The big devil in table tennis

Chapter 780 Fighting for Promotion

As the sun sets, the orange-red afterglow shines on the table tennis court, adding a warm atmosphere to the entire venue.

Sweat dripped on the ground, making a crisp sound, as if telling the story of the fierce battle on the court.

Xu Xin had just finished a fierce football match, and before he could wipe the sweat off his face, he turned to look at Lin Hui and Jianhua on the sidelines, his eyes shining with encouragement.

He knew that the next game would be a decisive battle between Lin Hui and Jianhua, and the key to victory or defeat would be in their hands.

Lin Hui is a shining star on the table tennis court. He has superb skills and can easily handle various ball paths. Every hit is eye-catching.

His slender figure is like a free-flying eagle in the dance of the racket, controlling the entire court.

And Jianhua, compared to Lin Hui, is slightly inferior.

Although he is not as skilled as Lin Hui, he is still able to move forward courageously on the court.

Lin Hui smiled slightly, with a confident expression, and looked at Jianhua, with a glimmer of expectation in his eyes. "The rest of the game is left to us, Jianhua, don't you think so?" The voice was gentle but firm, as if conveying a call for victory.

Jianhua nodded slightly, his eyes revealing a firm determination.Although he knew that his strength was relatively weak, this did not shake his belief in pursuing victory.

He held the racket tightly in his hand, feeling the hard touch, which seemed to tell him that as long as he persevered, he could overcome all difficulties.

The two looked at each other in tacit understanding, reading each other's determination from each other's eyes.

They hold the rackets tightly in their hands and prepare to face the next challenge.At that moment, the entire stadium seemed to be still, with only the breathing and heartbeats of two people echoing in the air.

The wind blew gently, blowing their hair.

The sweat on their bodies was as crystal clear as pearls, shining dazzlingly in the sunset.

Lin Hui and Jianhua are like two passionate flames, ready to ignite the entire stadium.

Next up is Jianhua.

After looking at everyone, he walked onto the playing field.

On the playing field, Jianhua looked heroic and waving the racket like a dynamic picture.

Every swing brings endless power and skill, which is dazzling.

The sound of the collision between the racket and the ball resounded throughout the court, making people seem to hear the shouts of victory.

His skills are exquisite and smooth, and every shot is like a work of art.

His every move showed confidence and determination, as if he had seen the light of victory.

The entire stadium was filled with a tense and fierce atmosphere. The audience held their breath and watched every move of the two men with rapt attention.

They seemed to be in a turbulent battlefield and could feel the shock and impact of every hit.

Time passed by minute by second, and the game entered a fierce stage.

Then, Jianhua launched a fierce attack, and the table tennis balls began to fly in mid-air.

The mood of the audience became more and more tense as the game progressed.Their eyes were fixed on the two players on the court, as if they could feel a powerful energy from them.

On the court, Jianhua and his opponents intertwined wonderful skills and quick movements.The table tennis ball drew wonderful arcs in the air and made a crisp snapping sound.

The audience seemed to be sucked into a huge whirlpool, surrounded by the fierce atmosphere of the game.Their breathing became heavy, as if they were in a turbulent battlefield.

Jianhua made a strong attack, and the ping pong ball flew through the air like a meteor, so fast that it was difficult to catch.Not to be outdone, his opponent quickly counterattacked.The ball speed became faster and faster, the skills became more and more exquisite, and the gap between the two gradually narrowed.

The atmosphere on the court became more and more tense, and the audience watched every move with rapt attention. They seemed to be able to feel the shock and impact of every shot.Their moods fluctuated with the ups and downs of the ball, as if they were experiencing the passion of the game with the players.

The game reached a fever pitch, and every score was met with enthusiastic cheers and applause from the audience.Their emotions are drawn by the game and they cannot extricate themselves.They screamed, cheered, and cheered for the players.

Jianhua felt the support of the audience and his confidence gradually increased.His shots became more decisive and accurate, each ball carrying the power of his whole body.The ping pong balls flew in the air, leaving trails of light.

His opponent didn't show any weakness either, his eyes revealed firmness and determination.

His shots were quick and accurate, like a cheetah ready to strike.

The duel on the court became more and more intense, and the two men were equally matched in strength.

The audience held their breath, anticipating what would happen next.

Suddenly, Jianhua sent a difficult curve ball. The table tennis ball changed its direction instantly and hit the opponent's front like a bolt of lightning.

The audience was amazed, they could not imagine that one person could achieve such exquisite skills.

The audience is nervous for every shot of the players.They could feel that the atmosphere on the court was getting more and more tense, and the duel between the two became more and more intense.

The entire stadium was filled with a tense and fierce atmosphere, and the audience seemed to be on a battlefield.

They held their breath and watched every move of the two men with rapt attention.

As time passed by, the two people in the audience's eyes became blurry, as if they were just shadows on the table tennis table.This game has exceeded their expectations.

As the game develops, the strength of the two becomes closer and closer, and the suspense of victory or defeat becomes greater and greater.

The heartbeats of the audience echoed throughout the stadium, and they seemed to be in a mysterious world.

The game continues, and the entire stadium is enveloped in a tense atmosphere.The audience held their breath and watched every move of the two men with rapt attention, anticipating the final result of this game.

As the game progressed, Jianhua's body gradually adapted to the rhythm of the game, and his movements became more stable and sharp.

The table tennis ball flashed like a shooting star in his hands, and every hit was as violent and accurate as thunder.

His eyes were sharp and focused, as if he existed only on the ping pong table, isolated from everything around him.

Although his opponent Li Ming was also trying his best, he could not get rid of Jianhua's oppression.

He couldn't help but start to feel anxious, sweat penetrated his forehead, dripped on the ping pong table, and gathered into a thin stream.

The audience was attracted by this fierce game. The sound of their heartbeats and the impact of the racket were intertwined, as if forming a magnificent and passionate symphony.

They were enveloped in this tense atmosphere, as if they were in a world full of mystery.

The table tennis ball moves from side to side, getting faster and faster, and every hit takes the audience's breath away.

Jianhua has only one thought in his mind, which is to defeat his opponent and win this game.

His arm muscles are full and powerful, and every swing carries endless power.

The opponent, on the other hand, was trying his best. He was unwilling to lose to Jianhua, and his eyes shone with perseverance.

He tried his best to return the ball with incredible accuracy. He not only wanted to prove his strength, but also his determination.

The scores of both sides were closely tied together, and the suspense of victory and defeat reached its peak.The hearts of the audience became more and more intense. They could not predict the final result, but they were deeply immersed in this fierce duel and could not extricate themselves.

Jianhua felt physically exhausted, but he did not flinch. He knew that he could not give up at the last critical moment.

His eyes became more determined, and he told himself that only by persisting until the last moment could he win.

The other party felt tired, but he tried his best not to give up.

A trace of determination flashed in his eyes. He wanted to prove his strength and his worth.

The racket shuttled between the two, getting faster and faster, and the trajectory of the table tennis ball became blurred.

The audience was so nervous that they could hardly breathe. They were watching every move of the two men with rapt attention. They were looking forward to the final result of this game.

Jianhua made the final blow and the ping pong ball flew towards the opponent.

The opponent tried his best to fight back, but his ball missed a little.

The table tennis ball hit the edge of the table and bounced back to the opponent's side. The opponent was unable to respond effectively and could only watch the ball fly out of the table.

The audience burst into deafening cheers, cheering for Jianhua's victory and proud of his hard work and determination.

After Jianhua won the first goal, he felt that his whole body was filled with invisible power.

This power gave him infinite confidence and courage, and he decided to continue participating in the second ball battle in table tennis.

When Jianhua stepped onto the court, the crowd stared at him, expecting him to once again demonstrate his incredible abilities.

He squinted his eyes and stared at the ball intently, as if he could see the hidden trajectory on the ball.His body was relaxed yet powerful, and the fingers holding the racket danced nimbly.

The game began, and Jianhua had a fierce duel with his opponent.

The ball flew around the stage quickly, and the two figures were closely intertwined.Jianhua's movements are agile and accurate, and every hit is as fast as lightning.

He darts across the court like a cheetah, his every swing accompanied by a sharp whoosh.

The audience's eyes lit up, as if they saw a real table tennis master.

His opponents were not to be outdone. They attacked and defended each other, and their tacit cooperation was dizzying.

However, no matter how hard the opponent tries, Jianhua is always able to easily hit the ball back to the opponent's side.

There was determination in his eyes. He had already surpassed the level of ordinary people. He had become a real table tennis king.

Time gradually passed and the game entered a critical stage.

Jianhua felt nervous and excited, and he could feel that he was getting closer to victory.

His body is like a volcano, containing infinite energy and ready to erupt at any time.

Finally the ball came to Jianhua.

He swung the bat without hesitation, and the ball flew quickly to the opponent's side.At that moment, he felt all the power in his body being released, and he knew that he had won.

The ball flew over the net and hit the floor hard with a crisp sound.

The crowd burst into deafening cheers as they cheered wildly for Jianhua's second goal.

Jianhua smiled, feeling the joy and satisfaction brought by victory.

The opponent clenched the table tennis racket in his hand, ready to face the next challenge.

The loss of the previous two goals came to his mind, and he clearly felt the changes in the opponent.Opponents no longer despise him, but are full of alertness and determination.

The game resumed, and the sound of the racket hitting the ball echoed in the arena.

Jianhua launched a powerful forehand serve, and the ping pong ball flew through the air and went straight to the opponent's backhand.

The opponent counterattacked sideways, and the ball was as fast as lightning. Jianhua had quick eyes and quick hands and caught the ball steadily.

He tried to cause problems for the opponent and sent a deflected ball.The table tennis ball changed direction according to the angle of the racket and flew towards the opponent's back hand.

The opponent's eyes were sharp, and he reacted quickly and stretched out his arm to catch the ball.

His movements are smooth and precise, as if the table tennis ball is an extension of his hand.

Jianhua was secretly wary, knowing that he was facing a master.

The opponent seemed to sense his intentions and hit the ball back forcefully.

The ball was so fast that it was like a bolt of lightning piercing the night sky.

Jianhua's body tensed up, his eyes fixed on the trajectory of the table tennis ball.His arm swings quickly, knocking the ball back to the opponent's side.

The playing skills of both sides became more and more sophisticated, and the table tennis balls flew back and forth, bouncing, as if weaving a wonderful picture in the air.

The audience's eyes were fixed on the two players on the field, and they watched the trajectory of every ball intently.

There was a tense atmosphere in the venue, as if time had stood still.

Jianhua felt the sweat on his body, the tense muscles and the accelerated heartbeat.

He devoted himself wholeheartedly to the game, constantly adjusting his own state and looking for the opponent's flaws.

The opponent seemed to have integrated into the atmosphere of the game. His movements were smooth and steady, leaving no opportunity for Jianhua to take advantage of.

The duel between the two players became increasingly fierce, the ball speed became faster and faster, and the skills became more and more sophisticated.

Their figures intertwined on the court, like dancers dancing on the stage.

The sound of bouncing table tennis balls is like drum beats, arousing the passion and blood in the hearts of the audience.

As time passed by, the duel on the field became more and more intense.

Jianhua and the other party constantly battled wits and courage, and their eyes were full of perseverance and determination.

At this moment, Jianhua felt the opponent's calmness. He understood that what he was facing was not just a game, but a battle about honor and dignity.

He took a deep breath, readjusted, and prepared to face the next challenge.No matter how strong his opponent is, he will try his best to get the best results for himself and the team.

He was determined not to let his efforts go to waste and to shine in this game.

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(End of this chapter)

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