Hui's ball speed just reached the limit."

Looking at Lin Hui's ping-pong ball, Xu Xin couldn't help swallowing, and said, "Lin Hui's ball just reached the limit."

Seeing Xu Xin's words, Shaojie couldn't help but nodded and said, "Yes, this speed is really beyond the scope of human beings."

Seeing the shocked expression on Shaojie's face, Xu Xin's heart was also agitated.

He knew that all of this was thanks to Lin Hui.

If it weren't for Lin Hui's ping-pong ball, Xu Xin would never have been hit so hard.

At this moment, Xu Xin felt that she had a new understanding of table tennis.

Looking at the look on Xu Xin's face, Shaojie couldn't help but shook his head, then smiled at Xu Xin, and said, "You bastard, why are you still standing there? Go pick up the ball! "

Lin Hui ran to pick up the ball, looked ahead sharply, and then took a deep breath.

Then, he struck again.

This time, Lin Hui's ball was faster.

This time, Lin Hui's ping-pong ball did not hit the opposite table again.

After Lin Hui hit the ball, his body tilted slightly.

The moment Lin Hui hit the ball, his speed suddenly increased, and he flew several meters away in the blink of an eye. Then, under the watchful eyes of everyone, a ping pong ball flew directly to another rack.


With a crisp sound, in the shocked eyes of everyone, the ping pong ball directly hit the top of the ball rack, then bounced up and fell into the opposite side.


With a soft sound, Lin Hui's ping pong ball bounced directly into the basket.

Seeing this rebound, Xu Xin couldn't help but widen his eyes. He couldn't believe that he had witnessed the birth of this miracle with his own eyes.

This ball speed is simply too exaggerated, too fast for people to understand.

Looking at the ping pong ball in the basket, Xu Xin's lips trembled, he felt that his current brain was completely insufficient.

Lin Hui really hit the ball?

"Yeah, the speed of this ball is really too fast!"

Looking at Lin Hui, everyone couldn't help applauding and cheering.

Hearing these cheers, Lin Hui smiled lightly, and then looked at the other players on the field.

Seeing the expressions of other people, Lin Hui's eyes flickered with a gleam of brilliance.

The reactions of these people were as expected as they had guessed.

In their eyes, they were full of shock and horror, as well as a hint of confusion.

These people don’t understand table tennis, that’s why they reacted like this.

And, most importantly, these people have never seen table tennis.

In the hearts of these people, Lin Hui's ping pong ball is like a monster, which is unbelievable.

Seeing this scene, Lin Hui smiled slightly and said, "Okay, since everyone is not interested in continuing the competition, I declare that I win!"

Hearing Lin Hui's words, the rest of the people were in an uproar and discussed a lot.

In their view, although Lin Hui played well, he still had some weaknesses.

After all, the sport of table tennis is indeed not suitable for people's physique and endurance.

But it wasn't ping pong that shocked them.

Because, they felt that Lin Hui's ball was too perverted, almost to the extreme!

In front of such a ball, Lin Hui's speed is faster than normal people, it is really unbelievable.

"God, did you see that?"

"Yeah, we have never seen such a fast ball."

"Lin Hui's ball speed is definitely the best in the world. Even those NBA-level stars can't match his ball speed."

"I am now looking forward to the next round with Lin Hui."

"Yes, I hope Lin Hui can achieve good results."

Hearing those praises around him, Lin Hui didn't feel much joy.

On the contrary, his brows were tightly wrinkled.

This is just his normal performance.

Everyone is so amazed.

Lin Hui turned his attention to table tennis again.

He wants to win this ping pong ball!

Lin Hui exerted his strength again.

Lin Hui stood in the middle of the table tennis table, holding the table tennis racket in both hands, with focused and burning eyes.His figure is tall and straight, and his muscle lines are clearly visible under his tight sportswear.

Every time he swung the racket, there was a fierce force. The table tennis ball in his hand was like an arrow leaving the string, like a bolt of lightning flashing across the night sky.

The light from the stage shone on Lin Hui's face, reflecting the sweat oozing from his forehead.

He frowned slightly, his eyes fixed on the ping pong ball, as if the ball was the most important thing in his life, and he would not tolerate any mistakes.

The ball shuttled under his nose and rebounded quickly, leaving no opportunity for the opponent.His body is well coordinated,
Every movement is just right, people can't help but marvel.

All the audience in the audience focused their eyes on the competition on the stage.

They are wearing all kinds of sportswear, and the blood boils on their faces.They dare not miss this table tennis feast, because they know that this is a rare and exciting match.

The audience was in high spirits, bursting out enthusiastic shouts from time to time: "Lin Hui played so well!" "Lin Hui is so good!" These voices were like sharp knives, stimulating Lin Hui's excitement.

He feels the support and encouragement of the audience, and every shot is accompanied by the cheers of the audience, which makes him move forward even more.

Every muscle in Lin Hui's body was trembling weakly, and his clothes were getting soaked, but he didn't care.

He only focused on the ping pong ball in front of him, and the opponent that could not be ignored.There is only one goal in his mind - to win.For this goal, he has put in countless efforts and sweat. He is eager for the taste of victory and to prove his worth with his own strength.

At the final critical moment of the match, Lin Hui's whole body seemed to be concentrated on the table tennis racket.

Every shot of his has an unstoppable force, which makes people feel an unprecedented domineering.

The lights on the stage flickered, and the audience shouted one after another, creating a tense and intense atmosphere.

Lin Hui held the ping-pong bat tightly, his heart was beating rapidly in his chest, and his blood was rushing through his body.

He knew that victory was just around the corner, and as long as he persisted for a while, he would be able to realize his dream.

The audience encouraged Lin Hui with their applause.

Lin Hui's face was filled with a bright smile, sweat dripped from his forehead, and his eyes were filled with the joy of victory.

He feels that his hard work has paid off and his strength has been recognized.

He knew that this game gave him another chance to practice in his life.He still has more challenges waiting for him in the future, and he will continue to work hard to pursue higher achievements.

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(End of this chapter)

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