The big devil in table tennis

Chapter 883 612 successfully advanced again

The mood of the audience also fluctuated with the development of the game.

Sometimes they cheered for Xu Xin's wonderful serve, and sometimes they applauded Shaojie for his wonderful return.

Everyone was attracted by this fierce and exciting game. Their eyes were fixed on the table tennis balls on the stage, as if they could feel the passion and hard work of the players.

The table tennis ball on the table is flying faster and faster, so fast that it is almost difficult to see clearly.

Their skills are getting better and better, and every ball is full of power and skill.

The cheers of the audience became louder and louder, and the entire competition venue was surrounded by their enthusiasm.

Finally, Xu Xin and Shaojie stopped their rackets again, and the table tennis ball hit the floor again, announcing the end of the round.

Xu Xin and Shaojie won!

On the other side, Lin Hui continued to play.

He held the table tennis racket tightly in his hand, stared at the table with his eyes, leaned forward slightly, and tightened his muscles in preparation for exerting force.

His eyes were as sharp as knives, focused and focused, as if he and his opponent were the only ones left in the world.

He took a deep breath and released the energy he had accumulated for a long time.

He waved his arm like a spring, and he hit the table tennis ball in the air.

Snapped! The collision between the ball and the racket made a crisp sound, like hitting a fragile heart.

The ball quickly travels through the air and drifts toward the opponent's side.

Not to be outdone, the opponent swung back deftly.

The table tennis ball trembled slightly in the air, as if a colorful butterfly was dancing.

A gorgeous picture is formed between the balls, and the rhythmic snapping sound constantly echoes on the playing field.

A determined look appeared on Lin Hui's face, and his heart was full of fighting spirit.

He is not just playing basketball, he is challenging himself and surpassing himself. Every shot he hits is an ultimate requirement for himself, and every return is a physical and mental confrontation.

The table tennis ball flies in the air with graceful curves, sometimes flying high and sometimes sweeping low.

The court was filled with an atmosphere of tension and passion, as if time had frozen at this moment.

Lin Hui's eyes shone with determination, his heart beat rapidly and his blood boiled.

Every nerve in his body was tense for this moment, and his muscles trembled weakly, as if all his strength was being injected into this final blow.

His fingers worked the racket nimbly, taking in every tiny detail.

His eyes are as sharp as a falcon, and he can see through the arc of the ball to see the opponent's intentions.

The ping-pong ball shuttled rapidly through the air, like a shooting star piercing the dark night.

The collision of rackets and table tennis balls became more and more frequent, as if telling a story of a desperate battle.

The audience held their breath and watched this scene nervously, as if they themselves were in it.

Li Yu stared at Lin Hui intently, and the tension in his heart gradually rose.

He looked at Lin Hui's tall and straight figure, his agile figure shuttled across the table like a bolt of lightning, and the table tennis ball in his hand streaked across the sky like a meteor.

Every time he swung the racket, the ball roared away with great force.

The opponent's expression also became serious, and he no longer seemed to be the easy person to mess with.

He stared at Lin Hui closely, his eyes full of determination and desire for victory.

His hands were as firm as stone, as if he was holding on to the table tennis racket and refused to let go.

And this fierce contest has reached the tenth lob.

The confrontation between Lin Hui and his opponent made the atmosphere tense to the extreme.

The heartbeats of the audience seemed to speed up with the high-speed flying ping pong balls.

Lin Hui knows that the outcome of this ball will directly determine the quality between him and his opponent.

At this critical moment, all the muscles in his body tightened and he adjusted his posture flexibly.

The airflow on the table seemed to condense, and time seemed to have stopped.

Lin Hui's eyes were fixed on the table tennis ball. He felt that everything around him became blurred, and only the ball existed in his world.

He raised his wrist slightly, and the table tennis ball drew a graceful arc in the air, carrying an unparalleled power and speed.

The table tennis ball flies across the sky like a shooting star, flying into the wind.

The ball dances in the air, like a smart star, exuding charming light.

As the ball hit the ground, there was a crisp "dong" sound, and the entire stadium instantly burst into deafening cheers.

Brother Lin Hui's lob defeated his opponent and won.

His body jumped up like a released arrow, drew a beautiful arc in the air, and then landed firmly on the table.

Brother Lin Hui's triumphant smile filled his face, and his eyes were full of pride and satisfaction.

From the moment of the competition, Li Yu immediately walked onto the stage and said to Lin Hui, "Congratulations, Brother Lin Hui, you won!"

However, at this time, Lin Hui was surrounded by everyone.

Li Yu only nodded slightly to his congratulations!

Because there are too many people surrounding him now.

He even lifted Lin Hui high in excitement.

Lin Hui was overwhelmed by these cheers!

But in Lin Hui's mind, he was thinking that although he had won.

Is Jianhua okay in the hospital?

At this moment, Lin Hui had no idea that Jianhua had already come to the playing field to play!

Until it’s over!

"What, Jianhua is here to play ball?"

Lin Hui, Shaojie, and Xin looked panicked when they heard what Li Yu said. They couldn't believe that Jianhua came over to play ball when he was unwell. Isn't this incredible? !

"Yes, Brother Lin Hui, Brother Jianhua did come to play!"

Li Yu responded affirmatively to Brother Lin Hui's disbelief!

At the same time, Xu Xin also asked, "What happened? Where are Jianhua's people now?"

This question touched Li Yu's heart, and she lowered her head: "Jianhua, Brother Jianhua, he..."

Li Yu spoke hesitantly, which made Shaojie start to get anxious, "Jianhua, Jianhua, what's wrong with him? Li Yu, please speak quickly, you're going to scare me to death!"

"Brother Jianhua, he fell down after hitting him!"

As soon as he heard what Li Yu said, Lin Hui asked Li Yu anxiously, "Now that Jianhua is here, where is he now?"

At the same time, Lin Hui wandered around, looking for Jianhua's whereabouts. Seeing this, Li Yu quickly said to Brother Lin Hui, "Brother Jianhua Hua is already in the hospital, and Han Yun is with him!"

When the word hospital was mentioned, Lin Hui was no longer calm.

Because he felt that Jianhua must be very serious, otherwise how could he be sent to the hospital again.

"Li Yu, which hospital is Jianhua in now? Let's go take a look at him together."

At the same time, Xu Xin also began to worry. After all, they had watched Jianhua being hospitalized before.

This time, Jianhua was admitted to the hospital again, which made him start to worry about Jianhua.

Could it be that his illness is serious? Otherwise, why would he be hospitalized?

"Yeah, let's go take a look quickly, don't just stay here in a daze!"

At Xu Xin's suggestion, Shaojie also became worried.

After a while, they arrived at Jianhua's ward and saw Jianhua lying on the bed with his eyes closed quietly!

At this moment, Han Yun was a little tired from guarding Jianhua for a long time. He actually didn't feel anything after they arrived and even slept more soundly!

When they saw this, they stopped disturbing Han Yun!

Instead, he gently called Jianhua's name.

No matter how they called, Jianhua had no response, and this also woke up Jianhua from his deep sleep!

Han Yun rubbed his eyes and said, "Brother Lin Hui, are you here?"

Seeing their arrival, they must have finished the game!

When Lin Hui saw that Han Yun had woken up, he immediately asked Han Yun, "Jianhua, how are you?"

"Brother Jianhua, brother Jianhua hasn't woken up yet!"

Han Yun glanced at Brother Jianhua and wanted to tell the truth.

"Then did the doctor say how long it will take for Jianhua to wake up?"

Xu Xin looked at Han Yun and smelled it.

However, Han Yun shook his head.

At this moment, Jianhua was lying on the hospital bed with a haggard look on his face. They looked at him very anxiously!

Seeing their sad faces, Li Yu said to them: "Brother Jianhua will be fine. You don't have to do this. It's just a simple fall, right! Han Yun!"

As a result, Han Yun remained silent because the doctor told him, "If Brother Jianhua doesn't wake up tonight, it will be more serious!"

Seeing that something was not right, Li Yu asked Han Yun again, "What? Is it possible that Brother Jianhua's life is in danger?"

When he mentioned the words life-threatening, Han Yun immediately shook his head.

"No, but the doctor said tonight is very important. It depends on whether Brother Jianhua can wake up. If he can't wake up, it will be more dangerous. If he wakes up, there will be no danger!"

"In that case, I will guard Han Yun here tonight. You should go back and rest early. You have been tired for a long day!"

In the past, when Lin Hui was sick, Jianhua was always by his side. Now that Jianhua is sick, naturally he has to be by his side too!

"Brother Jianhua, no need for brother Lin Hui. I have nothing to do. Just watch over brother Jianhua and I'll be fine. Besides, you still have to play ball, so don't be distracted!"

When talking about playing ball, Jianhua's hands moved slightly.

"Jianhua moved, Jianhua moved," Xu Xin saw this scene and shouted loudly!

And continued, "Did Jianhua become a little more aware of what Han Yun said about playing ball just now? It seems that Jianhua wants to hear everyone play ball the most!"

Immediately Xu Xin came close to Jianhua's ear and faced Jianhua, "We have finished playing table tennis today, and Shaojie and I have also advanced. Lin Hui has naturally advanced as well. I heard that you also went to the competition today. At the scene, you also advanced with the last ball!"

"What? Brother Jianhua also successfully advanced!" This was really incredible for Han Yun to hear.

While watching the game in the audience, I saw Brother Jianhua and fell in front of him.

At this moment, he remembered that the ball played by Brother Jianhua was the last ball.

The image of Brother Jianhua playing basketball immediately appeared in front of my eyes.

It is true that Brother Jianhua hit the ball on the opponent's court and then fell to the ground. The opponent only looked at it and did not realize that the ball was coming and fell to the ground.

After hearing this, he knelt directly in front of Jianhua and said, "Brother Jianhua, did you hear that? You have also successfully advanced. Wake up quickly!"

However, Jianhua was lying here motionless at this moment, as if he hadn't heard anyone's words!

"Han Yun, don't be so excited. Brother Jianhua will be fine. He is such a strong person and will definitely wake up!"

Li Yu saw that Han Yun was a little embarrassed in front of so many people, and quickly stepped forward to comfort him!

Han Yun wiped away the tears in the corner of his eyes, and then said firmly, "Yes! Brother Jianhua will be fine, he will be fine!"

At this moment, Jianhua's fingers flicked gently again.

But this scene was seen by Shaojie in the distance, and he said to the big guy, "Jianhua Jianhua, just now, the finger moved, moved!"

Shaojie was very excited and pointed his finger at Jianhua and shouted!

At this moment, everyone immediately followed his shouts and saw Jianhua's fingers in the direction, and found that Jianhua's fingers did move slightly!

If you say so, then Jianhua must wake up.

"Jianhua, Jianhua, can you hear my voice? I'm Lin Hui, wake up!"

Lin Hui tried to wake up Jianhua.

But they saw Jianhua but turned a blind eye and did not wake up!

However, on the contrary, Jianhua heard Lin Hui calling him constantly and tried hard to open his eyes.

"Look at Jianhua's eyes and his hair that keeps moving. It seems that Jianhua is conscious. Lin Hui, please talk to Jianhua again!"

It was rare to see Jianhua changing again, so he quickly reminded Lin Hui.

However, when Lin Hui saw this, he said to Jianhua, "Jianhua, you have been promoted, and all of us have been promoted. The remaining game is the championship game. It is a game between me and you. Wake up quickly." Come on, did you hear that, if you don’t wake up, the championship will be mine!”

"I haven't fought you yet. This championship is yours?"

"Jianhua! Jianhua, you wake up!"

Lin Hui felt dumbfounded when he heard what Jianhua said!

"I've been so noisy by you, how can I not wake up? Also, you just said that I was promoted, is that true?"

Jianhua remembered that when he hit the last ball, he threw it hard and his eyes began to become blurry.

I don’t know whether he won the last ball or the opponent won.

When I heard Lin Hui say this just now, it seemed that he had won!

"Of course it's true. Brother Jianhua and Brother Lin Hui are both going to compete for the championship with you, so naturally you advance!"

As an audience member, Li Yu can testify.

"Yes, Jianhua, you are really awesome. I didn't expect that you could defeat the opponent in such a situation. Don't you want to die? You don't care about your body at all."

Xu Xin also quickly stepped forward to give a positive answer.

This made Jianhua laugh while lying on the hospital bed.

He didn't think so much at first, he just thought that if he could participate in the competition, he would definitely not miss out on the championship. He didn't expect that he would actually advance!

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