The big devil in table tennis

Chapter 881 Is it joy or sorrow?

A sudden bang!

The table tennis ball fell heavily to the ground, and with this loud noise, Jianhua's figure fell down without warning, like a giant tree that had been chopped off.

The referee walked off the stage dumbfounded and shouted Jianhua's name as hard as he could. However, no matter how he shouted, Jianhua never woke up and responded.

The coach was shocked when he saw this scene. He immediately ran to Jianhua and called the doctor loudly, as if he had activated a built-in alarm.

His voice spread throughout the training ground, as harsh and urgent as a siren.

The surrounding air seemed to be aware of the critical situation, and a stagnant and heavy atmosphere enveloped everyone.

The tense atmosphere condensed into a black cloud, oppressing everyone's chest, making them almost unable to feel a breath.

The referee also came to Jianhua's side and tried to shake him awake, but his hand seemed to have touched a cold sculpture and there was no reaction at all.

Jianhua lay quietly on the ground, his face pale, and fine cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

His eyes were closed tightly, as if he had entered an endless dream.

Han Yun in the audience was stunned. The sight in front of her made her unable to believe her eyes.

She looked at Jianhua in front of her, the usually sunny boy, but now he looked pale and collapsed on the ground.

Her heart trembled as if hit by an invisible force.

Jianhua's excited shouts still echoed in Han Yun's mind. When he scored, the audience cheered one after another.

At that moment, they all felt Jianhua's infinite vitality and passion.

"Han Yun, Brother Jianhua, Brother Jianhua... he fell."

After being reminded by Li Yu, Han Yunran hurriedly ran to Jianhua.

Shouting Jianhua's name loudly, trying to wake up Jianhua with his own voice.

But it is of no use at all.

Her tears fell silently, moistening her cheeks.

Her hands held Jianhua's shoulders tightly, trying to convey a touch of warmth to him and awaken his sleeping consciousness.

"Jianhua! Jianhua! Wake up!" Her voice was full of despair and helplessness, as if she could not wake up the boy she admired at this moment.

Jianhua still didn't react at all. His eyes were closed tightly, showing no signs of life.

His lips were pale and bloodless, as if he had lost the ability to breathe.

Han Yun's eyes were full of helplessness and pain. She shook Jianhua's body crazily, hoping to activate his sleeping soul.

At this moment, the doctor has arrived, and Li Yu can only ask Han Yun to get out of the way so that Brother Jianhua can get good treatment!

But the game is not over yet, Lin Hui and Xu Xin Shaojie are still continuing.

Han Yun followed Zai Jianhua to the hospital, while Li Yu stayed and continued to watch them play.

Lin Hui, who was playing on the stage, had no idea that something had happened to Jianhua.

Li Yu stood in the audience, watching the game on the court intently.

She clenched her fists tightly, feeling so nervous that she could hardly breathe.

His eyes were fixed on Lin Hui, hoping to find some comfort and hope in her.

Lin Hui concentrated on fighting with him. The two fought equally, every move was exciting.

The atmosphere on the court was extremely tense, and the audience could not help but hold their breath and nervously watched the development of this game.

With a bang, the table tennis ball hit the ground, and the score was 8:7. Lin Hui was one point ahead of the opponent, but he was caught up by the opponent just now.

A thin layer of sweat broke out on Lin Hui's forehead. He held the table tennis racket tightly and his heart beat rapidly.

There was firmness and determination in his eyes, and he understood that this point was crucial to the development of the game.

There was a trace of anger and unwillingness in his opponent's eyes. Although he was forced into a desperate situation by Lin Hui, he had no intention of giving up.

He took a deep breath, concentrated all his strength on the racket, and prepared to launch the final blow.

The atmosphere on the court became more tense, and the audience's mood fluctuated with excitement as the game progressed.

They felt the tense confrontation between Lin Hui and his opponents, as if they were in a table tennis battlefield.

Suddenly, the opponent swung the racket quickly, and the ball quickly approached directly in front of Lin Hui.

Lin Hui reacted quickly. He gritted his teeth and exerted his physical strength and skills to the extreme.

He dodged his opponent's attack sideways, and then counterattacked with a precise rub.

The ball flew towards the opponent's sideline, and he quickly reached out to catch it, but the ball was already beyond his reach.

The audience cheered, Lin Hui successfully scored, and the score became 9:7.

Lin Hui's mood instantly relaxed a lot, and he felt the smell of victory getting closer and closer to him.

But he did not relax, he knew that his opponent would not give up easily and the game had just begun.

In the next few minutes, Lin Hui and his opponent had a fierce duel.

They were highly skilled and used all their strength in every move. The table tennis balls flew on the table and made a crisp collision sound.

The audience watched the development of the game nervously. They were attracted by the confrontation between Lin Hui and his opponents, as if time had stopped at this moment.

The score between the two sides has reached a tie at 9:9. this

The atmosphere on the court reached its peak. The audience held their breath and stared at Lin Hui and his opponents.

Lin Hui tightened his nerves and launched a powerful attack at his opponent. The ball quickly hit Lin Hui's front.

Lin Hui's whole body's strength exploded instantly. He faced the ball without hesitation and hit the ball back with all his strength.

The ball flew towards the opponent's baseline, and he struggled to catch it, but the ball was too fast and he could not react.

Li Yu was very nervous in the audience. He was afraid that Brother Lin Hui would lose, so he silently cheered for him.

Brother Jianhua has been hospitalized while playing basketball, Brother Lin Hui needs to hold on.

At this time, the ball flew towards the opponent's ball. Lin Hui tried hard to catch it, but the ball was too fast and he could not react.

The audience held their breath and stared at the ball's landing point, hoping to see the opponent make a mistake, while Lin Hui stared at the opponent closely, and the strength of his body exploded instantly.

He faced the ball without hesitation and hit it back with all his strength.

Lin Hui's hitting power was amazing, and the ball quickly passed through the net and flew to the opponent's baseline.

The opponent ran backwards with all his strength. He tried hard to follow the trajectory of the ball, but found that the ball was too fast and he had no time to react.

The ball flew over the opponent's head, streaked through the sky like an arrow, and finally fell to the opponent's ground.

10:9 Lin Hui is 9 and the opponent is ten.

Lin Hui held the racket tightly, and beads of sweat broke out on his forehead.

His eyes were fixed on the table firmly and intently, as if the whole world was focused on this moment.

On the opposite side, the tall opponent stared at Lin Hui fiercely, with a mocking light in his eyes.

The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, as if he was full of contempt and disdain for Lin Hui's mistake.

Lin Hui gritted his teeth, knowing how fatal his mistake just now was, allowing the opponent to score a point.

This point is undoubtedly very important for the game. He could feel the disdain and ridicule of his opponents, but he was not discouraged. On the contrary, a fire ignited in his heart and gradually spread.

The game continued. Lin Hui took a deep breath and adjusted his condition.

His eyes became sharper, like a sharp arrow, staring closely at the last red ball.

He gently held up the table tennis row with his fingers and felt the slight coolness it conveyed, as if it was resonating with him.

Suddenly, his eyes became deep and focused, and his body leaned forward slightly, ready to meet the challenge.

His thoughts were rushing like a violent storm, and all the angles, forces and speeds were accurately calculated and emerged in his brain.

In an instant, Lin Hui swung the racket rapidly, and the collision of the ball with the table tennis ball made a crisp impact sound.

The ball rolled rapidly, like a bolt of lightning piercing the dark night sky.

The ball made a slight dull sound.

The opponent also started waving the table tennis volleyball.

I am afraid that I will make a mistake too.

Lin Hui's figure is like lightning on the court, his movements are fast and accurate.

Every time he swings the racket, he can easily hit the table tennis ball. The sound of the collision between the balls is like musical notes jumping in the air, which makes people intoxicated.

Not to be outdone, his opponent waved the table tennis racket vigorously, his eyes revealing his desire for victory.

He knew that only by defeating Lin Hui could he prove his strength.

Therefore, he tried his best to cause trouble to Lin Hui.

There was no fear in Lin Hui's heart. His thoughts were rushing like a violent storm, and all angles, forces and speeds were accurately calculated and emerged in his brain.

He can accurately predict every move of his opponent, quickly adjust his posture and strength, and hit the table tennis ball back to the opponent's side.

Lin Hui's eyes were as sharp as an eagle, staring at the table tennis ball with all his concentration without any distraction.

There was a hint of surprise in his opponent's eyes, but he did not relax his vigilance.

Lin Hui felt the pressure from his opponent, and he couldn't help but become nervous.

He took a deep breath, adjusted himself, and tightened his muscles.

He knew that this was a critical moment and he couldn't make any mistakes.

The ball shuttled across the court at high speed, and the collision of table tennis balls enveloped the entire court like an exciting piece of music.

Lin Hui and his opponent looked like two agile cheetahs, chasing and dodging on the court, showing their superb skills.

Lin Hui's heartbeat accelerated, and he could feel his sweat dripping.

The opponent also started waving the table tennis racket, with a hint of anxiety in his eyes.

He is afraid that he will make a mistake because he knows that if he makes a mistake, Lin Hui will have the opportunity to hit the ball back.

He cannot let down his guard and must concentrate on dealing with it.

The competition on the court became more and more intense, and the fans cheered for the wonderful performance of the two players.

Their shouts were like strong winds, covering the entire stadium.

There was a trace of determination in his eyes, and he believed that he could defeat his opponent.

This table tennis match has been going on for a long time. The rackets are crisscrossing in the air and the ball is as fast as lightning.

Li Yu in the audience stared closely at the court, her heartbeat speeding up, and her nervousness gradually spread.

She deeply hoped that Brother Lin Hui could win the final victory, but she was afraid that he would miss this opportunity.

Brother Lin Hui waved his racket and shuttled nimbly across the court.

His eyes were fixed on the ping pong ball, and his wrist moved flexibly to hit the ball to the opponent's side.

Li Yu gasped nervously, knowing that this ball would determine the fate of victory or defeat.

The ball drew an arc in the air and flew quickly towards the opponent's side with a strong force.

The opponent reacted instantly, swung the racket, and hit the ball back.

The table tennis ball bounced on the court and made a crisp sound.

This goal was so important, it seemed like time had been frozen.

Li Yu felt like her heart was about to beat out of her chest. She bit her lips tightly, not daring to make any sound.

The table tennis ball bounced repeatedly on the court, and the two figures appeared in every corner of the court like magicians.

Brother Lin Hui's eyes shone with determination, and his body exuded an aura of confidence.

He kept adjusting his posture, preparing for the next challenge.

The ping pong ball flew through the air again and hit the other side of the court.

Both Brother Lin Hui and his opponent were giving their best, their sweat splashing in the air, filling the air with a rush of breath.

Their wrists swing rapidly, and the rackets cut through the air with the sound of wind, knocking the ping pong ball back to the opponent's side.

Li Yu clenched her fist tightly, and she felt the tenacious fighting spirit in Brother Lin Hui.

They tied, much to her relief and surprise.

The table tennis ball hit the ground with a bang, and the entire court fell silent, as if time had been frozen.

A breeze caressed Brother Lin Hui's face. He held the racket in his hand tightly, with perseverance shining in his eyes.

At this moment, he knew that he carried the hope of the entire team on his back, and that the last ball would decide their fate.

On the court, Lin Hui faced off nervously with his opponent, and the pressure between them made the entire air freeze.

The audience behind them watched all this with rapt attention.

Their breathing seemed to have stopped, because they knew that the victory or defeat at this time would become a decisive turning point.

Lin Hui held his breath and concentrated all his strength in one moment. He swung the racket and hit a powerful shot.

The ball flew through the air like an arrow from a string, its speed was so fast that people couldn't react.

Li Yu stood outside the court, staring closely at the trajectory of the ball. His heartbeat accelerated, and the tense atmosphere made him clenched his fists.

He knew that at this moment, Brother Lin Hui had devoted himself wholeheartedly to this game, and any slack would lead to their failure.

The ball drew a beautiful arc in the air, and then hit the ground hard.

For a moment, the entire audience's attention was attracted by the ball, and everyone held their breath.

After the ball hit the ground, it bounced up unexpectedly, flew over the opponent's head and flew out of the court.

For a moment, silence enveloped the entire stadium, and everyone opened their mouths in surprise.

The opponent watched helplessly as the ball crossed out of bounds. A trace of disappointment flashed in his eyes. He knew that he had missed this opportunity and the opportunity to compete for the championship.

He felt the weight of failure, and the unspeakable heartache surged into his heart like a tide.

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