The big devil in table tennis

Chapter 788 Continue to fight for the championship

"After eating, let's go back! We have to participate in the competition tomorrow!"

Xu Xin was about to leave after saying that. After all, everyone was tired from today's table tennis match and would continue to struggle tomorrow.

"Wait, Xu Xin, so you have to compete tomorrow. If you eat well, how will you perform tomorrow, how will you compete on stage, and what if you make a mistake?" Lin Hui stopped Xu Xin and said.

At the same time, he blinked and gestured towards Jianhua.

Jianhua reacted belatedly and quickly sat down. "Oh! Yes, I don't think I'm full either." He quickly picked up his chopsticks and continued eating. "

After hearing Lin Hui's words, Xu Xin stopped and turned slightly.

There was a smile on her tired face, as if she was a little overwhelmed.

Seeing that Xu Xin was indifferent, Lin Hui turned his attention to Jianhua again.

Jianhua felt Lin Hui's gaze and lowered his head in embarrassment.

He sat down hurriedly, grabbed his chopsticks, and began to fill his stomach quickly regardless of fatigue.

When Shaojie saw this, he couldn't help but grin.

He raised his head and said loudly: "Yeah, let's eat some more before leaving! The food in this restaurant is really delicious!"

After saying that, he picked up another piece of ribs and stuffed it into his mouth.

"Yes, the food here is delicious!" Jianhua agreed.

"Then" Xu Xin looked at the two people and couldn't help but get entangled.

"Okay, let's eat some more!" After Lin Hui finished speaking, he handed a pair of chopsticks to Xu Xin and winked at her.

"Yes, yes, the food here is really delicious!" Jianhua also said.

Xu Xin looked at them. In desperation, Xu Xin had to accept the kindness of the two people and sit down to continue eating.

Seeing that Xu Xin was finally willing to eat, Lin Hui and Jianhua breathed a sigh of relief.

He continued to eat while saying, "Eat more, the food here is so delicious."

"Yes!" Xu Xin lowered her head and responded.

Lin Hui couldn't help but laugh when he saw this.

He looked at Jianhua, who pretended not to see Lin Hui's smile and concentrated on eating.

"Xu Xin, eat this ribs, it tastes good." Shaojie put the ribs into Xu Xin's plate.

"Thank you." Xu Xin smiled, then picked it up and put it in her mouth.

"Xu Xin, try this chicken and beef stew. It's very tender." Lin Hui pushed another plate of beef to Xu Xin's meal and let her try it.

When Xu Xin heard this, she picked up a piece and put it into her mouth.

She was so impressed by the deliciousness of the beef that she couldn't help but give a thumbs up, "Well, it's indeed delicious!"

“If it’s delicious, eat more.”

When Lin Hui saw that Xu Xin liked to eat, a smile of success appeared on his face.

"You should eat some too." After saying that, he picked up a chicken wing and handed it to Xu Xin.

Xu Xin looked at the chicken wings that were handed to her, hesitated for a while, and accepted them.

"Thank you," Xu Xin said and took a bite of the chicken wings, "It's so delicious."

Lin Hui felt happy when he saw Xu Xin's satisfied look. He also followed Xu Xin's example and took a bite of chicken wings. "Hmm, it's delicious." After saying that, he picked up the chicken legs and handed them to In front of Xu Xin, "You should also try this!"

"Yeah!" Xu Xin nodded, picked up the chicken leg and took a bite.

"Lin Hui, don't patronize Xu Xin, you eat too!" Shaojie couldn't help but say something when he saw that Lin Hui had been eating at Xu Xin.

When Lin Hui heard this, he rolled his eyes at Shaojie, "I'm not like you, a foodie."

"Hahahahaha" Shaojie couldn't help laughing after hearing this.

"Okay, you eat your food and don't worry about me." Lin Hui was speechless, but his heart felt sweet. It felt so good to be cared for!
"By the way, Lin Hui, we have been competing these days, and we forgot to tell you that you must be careful! Be more careful." Xu Xin said as if something suddenly occurred to him.

"I know, don't worry, I know this well." After Lin Hui finished speaking, he looked at Shaojie, "Shaojie, Jianhua, what about you, are you confident?"

"Of course, yes! We are mixed doubles!" Shaojie said proudly.

Lin Hui looked at him and couldn't help but shook his head.

Shaojie saw Lin Hui shaking his head and thought he had said something wrong. "You don't believe me, huh!"

"No, how can I not believe you? I just feel that sometimes you should not be too impulsive when doing things. You still have to think everything through clearly." Lin Hui explained patiently.

"That's it, who makes me young! However, I will definitely win this competition!" Shaojie said confidently, "Don't worry!"

Lin Hui smiled helplessly.

As the night fell, four figures sat quietly in the corner of the restaurant, surrounded by soft lights.

While enjoying the delicious food, they talked about the past time and the upcoming table tennis match.

This united team consists of Xu Xin, Shaojie, Lin Hui and Jianhua, and their friendship is saturated with an irresistible sense of joy and mutual understanding.

Memories came to mind, and the laughter of the four people echoed in the night sky.

It seemed like a long time had passed since the last time they had such a good conversation, but the tacit understanding and intimacy seemed to be frozen in time and would never fade away.

In busy days, they found a space to talk to each other through the bond of table tennis. This is also the motivation for them to believe that they can win tomorrow's table tennis championship.

The atmosphere of the restaurant is filled with a quiet and comfortable atmosphere, as if time has frozen at this moment.

Xu Xin frowned slightly, recalling the defeats in the past games. His heart eager to win was ignited at this moment, burning like a flame.

He took a deep breath and stared at the other three people firmly, as if he wanted to convey his determination to everyone.

Lin Hui leaned back in his chair, his eyes sparkling with hope.His seemingly calm eyes contained indescribable perseverance and fighting spirit.

He believes that tomorrow's game will be their opportunity to prove themselves again. Regardless of their previous failures, they will devote themselves to the game with a new attitude and work hard for victory.

Jianhua listened quietly to the words of his companions, with a hint of determination on his immature face.

The passion in his heart surged like a tide. He firmly believed that the power of unity could overcome all difficulties. As long as they worked together, they would be able to defeat tomorrow's table tennis championship.

The four of them trust each other and support each other, and their friendship is elevated to a whole new level at this moment.

Tomorrow's table tennis championship match is destined to become a colorful chapter in their lives. Regardless of victory or defeat, they will face it with tenacity.The restaurant at night was gradually swallowed up by time, and the four people reluctantly left. Facing the challenges of tomorrow, their hearts were full of expectations and desires.

Jianhua's heart is full of expectations and desires for tomorrow's game.They have gone through countless training and competitions, and every failure is their motivation to move forward, and tomorrow's game will be their opportunity to prove themselves again.

He recalled that they had spent many arduous trainings together in the past year, and they had experienced the joy of victory and the pain of failure together.

But no matter what the previous failures were, they never gave up. They believe that as long as they work together and unite, they will be able to defeat tomorrow's table tennis championship.

Jianhua looked at his partners, and the confidence and determination they revealed made him more determined to win.

Shaojie is a tall young man with a hint of childishness on his face. Although he is young, he has outstanding skills. His batting speed and accuracy make people unable to defend.

Liu Xuxin is the only girl in the team. Although she looks weak, she has extraordinary perseverance and skills. Her golf courses are so varied that her opponents can't guess.

As for Lin Hui, he is the heart of the team. His stability and leadership make the entire team more harmonious.

The four of them trust each other and support each other, and their friendship is elevated to a whole new level at this moment.

In the restaurant at night, the four people recalled every bit of the past together, and everyone showed a little emotion.

They have come a long way from strangers at the beginning to their tacit understanding now.

They encourage and support each other, which is their most valuable asset.

Time passed unconsciously, and the restaurant at night was gradually swallowed up by time, and the four people reluctantly left.

Facing tomorrow's challenges, their hearts are full of expectations and desires.

They know that tomorrow's game will be a fierce competition, but they believe that as long as they go all out, victory is within sight.

The next day, the sun was shining on the court, and the first of the four of them to participate in the competition was the mixed doubles between Xu Xin and Shaojie.

At this moment, the two of them were standing on the playing field. Shaojie clenched the racket in his hand with a determined expression on his face. He was determined to win.

He recalled the arduous training he and Xu Xin had when they were on the provincial team, and every sweat and pain was etched in his memory.

They have paid too much for the sport of table tennis, and now it is time to reap the rewards.

At the same time, Xu Xin also looked at Shaojie quietly, her eyes revealing her desire for victory.

She not only hopes to win honors for herself, but also to prove that women can also perform well in the field of table tennis.

She doesn't want to be bound by traditional concepts, and she wants to prove her strength to the world.

Shaojie and Xu Xin looked at the players on the opposite side. They took a deep breath and prepared to face the challenge.

The game started, and the ball flew around the stage and made a crisp sound.

Shaojie moved his body flexibly and caught every ball steadily.His eyes are sharp and focused, and his wrists control the force and angle of every shot.

His table tennis skills were fully utilized in the game, leaving his opponents unable to deal with him.

Xu Xin also showed her strength.

Her shots were accurate and powerful, and every time she hit the ball, she hit it where her opponent couldn't catch it.Her body danced flexibly, like an elegant butterfly, showing her grace on the court.

Shaojie follows Xu Xin's rhythm, and his skills are stable and powerful.

His strikes were fast and accurate, leaving his opponents unable to react.His confidence and calmness instilled endless strength into the entire team.

Shaojie stood in the center of the game, looking around, with a firm light shining in his eyes.

Xu Xin stood beside him, her brows slightly furrowed, her eyes locked on the table tennis racket.

This is the moment when the air condenses in the air.

Shaojie felt the blood surging in his body, and he knew that the two of them had to work harder this time.

Both of them are rookies who were promoted from the provincial team to the national team. Their table tennis talents are extraordinary, but they have never been able to win in the mixed doubles competition.This time, they were determined to break the curse.

Shaojie gripped the handle of the racket tightly, feeling the hard touch between his fingers.

He took a deep breath and felt a burning determination in his heart.They are not only fighting for themselves, but also fighting for the honor of the national team.

Xu Xin stared at Shaojie, her eyes revealing her desire for victory.

Her body is upright and her temperament is resolute, like a cheetah ready to pounce on its prey.

She knows that only through her own efforts can she change her destiny and gain her own glory.

Xu Xin was silent, but her slightly tired face revealed a hint of determination.

Her fingers tapped lightly on the racket handle, and the sound of the racket colliding with the ball echoed in the air, like a high-pitched and passionate music.

Shaojie's ball is sharp and stable, and every shot carries unparalleled power. His body is as flexible as a cheetah, and every return shot is accurate, as if it is an innate instinct.

Xu Xin's ball path is unpredictable, and every shot can bring unexpected effects, catching the opponent off guard.

Their sweat permeates the playing field, and their breath permeates the entire venue.

They constantly adjust their postures, correct their techniques, and meticulously pursue perfection.

They have only one goal, and that is to win glory for the national team by winning the game.

By the middle of the game, their bodies were already soaked with sweat, but their eyes were shining.

Suddenly, "Xu Xin, let's work together to achieve excellent results for the national team!" Shaojie's voice was firm and passionate, as if it was the sound of a battle horn.

Xu Xin nodded slightly, her eyes shining with determination.

"Okay, let's work hard together." Her voice was calm and firm, like a peaceful lake.

Xu Xin smiled slightly, her eyes showing confidence. "We can definitely win."

There was a hint of determination in her voice, as if it was a prophecy of victory.

The opponents on the court lowered their heads and looked at their feeble hands, their hearts filled with endless loss.

Xu Xin and Shaojie's shots exceeded their imagination. They could not imagine that one person could control the game so well.They feel as if their efforts and efforts are in vain.

Seeing this, Xu Xin immediately waved her racket quickly, and the table tennis ball passed through the air like lightning, making a crisp sound.

His eyes are focused and determined, and every swing is full of power and skill.

Shaojie moved his body flexibly, sometimes rushing towards the net quickly, sometimes retreating quickly to provide Xu Xin with the best support.

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