The big devil in table tennis

Chapter 876 Championship Competition

"What a fool! You are so confused! What kind of critical moment is it now? Don't you know that everyone is eyeing the position of champion? There is still such a flaw!"

When Coach Wu heard what Lin Hui said, he was so angry that his teeth itched!

At the same time, Lin Hui really felt that they were indeed too reckless!

Later, I heard Coach Wu continue to say, "The championship competition is about to begin. How is Jianhua's condition now? Can he still participate in the competition?"

Lin Hui hesitated for a long time.

When Coach Wu saw Lin Hui like this, he knew that Jianhua must be seriously ill.

The fierce one stomped his feet and even pointed his finger at Lin Hui!

But he doesn't dare to be angry at Lin Hui now. Among the quotas for the championship competition, Lin Huihui is the only one. If he gets angry at Lin Hui again, it will affect Lin Hui's ability to play the game!

I can only put my hand down in mid-air!

Lin Hui saw this and immediately said to the coach, "The coach said it was wrong of me. I really shouldn't have taken them to dinner at this juncture, but we never thought about it. At this time, Jianhua had an accident! "

"And Jianhua's drinking capacity is not like this!"

When Lin Hui said that Jianhua drank, Coach Wu couldn't hold it in any longer, "You still drink? Don't you know? You have to pay attention to your diet when playing abroad!"

Watch your diet? What does Coach Wu mean by this? Is it possible that they would be poisoned even if they had a meal? !

Poisoning, when you think of the word poisoning, is it possible? Was Jianhua really poisoned? !

"Will the coach really be raped?" Before Lin Hui could say anything, he was directly stopped by coach Wu.

"Let's end this matter! Lin Hui, participate in the competition well. Which hospital is Jianhua in now? I'll go see him!"

Lin Hui told Coach Wu the address of the hospital where Jianhua was staying, and then Coach Wu asked him to rest for a while, and then someone would call him to go to the game with him!


According to the address given by Lin Hui, Coach Wu went directly to the ward where Jianhua was located!

At this moment, Coach Wu saw Jianhua lying quietly on the hospital bed!

Then he walked over cautiously and found that Jianhua had become so haggard overnight!

At this moment, Jianhua was not sleeping deeply. When he felt something strange, he opened his eyes and found Coach Wu standing in front of him!

He shouted to Coach Wu in panic, "Coach, why are you here?"

"You are sick, can I not come?!" Coach Wu's tone was not very kind, but every word revealed his concern for Jianhua!

"Coach, I'm sorry, I suddenly fell ill at this critical time, but I can still play the game!"

As he spoke, Jianhua was about to sit up, but the coach directly supported him, "Don't move, lie down first. As for the competition, we will have many opportunities later, let's take good care of our body first!"

Hearing what the coach said to Speak of Jianhua, his whole heart was filled with ripples. Could it be that the coach wanted to cancel his quota? He finally entered the championship game!

"Coach, you are not thinking of canceling my quota, are you? I can do it, I can participate in the competition!"

Hearing Jianhua say so excitedly, Coach Wu had no choice but to comfort Jianhua, "Can you ask the doctor before participating in the competition? If the doctor thinks you can be discharged, I can agree to let you participate in the competition, but if If the doctor says you have to stay in the hospital for observation, then we have to listen to the doctor!"

Coach Wu discouraged Jianhua, but he still hoped that Jianhua would take good care of his body to prepare for future battles!

When Jianhua heard what the coach said, he stopped arguing with the coach and said, "The doctor will definitely agree to let me be discharged."

Coach Wu is really worried about Jianhua. After one day without seeing Jianhua, he becomes very fragile. Being unable to compete is undoubtedly a psychological and physical pressure on him!

He really couldn't bear to let Jianhua face such an ending, but the game was cruel and they had to face reality!

At this moment, Han Yun also opened the door of the room with the food and came to Jianhua!

Regarding Han Yun's sudden appearance, Coach Wu felt that the little girl in front of him was very unfamiliar.

However, at this critical moment, the person taking care of Jianhua is definitely not an ordinary person!

Then he immediately stood up and said to Jianhua, "Jianhua, you should take good care of your health first. I have something else to do, so I'll leave first!"

Hearing Coach Wu say this, Jianhua still felt very anxious, because he knew that if the coach said this, he would definitely not be allowed to participate in the game, because now the game is about to start.

He is still very weak now and can only watch the coach leave!

And when the coach left, he said directly to Han Yun: "I want to be discharged from the hospital, and I want to go out to play games!"

However, Han Yun stopped Jianhua who was about to get out of bed, "Is your life more important or the competition? If your life is gone, we can't compete!"

After your body recovers, you can still continue to participate in the competition! "

However, Jianhua didn't think so. He finally entered the championship match, but at this time, he had this problem with his body. He was really unwilling to do so.

He yelled at Han Yun, "Han Yun, you don't understand. I have come to this point just to be able to participate in the championship competition. All this is gone!"

How could Han Yun not know the pain in Jianhua's heart? Even if she knew, what could she do? !

"Brother Jianhua, I understand what you are saying, but, brother Jianhua, you still have me!"

Hearing what Han Yun said, Jianhua couldn't help but cried while hugging Han Yun. He vented all his grievances and pains to me!


At this moment, Lin Hui had already begun to come to the competition field. Seeing that Jianhua was not around, they felt very guilty!

Xu Xin and Shaojie are also very lonely!

Because Jianhua has already entered the championship competition, but now he is unable to participate. What a big blow this is to Jianhua! !

"Don't look, we are participating in the championship match today. Jianhua will definitely not be able to come. We must work hard with Jianhua's share of the competition!"

Shaojie said to Xu Xin and Lin Hui, because he knew that Jianhua was so ill that he would definitely not be able to participate in the competition!

"It's all my fault. If everyone hadn't been allowed to eat yesterday, this situation wouldn't have happened!" Li Yu said to them blaming himself.

"This has nothing to do with you, someone did it!" Lin Hui said suddenly! "It was tampered with, Lin Hui, how did you know it was tampered with?"

Xu Xin suddenly asked Lin Hui.

"All of us are fine! But something happened to Jianhua. Apart from someone else doing something to him, can you find any other reason?"

These words made everyone present stunned. It was indeed true. All of them were fine, but Jianhua was. So who was targeting Jianhua?

"Who did it?" Shaojie asked directly to Lin Hui without thinking about it!

"Who else could it be? It must be playing against Jianhua. Apart from him, there must be no one else!"

Xu Xin had already guessed it, because when Jianhua was playing with others, Jianhua advanced, while the other person fell behind. He must be holding a grudge, otherwise he wouldn't have made such a move!

"Well, this is too vicious. If you lose the game, you still blame others, and you don't want others to participate in the game. Who are these people?!" Li Yu couldn't stand the dark world!

"The matter is over, let's play hard now. As for Jianhua, nothing is more important than his life now. We must use Jianhua's trust in table tennis!"

Lin Hui could only say this to the big guys, because now is not the time for the pursuers, their goal is to win the championship!

"Yes, we must bring out the hope that carries Jianhua on the playing field!" Xu Xin also agreed.

Then several of them stood on the playing field!

As the trumpet sounded, the table tennis match also kicked off!

Lin Hui stared straight ahead, moved forward, and looked down at the opponent. He wanted to give full play to the hope he had with Jianhua!

Lin Hui is very attentive and hard every time he hits a ball. He will not let everyone down, let alone himself!

The ping pong ball was flying back and forth between him and his opponent, and then Lin Hui found the right opportunity to launch a fierce attack on the opponent. Soon the ping pong ball fell to the ground with a bang!


Lin Hui won with a flag, and Lin Huihun, who got one point, was even more confident. He must take Jianhua's hope and all his hopes to hit every ball carefully!

He launched an attack on the opponent again, and the ping-pong ball was flying back and forth between him and his opponent. Although Lin Hui knew that he was not the one who agreed to everyone's gathering yesterday, and that Jianhua would not appear, he was still very upset!

Whenever he refuses! Nothing like this will happen to Jianhua!

Thinking of this, Lin Hui could only turn his grief and anger into strength and perform to his heart's content on the playing field!

Lin Hui hit the ball very hard, and he couldn't help but think of Jianhua.

How could he have done it if it weren't for Jianhua's contribution? Such a success!

Soon, Lin Hui scored another point.


Lin Hui, who won two goals in a row, made his opponent break out in a cold sweat. In less than five minutes, he had already lost two goals in a row!

Losing means missing out on the championship, but he finally got to this position, how could he lose so easily?

Then he corrected his mentality again. Didn't he just lose two goals? Will win it back!

Then he started to look at the ball sent by Lin Hui. Due to his excessive nervousness, he almost missed the ball. However, he slowly corrected his mentality and the table tennis ball was flying back and forth between him and Lin Hui!

He found a good opportunity and thought that Lin Hui would launch a fierce counterattack. As expected, the table tennis ball fell from Lin Hui's table!

It was a side ball, and he almost caught it, but because of Lin Hui's negligence, the ping pong ball fell to the ground with a crisp and bright sound.

The score immediately became 2 to 1

But this did not affect Lin Hui's understanding at all. He still looked at the other party fiercely, as if the other party was the one who drugged Jianhua!

Although he knew it wasn't true, there was still some hatred in Lin Hui's eyes!

He caught the ball sent by the opponent fiercely and made a crisp sound!

The table tennis ball fell on the opponent's table again. After winning the ball just now, the opponent was obviously much more relaxed than before. He felt that as long as he played hard, he would definitely succeed!

Then when Lin Hui and I were playing the ball, they started chasing each other, and the two of them refused to give in to each other!

This ball was played for a long time, and there was still no winner. Suddenly, the opponent saw Lin Hui's ball slowing down, and took this opportunity to think about Lin Hui and made a bang.

The score became 2:2

Lin Hui, who was still two points ahead of his opponent, was caught and chased by his opponent very quickly, which made him a little depressed.

One second ago, he was facing the opponent by two points, and this second he lost to the opponent. This was a huge blow to him!

Lin Hui reflected for a moment and wondered if he was so eager to get things done just now that he would lose the opponent!

After a brief reflection, Lin Hui began to relax and his whole person became stable!

With a gentle wave of the table tennis racket, the ball flew over without any effort, and the opponent also returned the ball again!

The two of them fought like this for more than a dozen rounds, back and forth. Lin Hui began to speed up, flying back and forth between him and his opponent again!



Bang bang! The ping-pong ball was ringing on Lin Hui's side for a while, and on the opponent's side for a while!

The audience's eyes were fixed on their stage, and Li Yu was also sweating for Brother Lin Hui.

Brother Lin Hui just won the opponent by two points, and now he has reached a tie with the opponent!

Will Lin Hui win this goal? If Brother Lin Hui wins, that's fine. If Brother Lin Hui loses, what should we do? !

Li Yu was anxious for Lin Hui and stared at Lin Hui playing ball.

I am constantly cheering for Brother Lin Hui in my heart!

The ping-pong ball was flying back and forth in front of his eyes, sometimes on Brother Lin Hui's side, sometimes on the other side!

Will Lin Hui win or lose because of this goal? Li Yu was really anxious!

But the more anxious you are, the harder it is for the ball to come out. The result!

Just a few minutes later, the table tennis ball fell to the ground with a bang.

Brother Lin Hui didn't catch it. This was Brother Lin Hui's loss of three balls in a row!

Is this because Brother Lin Hui is too eager for success or has a bad mentality?

When thinking of this, Li Yu still thought of Brother Jianhua.

Is Brother Lin Hui worried about Brother Jianhua? Otherwise, why would he play the ball so poorly?

This is not like his style!

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(End of this chapter)

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