The big devil in table tennis

Chapter 843 Pre-match preparation

The next day, the long-awaited European Cup game began.

Several of them started doing warm-up exercises, especially Jianhua, who was extremely nervous.

Coach Wu came over and told everyone the rules before the game, "The current European Cup competition is for the top players from each country. Although they have been competing in the market for a long time, there are also times when they make mistakes. Player A who is said to be Pickle Fruit is good at is a long ball, we can take advantage of its shortcomings and attack with short balls! There is also player b from the island country. Although he is almost perfect, he cannot play a long game! If your opponent is him, you can Have a tug-of-war with him..."

Coach Wu told several of them about the weaknesses of athletes from other countries.

Although everyone had listened very carefully, they were so nervous that they could only listen at a loss.

Just kept nodding.

The coach began to give instructions to each of them, first to Lin Hui, "Lin Hui, you are the most reassuring to me when I play basketball. Just do your best!"

"Okay! Coach!" Lin Hui nodded and said.

The coach walked up to Jianhua and said, "Jianhua, there is no problem with your playing skills, but the only thing is that you have to believe that you can do it, you know?!"

It is true that Jianhua has never been confident in playing, and this time is no exception. He came to such a big game.

Even more nervous!
"Got it! Coach!" Jianhua said timidly.

The coach could see Jianhua's worries and patted Jianhua's shoulders tightly with a pair of big hands.

Then they came to Xu Xin and Shaojie, "As long as the two of you cooperate with each other tacitly, there will definitely be no problem. Just bring out your usual performance, you know?"

"I know, coach!" Xu Xin and Shaojie said in unison.

After Coach Wu finished giving instructions to everyone, he left, leaving the four of them alone.

Lin Hui was relatively relaxed and not as nervous as Jianhua. After all, he had often seen such big scenes.

The purpose of Shaojie and Xu Xin is to move to higher places and constantly challenge themselves, so they don't have any psychological pressure.

Jianhua, on the other hand, looked worried, and anyone could see his sadness written on his face.

"Jianhua, what's wrong with you?" Xu Xin saw Jianhua's sadness and asked him!

"Yes, Jianhua, there is nothing to worry about. Just be fine on the court. We are all the same off the court!" Shaojie came up and comforted Jianhua.

But how did Jianhua express his feelings? In short, he was not very optimistic.

He was so nervous!

"Jianhua, didn't you hear what the coach said just now? He said that you have no technical problems, you just have to believe that you can do it, you know?"

Lin Hui thought of what the coach said and spoke to Jianhua again.

Jianhua could only remain silent.

But in order not to affect everyone's mood, Jianhua immediately changed his eyes and raised his head firmly, "Okay, I understand, you don't have to worry about me anymore!"

Looking at Jianhua's eyes, Lin Hui, Shaojie, and Xu Xin began to stop worrying about him.

"Let's go watch the game!" Xu Xin suggested.

Now the competition has started, but it is two teams from abroad.

"Okay, let's go and take a look. Only by knowing ourselves and our enemies can we fight without danger!"

Lin Hui said and started walking forward.

Everyone came to the stands and they watched the table tennis match on the stage.

Although the players in the game are from different countries, they still enjoy watching it in the stands.

"I didn't expect that their playing skills are very good!"

Xu Xin said to Shaojie on the side while watching the competition on the stage!

"Yes, the game has just started? I found that the opening was so exciting. If the next game is played, it will be a duel between masters, right?"

Shaojie watched the table tennis balls on the stage flying sometimes and flying in the air, and the angle and force of the ball were somewhat different from theirs!
It can be seen that foreign athletes are still different from domestic athletes.

Even the other athletes were stunned.

No wonder the coach asked them to find some flaws in them, it turned out to be this.

"Xu Xin, have you ever seen that when the two of them are playing, one of them is eager for success, while the other is playing steadily and steadily. Obviously, it can be seen that the more complete and steady person has a better chance of winning!"

"How do you know that person won't win? I don't think you can tell for sure. It's just a tactic they use to play!"

Xu Xin holds a different view!
Lin Hui, who heard their conversation, turned around and said to Xu Xin and Shaojie, "It doesn't mean anything at the beginning, because until the last moment, no one will ever know who they are and who will win!"

"Lin Hui is wrong to say this. We only know when we are prophets. How can we let it go if we know later!?"

"Shaojie, do you think you are playing poker? Before you know it, this is a table tennis match!" When Xu Xin heard what Shaojie said, she couldn't help but say to him!

"I'm just!" Shaojie wanted to argue, but was directly interrupted by Xu Xin. "Okay, Shaojie, stop talking and watch the ball carefully. This ball is different from the previous balls!"

He saw two people on the stage with the same ability, both very strong, and he felt that the two athletes above had something they could learn!

And after Lin Hui finished speaking, he looked at Jianhua. Jianhua was looking straight ahead!

Looking very seriously, Lin Hui started to face Jianhua and asked, "Lin Hui, can you see anything from their ball?"

Hearing Lin Hui ask him, Jianhua looked at the competition on the stage and said, "Lin Hui, you see, at the beginning, the athlete played very steadily. But the other athlete played very quickly, and it can be seen that the two athletes Their personalities are different, but if you take a closer look, the athlete who plays fast is full of confidence, and his strength is not weak. On the other hand, the reason why another athlete plays very steadily is because he He doesn’t have much confidence, so he never dares to make any mistakes!”

Jianhua watched the game on the stage, especially the steady athlete, which reminded him of himself. He is like this, because he does not have a lot of confidence, so he does not dare to make any mistakes. Every time he hits a ball, he is very Be cautious!
But all this was seen by Lin Hui: "Jianhua, how come you have such a high level of consciousness?"

"Because I think the player who plays more steadily is very similar to me! Sometimes I don't have the confidence to play, so I think too much and don't dare to make any mistakes, while the player opposite me A famous athlete is different. He is not afraid of failure, let alone missing something. He is just like Lin Hui, he seems to be constantly challenging himself and others!"

What Jianhua said deeply reflected in Lin Hui's heart.

yes!Although the athlete on the stage is very impatient, it can be seen that his skills are still very good. As Jianhua said, he is not afraid of failure. He just wants to challenge himself, so he will move forward without hesitation. .

And the other athlete shrank because of timidity and fear!
"Jianhua, yes! But you shouldn't be like him. What kind of situation will you encounter in everything? Don't be like him. You should break through yourself. Maybe you can get results if you rush forward without hesitation. You are often willing to The more you care, the more mistakes you will make!”

It made sense to hear what Lin Hui said, but Jianhua felt that he couldn't help himself when he was standing on the stage competing.

Because he is still afraid of failure and missing out!
"Lin Hui, it's not that I don't want to, it's that I don't dare to lose! If I were more casual, I wouldn't have the chance to participate in this game, so I can only keep myself awake at all times, let alone let myself have too many Mistake!"

Hearing what Jianhua said, Lin Hui couldn't help but frowned. How could this be a game?This is obviously a problem for myself.

"Jianhua, it's wrong for you to think that way. You have to understand that on the playing field, we lose and we win. Even if we lose, we still have to show our heroic spirit. Even if we win, we don't Be proud, winning today does not mean winning tomorrow!”

"Lin Hui, why don't I understand what you said? But I dare not say that I am different from you. You already have the foundation of a championship, and I have nothing now, so I dare not let myself have too much I don’t dare to take a chance if I make mistakes, I can only accurately judge the opponent’s ball and make my own shots more accurate!”

Jianhua's words made Lin Hui feel a little incredible. Do all table tennis players think like Jianhua?

If so, if you don’t break through yourself, I’m afraid it will be difficult to succeed!

This is why they were eliminated midway, or why they missed the final championship.

Lin Hui also wanted to try to enlighten Jianhua!
"Jianhua, you are right to think so, but how can there be no failure on the way to success? You know that you will fail, why don't you let yourself go and take a chance. What if you succeed? Compared with the probability of our failure and the probability of success, then But there is a big difference. Besides, when Edison made the light bulb, he failed many times before he finally succeeded. So we must dare to challenge failure so that we can face success bravely. Do you know? Jianhua"

Lin Hui glared at Jianhua fiercely, wanting Jianhua to tell him that he understood!

But, what about Jianhua?I had the same thought as before, "Lin Hui, I understand what you said, but when I get to the competition field, I can't help myself. To be precise, I will instinctively make actions to protect myself. I don’t even dare to fight!”

Lin Hui understood this time that it was not that Jianhua was unwilling to fight, but that he had always had this obstacle in his heart. He felt that he would not succeed in making a breakthrough, so he did not dare to work hard forward.

"Jianhua's life will always put himself to death, and later in life, sometimes failure can make people reborn from despair! When I competed before! I thought I had already lost, but my inner thoughts kept telling myself that I can Yes, I have no problem. The more this happens, the more I have to get up from those failures and face those problems. But the one I succeeded in, I feel that all the hard work I have gone through is worth it. of!"

Lin Hui thought of what happened in the past. He had experienced it. All this was not a hardship for him, but an experience.

But he just came over and gave him a new lease of life!

"Lin Hui, I understand what you said. I try my best to become like you, but I don't think I may succeed!"

Jianhua tried to do what Lin Hui said, but could he succeed?Will he inspire this desire in himself when he has to watch the game?Or the right to decide!
"Don't be anxious. When Jianhua first started, it was inevitable that there would be some processes that were difficult for him to accept. However, as long as you have this idea and this motivation now, you must put yourself in danger and survive during the game. Never give up, let alone believe that you can’t do it, you must believe that you are the best, even if you lose, you must lose beautifully, you know?!”

Hearing what Lin Hui said, Jianhua nodded.

Then they looked at the two players playing on the stage.people
I found that the two people on the stage were exactly as Jianhua said.

The more technical player at the beginning started to show off his amazing performance, while the steady player behind him started to feel a little frightened.

It is conceivable that his skills are not up to par.

It is true that as Jianhua just said, he is so nervous because he dare not say that he cannot say.

But the more he does this, the more he puts himself in a passive situation, and the more others see his flaws!

"Jianhua, it's really what you said just now. This means you are really good at predicting things!"

The reason why Lin Hui is so exaggerated is because he just wants to give Jianhua some courage and let him know that he will risk his life and survive, otherwise he will be beaten!
"So, there is a reason for his failure. It is because he cannot let go, which will lead to mistakes!"

Why doesn't Jianhua understand?Because his playing style is exactly the same as him!
"Then Jianhua, are you going to continue to play like this? Aren't you going to make changes?!"

Lin Hui tentatively asked Jianhua again.

"Of course I want to try to change this embarrassing situation and try my best to break through myself. After all, who doesn't want to win the championship? It's a very difficult road for us to walk on!"

It seems that Jianhua still wants to actively work hard to climb up. Lin Hui can be sure of this. As long as he has such an idea, he is not afraid that he will not succeed in the future.

As long as Jianhua can actively work hard to defeat himself, I believe that Lin Hui will be able to see Jianhua's success in the near future!

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(End of this chapter)

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