Chapter 786
Lin Hui's mood suddenly rose, and he knew that his tactical adjustments had an effect.

A trace of anger and unwillingness flashed across his opponent's face, and Lin Hui's changes caught him off guard.

The table tennis ball flew again under Lin Hui's control.

The speed of the ball increased rapidly, as if a white lightning flashed across the table.

Lin Hui's movements are smooth and accurate, and every shot is full of power and speed.

The opponent found himself passive and had to strengthen his defense.

However, Lin Hui's ball path became more and more unpredictable, and every shot he hit seemed to be able to pass through the opponent's defense.

The audience's eyes were fixed on the ball, and they were attracted by Lin Hui's outstanding skills.The battle on the table became fierce and exciting, and Lin Hui showed his strength and potential as a top player.

Time passed by minute by second, and the game entered a fierce stage.Lin Hui and his opponent were equally matched in strength, and every point was hard-earned.The audience's cheers and applause continued, and the atmosphere on the court reached a climax.

Suddenly, Lin Hui found that his opponent's attention began to be distracted, and his batting speed also dropped.This was the opportunity that Lin Hui had been waiting for for a long time, and he decided to launch the final attack.

Lin Hui let out a deep roar, and the table tennis ball accelerated instantly under his control.

The ball path turned sharply, and the opponent could not adapt to Lin Hui's changes.He tried to block it, but the ball flew past his racket.

The moment the ball hit the ground, the audience burst into deafening cheers.

Lin Hui was excited and nervous. He felt that he was only one step away from victory.

He took a deep breath, held the table tennis racket tightly with both hands, and prepared to face the challenge of the final game.

The opponent looked a little tired, his eyes flickered, and his body began to shake a little.

Lin Hui saw his opponent's fatigue and decided to take this opportunity to launch an attack with all his strength.

He quickly adjusted his posture and waited for his opponent to serve.

The moment the ball bounced, Lin Hui's body bent quickly like a spring, and then he quickly hit a powerful forehand attack.

The table tennis ball quickly crossed the table, making a sound of breaking through the air, and went straight to the opponent's bottom line.

The opponent swung his racket in panic, but the ball was too fast for him to respond effectively.

When the ball hit the ground, it had already passed the opponent's defense line. The opponent could only watch helplessly as the ball slipped past him and landed heavily on the floor.

The audience burst into deafening cheers again, and applause surged like waves.

Lin Hui felt a sense of pride in his chest. He knew that he was getting closer to victory.

It is now 2:0, with only one game left, Lin Hui can win directly.

He felt his opponent's wavering and pressure, which gave him more confidence.He knew that as long as he persisted, victory was at hand.

The game continued, Lin Hui went all out, and every return shot was full of power and accuracy.

His batting speed and angle changes were too much for his opponents to deal with, and the table tennis ball flew around the table like a shining meteor.

The opponent tried hard to catch up, but gradually lost patience and confidence.His movements became stiffer and stiffer, and the force of his strikes gradually weakened.Lin Hui saw all this, and he knew that he had taken the initiative to win.

Under Lin Hui's control, the table tennis ball quickly flew to the opponent's baseline.

The opponent swung his racket in panic, but this time he had no strength or skill. The ball arced on his racket and finally fell to the ground.

Lin Hui relaxed his vigilance, but did not notice a hint of cunning flashing in his opponent's eyes.

At the beginning of the third game, his opponent seized this opportunity. He took a more stable posture and hit a precise forehand, sending the ping pong ball to the corner next to Lin Hui.

Lin Hui did not expect that his opponent would counterattack like this. He quickly moved his body and tried to fight back, but his movements were slightly slow.

The ping pong ball flew past his body in an instant, bounced lightly on the table a few times, and then flew out of the court without mercy.

For a moment, the entire stadium fell into silence, and the silent spectators were shocked by this sudden change.

Lin Hui froze on the spot, his heart filled with helplessness and regret.

He didn't expect that he would lose this game because of a slight negligence.

He realized that his opponent had been observing his weaknesses, but he had been immersed in the joy of victory and ignored his opponent's strength.

The opponent sneered.

Lin Hui gritted his teeth silently. He realized that he had to readjust his state and not make the same mistake again.

Lin Hui regained his form and showed his true strength.

His batting speed and angle changes once again made it difficult for opponents to deal with, and the table tennis balls intertwined wonderful arcs on the table.

Lin Hui went all out, and he no longer left any chance to his opponent.Each return shot was filled with power and accuracy, and his confidence and determination gradually made up for his previous mistakes.

Although his opponent struggled to catch up, Lin Hui had already found a way to deal with him.

He saw through his opponent's movements and psychology, and he knew that he had regained the initiative to win.

Under Lin Hui's control, the table tennis ball quickly flew to the opponent's baseline. The opponent was no longer panicked and fought back with all his strength, but to no avail.

There was a fierce atmosphere on the table. The audience held their breath and watched every move of the two players with rapt attention.

Lin Hui was full of confidence, and he had clearly seen every move of his opponent.

Relying on his understanding of the opponent's psychology, he can accurately predict the landing point and direction of each ball, allowing him to easily hit the table tennis ball back to the opponent's baseline.

The atmosphere on the table became increasingly tense, and the audience could almost feel the smell of gunpowder in the air.

Every spectator was attracted by the game. They held their breath and watched every move of Lin Hui and his opponents with rapt attention.

Lin Hui's eyes were sharp and focused, and his body movements were as graceful as a dancer's.He was like a cheetah, moving nimbly and swiftly across the table.

Every shot is precise, and every counterattack leaves the opponent helpless.

A trace of frustration appeared on his opponent's face, and he felt as if he was under Lin Hui's control.

Although he tried hard to fight back, he was always unable to figure out Lin Hui's path.

He couldn't help but begin to doubt his own strength, which caused a subtle change in his mentality.

Lin Hui noticed the change in his opponent's mentality. He sneered and deliberately increased the pressure on his opponent.

Under his control, table tennis became faster and more accurate.

Every ball flies across the table like lightning, making it dazzling.

The audience was attracted by Lin Hui's performance. They applauded him and shouted his name.

They felt a strong energy, as if they had become a member of the field.

The opponent gradually lost confidence and he began to become nervous.

His movements became stiff, and his return shots became more and more one-dimensional.

Lin Hui easily responded to every counterattack by his opponent without giving his opponent any chance.Lin Hui stood on the court, tall and straight, with firm eyes.He smiled slightly, feeling the gaze and admiration from the audience.

This is the result of his years of hard training. He not only has excellent football skills, but also extraordinary psychological quality.

The atmosphere on the court became increasingly tense, and the audience cheered excitedly.

They were shocked by the skills and strength displayed by Lin Hui, as if they were on the stage of a top competition.

He won the first point at the beginning of the third game, and his opponent was very angry when he saw Lin Hui.

He gripped the racket tightly, anxiety dripping from the sweat on his forehead.There was a trace of unwillingness in his eyes, but he could not hide the fear.

Lin Hui quickly stepped into the serving position, his movements smooth and powerful.

He thundered the ball toward the opponent's baseline, and the ball was so fast that it was difficult to catch.

The opponent quickly fought back, but Lin Hui was already prepared and nimbly avoided the opponent's ball.

The atmosphere on the court reached a climax, and the audience kept cheering for Lin Hui.

Lin Hui felt the power from the audience, and he seemed to have entered a transcendent state.

In the next few rounds, Lin Hui showed his all-round strength, leaving his opponents helpless with every ball.

His pitch is unpredictable and unpredictable.

The opponent's face became more and more solemn, and he began to become restless.

He tried to adjust his tactics, but Lin Hui's figure shuttled around the court like a ghost, giving him no chance.

Time passed by minute by second, and the game entered the decisive game.Lin Hui's eyes were firm. He knew that as long as he persisted, victory would be right in front of him.

On the last ball, the opponent tried his best to hit a sharp ball.

Lin Hui reacted quickly and fought back without hesitation.

The ball flew towards the opponent's baseline at lightning speed and landed accurately on the sideline.

Lin Hui won!The court erupted in cheers and applause.He waved to the audience, his face filled with the joy of victory.

Lin Hui's victory gave them endless inspiration and courage, and they saw the power of hard work and persistence.

Whether on the playing field or in life, as long as you have confidence and hard work, you can overcome all difficulties.

Lin Hui walked off the court, carrying the expectations and admiration of the audience.

He knows that this is just the beginning, and he still has a longer way to go and higher goals to achieve.

And Lin Hui's victory brought excitement to the entire stadium.

The audience cheered wildly and clapped vigorously. The warm applause filled the entire stadium, as if Lin Hui's victory was going to be taken to the sky.

Lin Hui's teammates ran towards him and patted his shoulders happily to celebrate this hard-won victory.

The atmosphere on the court became warm and enthusiastic, and Lin Hui's fighting spirit infected everyone.

They were moved by Lin Hui's courage and perseverance, as if they saw the shadow of their own struggle.

Lin Hui stood in the middle of the court, sweat flowing down his forehead and dripping on the ground.

He wiped his forehead with the back of his hand and showed a tired but determined smile.

He took a deep breath and felt his body gradually calming down.

Although exhausted, there was a glimmer of light in his eyes, and he knew that this victory belonged to him.

As the cheers from the crowd died down, calm returned to the court.

Lin Hui's eyes turned to his opponent, who looked at him with an expression full of disappointment and helplessness.

Although his opponent tried his best, he seemed extremely small in front of Lin Hui.

Lin Hui knew that this victory was of great significance to him, but for his opponent, it was a heavy defeat.

Lin Hui walked towards his opponent and stretched out his hand.

The opponent hesitated, then took his hand.At that moment, there was no confrontation between them, only respect for each other.

Lin Hui smiled and said to his opponent: "You are an outstanding player. Let's fight again next time." The opponent nodded, and a trace of determination flashed in his eyes.

The joy of victory and the respect of his opponents made Lin Hui feel happy.

He turned around and saw his teammates waiting for him in the distance.

Their eyes were full of admiration and envy, because they knew that Lin Hui was the best.

Lin Hui walked towards his teammates, who formed a circle and began to celebrate the victory happily.

They were jumping and cheering, and their smiles were full of youth and vitality.Lin Hui felt the enthusiasm of his teammates. They were like a huge energy, surrounding him.

The afterglow of the setting sun shone on them, giving them a sacred and magnificent brilliance.

Lin Hui felt that he was in a dreamlike world. He was flying in this world, leaving a beautiful arc.

This victory not only belongs to Lin Hui, but also to his teammates.

They worked hard and fought together to achieve this beautiful moment of victory.Forest
Hui felt the power of the team, their tacit understanding and trust, making every shot they made full of strength and confidence.

Lin Hui closed his eyes, he wanted to remember this moment in his heart forever.

He knows that this victory will become the motivation for him to pursue his dream and make him go on even more determinedly.

He wants to prove to himself and everyone that as long as he works hard, his dreams can come true.

At this moment of victory, Lin Hui stretched out his arms toward the sky, feeling the breeze blowing across his fingertips.

He knew that this victory was just a starting point in his life journey, and that he had further and higher goals waiting for him to conquer.His eyes were full of hope and determination, and he believed that as long as he persisted, he would be able to achieve great things.

Against the backdrop of the setting sun, Lin Hui's figure looked tall and firm.

"Lin Hui, you have won, us!" Jianhua looked at Xu Xin and Shaojie excitedly, "They have all advanced! It's great!"

Everyone had advanced, and Jianhua couldn't contain the excitement at this moment.

"Jianhua, don't get too happy too soon, we still have one last shot!"

Shaojie's words broke the original excitement.

Yes, they know that the real game is coming next!There is a final chase to be had.

"Shaojie, you really can't make us happy without mentioning the pot!" Xu Xin said with disgust.

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(End of this chapter)

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