Xu Xin's sweat shimmered on her forehead, and she clenched the table tennis racket in her hand.

She stared firmly at the table opposite.

This is a fierce table tennis match, and the atmosphere in the gym is full of tension.

The audience stared closely at the competition on the stage, their eyes revealing the desire to win or lose, as if they themselves were involved in it.

Shaojie stood beside Xu Xin, with a hint of worry in his eyes.

He patted Xu Xin's shoulder gently, his tone full of concern: "Xu Xin, please pay attention when we fight for a while, they are really too cunning."

Xu Xin nodded in response to the other party.

I was almost tripped by the opponent's cunning tactics in the mixed doubles match just now.

The competition on the stage started again, with Xu Xin and her opponents standing face to face.

Their postures are upright and powerful, as if two ferocious lions are facing each other, waiting for the final duel.

The table tennis balls shuttled quickly across the table, and the rackets made a crisp collision sound.

Xu Xin's eyes were fixed on the table tennis ball. His body moved flexibly, like an elegant cheetah, ready to pounce on its prey at any time.

The opponents' moves were unpredictable. Sometimes they used strong attacks to break Xu Xin's defense, and sometimes they used clever changes of moves to make Xu Xin tired of dealing with them.

More sweat broke out on Xu Xin's forehead, but his eyes became firmer.

He remembered Shaojie's reminder that the other party was too cunning.

Xu Xin decided to use her wisdom and strength to defeat these cunning opponents and let them understand that the victory behind them was not so easy to win.

Time passed by minute by second, and the game entered a fierce stage.

The muscles in Xu Xin's whole body were tense, and every movement he made was precise and swift, as if he was integrated with the table tennis ball.

The cheers of the audience were deafening, and they cheered for Xu Xin.

At this critical juncture, Xu Xin felt the strength from the audience. Their voices stirred in his heart, making him more determined and brave.

boom! "

Xu Xin threw the table tennis racket into the air, and the table tennis ball drew a beautiful arc in the air and fell steadily into the bag.The cheers of the audience became more enthusiastic, and they shouted with joy.

Xu Xin raised her head and took a deep breath, her eyes shining with confidence and excitement.At this moment, she felt that she was standing on the top of the world, and all her efforts and sweat had turned into the glory of this moment.

On the stage, the opponent looked solemn.

Xu Xin was about to serve, holding the racket in his hand and moving lightly.His eyes were sharp and his desire for victory was revealed in his eyes.At this moment, he felt like he was integrated with the racket. He could feel every detail of the table tennis ball, as if the table tennis ball had become a part of his body.

The ball left his fingers and flew towards the opponent.

The opponent's body reacted quickly and his racket caught the ball in an extremely skilled and graceful manner.The speed of the ball was so fast that it was difficult to catch, but Liu Guoliang was worthy of being a legend in the table tennis world. He effortlessly passed the ball back to Xu Xin.

Xu Xin's eyes flashed with surprise, but he immediately retracted his emotions. He knew that on such a stage, any slackness would be taken advantage of by his opponents.His body moves nimbly, his arms are as responsive as springs, and every move he makes demonstrates his outstanding technique.

On the stage, the two figures seemed to be dancing in a fierce battle, with balls flying between them.The audience cheered one after another. They were amazed by the technology and speed displayed in this game.

Sweat broke out on Xu Xin's forehead, but he did not stop. His body was still full of strength and vitality.There was no flinching in his eyes. He knew that victory would belong to him only if he persisted.

Finally, when the game reached the last point of the last inning and Xu Xin hit the ball, the entire arena suddenly fell silent.Time seemed to freeze at this moment, and the audience held their breath and stared at the trajectory of the ball.

Then, "Bang!"

In this exciting table tennis game, the ball soared into the air again, like a dexterous butterfly dancing among the flowers.It flies towards the opponent in a perfect arc, like a beautiful rainbow spanning the entire court.The air seemed to be torn apart by the speed of the ball, making bursts of sharp whistling sounds.

And the moment the ball hit the ground, it seemed like the whole world stopped for a moment.The snapping sound resounded through the ears, stirring people's heartstrings like a burst of music.The audience's eyes were fixed on the ball, and their heartbeats seemed to have stopped.

The score at this moment is 12:11. The two players are equally strong, with no difference at all.They all put all their energy and enthusiasm into chasing victory.Every cell in the body was fighting hard for victory at this moment, and sweat dripped from his forehead like a fountain.

The surrounding environment seemed to echo this critical moment.The lights illuminate the entire stadium, casting a dazzling light that makes the stadium look like a fairyland.People in the audience held their breath and stared closely at the two contestants on the stage, as if they themselves were immersed in the scene and became one of them.

At this moment, the tense atmosphere of the game was frozen in the air, as if time had been suspended.Everyone's eyes were full of anticipation and nervousness, and they prayed silently for the performance of the players, hoping that they would bring them a wonderful showdown.

Before the decisive goal, the heartbeats of the players seemed to have become the background music of the entire stadium, roaring in their ears.The determination and perseverance revealed in their eyes make one cannot help but be moved by their hard work.

At this moment, the table tennis ball soared into the sky again, shining like a star in the night sky.The players' eyes are fixed on the ball, and their bodies are as flexible and agile as cheetahs, ready to make the best reaction at any time.

The audience seemed to be infected by this passion, and their emotions fluctuated with the flight of the ball.Their shouts came like a tide, as if they were going to push the entire stadium to the top.

This goal will decide their fate.This goal will become a witness to their struggle.In this decisive battle, they will use all their strength and fight to the end for victory.

At this time, the ball on the court is rolling faster and faster.And amid the deafening cheers of the audience, the ball flew through the air
And when the ball was still more than one meter above the ground, it suddenly changed its trajectory and fell directly downwards.The ball rolled lower and lower, and the court gradually became quiet.Everyone's hearts were in their throats, and everyone held their breath, waiting for the results to be announced.

But at this time, something happened on the court!

The ball suddenly turned in the air and headed straight towards the goal on the other side, very fast!

And the people over there obviously didn't expect such a change, and they all stared at the ball in disbelief.

"Bang" the table tennis ball made a loud sound.
The ball hit the wall hard and fell to the ground.

There was no sound in the auditorium.

Everyone's eyes widened, looking in the direction of the ball in disbelief, and their eyeballs almost popped out.Even the referee standing aside was so frightened that he forgot to blow his whistle.The turn was so sudden that his mind went blank.

And when everyone came to their senses, huge cheers broke out.

The people over there were confused, looking at the basketball on the ground with an expression of disbelief.

"how so?"

"How could this be possible? The ball was clearly in that position, so why did it suddenly change direction?"

"Yes, I obviously saw it flying in that direction with my own eyes!"

The audience was talking incessantly, and everyone was confused and panicked, unable to believe what was happening in front of them.

The atmosphere in the audience was warm and tense. People's eyes were fixed on Xu Xin and Shaojie on the table tennis table, looking forward to their wonderful performance.

The two players on the stage were tall and straight, and the sweat dripped on the table, reflecting their determination to do their best.

The ball flew through the air at high speed, with a strong air current, which was dazzling.Xu Xin's body is flexible and agile, and his wrist swings dexterously to hit the ball to the opponent's backhand.Shaojie stood at the other end of the table, his eyes focused and firm, and he hit every ball accurately.

Their coordination is perfect, and every ball is full of power and skill.Xu Xin's ball speed is unbelievable, and every ball is like lightning, piercing the entire court.Shaojie's ball is more accurate, and he can accurately find the opponent's space every time he hits the ball.

Lin Hui stared at the scene on the stage, filled with confidence in them.He believes that Xu Xin and Shaojie can definitely win this game.They put in so much effort in training and their skills have reached their peak.Their eyes reveal a desire to win that pushes them to their limits.

The audience held their breath and cheered them on.The atmosphere on the table was so tense that it could almost tear the air, as if the entire stadium was filled with electricity.Xu Xin and Shaojie gritted their teeth tightly against every ball thrown by their opponents and showed their strongest strength.

Time passed by minute by second, and the game entered the most critical moment.Xu Xin and Shaojie had sweat on their foreheads, but their eyes still shone with perseverance.They are not afraid of difficulties, do not give up any opportunity, and devote themselves to the game.

Lin Hui's heart thumped, thumped, and beat.He watched the game on the stage nervously, for fear of missing any details.

Suddenly, the young hero on the stage slipped and lost his balance, falling heavily to the ground.Xu Xin was stunned, his face turned pale, and big beads of sweat appeared on his forehead.


The audience burst into loud exclamations, and their eyes were all directed at Shaojie, with shock and pity in their eyes.

Shaojie got up from the ground, with blood hanging from the corners of his mouth, but with a very indifferent expression on his face. He glanced at Xu Xin and continued to play.

"Shaojie, are you okay?" Xu Xin asked worriedly, "Are you okay?"

Shaojie shook his head with a smile, and looked at the table tennis ball again.

Xu Xin followed his line of sight and found that Shaojie was staring at the little ball. His brows were deeply frowned, and a look of pain appeared on his face.

"What's wrong?" Xu Xin asked nervously, and his eyes followed Shaojie's and looked towards the table tennis ball.

The table tennis ball is red with blue stars printed on it, and Xu Xin's name is engraved on the ball.

"How could this happen?" The corner of Shaojie's mouth curled up with a hint of self-deprecation.

"Shaojie, let's play with a different kind of ball!" After Xu Xin finished speaking, she was about to pick up the table tennis ball.

"No, I don't have the energy to play anymore."

"How can that be done!" Xu Xin's tone was very excited. She would not allow Shaojie to say such unlucky words.

Xu Xin frowned, she was unwilling to see Shaojie give up like this.

"No, absolutely not!" Her voice was full of excitement and determination, like a bolt of lightning piercing the dark night, bringing a glimmer of clarity and strength. "How can you give up so easily? Don't let such words come out of your mouth, don't let yourself admit defeat!"

Her words were like a clear spring flowing into Shaojie's heart.His eyes became firm, and he slowly stood up and picked up the racket in his hand.Shaojie's hands were still trembling, but there was a burning flame in his eyes.He took a deep breath, determined to keep fighting.

Shaojie took a table tennis racket, took two steps forward, and stopped.

He raised the racket in his hand, threw it again, and quickly dropped it again.

The table tennis balls flew in the air, making a series of pleasant sounds.

Shaojie's eyes were fixed on the racket in his hand, his breathing became heavier and heavier, and his arms became stiffer and stiffer.At this moment, the table tennis ball flew towards him.His pupils contracted violently, and he knew the ping pong ball was being shot towards his head.

Shaojie instinctively returned the ball in his hand.The table tennis ball drew a beautiful arc in mid-air and accurately hit the football's head.

The ping pong ball fell to the ground and rolled around for a few times before stopping.Shaojie stared blankly at the table tennis ball on the ground, his mind still in a brief blank state.

Xu Xin opened her eyes wide in surprise and stared at Shaojie in disbelief. "Shaojie, you actually knocked the ping pong ball away."

Shaojie's blank eyes gradually became firm, and his drooping head finally lifted slowly.A victorious smile appeared on his lips.He turned his head and looked at Xu Xin.

A smile appeared on Shaojie's lips, and his eyes were as bright as the brightest stars in the sky.

Xu Xin was bewildered by Shaojie's sudden bright smile. His smile was so sunny and pure that people couldn't help but want to get close to him.But when she saw Shaojie's eyes, she couldn't help but feel cold all over and her heart beat violently.

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