The big devil in table tennis

Chapter 840 European Cup Match

In the following time, everyone practiced seriously, sweat was pouring on their foreheads, and every movement was considered and tempered repeatedly.

Lin Hui's physical flexibility has been greatly improved, his footwork is smooth and powerful, and every swing is full of power and accuracy.

Xu Xin's sense of the ball is getting sharper and sharper, and her reaction speed has reached an astonishing level.

She can quickly adjust her position and hit the ball back to the opposite side.Jianhua's serving skills are more proficient. Her timing of serving is almost without delay. Every time the ball flies over the net with a bang, leaving her opponent helpless.

Shaojie's smashes became more and more powerful. Every hit was like a bolt of lightning piercing the sky, and the speed was dizzying.

After this intense and fulfilling training day, the long-awaited European Cup table tennis match finally came.

"Lin Hui, are you ready this time? Seeing how confident you are," Jianhua said to Lin Hui boredly while sitting on the plane.

"Aren't you ready? I saw that you are very serious when practicing table tennis!"

During this period of time, Jianhua has been practicing hard, but he is no worse than him!

Hearing what Lin Hui said, Jianhua laughed.

Jianhua practiced so hard during this period just because he wanted to meet Han Yun and tell Han Yun personally that he would definitely get a ranking in table tennis.

How could Lin Hui not know about Jianhua's careful thoughts?

But for Jianhua, Lin Hui also hopes that Jianhua can have a good result with Han Yun.

Of course, it would be better if Jianhua and Han Yun were really together.

"Li Yu went to play with Han Yun in advance. I don't know if they will pick us up!"

Lin Hui was deliberately talking about Han Yun to Jianhua.

He was looking to see if Jianhua would react. Unexpectedly, Jianhua suddenly stared at him and asked, "Has Li Yu gone already? I asked why I didn't see Li Yu today. It turns out that she had already gone in advance!"

Lin Hui was disappointed when he heard what Jianhua said.

But it didn't affect him as he continued to talk to Jianhua, "Jianhua, this time Han Yun and Li Yu came to see our performance in the European Cup table tennis department. We have to perform well when we are down. Especially Jianhua, you must perform well in front of Han Yun." Show it!"

When Jianhua heard this, he couldn't help but frowned, "You guy, am I going to the European Cup table tennis competition to have fun? That is the European Cup table tennis competition, which happens only once every four years. No matter who is standing on the field, I will work hard!"

Lin Hui never let Jianhua say what he said and looked out the window with some disappointment.

One cloud after another floated past. Although he had participated in foreign competitions many times, this was the first time he really looked at the scene outside like this!
However, when they go to Europe to compete, they have to go around the world.

Lin Hui looked out the window, couldn't help but feel sleepy, and began to fall asleep.

This time I felt like I slept for a long, long time.

Lin Hui finally came to his senses when he heard the staff on the plane asking if they wanted burgers or rice.

Similar to him is Jianhua, who like Lin Hui obviously fell asleep while working in boats and carriages.

Lin Hui raised his head and said politely, "Rice!"

The dazed Jianhua also woke up, "Say the same as him!"

"I fell asleep before I knew it. It was a really long sleep," Jianhua said to Lin Hui!

"Yes, and I had a very good dream this time!"

Lin Hui deliberately told Jianhua that this was actually a beautiful dream he had!
But saying this also aroused Jianhua's curiosity. "Lin Hui, what kind of dream did you have? Tell me about it?"

When Lin Hui heard Jianhua's question, the corners of his mouth tilted upward slightly.

Knowing that Jianhua was taking the bait, he said to him, "I dreamed that you and Han Yun were holding hands tightly together. She was celebrating that you got it, got it. It seemed like I didn't know how much I got. name, in short, I got a certain result and was woken up,"

Lin Hui said a little disappointed.

Obviously Lin Hui knew that this was deliberately made up. He just wanted to motivate Jianhua and see Jianhua's attitude.

And I also hope that Jianhua will get a certain ranking in this European Cup.

Jianhua knew about this competition, but he had worked hard, but could he get a certain ranking in this competition?He is still a little unsure!

But one thing is certain, Jianhua was full of confidence when he heard what Lin Hui said!

Then Lin Hui continued, "The Han Yun in my dream is celebrating you. I don't know how Han Yun has been doing recently. Has she changed in any way?"

Lin Hui intentionally or unintentionally turned the topic around Han Yun, but it was true that he hadn't seen Han Yun for a long time, and he didn't know if Han Yun had changed from before.

"No matter how Han Yun changes, he will still be the same Han Yun as before." In Jianhua's heart, he thinks Han Yun is still so beautiful and kind!

Even if there is a change, it will be better than before!
However, when Lin Hui heard what Jianhua said, he felt much relieved!

At the same time, time passed so fast. In the blink of an eye, their plane had already begun to land.

The moment they landed, Coach Wu led everyone to leave the airport in an orderly manner.

When they got out of the airport, Lin Hui and Jianhua kept looking around, but Xu Xin and Shaojie on the side saw it!
"What are you two looking at? You are so fascinated!"

Shaojie's words reminded Lin Hui.

"Li Yu and Han Yun said they came to watch our game, and they came in advance. Why were they nowhere to be seen??"

Lin Hui said anxiously.

"Lin Hui, are you too anxious? Do they know what time your flight is? Besides, have you told them?"

Hearing what Xu Xin said, Lin Hui kept shaking his head.In fact, Li Yu and Han Yun had already started talking to each other!

"Sister Li Yu, the two of us want to see some of the delicious food and beautiful scenery in Europe!"

Han Yun and Li Yu were walking on the streets of Europe, looking at the dazzling array of products, which made them overwhelmed.This is something that is not available in the country!

"Han Yun, you are the same. I said I would go see you. You said you came here and I don't know how you are living abroad? But to be honest, you look different from before. At least it’s much more fashionable than before!”

Li Yu looked at Han Yun's dress, which was different from before. At that time, Han Yun was dressed like a wild girl in the countryside. Now she is not only very fashionable, but also like a female star.

Sure enough, a man relies on his clothes and a horse relies on his saddle. It’s so beautiful! !

"Sister Li Yu, what are you talking about? How can I dress up as well as you? Besides, my mother bought this for me. Ever since I came abroad, she was afraid that I would not be used to the food here and that I would not be comfortable in my clothes. , buy me any good clothes you have!"

After Han Yunzhong came abroad with her parents, she let him receive the best education here, and at the same time bought her a lot of beautiful clothes!
The clothes he is wearing today are the clothes her mother gave her!

"It's great to hear you say that!" In the past, Li Yu always looked sad when he saw Han Yun, thinking about finding his relatives.

Now, Han Yun has found her relatives, but there is always a smile on her face. This is what she has always wanted to see!
"Sister Li Yu, I never thought that I could find my biological parents before. Now that I have found them, they are very good to me. I really never thought that I would still have such a day!"

Han Yuyun has known her parents since they met.

Life has changed dramatically, which makes you say she feels very contented.

As a result, Li Yu suddenly asked her, "Brother Jianhua, is there still a possibility between you two?"

Li Yu suddenly asked Han Yun this question, which made Han Yun feel that he was not wrong.

He even tried to escape by saying, "Sister Li Yu, I'm hungry. I saw that restaurant is good. Let's go in and have something to eat!"

Seeing you Han Yun deliberately avoiding him, you know that there is still a gap between her and Jianhua.

However, Li Yun did not continue to ask. Instead, he smiled and said, "Okay, I just happen to be hungry. This is Western food. Are you used to it?"

"At the beginning, I was not used to it. I still miss our domestic food. But in order to survive, I have to adapt to the life here." Han Yun chuckled. "Now I can accept it. It's okay to eat like this a few times now." !”

Li Yu felt very relieved to hear what Han Yun said?

It’s really rare to see Han Yun change so much!
She was really happy for Han Yun, especially when she saw that Han Yun's speech and attitude were different from before, and there had been earth-shaking changes!
It seems that if a child has parents, someone will love it!

After entering the Western restaurant, you are surprised to hear Han Yun speak English like this!
"Did you speak so eloquently?" Hearing what Li Yu said, Han Yu smiled. "Sister Li Yu, do you speak English? When I was at home, my mother hired an English teacher for me. I didn't want to learn it, and I didn't want to learn it. It’s possible!”

Li Yun watched the Korean language change bit by bit. If Brother Jianhua saw Han Yun like this, he probably wouldn't recognize him!
"Sister Li Yu, what are you doing, eating?"

I don't know when the steak was on the table. Han Yun was chewing it slowly, while Li Yu was staring in a daze.

After hearing Han Yun greet him, he immediately came back to his senses and said, "Okay! Okay!"

After eating this meal, you will feel that Han Yun is different from before.
"That's right, you're right, Han Yun, will your family agree to your coming out this time?"

Li Yu felt that Han Yun's parents were very good to him. How could he let her leave their side so quickly?
"Of course I don't agree. I left a note and ran out secretly. If they knew that I came to watch Brother Jianhua's table tennis match, how could they let me watch?!"

Hearing what Han Yun said, Li Yu couldn't help but frowned, "Then you should persuade them to agree. If you leave without saying goodbye, they will be worried!"

"Don't worry, Sister Li Yu, they are so kind to me, and I also left them a note. They will be relieved when they know that I am watching the table tennis match with you!"

"Are you suing them to go to the game with me?" What did Li Yu say when he heard Han Yun say?A look of shock!

"Yes, Sister Li Yu, is there any problem?"

It was obvious that Han Yun was using her as support. It seemed that Han Yun was no longer what he used to be!

In just a short period of time, Li Yu was really impressed.

If Brother Jianhua and Brother Lin Hui saw it, they wouldn't be stunned, right?

"No, it's no problem, as long as uncle and aunt don't worry!"

Li Liyu could only say this. Since Han Yu had come to watch the game, she could only try her best to take good care of Han Yun!
"Yes, that's right, Sister Li Yu, let's go shopping after eating. I haven't gone shopping for a long time!"

Han Yun spoke coquettishly to Li Yu, but when Li Yu saw her like this, his eyes were as crooked as a full moon.

"Okay, whatever you want to buy, I will buy it with you!"

The happiest thing for two girls is that they can go shopping together, eat delicious food together, and do their own fun things together.

Just like Han Yun and Li Yu now, they not only saw the beautiful scenery, but also ate delicious food, and also wanted to go shopping and buy some things!
"Sister Li Yu, can you give this to Brother Jianhua?" At some point, Han Yun picked up the table tennis racket and brought it to Li Yu.

"Would you like to give Brother Jianhua a table tennis racket? That's great, yes!"

When he saw this table tennis racket, Li Yu agreed very much.

"Sister Li Yu, why don't you give one to Brother Lin Hui? I saw this table tennis racket coming out of this factory. It's very good!"

When Han Yun looked at the table tennis racket, she thought that Brother Jianhua still used his old table tennis racket, so she thought that one day she could give Brother Jianhua the best table tennis racket in the world, but today she suddenly saw it here, I think this table tennis racket is very suitable, as if it was tailor-made for Brother Jianhua!
"No, Brother Lin Hui likes to use his old table tennis racket!"

Li Yu knew that since she and Brother Lin Hui met, Brother Lin Hui couldn't put it down. If he bought a table tennis racket for Brother Lin Hui, Brother Lin Hui might not only not be able to use it, but also blame her!
Instead of doing this, it would be better to let Han Yun give it to Jianhua, and Brother Jianhua also accepts a favor from Han Yun!
"Okay, then Sister Li Yu, I bought it!" Han Yun looked at the table tennis racket, turned to the sales staff and said, "How much does it cost?"

When Li Yu heard the price mentioned by the salesperson, she was shocked.

Han Yun used to be reluctant to buy such expensive things, but now she buys table tennis rackets for tens of thousands of yuan without blinking an eye!

(ps: Ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a reward, pass by, please leave your little feet, the author is very grateful here, let the author know that he is not alone, be a lonely person, thank you!) . (end of this chapter)

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