The big devil in table tennis

Chapter 859 Looking forward to tomorrow

Suddenly, a burst of cheers sounded. Li Yu and Han Yun looked at the knockout rounds and the winner was already decided. The winner was already cheering high.

Among them are Brother Lin Hui, Brother Jianhua, Shaojie and Xu Xin.

All of them had happy smiles on their faces.

In the audience, Han Yun said to Li Yu, "Sister Li Yu, you are right. All of them have advanced!"

After hearing what Han Yun said, Li Yu just smiled.

If she didn't have this little trust in these people, how could she have been friends with them for so long?
Then I heard Han Yun say again, "The rest depends on the final competition."

Then her pretty brows tightened, "Sister Li Yu, if Lin Hui and Brother Jianhua compete for the championship, who's side are you on, Sister Li Yu?"

Hearing Han Yun's tricky question, Li Yu thought for a while and said with a smile, "I'm on the champion's side!"

Li Yu said this without offending anyone, including Han Yuyun.

Because she firmly believes that Lin Hui will have no problem, even though Brother Jianhua has made a lot of progress than before, she still firmly believes that Brother Lin Hui can definitely win!
Even if Brother Lin Hui loses, it doesn't matter. Which champion has never lost.

"Sister Li Yu, what you said is not honest at all. I just hope that Brother Jianhua will win. Don't you hope that Brother Lin Hui can win? There is only one champion!"

Han Yun was deliberately provoking Li Yu, and Li Yu heard it.

But since Han Yun said so, he also followed Li Yu's words, "Of course I hope Brother Lin Hui can win, but don't forget, if Brother Lin Hui wins, other people will feel depressed."

On the spot, Han Yun curled his lips. This Sister Li Yu was really too cunning.

Han Yun and Li Yu were quarreling with each other in the audience!
And they who had already won the victory began to step down one after another.

The crowd also began to disperse slowly.

At this moment, Han Yun and Li Yu also joined the large army.

The moment Li Yu saw Lin Hui, he ran over quickly, "Brother Lin Hui, you won, do you know?"

Lin Hui's mentality was very stable now and he smiled at Li Yu!
"Tomorrow is the real critical moment. The victory now is not a victory. At most, it is just entering the final peerless finals!"

Lin Hui spoke calmly.

At this moment, Jianhua said to them, "It was so dangerous today. My opponent was too strong. I almost lost to him!"

"Jianhua, are you careless again? If you are careless again tomorrow, you will not be able to win the championship!"

Lin Hui could only talk about Jianhua deliberately. After all, Jianhua has indeed improved a lot than before! My mentality has also become much more stable!
"Don't worry, Lin Hui. I have to go all out tomorrow. Let's meet Lin Hui at the top then!"

Indeed, this time Lin Hui and Jianhua are really going to meet at their peak.

If they compete for the top three, they will definitely meet.

"You two are almost done. We meet every day and meet each other at the top. Can you talk about something more relaxed? We are already tired from playing when we are on stage. We try not to talk about the game when we are off stage!"

Shaojie came over and said to them, after all, you can go all out on stage, but you should relax as much as you want off stage!

If this continues, he won't be able to bear it!
"Shaojie, it seems that you are playing well and are here to win the championship! Otherwise, you wouldn't be so relaxed!"

Lin Hui saw the relaxed look on Shaojie's face. This guy decided that there would be no problem tomorrow.

But at this time, Xu Xin suddenly said, "Okay, let's stop talking. There is still a championship competition tomorrow. You must have a good rest tonight, otherwise you will not be energetic tomorrow!"

Xu Xin saw that everyone was still energetic and chatting, but she was already tired and wished she could use the ground as her bed.

Li Yu and Han Yun were very enlightened when they heard what Xu Xin said.

"Brother Lin Hui, Han Yun and I will go back first and won't disturb your rest!"

"How about we take you back?!" When Lin Hui heard what Li Yu said, he stood up immediately and spoke to Li Yu.

"No need, Brother Lin Hui. We are already familiar with each other. Besides, we can still go back on our own for such a short distance. You guys have a good rest today and don't be too tired!"

Hearing what Li Yu said, Lin Hui could only agree

"Okay, please slow down on the road and give us a call if you need anything!"

Lin Hui repeatedly told Li Yu and the others.

Then they saw Li Yu disappear before their eyes.

And several of them returned to their dormitories happily.

"Don't tell me, you're still a little tired! Lin Hui, are you tired?"

As soon as Jian Huahua came back, he lay down on the big bed, lying in a mess.

"I'm a little excited now. Tomorrow is the European Cup championship competition that comes together every four years. Who will be the champion!!"

There are ten places that have advanced, and these ten places are from six different countries!

Lin Hui was thinking in his mind.

"Lin Hui, what are you so excited about? You have never experienced any scene before, and you are still so nervous now!"

Hearing what Jianhua said, Lin Hui couldn't help but frown.

At this moment, Lin Hui had already sat on the bed and gave Jianhua a serious analysis: "Look, ten people have advanced. Tomorrow we need to draw lots, compete in pairs, and then separate the five winners for the championship, second and third place." This is not a simple competition, let’s take the players from the beautiful country for example!”

Lin Hui really didn't call his name for a while, "He has won the championship several times. If we want to win the championship from him, it will be like taking food from the tiger's mouth. We have much less experience than them." ! They didn’t even participate in as many championship matches as they did!”

Lin Hui's analysis made Jianhua suddenly feel that there was some truth in it, and he listened with pricked ears, "It seems that we will not be able to play well tomorrow. I know that the players from Bangzi Country have analyzed all our ways of playing. And even Lin Hui, what kind of ball do you like to play, or what kind of ball do you play at what time, they all use a small book to analyze it clearly!" Lin Hui did not deny this, because it is indeed the case, Bangziguo likes to study and targeted.

"There are also Lin Hui. There are two athletes who have advanced, but they seem to be newcomers. We don't know their playing style or what they are good at. Speaking of which, this championship competition does have certain points. Difficulty!"

In the past, the coach would also give them a list of promoted players and what kind of games they were good at? Now I don’t know what happened to the coach, as he hasn’t sent it to them yet.

Just when Jianhua was confused, there was a knock on the door of their room!

"Jianhua, let me open the door!"

Anyway, Lin Hui's bed is relatively close to the door, so it's just a matter of passing.

As a result, the moment Lin Hui opened the door, he found it was Coach Wu.

"This is the list of everyone who will play tomorrow. Take a look and analyze the playing styles they are good at!" After Coach Wu finished speaking, he handed a document into Lin Hui's hands!

"Coach, why don't you come in and sit for a while?"

Lin Hui saw the coach turning around and leaving after he finished speaking, and immediately asked the coach!

"You guys go to bed early, we have a game tomorrow! I won't go in!"

Then the coach left, and Lin Hui saw the documents handed over by the coach, flipping them back and forth the moment the door closed.

As soon as he came in, he said to Jianhua, "Look, isn't this timely rain? The coach has sent us a list of names, as well as their usual playing skills. Jianhua will give you the ones behind, and we can divide them up!"

There are about ten pages, one page per person, just like a resume, densely written with what is your name, what games you have played, and what results you have achieved in what games? What I am good at using is written clearly.

Lin Hui and Jianhua also look relatively simple.

"Okay! Let's take a brief look at it first, and then analyze it!" Jianhua took the list handed over by Lin Hui.

Let’s take a brief look at it first, and then start the step-by-step analysis!

He found that these players had a common characteristic, that is, they all seemed to like to hit fast balls.

It seems like Lin Hui is the same, both are impatient. Only impatient people can play such a ball.

"Lin Hui, these guys in my hand play pretty much the same as you. They all like to hit fastballs, but they have to be accurate and ruthless, and this!" Jianhua pointed to the person at the top of the list.

"He likes to hit fastballs, and he also likes to change his tricks so that others can't tell what he will hit next, and he even likes to hide it! Anyone who can hit him tomorrow will be unlucky for eight lifetimes!"

When Jianhua saw his resume, it was more than half of everyone else's resume.

"Jianhua, don't say that. Only when you meet a master can you prove how good you are at playing. If you often play with some mediocre people, you won't be able to tell the difference. Only by playing with different people can you feel that you are good at playing. My art has improved, and it can be said that I have surpassed others!"

"So, Lin Hui, you like this kind of opponent the most, so I hope you can draw him tomorrow! Then you can have some communication with him!"

For this person, Jianhua is not willing to be his opponent. If Lin Hui is willing, then just take it.

After all, the probability of winning tomorrow’s drawing is still very high!
"Jianhua, don't dare to underestimate the people here. They are all heavyweight players. Look at this. He is not tall, but he is really good at playing ball. With his unique vision And special changing techniques shall prevail, so that the opponent will be overwhelmed!"

The player Lin Hui was talking about was from the Sakura Country. The people in their country often looked ugly, and it could even be said that they were the offspring of close relatives.

But even so, the ball he played was pretty good.

"Yes, Lin Hui, I found such a player, who is much better than our usual players! Even these few levels I felt a little heavy, especially in the second level of the competition, I found that I was already a little out of my depth. I really don’t know what the next third level will be like!”

Jianhua was a little worried at this moment. In the second level, he clearly realized that he was showing that if he met the same players as him in the second level in the third level, then he really didn't know what kind of problems would happen. You may be beaten or you may lose!
"In a word, let's just go all out and leave the rest to fate!" Lin Hui looked up at the sky as he spoke!
"Lin Hui, are you talking about cross talk? Leave it to fate. Our destiny is in our own hands."

At this moment, Jianhua is no longer the Jianhua he once was. He feels that life is all controlled by himself. If he is not careful at all, the results may deviate!
"Jianhua, you are different from before. You are not what you used to be! You didn't say that before!"

When Jianhua heard what Lin Hui said, he began to suspect that he was mocking him!
"Lin Hui, why do I feel that what you are saying is very awkward? Who was not ignorant in the past? Now that you have passed that stage, you should firmly control your own destiny. Use your hands, especially the table tennis balls in your hands, to create a world for yourself!"

When he said this, Jianhua's eyes were firm, just like Lin Hui in the past!

The same was true for Lin Hui in the past. As long as he thought it was possible, he had to do it.

"Jianhua, now that you have such faith, you don't have to worry. You will definitely be able to help your invincible position and defeat your opponents in the competition!"

Hearing what Jianhua said, Jianhua frowned and said, "Lin Hui, are you laughing at me, or are you mocking me?"

"What are you talking about? How could I make fun of you, Jianhua, and how could I mock you?!"

"You still say no. You know that I can't beat you, but you still say that as long as I have faith, I have no intention of being here with you. I am simply your defeat!"

Because Lin Hui and Jianhua were always defeated by Lin Hui when they played, and occasionally they would win only once or twice.

"Jianhua, what are you talking about? Have you never defeated me once? I only remember the last time, you beat me to a pulp!"

When Lin Hui and Jianhua played before, he inexplicably found that Jianhua's ball increased by leaps and bounds.

It even caught him off guard.

"There have been situations like this, but not only once or twice occasionally? How small is the probability of this? If I want to compete with you in the championship, the probability is even more pitiful!"

Jianhua himself still knows how much he weighs. Although he knows that he has made some progress recently, there is still a gap between him and Lin Hui!

"You can still win with a small probability. What if when I fight with you, such a small probability happens?!"

Lin Hui did not dare to ignore, let alone despise anyone, including Jianhua.

Even though he was once a close friend, Lin Hui did not dare to ignore him because he felt that everyone could perform exceptionally well during the game.

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