The big devil in table tennis

Chapter 807 Unknown outcome

The ball left Jianhua's fingers, streaked through the air, and made a slight whistling sound.

Lin Hui's eyes were fixed on the ball, and his heartbeat accelerated, as if in sync with the speed of the ball.

The ball drew a perfect arc in the air, and then hit the opponent's court hard.

The audience burst into loud cheers and cheered for China.

4:3, Jianhua caught up with Lin Hui by one point.

Jianhua's eyes shone with tenacity.

He took a deep breath and adjusted himself.

The audience's heartbeats gradually increased and their breathing became rapid.

They know that the next game will be more intense, and both players will go all out to compete for the glory of victory.

Time seems to stand still at this moment, every moment becomes extremely precious, and every shot determines the outcome.

The figures of Lin Hui and Jianhua intertwined on the table. Their movements were fast and precise, shuttling between the tables like two bolts of lightning.

The audience held their breath, their eyes fixed on the trajectory of the ball. They could feel the fighting spirit of the players, and they were shocked by the two people's struggle.

Lin Hui and Jianhua's bodies gradually became wet, their clothes clung to their bodies, and moisture filled the air.

Their eyes showed exhaustion, but more importantly, persistence and determination.

Every inch of space on the table is filled with their figures, and every shot they hit is carried with incomparable power and skill, as if they want to drive the ball into the opponent's heart.

Lin Hui felt his physical strength gradually depleted, but he did not give up. On the contrary, his fighting spirit became even stronger.

He took a deep breath, adjusted his breathing and posture, and prepared for the next ball.

The ball bounced off his racket, like a meteor streaking across the night sky, and then landed accurately on the opponent's court.

The audience burst into warm applause, cheering for Lin Hui's outstanding performance.

5:3, Lin Hui won a goal again.

A tired smile appeared on his face, and he knew that he was close to the end of victory.

But he also understands that this game is not over yet and he cannot relax at all.

Jianhua held the racket tightly, his eyes shining with determination.

His heartbeat also seemed to speed up a bit, and his breathing became more rapid.

The racket trembled in Jianhua's hand, and he could feel the accumulation of power. His body was like a spring, ready to explode with maximum power.

The ball left his fingers and sliced ​​through the air with a slight whistling sound.

Lin Hui's eyes were fixed on the ball, and his heartbeat accelerated, as if in sync with the speed of the ball.

The ball drew a perfect arc in the air, and then hit Jianhua's court hard.

Too bad, Jianhua just lost a goal 6:3
However, Jianhua did not give up.Although he knew that he was not as good as Lin Hui, he still had to keep working hard.

The ball landed on Jianhua's racket. He stabilized his rhythm and sent the ball to Lin Hui's eyes.

The moment Lin Hui was about to return the ball, Jianhua keenly caught his slight frown. He understood that this was his chance.

His eyes were firm, and all his strength was concentrated on the table tennis racket in his hand. He quickly counterattacked and hit the ball hard towards Lin Hui.

The ball flew through the air quickly, making a sharp whistling sound, and Lin Hui's body froze in an instant.

Lin Hui had no idea that Jianhua would fight back with such force. His eyes widened, and he reacted quickly.

His whole body burst out with amazing speed, and in the blink of an eye, he had moved to the ball's landing point.

The ball crossed Lin Hui's racket, making a crisp "whoosh" sound, and then flew towards Jianhua at a faster speed.

Jianhua's eyes widened, and all the nerves in his body were tense. He knew he could never miss this opportunity again.

He quickly adjusted his body posture, a firm and steady force surged into his arm, and he swung the racket fiercely.

The ball flew through the air quickly and accurately hit Lin Hui's baseline. Lin Hui was completely unable to react.

The audience was stunned and could not believe what was happening before their eyes.

Jianhua scored! 6:4
The atmosphere on the court erupted instantly, and the audience's warm applause and cheers filled the entire arena.

Winning this goal did not make Jianhua get carried away. On the contrary, it inspired him to have a stronger fighting spirit.

He knew that it would not be easy to defeat Lin Hui, but he would never give up easily.

The smile on his face is more confident, and he is holding the table tennis racket tightly.

Jianhua wants to prove to everyone that he is not just an ordinary player, he has great potential and can defeat any opponent.

Lin Hui looked at Jianhua with respect in his heart.

The atmosphere on the court became tense and intense. The audience's eyes were fixed on the two players, and they seemed to be able to feel the powerful momentum colliding on the court.

Every return shot by Jianhua is full of power and accuracy. He shuttles around the court as nimbly as a cheetah, and every swing carries an intimidating momentum.

The determination and firmness in his eyes seemed to defeat Lin Hui on the table tennis court.

Lin Hui, on the other hand, focused all his attention on the ball, and every return of his ball was precise and swift.

His eyes showed acceptance of the challenge and desire to win.

He knew that Jianhua's strength should not be underestimated, so he did not relax at all and strived for perfection in every move.

The ball flies back and forth on the court, and every collision seems to tear the entire court apart.

The audience was in high spirits, applauding and cheering throughout the arena as they applauded the wonderful performance of the two players.

Time passed by minute by second, and the game entered the most intense stage.

Each score makes the two players more engaged. They constantly adjust their status and tactics and strive to seize every opportunity.

The temperature on the court was getting higher and higher, and sweat dripped down the foreheads of the two players.

Lin Hui began to concentrate. He stared at the ball and focused all his attention on this return.

His body and brain are perfectly coordinated, and every movement seems to be a perfect artistic performance.

The ball was flying in the air and time seemed to stand still.The audience held their breath and nervously awaited the results.

In the end, the ball landed firmly on Jianhua's side, and he brought the score back to 7:4
Lin Hui and Jianhua stood in front of the table tennis table, their eyes shining with firm determination.

Lin Hui relied on his excellent skills to lead by 7 points, while Jianhua only had 4 points, but this did not shake Jianhua's confidence at all.

Jianhua took a deep breath. He knew that this game was a battle in which he had to go all out.Not only did he have to defeat Lin Hui, he also had to defeat him in a beautiful way.

This is not just a game.

The table tennis ball began to spin in Jianhua's hands, and it drew a brilliant arc in the air, like a shining meteor.

Jianhua's skills are like an exquisite painting, with every move showing his skill and passion.

Lin Hui did not dare to be careless. He stared closely at Jianhua's ball, always ready to meet the challenge.

Every catch is a battle, and his movements are vigorous and flexible, like an elegant cheetah.

The atmosphere on the table became increasingly tense. The audience was attracted by this fierce competition. They held their breath and watched every move of the two players intently.

They seemed to be on a huge stage, witnessing the duel between two table tennis masters.

The collision of table tennis balls resounded throughout the venue, and the bouncing balls on the table brought exciting sounds.

The audience seemed to be able to feel the rotation and speed of the ball. Their hearts beat faster, as if they themselves were participating in this fierce battle.

Jianhua was fully focused, and every shot he struck was full of power and deftness.

His eyes revealed his desire for victory, and he knew that he could defeat Lin Hui only by going all out.

Lin Hui is not to be outdone. His skills are superb and every shot is filled with powerful energy.

His eyes sparkled with determination to win, and he would never allow himself to lose to anyone.

Time seemed to have stood still, and the entire venue was filled with a tense atmosphere.

The table tennis ball rotates in the air, as if the fate of the two players is also rotating.Every move they make determines the outcome, and every look in their eyes shows their persistence and hard work.

In this scene, a strong sense of picture fills the eyes of every viewer.

They seemed to be at the scene of this wonderful game, witnessing the emotions of the two players, the surrounding environment and the events that took place.

With a bang, Lin Hui's ball hit the edge of the table accurately, bounced up quickly, and flew towards Jianhua.

Jianhua relied on his keen reaction to reach out and catch the ball.He stared at the delicate ping pong ball, feeling excited and uneasy at the same time.

After this round, Lin Hui occupied 7 points, while Jianhua only had 5 points.

Jianhua knew he was far behind, which made him feel a little frustrated.

He glanced at Lin Hui and found that the other party was concentrating on adjusting his breathing and didn't seem to notice him pulling the ball back.This is an opportunity!
However, Jianhua knew that this was far from enough.

There is still a 2-goal gap between them, which means that he must catch up with Lin Hui to really turn the tide of the game.

Jianhua's heartbeat was loud and rapid. He took a deep breath and gathered all his strength and concentration.

His eyes were fixed on Lin Hui, ready to face the next challenge.

The atmosphere on the court became more tense, like an electric current running through the entire venue.

The audience was attracted by this duel, their hearts beat faster, as if they could feel the speed and power of the ball.

Jianhua swung the racket, and the ball quickly passed through the air, making a whooshing sound.

His wrists are nimble and powerful, and every shot comes with power and precision.

Lin Hui faced Jianhua's pursuit with a trace of nervousness on his face.He knew that he could not be negligent in the slightest, otherwise he would be caught up by Jianhua.

The balls on the table were flying back and forth, intertwining rapidly.

Lin Hui and Jianhua's figures shuttled quickly on the court, their movements as elegant and precise as dancers.

The audience cheered one after another, cheering for their favorite players.

The whole stadium seemed to be boiling, full of tension and excitement.

The eyes of Lin Hui and Jianhua both shone with firmness and determination.

They constantly adjust their rhythm and tactics, trying to find each other's weaknesses.

Every shot is a combination of their mind and strength, and every greeting is their ultimate pursuit of technology.

Time passed in this fierce duel, and Lin Hui's score gradually approached victory.

Jianhua felt the pressure increasing, but he did not give up.He knew that only by persisting could he possibly counterattack.

The balls on the table shuttled rapidly, as if breaking the boundaries of time and space.

Every hit is accompanied by a bang-bang sound, which is exciting.

Both Lin Hui and Jianhua devoted themselves to this duel. They forgot everything around them and only focused on the table and opponents in front of them.Their sweat splashed in the air, and their heartbeats seemed to become a moving symphony.

The scores of Lin Hui and Jianhua are exactly one ping pong ball apart.This ball, like the thread of fate, tightly connects the two people and makes their eyes intertwined.

Jianhua bit his lower lip tightly, his hands trembling slightly.

He could feel the strength and determination surging within him.He must catch up with Lin Hui and reverse the situation of the game.

Lin Hui stared at Jianhua intently, and he could feel Jianhua's firmness and determination.

He knows that this is a battle of victory and defeat, and only the strongest will can stand out in this duel.

Their eyes met in the air, their heartbeats echoing between each other.The entire stadium fell silent, leaving only the duel between them.

Lin Hui and Jianhua's skills reached their peak.Each shot is accompanied by great power and precise angles, as if to demonstrate their endless talent and skill.

The spectators' eyes were glued to the table, their hearts pounding with every stroke.

They felt the fierce duel between Lin Hui and Jianhua. They seemed to be in the game and fought hard with the players.

The game continued, with the figures of Lin Hui and his opponent intertwined on the table, and the table tennis balls flying in the air like two burning fires.

Each of their strikes was full of power and speed, as if it could tear the air and bring about a gust of wind.

This is a contest of strength and skill, and their eyes reveal endless fighting spirit and persistence.In this fierce battle, they showed their best side and fought hard for victory.

The score was tied again, 7:7.The atmosphere on the field became more and more tense, as if the air had solidified.

The audience held their breath and stared at everything on the stage, as if their eyes could affect the outcome of the game.

This is an immortal contest. The two will use their strength and perseverance to write a new chapter in the history of table tennis.Victory only belongs to the one who can persevere until the end, and they will all go all out to fight for victory.

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(End of this chapter)

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