The big devil in table tennis

Chapter 854 A Chinese restaurant in a foreign country

Jianhua laughed and touched the back of his head, obviously feeling embarrassed!
"What do you want to eat? Why don't I treat you all to dinner?" Jianhua felt that if he didn't give everyone an explanation now, they might scold him!
Isn't there an old saying that says, "If someone's mouth is short, their hands will be soft?"
As a result, when he said this, he was teased by Shaojie, "Oh, Jianhua, you want to stuff our mouths with food! But I think it's good, I am willing!"

These words caused Lin Hui and the others to burst into laughter.

“Since everyone has no objections, it’s such a happy decision!”

Jianhua only saw everyone laughing but did not express any opinions, which meant that he agreed!
Since he agreed, Jianhua began to ask everyone, "What do you want to eat?"

"Jianhua, isn't it obvious that you asked the wrong person? We are abroad and would like to eat the Peking duck from the Imperial Capital. Can we have it here?"

Shaojie misses the roast duck in the imperial capital very much. He hasn't eaten it for a long time and he still misses the taste.

Jianhua frowned when he heard this!

Don’t they all eat Western food abroad? There should be very little Chinese food. Besides, where would he get roast duck for everyone?

Not to mention that he also wanted to eat roast duck, but didn’t he have it? !
"I saw a Chinese restaurant, but I wonder if it has roast duck!"

Li Yu thought that when he and Han Yun were shopping, they saw a Chinese restaurant located in a relatively prosperous area.

Li Yu looked like Han Yun, "Han Yun, have you forgotten? When I was shopping with you, I specifically told you, look, this is a restaurant run by us Chinese!"

When Li Yu said this, Han Yun suddenly remembered that there was indeed such a place.

"Sister Li Yu, I remembered it. It is indeed a Chinese restaurant, but I don't know what is sold there! The two of us were so anxious to leave that we didn't take a closer look!"

"What's so difficult about this? Can't we just take a look now?"

Jianhua's eyes lit up when he heard that Han Yun and Li Yu said there was a Chinese restaurant.

"No matter what is sold in the Chinese restaurant, I feel the need to try it. I have been eating Western food in the past few days, and my eyes are almost green! Xu Xin, Lin Hui, what do you think?"

Jianhua looked at Xu Xin and Lin Hui and asked for their opinions.

"I can do it!" Xu Xin said lightly!

Lin Hui also nodded in agreement and said, "Let's go take a look!" "

Finally, everyone agreed and took a taxi to the Chinese restaurant Li Yu mentioned!
Sure enough, the moment they got off the bus, they saw the words "Chinese restaurant", which was obviously opened by Chinese, because only Chinese people understand the meaning of these three words!
"This is it! Look, it's easy to find, and you can tell at a glance that they are from our country!" Li Yu pointed to these three words and said to Lin Hui and the others!

"Don't mention anything that suits our Chinese style! Come on, let's go in and take a look. Is there anything delicious here?"

At this moment, Jianhua's stomach was rumbling a little!

When they stepped into the restaurant, the boss entertained them warmly. He was called the boss because he was wearing a unique Chinese apron with the name of the boss written on it: Wang Wenqing!
It's a very beautiful name, and it matches him very well!

“Welcome to Chinese Restaurant!”

As soon as they entered the door, the boss spoke English to them. Judging from their yellow skin and dark eyes, it was impossible to tell whether they were from their own country!

However, when they heard the English letters, Jianhua and Minghui smiled at each other and said to the boss, "Boss, aren't you Chinese?"

Upon hearing the familiar words, the boss stretched out his hand nervously and excitedly, "So you are Chinese. I am very happy to see our own people here. Come and sit here!"

The boss warmly invited everyone in standard Mandarin!

The guys were very happy with the boss's erotic and enthusiastic invitation, and asked the boss, "Boss, where are you from? We want to have a meal of our authentic Chinese food here!"

"This is natural. The purpose of my Chinese restaurant is to make authentic Chinese food. I hope that one day our Chinese people can also know the taste of hometown when they are in a foreign country!"

From what the boss said, naturally this restaurant only serves Chinese food, but they didn’t see the boss’s menu when they came in. So what’s going on? !
Lin Hui asked the boss with doubts, "Boss, why didn't I see the restaurant's menu?"

Everyone will ask this question when they come here, and naturally the boss will take the trouble to say to all the customers, "In our restaurant, everyone can order whatever they want, or we can provide customers with today's specials. If you are satisfied with the specials, If so, let’s not let the kitchen do it. If there are any special requirements, we can do our best to satisfy them!”

When the boss said this, it turned out that this was an open restaurant with a people-friendly policy!

"Boss, is there any Peking duck?!" Shaojie blurted out after hearing what the boss just said!

The boss turned his attention to Shaojie, "Do you want to eat roast duck? If you want to eat it, we can buy some ingredients nearby, but it will take at least an hour. If you are willing to wait, we can make it for you!"

One hour is not much for them in a foreign country, but if it is cooked and sold like this, it will cause special trouble to the boss!
As a treat today, Jianhua started to ask the boss, "Will it be troublesome? If not, then we can try your special ingredients today!"

The boss really laughed, "I haven't seen people from our country for a long time. If you want to eat, I won't find it troublesome, but I can recommend you to eat a few things. The ingredients we have specially prepared for you today, There’s sweet and sour pork and Ophiopogon japonicus soup!”

When talking about these two ingredients, the boss straightened his back and introduced to everyone present: the tenderest part of the pig is taken, which is the tenderloin, and cut into small cubes one centimeter long and one centimeter wide. , salt, sugar, vinegar, various ingredients, it takes about ten minutes to feed, not too long, not too short!
Then add it to the pot and stir-fry it, just enough to bring out the delicious flavor of the meat. When you eat it, it is very sweet and sour, suitable for every customer!
When he heard this, Shaojie couldn't bear to start talking nonsense!

What kind of delicious food is this? It sounds very delicious to me!
Just as he was talking in detail, and without waiting for anything, he quickly served another dish, but the boss still introduced the next dish respectfully!

Ophiopogon japonicus soup is made from a recipe of Chinese herbal medicine!
It is necessary to use 9 grams each of Adenophora and Ophiopogon japonicus, 6 grams of Polygonatum odoratum, 3 grams of licorice, 4.5 grams each of raw lentils, winter mulberry leaves, and trichosanthes, decoct them in water and take them.

When the cut is less than a certain level, add the good beef, add Polygonatum odoratum, and some figs and simmer for another half an hour!
"Boss, your Ophiopogon japonicus tea is supposed to relieve internal heat and clear the lungs, right?!"

When the boss heard what Lin Hui said, he immediately gave a thumbs up, "We Chinese people know more, many foreigners don't know what Ophiopogon japonicus soup is!"

After Shaojie listened to the boss talk for such a long time, he immediately said to the boss, "Boss, stop talking and serve us your delicacies quickly. We are all a little greedy after hearing this!"

I don’t know when Shaojie started to be interested in food.

Whenever I go, I can’t wait to try the local food, and this time is no exception!
"Okay, I'll make arrangements for you right away, please wait!"

Seeing the boss walking towards the kitchen, Xu Xin started to say to Shaojie, "Shaojie, you are the same guy. Wherever you go, you don't forget to have a good meal!"

"Isn't it true? If we work so hard to play, isn't it just to make our bodies stronger, so that we can win the next day?!"

Shaojie is using food to make excuses, even though everyone can hear it! But Shaojie’s lies were still not exposed!

"Xu Xin, let Shaojie open up and eat. Anyway, everyone is happy that they have advanced today!" Jianhua said suddenly, all of them have advanced today!
This reminds everyone of what happened just now!

"Yes, since everyone has been promoted, we need to have a good drink! It's really not easy for everyone to celebrate the promotion of all of us!" Shaojie said and stood up.
Lin Hui and Li Yu sat aside and whispered, "Brother Lin Hui, I think this Chinese restaurant is much better than our domestic restaurants. If it can be opened here, especially in this bustling area, the boss must be amazing! There is also a certain degree of success." background!"

What Li Yu said reminded Lin Hui that it was indeed not easy for people to settle here.

"I just don't know why he came abroad to open a restaurant like this. Maybe it's because of his love for his hometown, or maybe he just likes it, that's all!" Lin Hui said casually.

"We have to wait until the boss comes. Let's ask. I'm really curious about the decoration of this Chinese restaurant. Brother Lin Hui, you see, all the decorations are made with Chinese elements, including the decorations on the dining table. His tablecloth is made of embroidery, and the decorations are all made of dragon totems. You can imagine how much he loves and likes our country!"

As soon as he came in, Li Yu looked around to see how special this Chinese restaurant was. It was a little different from the Chinese restaurants he had been to before!
"Lin Hui, Li Yu, what are you two talking about? You are mumbling, what do you want to say in front of all of us! Are you afraid that we will hear it?!" At this moment, Shaojie saw them The two of them couldn't help but start coaxing!
"Shaojie, what are you talking about? Li Yuhe said that the totem opposite is the dragon totem, which is only found in our country!"

Lin Hui pointed at the dragon totem decoration on the corner in front of him!
"It's so beautiful, this dragon totem!" Han Yun couldn't help but exclaimed in admiration when he saw this dragon totem?
"Yes, our domestic culture has a long history. It has been thousands of years and it can still be displayed in front of everyone. The Chinese culture is really too broad!" Xu Xin couldn't help but sigh!

"Ah, look at the tablecloth on this table. It's actually made of embroidery. How luxurious it must be!" While Jianhua was drinking tea, he suddenly discovered that the tablecloth they were using was made of exquisite embroidery!
"Not to mention, really, this is too luxurious. Is this the only one who puts embroidery on the table?" Xu Xin couldn't help but sigh when she saw the beautiful patterns on the tablecloth.

At this moment, the boss came out with sweet and sour pork, "Do you also know how to embroider?"

Lin Hui saw this and asked the boss, "Boss, why do you use embroidery on the tablecloth? Is there any meaning?"

The boss put the sweet and sour pork on the table and smiled, "I just want to add Chinese elements to let everyone know that we have a long history!"

It turns out that the boss doesn’t have any meaning, he is just simply patriotic!
"But boss, you shouldn't put the embroidery in a conspicuous place. How can you put it in the dining area?"

At this time, Han Yun, who was closest to the boss, raised his head in confusion.

"That's because everyone can discover its beauty when eating. If I put it there alone, it would be a work of art!"

Everyone frowned. An embroidery would cost a lot of money, so wouldn't it be a waste to just use it as a tablecloth?

Later, Jianhua asked everyone's question, "Boss, your embroidered tablecloths are expensive, aren't they?"

However, the boss chuckled, "Don't you know? We have the largest embroidery industrial park in China, and there is also a well-known small commodity city. I came in from there. The price is very fair and very cheap! It's very cheap to transport!" It’s not a hassle!”

"Really??" Jianhua asked doubtfully. They only focused on playing basketball and had no idea that there was such a place in the country and that it had developed to such an extent!

"Of course, yes, he has gone to the whole country and the world. People all over the country know that Yiwu Small Commodity City has exquisite and cost-effective things. We Chinese people will travel thousands of miles across the ocean to send them from China! However, if you like it, I can give you one as a gift when I leave, but it’s not this one, it’s a real silk product!”

It’s rare for the boss to meet someone who knows how to appreciate and get along well with you today. He is very willing to give everyone the small gifts he carefully prepared!

"Didn't the boss spend a lot of money?" Lin Hui said quickly.

"What's the expense? We are all from the same country. Not to mention these things, especially in a foreign country, it is fate to see you! Everyone, try it, sweet and sour pork, it tastes very delicious now!"

The boss quickly changed the topic to the steaming sweet and sour pork.

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