The big devil in table tennis

Chapter 798 The outcome is hard to decide

Chapter 798 The outcome is hard to decide
In the tense and fierce competition at Jianhua's table, the moment the table tennis ball flew towards the opponent, the speed of the ball was dazzling.

The opponent's player showed no signs of shrinking in the face of such ball speed, and his eyes also shone with determination not to admit defeat.

Jianhua held the racket tightly, exerted all his strength, and hit the ball at an astonishing speed.

His eyes revealed his desire to win, and he didn't want his efforts to be in vain.

The ball collided with the racket, making a crisp sound, as if musical notes were jumping in the air, filling the entire court with passion.

The ball flew towards the opponent so fast that it was impossible to react.

The opponent player fought back hard, and the sound of the ball and racket colliding was intertwined, and thunderous applause and cheers rang out again.

The spectators on the court cheered for this fierce game, and their moods rose and fell with every moment of hitting the ball.

Although the scores were chasing each other, Jianhua was still neck and neck with its opponents.

His skills are superb and his technique is unique, and every return shot is full of power and accuracy.

His mentality is stable, he always maintains a calm mind and is not swayed by the pressure of his opponents.

The opponent sensed Jianhua's strong strength and was not to be outdone. He constantly adjusted his tactics and tried his best to resist Jianhua's attacks.

The atmosphere on the court became increasingly tense, with cheers and applause from the audience one after another, seeming to push the entire court to a climax.

At the last moment of the game, Jianhua had his chance.

He used a precise curve ball to break the opponent's defense and put the opponent into a passive position.

At this time, he saw a trace of hesitation in his opponent's eyes, and he knew that victory was right in front of him.

Jianhua launched the final attack without hesitation, and the ball flew toward the opponent so fast that it was difficult to catch.

The opponent tried his best to fight back, but the ball passed by him like a meteor and landed on the stage.

"Score!" the referee's voice sounded, and the whole stadium was boiling.

After Jianhua scored, excited cheers echoed over the stadium.He felt the coming of victory, feeling happy and satisfied.

He realized that as long as he continued to perform well, victory was just around the corner.

As the game continued, a tense atmosphere enveloped the court.

The audience held their breath and watched the game with rapt attention.

This game is crucial for both sides, and victory will bring them one step closer to the championship.

The opponent was not willing to lag behind. He concentrated and fought back with all his strength.

They quickly organized their attack and the ball passed between them at a dizzying speed.

However, Jianhua was unmoved at all. He was as steady as a mountain and held his position unwaveringly.

Every detail on the court becomes clear to his eyes.He saw a trace of anxiety and uneasiness in his opponent's eyes.He knew that this was their desire for victory and their fear of him.

Jianhua decided to launch an attack.He swung his racket and prepared to take action.

The ball drew a gorgeous arc in the air, and the speed was so fast that it was difficult to catch.

The opponent tried his best to fight back, but the ball passed by him like a meteor and landed on the opponent's court.

With only the last game left, he can be said to have won the game for sure.

He felt the joy of victory, but he also knew that he could not take it lightly.

Opponents will not give up easily, they will focus again and fight him with all their strength.

As the game continued, the atmosphere on the court became increasingly tense.

The audience held their breath and watched the development of the game with rapt attention.

Every hit tugged at their heartstrings. They were both amazed by Jianhua's outstanding performance and worried about their opponents' tenacious resistance.

Jianhua felt his heart beat faster.

He took a deep breath, gathered all his mental strength, and prepared to face the final challenge.

Every shot is like a mental battle.

Both sides tried their best and did not give the other side the slightest chance.The atmosphere on the court became more and more tense, and the mood of the audience also rose and fell.

The ball drew a gorgeous arc in the air with a dazzling speed.

Jianhua felt his heart beat faster and his hands trembled slightly.

He knew that this was the most important game in his life and his last chance.

He had no time to hesitate and had no choice but to go all out.

He took a deep breath, gathered all his mental strength, and prepared to face the final challenge.

His eyes were fixed on the table tennis ball, not daring to be distracted for a moment.

Each shot is like a psychological battle. He must react in a very short time and adjust his posture and strength to deal with the opponent's attack.

The atmosphere on the court became more and more tense, and the mood of the audience also rose and fell.

They held their breath and watched the duel between the two players, as if time had stood still.

There was a tense atmosphere on the court, as if the whole world was watching this moment unfold.

Jianhua devoted himself to the game, forgetting the noise and pressure around him, leaving only table tennis and his opponents.

Every shot is like a battle, his brain is constantly running, analyzing the opponent's skills and weaknesses, looking for opportunities to break through.

Jianhua felt that his body had reached its limit, but he still gritted his teeth and refused to give up.

His jersey was soaked with sweat, but he didn't care because he knew that only through his own efforts could he win.

The audience kept exclamating and cheering. They were attracted by this fierce game, as if they themselves were on the court.

Jianhua successfully hit the ball off the table tennis table and he got a goal.

Thunderous applause erupted on the court.

Jianhua was breathing heavily, sweat dripping from his forehead, and he felt that it was not easy to get the ball.

His heartbeat gradually returned to calm, and he stood on the court, looking firmly at the challenges ahead.

The opponent was not to be outdone. Although he lost two games in a row, he did not intend to give up easily.

He adjusted his breathing, held the racket with both hands, and prepared for Jianhua's serve.

The audience also calmed down and looked forward to the next round of exciting showdown.

The referee gave an order and the game continued.

Jianhua's serve flew across the table like a gust of wind. His opponent judged the trajectory of the ball with sharp eyes and responded quickly.

The two players were equally skilled at playing the ball, and they were inseparable from each other.

The atmosphere on the court became increasingly tense, and the cheers of the audience echoed over the court, as if a fierce war was about to break out.

Every subtle movement on the table is magnified, and every moment of hitting the ball is condensed into wonderful photos.Jianhua is fully focused on the game, and his body moves flexibly across the court.

Each of his strokes was played with power and skill, with the ball bouncing across the table and pushing his opponents to their limits.

The opponent was anxious, as he felt like he couldn't keep up with Jianhua's pace.

His counterattack was a little slow, and the ball fell to the front of the net, where it was easily blocked by Jianhua and scored.

The audience burst into applause, while the opponent gritted his teeth silently, determined to continue to recover from the previous defeat.

There was a rush of blood in the opponent's heart. He didn't want to lose to Jianhua. He gripped the racket tightly, all the muscles in his body were tense, and his eyes shone with determination.

He knew this was his last chance and he couldn't miss it.

This time he served, the racket and the table tennis ball became one, and his power exploded on the ball like a thunderous blow.

The ping pong ball flew quickly through the air and cut through the void, while Jianhua received it with all his attention.

Jianhua's eyes were fixed on the trajectory of the table tennis ball, and he could feel the strength and determination of his opponent.

His heart beat faster and his blood boiled, and he was unwilling to lose to his opponent.

He reacted instantly, adjusted his body position flexibly, and swung the racket accurately towards the table tennis ball.

The ball drew a beautiful arc in the air and finally landed on Jianhua's racket.

He hit the ball back hard, and the collision between the ball and the racket made a crisp sound, which seemed to tell the hard work and determination of both parties.

The audience watched the game nervously, their eyes focused on the trajectory of the table tennis ball, as if they could feel the tension and passion between the players on both sides.

The entire competition venue was filled with a tense atmosphere, and the air seemed to be frozen.

Jianhua lost a goal and the score got closer and closer.

He could feel the strength and determination of his opponent, but he had no intention of backing down.

On the contrary, he inspired more inner fighting spirit and determination.

He took a deep breath and concentrated all his strength on the racket.His eyes were firmly fixed on the table tennis ball, and a strong desire surged in his heart. He was eager to win and defeat his opponent.

As the score got closer, the atmosphere in the entire venue became more tense.

The audience's shouts and applause intertwined together, as if performing a magnificent symphony.

Seeing Jianhua's firm gaze, his opponents felt a surge of respect in their hearts.

He understands that this game is not only a contest of skills, but also a contest of wills.

He decided not to hold back anymore, and to compete with Jianhua with his strongest strength.

The rackets of both sides met again, and the ball quickly passed through the air, like a stream of light flying.

The audience's breath froze, they couldn't imagine how the game would end.

Finally, the table tennis ball drew a beautiful arc in the air and landed on Jianhua's racket.

Jianhua hit the ball hard, and the ball quickly flew to the opponent's baseline and made a loud sound after landing.

The opponent took a deep breath and stared at Jianhua in front of him, his eyes shining with determination.

The rackets of both sides met again, and the ball quickly passed through the air, like a stream of light flying.

The sound of his heartbeat echoed throughout the stadium, and the blood surged in his body. He felt the powerful power contained in his body.

His wrist swings flexibly, holding the racket tightly, and his body dodges nimbly and meets the ball nimbly.

Converting the power of the body into the power of the wrist, the racket hits the ball with a speed as fast as the wind.

On the playing field, the table tennis balls were flying in mid-air, dancing like two rapidly rotating butterflies.

The audience watched every rise and fall of the ball as if they themselves were involved.

Their eyes were focused and devoted, their brows slightly furrowed, and they were watching the game with concentration.

Suddenly, Jianhua made a precise hitting sound, and with a bang, the table tennis ball accelerated instantly and flashed through the air like a bolt of lightning.

The sound of the racket and ball colliding echoed in the venue, as if thunder was ringing in the ears of the audience again and again.

The ball kept spinning and changing directions in the air. The two players kept moving and nimbly chasing the table tennis ball, like two cheetahs chasing each other fiercely on the field.

Their eyes revealed their desire for victory, and their faces were full of determination and determination.

Every shot comes with their incredible power and precise control.

The sound of the collision between the balls aroused the passion and joy deep in the hearts of the spectators.

The venue was filled with a strong atmosphere of sweat and excitement, as if the entire space was filled with this fierce competition.

The table tennis balls kept flying in the air, creating a colorful picture.

The postures of both parties are elegant and vigorous, and their fast movements are like a gorgeous symphony.

Their bodies are as tight as bowstrings, and every swing is full of power and intensity, as if they want to hit the ball to the end of the sky.

Their fingers were nimble and fast, dancing and drawing gorgeous arcs in the air.

The audience was captivated by the intense competition, with high emotions and enthusiasm.

They clenched their fists nervously in their seats and shouted excitedly, as if they were sweating with the players on the field.

The atmosphere on the playing field was tense and fierce. Every score triggered cheers and applause from the audience, and a joyful atmosphere filled the venue.

Table tennis balls flew in the air, and the players showed off their strength and skills in a hard-fought contest.

The sweat from their bodies dripped onto the ground, leaving shiny traces.Their eyes revealed exhaustion and persistence, but they still unswervingly pursued the glory of victory.

Every turn of the table tennis ball seems to tell a wonderful story.

The struggle and efforts of the players, the enthusiasm and cheers of the audience, everything is intertwined together to form a unique and beautiful picture.

Then a crisp sound sounded, the score was 8:7
Jianhua was at 7 and was caught up by one point.

A tense atmosphere filled the competition venue, and the audience cheered one after another, as if they were cheering for the players.

Jianhua felt the pressure on the stage and knew that he could no longer lose.

He took a deep breath and stared at the ping pong ball on the table, determined to show his strength and skills again.

The ball is released lightly and flies towards the opposite opponent.While the opponent is preparing to receive the ball, Jianhua has already formulated his tactics in his mind.

The ball left the opponent's racket and quickly returned to Jianhua's side, and he sent the ball again with an easy movement.

The table tennis ball drew an arc in the air and flew towards the opponent's backcourt.The opponent struggled to catch up, but the ball was beyond his reach.

The audience burst into cheers, and Jianhua felt the pressure on his chest lift instantly, and a smile appeared on his face.

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(End of this chapter)

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