The big devil in table tennis

Chapter 776 Continue the Game

"Then Lin Hui, you're welcome, I'm lending you a favor!"

Xu Xin had a smile on her face, looking happy.

Lin Hui looked at the excitement on Xu Xin and Shaojie's faces, feeling both happy and envious in his heart.

Especially Xu Xin, her smile is particularly bright, her eyes are shining with victory, and the corners of her mouth are raised, revealing a row of white teeth.

This smile was like the spring sunshine shining on Lin Hui's heart, warm and bright.

Shaojie's face was full of joy, and his eyes revealed his surprise and joy for this victory.

He has always been the underdog in the competition. Being able to win with Xu Xin this time is a huge breakthrough for him.

He felt as if he was standing on the shoulders of giants and could see further.

This time, they almost lost the mixed doubles match.

Lin Hui clearly remembers that the atmosphere at that time was so tense, and the ball on the court was so fast and fierce, as if there was a pair of invisible hands pushing them into the abyss.

But Xu Xin and Shaojie did not shrink back, but became more brave and determined.

They held the racket tightly, and the muscles in their whole body were tense, as if they were about to burst out with majestic power.

In the end, they defeated their opponents and won.

At that moment, Lin Hui looked at their smiles, and his heart was filled with pride.

This victory is not only a victory in the game, but also a proof of their persistence and hard work.

How much sweat and effort they put in to achieve such a brilliant victory.

Lin Hui recalled that scene, and he seemed to be able to feel the warm atmosphere at the game.

He could hear the cheers and applause of the crowd and feel every racket clash.

He could see the fans on the field, waving flags and rackets excitedly as if the game was their victory.

At this moment, Jianhua was particularly envious.

He must also be like Xu Xin and Shaojie, and bravely pursue their dreams.

He also wants to leave his own footprints on the table tennis stage and use his own efforts and sweat to interpret his glory.

At this moment, Xu Xin and Shaojie didn't know Jianhua's inner thoughts.

They were still smiling, like two blooming flowers.Their smiles seemed to bring endless courage to everyone.

Xu Xin looked at Jianhua's expression and felt a little uneasy.

He knows that Jianhua has always been the most capable and outstanding member of the team. No matter what difficulties he faces, he can face them firmly.But now, there was a hint of uncertainty and hesitation in his expression.

Jianhua hesitated for a long time, and finally said a few words with difficulty: "I will try my best to play table tennis tomorrow."

His voice was weak, as if oppressed by an invisible pressure, making him breathless.

Seeing this, Xu Xin immediately reached out and patted Jianhua's shoulder, and said encouragingly: "Jianhua, you are the best, you have the ability to overcome all difficulties. Don't doubt yourself, believe in yourself, you can do it. "

Jianhua's eyes gradually became firmer. He tried his best to smile and nodded.

Although he was still a little shaken in his heart, he decided to believe Xu Xin's words and give himself a chance, for the sake of the national team and himself.

The atmosphere relaxed a little, and Lin Hui quickly said, "Well, Xu Xin and Shaojie are tired enough today, let's go back and rest!"

After getting everyone's consent, they walked to the playing field.

As soon as I came out, a breeze came to my face, bringing a bit of coolness.

The city is brightly lit at night and bustling with people, creating a busy and vibrant scene.

Xu Xin couldn't help but look at Jianhua, watching him silently following behind her.

He knows that tomorrow's game will be a huge test for Jianhua.

Their opponent is a strong team, and Jianhua's state at the moment does not seem optimistic.

But Xu Xin believed in Jianhua and believed that he could show his strength.

As night falls, there are more and more pedestrians on the road.

Jianhua looked at the stars in the night sky, and his heart was filled with determination.

He knows that tomorrow's game is very important to him. Victory not only means honor, but also means that their hard work and dedication have been rewarded.

When they returned to the hotel room, Lin Hui gently sat next to Jianhua, and a warm and quiet atmosphere filled the room.

His eyes were like delicate antennae, gently exploring the expression on Jianhua's face.

"Jianhua, aren't you nervous about tomorrow's table tennis match?" His voice was like a gentle spring breeze.

Jianhua stared at his hands silently, with a trace of unconcealable anxiety in his eyes.

Lin Hui immediately felt his uneasiness. He knew that Jianhua must be worried about tomorrow's game.

"Don't be nervous. Just play how you usually play tomorrow. Just perform normally."

Lin Hui's voice reached his ears, like a warm force, gradually dispelling his inner doubts.

However, although the words sounded nice, Jianhua was still worried that he would be laughed at if he failed.

He deeply understands this worry and pressure, which is a fear deeply rooted in his heart.

"Jianhua, believe in yourself. You have unlimited possibilities. As long as you work hard to pursue them, you will definitely be able to overcome your inner fears."

There was a kind of affection and determination in Lin Hui's voice, which was like an inspiring force, warming Jianhua's heart.

Jianhua stared into Lin Hui's eyes. There was a warm ocean there, which made him feel extremely relieved and courageous.

His nervousness and worries seemed to be partially relieved by this warm power, and he began to believe in himself.

"Thank you, Lin Hui." Jianhua's voice was filled with gratitude and determination. He knew that he was no longer alone, and with her by his side, he would overcome all difficulties.

They stared at each other with infinite trust and commitment in their eyes.

Tomorrow's game is no longer just a simple competition, but their common dream and persistence.

At that moment, their hearts were intertwined with each other, like a pair of wings that watched and helped each other, injecting strength into each other's dreams and beliefs.

No matter what storms and challenges lie ahead, they will move forward hand in hand and move forward courageously.

There is still a long way to go, but they believe that as long as they rely on each other, they will be able to create miracles.

After that, Jianhua stood by the window, looking at the dimly lit night scene outside, with the scene that just happened still lingering in his heart.

He clenched his fists and felt the sweat seeping into his palms.

Xu Hao walked up to Jianhua, patted him on the shoulder gently, and said with a warm voice: "Jianhua, it's getting late, you should go to bed early! Only when you have enough energy can you play table tennis well. Don’t think about it and get some sleep.”

Jianhua raised his head, looked into Xu Hao's affectionate eyes, and felt his friend's care and support.

He smiled and nodded.

Xu Hao's words reminded him of the tacit understanding and understanding between them.They trained hard together, fought together, and grew up together.He cannot allow himself to dwell on past setbacks, but must look forward to new challenges.

Jianhua was lying on the bed, with the faint moonlight shining on his body, which seemed to give him a bit of strength and courage. He closed his eyes and tried to relax his body and mind.

However, the moment Jianhua closed his eyes, his heart began to beat faster and his breathing became rapid.

He tried to resist the negative emotions that happened in the past, but found that the more he wanted to forget, the more profound his memory became.

He felt like he was trapped in an inescapable loop, his body began to tremble and sweat continued to fall from his forehead.

Xu Hao saw something strange in Jianhua and curled up on the bed, trembling all over.

He felt a sense of urgency and quickly stepped forward to slap Jianhua on the cheek, trying to wake him up.

"Jianhua, wake up!" Xu Hao shouted anxiously.

Jianhua opened his eyes with difficulty, his vision was a little blurry, his lips were trembling and he couldn't say a word.

Xu Hao hurriedly picked up the water glass, poured him a glass of warm water, and carefully handed it to his mouth.

Jianhua gritted his teeth and drank a sip of water with difficulty.

He felt his throat was a little itchy, but his mood gradually calmed down.He took a deep breath and tried to control his emotions.

Xu Hao breathed a sigh of relief as he watched Jianhua gradually calm down.

He knew that Jianhua had a nightmare and he needed time to adjust his emotions.

"Jianhua, don't rush to think about the game. The most important thing now is to adjust your condition." Xu Hao comforted in a warm voice, "I will always be by your side. No matter what happens, we are friends."

Jianhua nodded slightly and looked at Xu Hao gratefully.He knows that he still has a long way to go, but he believes that with Xu Hao's company, he will be able to overcome his inner shadow and regain his confidence and courage.

He closed his eyes and tried to sleep again.

This time, he tried to calm his thoughts and no longer be troubled by the pain of the past.

He imagined himself standing on the field, listening to the cheers of the crowd, feeling the power and freedom of his bat.

Slowly, Jianhua's breathing became steady. He felt tired and gradually fell into sleep.

Xu Hao stayed by Jianhua's side quietly. He knew that this night was difficult for Jianhua, but he believed that tomorrow's sun would bring him new hope and strength.

He silently blessed Jianhua and expected him to stand up again tomorrow and bravely face the challenge.

The next day, it was dawn, and the sun shone into the room through the gaps in the curtains.

Jianhua opened his eyes in surprise from his sleep.

He stretched and planned to get up and drink some water.

However, when he turned around, he saw Lin Hui clinging to his side, sleeping deeply.

Jianhua felt a sense of warmth in his heart, and he looked at Lin Hui gratefully.

That night, Lin Hui guarded him, making him feel endless warmth and care.

He decided to cherish this friendship and let Lin Hui know that his efforts were not in vain.

Lin Hui suddenly opened his eyes and saw Jianhua staring at him. He couldn't help but asked in surprise: "Jianhua, you're awake."

Jianhua smiled and nodded: "Yes, I just woke up. You can sleep a little longer, it's still early!"

Lin Hui shook his head gently and was about to get up, "I won't sleep anymore. I will still accompany you during your table tennis match today."

Jianhua looked at Lin Hui movedly. He had never thought that he would have such a friend, who always supported him silently, whether in life or study.

"Lin Hui." Jianhua choked and called Lin Hui, then patted Lin Hui's shoulder gently, "But you didn't sleep well last night, so you should go back and take a nap."

Lin Hui smiled and shook his head: "No, I have slept all night and can't sleep."

Jianhua felt the persistence and determination deep in Lin Hui's heart.

He knew that such a friend was not easy to get. He glanced at Lin Hui gratefully again, and then said firmly: "Okay, then let's go together!"

The two got dressed and walked out of the hotel.

The morning air was fresh and pleasant, and the breeze caressed their faces.

They walked on the path and occasionally met some students who came out early to exercise.On the playground in the distance, there are already some people preparing for the game.

Jianhua and Lin Hui arrived at the table tennis competition venue and found that there were already many people waiting for the game to start.

"Jianhua, believe you can do it!"

When Jianhua was about to take the stage to participate in the competition, Lin Hui cheered for Jianhua again.

Jianhua saw Lin Hui like this, nodded, and then walked across the playing field.

At the whistle, the game officially started, and Jianhua quickly entered the state.

His racket danced in his hands, the ball bouncing rapidly on the table.

Lin Hui cheered them on from the sidelines.

Jianhua’s opponents are quite strong.

He puts his heart and soul into the game, he gives it his all, and strives to hit every ball perfectly.

He felt sweat dripping from his forehead and his heartbeat quickened, but he had no intention of backing down.

He constantly adjusts his strategy and works hard to find weaknesses in his opponents.

Time passed by minute by minute, and the score rose alternately nervously.

The audience burst into cheers and applauded the players for their wonderful performance.

When he scored the first point, Jianhua's tense nerves were finally released at this moment.

Because of his quick reaction, he hit the ball accurately and scored directly.

The audience also burst into thunderous applause, and the audience stood up and applauded them.

Jianhua felt the enthusiasm of the audience and felt more confident than before.

Looking ahead firmly, he leaned forward slightly, then threw the ball into the air and got the first winning serve.

The opponent was extremely nervous, always staring at the ball sent by Jianhua.

After all, after conceding the first goal, he seemed to feel that the next goal was missed, so he naturally became vigilant.

As for Jianhua, he quickly pursued the victory and wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to score another goal.

After all, if you start well, you will be much more relaxed later on.

Later, Jianhua was full of energy and used more than ten points of strength to play table tennis.

When Lin Hui in the audience saw this, he couldn't help but frowned.

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