The big devil in table tennis

Chapter 782 Another promotion

Chapter 782 Another promotion

On the court, every collision of the ball was accompanied by exclamations and applause from the audience.

They were proud of the excitement of this game, and at the same time moved by the persistence and hard work of these two young people.

In the tense and fierce game, Jianhua and his opponents continued to attack and defend, and their figures were intertwined on the table.

Every move they make shows their technical prowess and physical coordination, and every ball carries their dreams.

Immediately, the situation became increasingly tense. Jianhua gritted his teeth tightly. He could feel the gradual consumption of his physical strength, but he had no intention of giving up.

His eyes shone with determination, and he took a deep breath and concentrated.

This goal will be the turning point of their game.He will use his last bit of strength to launch the strongest attack, bringing a real contest between himself and his opponent.

The sound of the racket colliding with the table tennis ball sounded again, and the ball flew through the air quickly.Jianhua's eyes are firm and sharp, and his body movements are smooth and powerful.This is his moment to chase his dreams, and this is his moment to prove himself.

The ball finally cuts through the air and flies towards the opponent's defense.There was a hint of shock in his opponent's eyes, but he did not flinch.He swung the racket without fear, and the sound of the ball hitting the racket was heard again, and the ball changed direction.

Jianhua's heartbeat accelerated, and he quickly adjusted his body posture, preparing to catch the rebound of the ball.The ball suddenly flew by. Jianhua swung his racket hard and the ball flew out of the table.

The atmosphere on the court became tense and quiet, and the audience held their breath and watched where the ball landed.The ball finally hit the ground with a crisp bouncing sound.

A flash of disappointment flashed in Jianhua's eyes, but he did not give up.He stared at the ping pong ball with wide eyes, and he would start again in the next game.

There was a hint of shock in his opponent's eyes, but he did not flinch.He swung the racket without fear, and the sound of the ball hitting the racket was heard again, and the ball changed direction.

Jianhua's heartbeat accelerated, and he quickly adjusted his body posture, preparing to catch the rebound of the ball.The ball suddenly flew by. Jianhua swung his racket hard and the ball flew out of the table.

The atmosphere on the court became tense and quiet, and the audience held their breath and watched where the ball landed.The ball finally hit the ground with a crisp bouncing sound.

A flash of disappointment flashed in Jianhua's eyes, but he did not give up.He stared at the ping pong ball with wide eyes, and he would start again in the next game.

Jianhua's palms were beaded with beads of sweat, and his heart was filled with anticipation for the next game.He knows that his opponents will not let him win easily, because he is the top player in the table tennis world, and every opponent is a stumbling block on his way.

He lowered his head, looked at the racket he was holding tightly, and felt the touch of countless sweat on the surface of the racket. This was a testimony of his years of struggle with the racket.His eyes became firm, and he vowed to use his own strength to prove that he was the top table tennis player in the world.

The next game started, Jianhua put all his energy into it, and every shot he took was full of power and skill.

The ball shuttled across the table at high speed, making a crisp impact sound.

The audience was amazed as they saw a true table tennis artist.

The opponent also showed his strength, and he quickly counterattacked, making the game tense and intense.

The figures of the two people flashed back and forth on the table, and every swing was like a dynamic picture, beautiful and beautiful.

Time seems to have stopped flowing in this game, and everyone is obsessed with table tennis.

There was a fanatical expression on the faces of the spectators, who devoted all their enthusiasm to this game.

The game reached the fierce final stage, and the ball shuttled across the table at high speed, making a crisp impact sound.

Every return shot between Jianhua and his opponent was carried out with astonishing speed and precision, and every swing was like a dynamic picture, magnificent.

Jianhua's eyes were sharp and focused. With a flick of his wrist, the ball flew quickly towards the opponent's sideline. The opponent only had time to make a reluctant counterattack and the ball fell out of the net.

The audience burst into applause as they put all their enthusiasm into the game.

The opponent was not willing to lose to Jianhua, and he immediately showed his strength.

His returns are quick and accurate, and every swing is full of power and skill.

Every inch of space on the table was occupied by his ball, forcing Jianhua to use all his strength to deal with it.

The two figures flashed back and forth on the table, their bodies matching the speed and rotation of each ball, skillfully and smoothly.

The audience watched the game nervously, their eyes almost unable to leave the table for fear of missing every wonderful moment.

Time seems to have stopped flowing in this game, and everyone is obsessed with table tennis.

They forgot about the noise and crowds around them and only focused on the duel between the two players on the table.

There was a fanatical expression on the faces of the spectators, who devoted all their enthusiasm to this game.

Every inch of space on the table was occupied by his ball, forcing Jianhua to use all his strength to deal with it.

His opponent, who was also an excellent table tennis player, was not to be outdone and also showed his unique skills.

His ball spins rapidly and shuttles across the table like a poisonous snake, which is dazzling.

The two figures flashed back and forth on the table, their bodies matching the speed and rotation of each ball, skillfully and smoothly.

Their movements are as graceful as dancers, with each stroke carrying a unique rhythm.

The audience watched the game nervously, their eyes almost unable to leave the table for fear of missing every wonderful moment.

They watched the table tennis balls flying in the air intently, and every hit brought huge surprises and shocks.

Time seems to have stopped flowing in this game, and everyone is obsessed with table tennis.

They forgot about the noise and crowds around them and only focused on the duel between the two players on the table.

The players were sweating profusely, but the determination and persistence revealed in their eyes did not diminish at all.

They constantly adjust their posture and intensity to meet the challenge of every ball.

There was a fanatical expression on the faces of the spectators, who devoted all their enthusiasm to this game.

They applauded and cheered for the players.In their hearts, this game has transcended an ordinary game and become an artistic feast.

The competition has entered the most intense stage. The two players are attacking and defending each other. You come and I go back and forth without slacking off at all.

Their ball speed is getting faster and faster, and the spin is getting weirder and weirder, as if they are from another world.

Finally, a shrill cry broke the silence of the game.The opponent used a difficult backhand shot and accurately hit the ball into Jianhua's space, winning by one goal.

It is now 2:1 Jianhua leads by 1 point.

The audience's enthusiastic expressions instantly turned to disappointment and nervousness.They stared closely at the two players on the stage, hoping to witness a more intense and exciting showdown.

An uncontrollable sense of frustration welled up in Jianhua's heart, and he understood that he had fallen into a passive situation in this game.He took a deep breath, gathered his mind, and prepared to face the next challenge.

The opponent stood on the other side of the stage with a confident and victorious smile on his face.

He is the champion of this competition, a young and outstanding player.His eyes revealed his desire for victory. He was eager to defeat Jianhua and prove his strength.

The game restarted and the atmosphere became tense and solemn.The players' ball speed is faster, and every ball is full of power and skill.

Their rackets left afterimages in the air, as if breaking the boundaries of time and space.

The audience held their breath as they were conquered by the wonderful performances of the contestants.

Every hit elicited cheers and exclamations from them.They seemed to be in a magical world, attracted by the skills and passion of the players.

Jianhua devoted himself to the game and returned every ball without showing any signs of weakness.

His eyes sparkled with determination and determination, and he would not give up easily, even though he knew the road to victory would be full of hardships and challenges.

Time is passing by, and the figures of the players are flashing on the competition stage like lightning. Their bodies and rackets seem to be integrated into one, and every movement is full of power and flexibility.

The audience was conquered by the excitement of this game, their hearts beat faster, and their eyes were filled with anticipation and nervousness.

They cheer for the players and hope to witness an unforgettable game.

Finally, a shrill cry broke the silence of the game.The opponent used a difficult backhand shot and accurately hit the ball into Jianhua's space, winning by one goal.

The opponent on the stage jumped up excitedly, his face filled with the joy of victory.He knew he was only one step away from victory.

Jianhua, on the other hand, stood silently, his heart filled with loss and helplessness.He knew he would never have another chance, and that his dreams and efforts were in vain at this moment.

The expressions on the audience's faces were filled with regret and sympathy.They understand the efforts and sacrifices made by the players, and they deeply feel sorry for Jianhua.

The game continues, and it is now 2:1 with Jianhua leading by 1 point.This game is a crucial game for the opponent, and for Jianhua, this game is his last hope.

He gripped the racket tightly and his eyes flashed with determination.He is determined to perform at his best and will follow through regardless of the outcome.

The game restarted, and the players on the stage once again engaged in a fierce duel.Their balls were faster and spun weirder, as if they were from another world.

The audience held their breath as they stared at the players on the stage, hoping to witness a miracle happen.

At this moment, Jianhua showed his true strength.His racket danced, and every shot was filled with power and skill.His eyes reveal his desire to win and he will not give up easily.

The game entered the final round, and the players tried their best and tried their best.Their figures flashed on the playing stage, and every movement was full of strength and flexibility.

Finally, at the last moment, Jianhua started to catch up with another goal.

The audience burst into deafening cheers as they cheered Jianhua's victory.

They looked at Jianhua with admiration and were extremely proud of his persistence and hard work.

The game resumed, and the players on the stage once again engaged in a fierce duel.

There was a tense and passionate atmosphere on the court, and every player devoted himself to the game.

Their ball speed is faster and their spin is weirder.

The audience held their breath as they stared at the players on the stage, hoping to witness a miracle happen.

Their eyes shone with anticipation because they knew that this moment would determine the outcome of the game.

At this moment, Jianhua showed his true strength.

His racket danced, and every shot was filled with power and skill.His eyes reveal his desire to win and he will not give up easily.

His movements were precise, and every ball he hit was tricky and powerful.

The game entered a critical moment, and everyone in the audience saw the players trying their best and using all their strength.

Their figures flashed on the playing stage, and every movement was full of strength and flexibility.

The atmosphere on the court reached its peak. The audience watched every shot nervously, and they were shocked by the wonderful performance of the players.

Finally, at the last moment, Jianhua started to catch up with another goal.

His ball speed is insane and his spin is almost elusive.

Determination and perseverance shone in his eyes, and he knew that this goal would determine the outcome of the game.

He was ready, gathered all his strength, and hit the ball without hesitation.

The ball flew toward the opponent, and a silvery white light streaked across the court.The spectators held their breath, nervously watching the ball's trajectory.

The ball bypasses the opponent's defense and goes straight to the open corner.

The sound of hitting the ball sounded, and the moment the ball hit the ground, the entire stadium erupted in deafening cheers.

The audience cheered Jianhua's victory and they witnessed a wonderful game.

They looked at Jianhua with admiration and were extremely proud of his persistence and hard work.

Jianhua qualified for the finals.

After the game, Jianhua accepted the warm applause and congratulations from the audience.

His heart was filled with joy and satisfaction, and he knew that his efforts were not in vain.This game not only allowed him to win, but also made him understand the importance of hard work and persistence.

He expressed his gratitude to the audience. He knew that without the support and encouragement of the audience, he would not have been able to achieve such brilliant results.

He looked up to the sky and felt the glory and joy brought by the game.

It turns out that this is the taste of victory. He failed to succeed again and again before, but this time he succeeded twice in a row. When he thought of this, Jianhua couldn't help but reveal a warm smile on his face.

It turns out that as long as you work hard, you can succeed. At this moment, he felt how much effort Lin Hui had to put in to succeed.

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(End of this chapter)

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