The big devil in table tennis

Chapter 846 Watching the Game

Two athletes on the stage, the ball in their hands made a thumping sound.

The audience below watched very seriously, guessing who would win the final victory.

Jianhua has always hoped that the athlete who is sitting firmly will win this game.

And then it was unsatisfactory, but this athlete failed in this competition?
He let out a long sigh.

Lin Hui heard the sigh and couldn't help but look at

Especially seeing Jianhua looking down and out.

Lin Hui couldn't help but ask, "Jianhua, are you a little disappointed?"

Jianhua was not only disappointed, he even felt that this was his fate.

If he was the one on stage, this would happen from time to time.

Jianhua shook his head, "Jianhua, I think what you just said is right, because I always thought that if I kept working hard like this, I might succeed, but I found that it didn't happen at all. It seems that I really should learn the lesson you just taught me. !”

Jianhua once said that as long as this athlete is willing to work hard, he may succeed in this competition, but the results are already obvious.

He really tried very hard to win this game just now.

In the end, it’s not a loss.

If it were Jianhua, if he played like this, he might lose.

"Jianhua, you don't need to pay too much attention. This is not your fight, and if you see his shortcomings, you will slowly discover your own shortcomings while playing, and then correct them. Isn't that what you did this time? Is it good? You discovered your shortcomings through the game just now, and you will be able to solve them in the next game!"

Lin Hui was persuading Jianhua, and at the same time he was talking to himself!

Because he also keeps moving forward through the failures of others.

"But we are different. The more stable athlete's style of play is really similar to mine. After all, I also like this style of play, but I can't do it! I can't win either!"

As Jianhua talked, he became distressed!

"There's nothing you can't do, as long as you want to do it. Haven't you already discovered your shortcomings when you were playing? Have you discovered your shortcomings? You can slowly improve in the future. Isn't this enough? In the past, you But there is no such progress!”

Lin Hui thought that this was not the case before joining Jianhua. When he encountered problems, he would always regress and escape. Now, Jianhua is much better than before. It can even be said that Jianhua is determined to make changes!

Lin Hui tried his best to comfort Jianhua, just to prevent him from feeling too much pressure.

Suddenly, the game was over for Shaojie and the two of them, and they were still sitting there.

He couldn't help but start asking, "Aren't you going out? The game will start soon! Let's go out and get some fresh air."

Lin Hui Jianzhuang said to Jianhua, "Don't think so much, just let everything take its course!"

Lin Hui felt that if Jianhua kept thinking about this matter, he would get into trouble. It would be better to take Jianhua out for a walk and feel better.

In the end, Jianhua seemed reluctant.

"Jianhua, let's go. What are you thinking about here? It's not our competition. Let's understand our shortcomings and then look at our own shortcomings and just improve!"

"And is there anything you can't say in a different place?"

After Shaojie finished speaking, he started to walk forward, while Lin Hui stood up and waited for Jianhua to follow them out.

Lin Hui thought Jianhua wouldn't know it, but he didn't expect Jianhua to follow them.

Jianhua saw the two athletes competing on the stage just now. How could they lose like this?He thought he would always win, but he lost so mysteriously, which made him wonder if it would be the same if it were him.
Then didn’t he lose this competition?

When thinking of this, Jianhua couldn't help but stand up and follow them.

And Lin Hui patted Jianhua's shoulders with a pair of big hands, "Jianhua, don't think so much. We will watch the next game in a while. It may be much better than this game!"

They not only come here to participate in the game, but also come here to watch the game and want to learn their style of play.

After a brief stay outside, they returned to the game site.

The scene was a bit chaotic and the sound was very noisy.

However, not long after, a whistle sounded and everyone began to become quiet.

Now two athletes have taken the field, two foreign athletes.

They are tall, well built and look very strong.

And one has blond hair and the other has white hair. It’s easy to tell them apart!
The eyes that looked at the two of them were shining at the beginning.It seemed like he was going to crush the opponent half to death.

Lin Hui also saw the anger of the two of them from their eyes!
Before, during the table tennis match, Lin Hui's eyes were like the two of them looking at each other, but it was not like the two of them had deep resentment.

The game started soon. At the beginning, I was very unfamiliar with the opponent's playing style, so I started to tentatively understand the opponent's playing style!
After slowly beating each other for a few minutes, they began to become more proficient and sped up.

Soon the ping pong balls were flying back and forth on the tables on both sides of them!
Lin Hui couldn't help but say, "Xu Xin and Shaojie, you two like to play like this."

The two of them were playing mixed doubles, which relied entirely on speed and skill.

If you play slowly, you may be accidentally lost by the opponent. "Lin Hui, Shaojie and I are going to hit this kind of fast ball. If we hit it slowly, the opponent may take advantage of the loophole, so we can only practice this kind of fast ball!"

He and Shaojie have always relied on speed. When the opponent attacks, they not only have to have quick eyes, but also have quick hands to react quickly and attack the opponent. If they slow down, they will miss.

"But Xu Xin, to be honest, I think this kind of fast ball will also test your endurance very much!"

Lin Hui imagined that when Xu Xin and Shaojie were playing ball, the table tennis balls were spinning rapidly back and forth in their hands.

The strength of their hands must be just right to push the ping pong ball out quickly.

"You know, I don't know how well Shaojie and I understand each other when we practice football. Whenever one of us is slow, it will affect the other. And when the speed is fast, it will affect the other." There is a sudden soreness in the arm. Although we often play ball, this soreness is caused by the fast speed!"

Xu Xin thought of when he was practicing playing and just started playing table tennis. She would have thought that it was because she liked table tennis that she gradually fell in love with it, but then she found that she wanted to improve in the field of table tennis.

Slowly she joined the provincial team, but found that it was not as simple as she imagined.

And she eats a lot in table tennis. Others go to bed at [-] or [-] a.m., but she needs to sleep at [-] or [-] a.m. because she is the coach’s daughter, and I will make everyone laugh if she plays poorly, so in order not to give it to her My father is so embarrassed that he has no time to practice!
Only she herself can understand the pain!

"It seems that sometimes fastball has its drawbacks!" Lin Hui looked at the two people playing table tennis on the stage.

Everyone has their own shortcomings. The shortcoming of this kind of ball is that it suddenly makes your hands feel so twitching!
"Yes, Lin Hui, what do you think? Don't we table tennis players win from countless hardships? Besides, how can we win without suffering? Only we know the difficulty and hardship along the way. Naturally, the higher you go to the top, the harder it becomes!”

When Xu Xin makes a mistake in the game, she will think of what she has paid in the past, and then slowly start to work hard to hit the best shot.

When she has this kind of willpower in her heart, she will find that she will always exceed her expectations every time, and it is precisely this that makes him slowly get closer and closer to the championship!
"What are you two talking about? Chirping," Shaojiezi was watching the competition on the stage when he heard Xu Xin and Lin Hui mumbling, not knowing what to say!
"What can the two of us say? Can't we just say that the game on stage is the same as when we played before? What we practice is to be fast!"

Xu Xin said to Shaojie without any secret!
"Yes, our two-ball game relies entirely on speed. If one person slows down, it may affect the other person. Don't you know this, Lin Hui?"

Shaojie's words made Lin Hui stunned, and he said very seriously, "Indeed, I don't know much, because I am playing men's singles, and you two are playing mixed doubles. As for you two, what's wrong with you two?" Don’t you understand how to cooperate?”

Hearing that Lin Hui didn't quite understand, Shaojie finally had the opportunity to explain to Lin Hui, "Actually, I'm telling you Lin Hui, mixed doubles and men's singles are the same. The only thing is that Xu Xin and I must have a tacit understanding. Yes, he hits to the left and I hit to the right. The two of us can't be one second faster or slower! We can only hit the ball just right."

In the past, when Shaojie and Xu Xin first started practicing mixed doubles, their tacit understanding was quite low, which could be said to be less than 10%. Gradually, as they explored and trained, they no longer understood each other. After mastering certain skills, it started to become more than 90%. It can be said that the level of tacit understanding is quite high!
"So that's what happened. It seems to be much more complicated than our men's singles. We just play by ourselves, and the two of you need to work together. Any slight mistake may affect the overall situation!" Lin Hui Speaking to Xu Xin and Shaojie!

"Yes, Lin Hui, the two of us are in mixed doubles. The most important thing in mixed doubles is to have such a tacit understanding. If two people are affected by other personal reasons, the game may be ruined!"

Lin Hui knows this. As long as they have some mood factors when playing table tennis, or other factors, table tennis will become a burden, and it will even change according to their mood when playing. Gotta calm down.

"Actually, it's the same when you play alone. Sometimes it's more difficult. In short, each has its own strengths and weaknesses!" Xu Xin couldn't help but say as she watched the two of them discussing here. !

"Actually, there are no strengths. It's just that practice makes perfect. Learn from previous failures, once or twice, and then slowly gain victory from the failures. But unlike you, we are slowly gaining success." It’s fumbling, but you guys need to have a tacit understanding to fight!”

Lin Hui knows that when they play, they only need to make themselves invincible.

But Xu Xin and Shao Shaojie are different. They need a tacit understanding to win the final victory!

After saying this, Lin Hui turned his attention to the stage. At this moment, the two athletes were still playing ball back and forth.

At the beginning, the speed was extremely fast, but then it slowly slowed down. It can be seen that the two people have discovered that playing fast balls will affect them, and the game ended quickly.

Then I chose slow attack!
Slow play, despite its slow speed, is also challenging.

Sometimes the speed of reaching out occasionally must be the same as the speed of the ball hitting the ground. If the two are out of sync, it will affect it!

Sometimes the fast speed challenges the endurance of both parties, and sometimes the slow ball challenges who can counterattack the ball reliably and accurately!
In short, when it comes to playing ball, you must be familiar with the strength of the ball in your hands, and all parties must agree. Any slightest negligence will affect your performance!
Although Lin Hui likes to play high-profile golf, he has also experienced the pros and cons of playing other golf balls.

When playing ball, he hates this kind of slow ball, because as long as there is a little negligence, he may lose to the opponent.

So every time Lin Hui would not give the opponent a chance, he would use the ball he is good at.

It can also be said that when the opponent plays a slow ball, Lin Hui will guide the opponent to hit the ball he likes.

In this way, he can exert his own advantages effortlessly.

It is difficult to say that it is difficult to play, and it is difficult to say that it is not difficult.

In short, Lin Hui plays with sincerity every time he plays a game.

It can even be said that he only needs to play hard and hard, regardless of the result, as long as the whole process is fine.

When thinking of this, Lin Hui couldn't help but turn his attention to the stage.

At this time, the two athletes were still playing fiercely.

It can even be said that both of them want to take advantage of each other.

But the more this happens, the harder it seems to be.

But according to Lin Hui, the two of them are also masters, otherwise why would they always want to take advantage of each other.

This is also reasonable. If you want to win, you have to find the opponent's weaknesses.

Only then can we use this to achieve success.

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(End of this chapter)

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