The big devil in table tennis

Chapter 878 Heart-wrenching match

This game has been going on for a long time, and Brother Jianhua has never been defeated.

His posture is tall and straight, his movements are graceful and smooth, as if he is dancing to music on the court.

Han Yun sat in the audience, staring closely at Brother Jianhua's figure, his eyes full of worry and anxiety.

Her heartbeat accelerated and she didn't dare to leave Brother Jianhua's sight for a moment.

Brother Jianhua's clothes were soaked with sweat at this moment, and his whole body exuded an aura of passion and perseverance, as if every shot he made contained infinite power.

He stared at the table tennis ball with a keen eye, hitting each ball at the best angle and speed, making it almost difficult to catch his moves.

At the same time, Li Yu was watching Lin Hui's game.

The duel between Lin Hui and his opponent was extremely fierce, with the ping pong balls flying back and forth between the two, giving people a dazzling illusion.

A trace of confusion flashed in Li Yu's eyes. He couldn't tell who could win every ball, Lin Hui or his opponent.

The opponent seems to have the idea of ​​​​constantly chasing Brother Lin Hui, but Brother Lin Hui seems to be following the opponent's rhythm.

Gradually, Li Yu began to feel worried.

He noticed that when Lin Hui played, he was not as rigorous and meticulous as his opponents, but seemed a little rough and unbearable.

This gives the opponent an opportunity to perhaps seize the victory.

Li Yu's brows gradually wrinkled, and he felt uneasy.

The ping pong ball was passed quickly between the two, and each hit was carried with great power and speed, as if it could draw a lightning bolt in the air.

Brother Lin Hui has a nimble figure, quick steps, and his eyes are focused and deep.

Every attack from the opponent is full of threats. The table tennis ball flies towards Brother Lin Hui with spin and strong rebound momentum.

However, Brother Lin Hui's reaction was extremely quick. He swung the racket lightly and hit the table tennis ball back to the opponent's half, so that the opponent had to deal with it nervously.

Li Yu's heart beat faster when he saw it. He understood that his opponent was not an easy opponent to deal with.

The opponent is highly skilled and every shot is accurate with no flaws to be found.

Although Brother Lin Hui is agile, his playing style seems a bit chaotic and not stable enough.

"Brother Lin Hui, you must concentrate!" Li Yu said silently in his heart, worried that Brother Lin Hui would lose the game because of his carelessness.

As the game progressed, Brother Lin Hui gradually entered the state.

He began to intensify his observation of his opponents and carefully studied their skills and weaknesses.

With every shot, he can accurately judge his opponent's intentions and react quickly.

In his hands, the table tennis ball became agile and accurate, and every stroke was carried with unparalleled power.

Brother Lin Hui's changes attracted the attention of his opponents, and they began to feel the pressure increase.

The opponent's ball became more tricky and faster, but Lin Hui was able to meet it effortlessly.

His eyes revealed confidence and determination, as if he had seen every step of his opponent.

With a bang, the table tennis ball made a crisp sound again.

This time, the table tennis ball flew through the air like a shooting star, flying towards the opponent's gap.

The opponent wanted to intercept, but had no time to react. The ping-pong ball bounced lightly on the opponent's sideline.


Lin Hui scored 4 and beat the opponent by 2 goals.

Li Yu breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that his worries were unnecessary.

Han Yun has been following Jianhua's playing speed here. He sometimes sees Brother Jianhua and is extremely nervous every time he hits a ball.

Sometimes Brother Jianhua is playing ball and he can't take care of his own body. Han Yun must take care of it for Brother Jianhua!

The whole person is in a high degree of tension!

Then I heard the table tennis ball fall to the ground with a loud sound, Brother Jianhua, lost!

The score became 4 to 3. The moment Jianhua lost, Han Yun felt inexplicably happy!

However, Jianhua on the stage felt very angry.

It was obvious that he could win this shot, but he lost, which made him somewhat unwilling to accept it.

I even thought that if I had just concentrated a little bit, I could have won a goal, but on the contrary, I just got distracted and lost a goal!

But Jianhua still wouldn't give up. Even though he was a little weak, he still persisted. He even looked no different from normal people!

This time the opponent served, and Jianhua's eyes and attention were all focused on the opponent. Then when the opponent did not serve a ball, Jianhua Prefecture increased its vigilance by 12 points. The last time it was because of his own negligence that he lost the ball.

This shot is absolutely impossible!

As for Shaojie and Xu Xin, they performed normally without any advantages or flaws.

The opponent is exactly the same as him, and he has been working hard to win the game!

But Shaojie and Xu Xin felt that they would not be able to tell the winner because their strength levels were almost the same!

In order to make his ball play even faster, and even surpass the opponent's, Xu Xinju speeded up the ball! The ping pong ball came out from his side with a bang, making a loud sound, and the other party's stress response was also very fast, and it also accelerated with Xu Xin's speed!

Every time they hit a ball, their hands would closely follow the steps of Xu Xin and Shaojie. They were chasing after each other, and they were so competitive that their faces turned red!

However, this does not affect the mood of Xu Xin and Shaojie at all. After all, what they want in the competition is to overcome difficulties and win!

Their mentality was not very good before, but this time it was she and Shaojie who corrected their mentality!

Calmly deal with the ping pong balls sent by the opponent!

Li Yu in the audience was looking back and forth between them!

This time, the attention turned to Xu Xin and Shaojie again, but the goal they lost just now was noticed by Li Yu!

He couldn't help but frown, why was the other party catching up so quickly?

However, Li Yu believes that Xu Xin and Shaojie can do it, just like Brother Lin Hui, they will definitely stand out in this championship battle!

Although he looked very nervous, he was still confident!

Then, I heard Han Yun's voice again, "Sister Li Yu, is Brother Jianhua really okay? I saw that he was struggling to play, and he also lost to the opponent. I'm really worried!"

Han Yun didn't know how many times he had said this sentence, but Li Yu was still patient and talked to Han Yun.

"Han Yun, we can only hope that Brother Jianhua will be okay, and even hope that he will finish this competition as soon as possible. We really can't do anything else!"

Although Li Yu could see that Han Yun was anxious about Brother Jianhua, she could only tell Han Yun her true thoughts in a matter-of-fact manner!

However, Han Yun said to Li Yu reluctantly, "What should we do? Sister Li Yu, if something really happens, then Brother Jianhua will..."

"Han Yun, don't say that!" Li Yu immediately interrupted Han Yun, because he knew that Brother Jianhua's ability to play at this critical moment was beyond the normal thinking and willpower of ordinary people!

"I know, I know Brother Jianhua is very strong and strong. He wants to win this game, but his body doesn't allow it!" Han Yun was crying when he said this!

It can be seen that Han Yun is really anxious for Jianhua!

However, what Li Yuneng could do was to persuade Han Yun, "Han Yun, don't worry. If Brother Jianhua fails, we will help him contact him as soon as possible. Besides, there is a medical team at this critical time. Besides, there is a medical team at this critical time." There are still coaches and international medical staff. We don’t have to worry. The only thing we can do now is what we said just now, we can only pray that Brother Jianhua wins this game!"

Now we have an arrow on the string and we have to take action.

There is no room for relief. The only goal is to see that Brother Jianhua may win this game or end it in this game!

After hearing the words, Han Yun gradually began to calm down. Although her mood was unstable, it seemed that there was no point in being anxious. She could only quietly look at Brother Jianhua playing on the stage.

The table tennis ball fell in front of Jianhua. However, Jianhua was so close that he didn't hit it and even climbed directly onto the table tennis table.

This made Jianhua's eyes darken and he fainted for a moment, but he quickly stood up.

Brother Jianhua, are you exhausted?

Immediately, Han Yun shouted to the people on the stage, "Brother Jianhua, come on, come on, brother Jianhua!"

She hopes her shouting can support Jianhua!

However, Jianhua on the stage climbed onto the table tennis table because his body was seriously overdrawn. His eyes suddenly turned black just now!

At this moment, the referee hurriedly walked off the stage and shouted to Jianhua: nine, eight, seven, six, five, four...

Time passed by minute by second. If Jianhua didn't stand up at this moment, he might actually be defeated by the opponent without fighting!

With strong willpower, when the referee called, Jianhua tried his best to move his body, and slowly he began to stand up!

Then he shook his head, trying to make his consciousness clearer!

The referee shouted to both of them that the game should continue.

At this time, Jian Jianhua's eyes looked a lot blurry!

However, he still stood strong!

He can't fall!

If he falls, this game will be over. He must be strong for himself and the national team!

Then at this moment, the ping pong ball was sent in the direction of the opponent. Jianhua used his willpower and the sound of his ears to determine the direction in which the ping pong ball fell, and waved his hand tightly like this, Sure enough, the table tennis ball was sent to the opponent's hand again!

What surprised the opponent was that he saw that Jianhua was already a little out of his depth, and could even be said to be playing very vaguely, but he actually served the ball over!

Naturally, the opponent knew not to have any sympathy at this time, because there are no friends on the playing field. Although he admired Jianhua's courage, he still pushed the table tennis ball out!

Similarly, Jianhua used his own experience to determine the direction in which the ping pong ball fell in front of him, and then with a gentle wave, he hit the ping pong ball over again!

The fight went back and forth like this for a long time, and Jianhua actually lost again because the other party specifically used Jianhua's loopholes to issue provocations!

The score became 6 to 3, already three points ahead of Jianhua. This made Jianhua feel a little nervous, because three points meant that he was getting closer to losing!

He knew he couldn't lose, he had to win this game!

Jianhua tried his best to open his eyes, then rubbed them and found that his eyes were much brighter than before!

At the same time, I strongly supported my body, looked directly at the opponent, and even provoked the opponent, telling the opponent that I would not lose, no matter how difficult it was, I would never admit defeat!

The other party admired Jianhua's willpower when he saw it, but he still had to launch a fierce attack on Jianhua!

Similarly, Jianhua struggled to catch the ball from the opponent.

When he wanted to hit it back hard, he didn't know what happened, but found that the ping pong ball had landed on his chopping board. He swung it and found that it didn't hook at all!

It seemed that his body could not support it for much longer, so Jianhua had no choice but to increase his efforts!

He used all his strength on his arms. Despite this, the score still could not be reversed!

It's still the same as before, no changes!

After fighting for about five minutes, Jianhua wanted to take the opportunity to fight back fiercely at the opponent, but was always blocked by the opponent. If this continued, he might lose this game, but Jianhua could not Be willing!

He can't lose. He has finally reached this point. To admit defeat like this is really a shame to his mother, himself, and everyone in the national team!

However, the whole person's hands are completely uncontrollable!

Even the vision in front of me is getting blurry, and the strength of my hands is much stronger than before!

He even made mistakes one after another. With a bang, the table tennis ball fell to the ground. It was obvious that Jianhua failed again!

Failure after failure made Jianhua very frustrated, but deep in his heart he told himself that he could not give up easily, he was the best!

Then he cheered up again and launched a counterattack towards the opponent. The ping-pong ball made a ping-ping-ping-ping sound between him and his opponent!

The sound was harsh and unpleasant, but Jianhua used this sound to fumble back and forth and counterattacked with the sound of a table tennis ball falling on the chopping board!

Suddenly, the opponent launched a fierce attack on him.

Jianhua couldn't tell the direction of the ball for a moment. He thought it was to his left, but the ping pong ball landed in the middle!

When he was about to launch a counterattack to the left, he hesitated again and fell to the ground!

There was a heavy crashing sound.

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(End of this chapter)

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