The big devil in table tennis

Chapter 886 Although defeated, it is still glorious

The playing on the stage was shocking, especially when Jianhua was playing, everyone was staring at the ball on the stage, wondering who would be the final third runner-up!

At the same time, the table tennis ball shuttled back and forth in front of everyone's eyes, sometimes on Jianhua's side, sometimes on the opponent's side.

Now Jianhua, he felt severely that his body was starting to overdraw, and he wanted to end the game quickly, especially he wanted to lose to the opponent and end the game in third place.

But it seems that the other party is unwilling to give up and is still chasing Jianhua!

Jianhua began to feel nervous, and he felt that his body was slowly losing control of himself.

Sweat was dripping from his forehead.

But he held the racket tightly, all the muscles in his body were tense, and he tried hard to deal with the opponent's attack.

The opponent's skills are surprisingly superb, and each ball is shot towards Jianhua with a strong wind.

However, Jianhua's body was exhausted and he could hardly cope with the rest of the game.

He watched helplessly as the score increased by one point again, but his pride told him to persist!

Then the table tennis ball shuttled back and forth quickly, making a crisp hitting sound.

Jianhua tried his best to focus on the ball, his eyes showing firm determination.

He knew that only by attacking with all his might and dodging smartly could he avoid losing so miserably.

Jianhua started swinging the racket, and every hit was accurate and with just the right amount of force.

There was only one thought in his mind, and that was to lose beautifully!

He seized every opportunity with flexible and agile movements. With his tenacious perseverance, he constantly encouraged himself and did not allow himself to give up in the slightest.

The audience cheered on the sidelines. They were infected by Jianhua's performance and felt his fighting spirit.

Every shot seems to carry a force that arouses the passion of the audience.

However, Han Yun was very anxious.

Brother Jianhua, why hasn’t he fulfilled his previous promise?

Han Yun could now clearly see that Brother Jianhua was having a hard time fighting, and he even wanted to compete with him!

"Sister Li Yu, look, if Brother Jianhua continues to fight like this, he will really be a little overwhelmed. What should we do?"

Li Yu could also see that Brother Jianhua was very serious when he played. It didn't look like match-fixing or cheating at all.

If that's the case, then he still wants to compete for the championship!

If this is the case, then his body will really be unable to bear it as Han Yun said!

"How about we cheer for Brother Jianhua!"

Han Yun was in disbelief when he heard this.

"Sister Li Yu, why are we still cheering for Brother Jianhua? We want him to stop fighting now. By cheering for him, doesn't it bring him courage again?!"

Li Yu didn't mean that, "Han Yun, what I mean is, let's cheer Jianhua up and remind him, otherwise it will really be a problem for him to continue fighting like this!"

When Sister Li Yu said this, Han Yun immediately understood, "So Sister Li Yu, you want to take this opportunity to remind Brother Jianhua! This is a good idea, let's shout together!"

After saying that, Han Yun and Li Yu began to shout to Jianhua who was playing on the stage: "Brother Jianhua, come on, come on brother Jianhua!"

Although Jianhua was playing on the stage, the voices of Han Yun and Li Yu could be heard in an instant.

They shouted like this, as if they were deliberately reminding him: Wasn't it as promised before? Why are you regretting it now?

And Jianhua didn't want to regret it at all, he just wanted to lose beautifully. He wanted to win, but his current body really didn't allow him to win!

You can only lose beautifully when you lose!

Under their reminder, Jianhua took a deep breath, put away his fatigue, and readjusted his state.

He is determined to fight until the end!

Jianhua felt that time seemed to be extremely slow at this moment, and every hit became very tiring and took a very long time.

At the same time, Jianhua's heartbeat and breathing echoed in his ears, and he could feel that his physical strength was gradually being exhausted.

He used his last strength to play ball.

But this made Han Yun on the stage more anxious.

"Sister Li Yu, did Brother Jianhua hear what we called? If he heard, why did he still work so hard?"

Han Yun was very worried that Brother Jianhua didn't hear it.

"Brother Jianhua should have heard it, but he still has to insist on playing the last ball. The score is now 10 to 7. It is obvious that Brother Jianhua has fallen behind by several points. The result is obvious. If the opponent can cheer up a little bit, Brother Jianhua will definitely lose! But the premise is that Brother Jianhua must maintain his current state. When I saw Brother Jianhua just now, he really seemed to realize that he was far behind and was ready to give up!"

"Is it true? Sister Li Yu." Han Yun looked at Li Yu's interrogator excitedly.

"Of course it's true. Think about it. Brother Jianhua managed to catch up just now, but now he's falling behind again. He must not be able to catch up, because the game will be over soon, so don't worry!"

Li Yu's words made Han Yun completely relieved, but she still looked at Brother Jianhua playing on the stage with some uneasiness.

Brother Jianhua really doesn't play as hard as before when he plays now, and he seems to have become weaker.

If that's the case, that's great. He really wants Brother Jianhua to lose this game!

He fought so hard just now that Han Yun even doubted whether Brother Jianhua was serious.

However, Jianhua, who was playing at this moment, felt that his body was getting worse and worse, but he still had to hold on.

The table tennis ball flew to him, and he swung it gently. Although he tried hard to hit it back, it still landed here, and the score lost another point!

At the same time, the people watching the game in the audience also sighed!

Someone in the crowd suddenly said, "Isn't this the player who fainted yesterday?"

"He fainted yesterday and played today. He relied on his own willpower to persist until now. He is really tenacious!"

Hearing this, everyone looked at him with sympathy!

I even give a thumbs up because Jianhua was not in good health yesterday and went on stage to play today!

They didn't expect that he would still participate in today's game!

Although today's game was very poor, he still worked hard to finish the game!

"Yes, that's the young man from yesterday. I remember he did fall!" Someone in the crowd suddenly affirmed Jianhua who was playing on the stage!

"You said that, and it seems that I also remembered it. It is indeed him. If it is this young man, that is amazing!"

"I fell ill yesterday, but I still insist on playing today. This young man is amazing!"

A second ago, everyone in the audience was sighing because Jianhua lost, but this second they all cast encouraging glances!

He even started shouting loudly in response to Jianhua’s appeal: Come on! come on!

However, this cheers!

Jianhua thought he was cheering for the other party, but he didn't expect that he heard his own name in the sound of cheering!

That's right, they were cheering for him. These people were all people he didn't know!

When Jianhua heard the cheers, he regained his confidence and stood up hard!

Then, they continued to play table tennis with the other party, but the other party also admired Jianhua's spirit!

Because he also remembered that someone played basketball yesterday, won the game and was admitted to the hospital. The person in front of him must be!

He even felt admiration and was very gentle to the ball served by Jianhua Fa!

It didn't even look like a game-issued ball.

However, Jianhua felt a knowing smile when he saw such a ball.

If he understands what the other party wants from his heart, then this loss is worth it for him!

In the past, he always felt that there was no human touch on the playing field, but this made him feel that not only his opponents but also the audience expressed their encouragement to him!

Li Yu and Han Yun in the audience also heard it.

"Sister Li Yu, did you hear that? So many people just shouted to Brother Jianhua, come on!"

Could they be thinking that Brother Jianhua would lose the game, so they let him win the game again?

However, when Li Yu heard this, he kept shaking his head.

"Han Yun, you are overthinking it. The reason why everyone is shouting "Come on" must be because they know that it was Brother Jianhua who won the game yesterday and was admitted to the hospital. Otherwise, how could everyone shout "Come on" to Brother Jianhua? It’s conceivable that they already know the truth!”

"Then why do you really want Brother Jianhua to win?"

Until now, Han Yun still felt that everyone wanted Jianhua to win, but he only wanted Brother Jianhua to lose!

"No, Han Yun, even if Brother Jianhua loses, everyone thinks he lost with courage and manliness in this game, because he tried his best!"

From the shouts of the audience just now, it can be heard that everyone really gave a thumbs up to Brother Jianhua's speech, and even admired him!

"Is this really true?" Han Yun couldn't believe it!

Before Li Yu could speak, the ball fell to the ground again.

"It's just the last ball. If Brother Jianhua can't win with the last ball, we will lose the game!"

When he heard the words win, lose, Han Yun looked straight at Brother Jianhua on the stage.

He even had a happy smile on his face, so great! Brother Jianhua is finally losing!

She wished that Brother Jianhua would lose, and now it was finally Brother Jianhua's turn to lose and be able to come down and rest!

Then Han Yun was very focused on watching every move of Jianhua who was playing!

At this moment, Jianhua held back his last breath and continued to play. However, the opponent seemed to have slowed down, and he was just hitting me back and forth!

He didn't even want Jianhua to lose the game, and wanted to give up to Jianhua on purpose, but he saw that Jianhua's health was getting worse and worse!

Helpless, after several reincarnations, he could only think of ending Jianhua's pain quickly!

Then he hit Jianhua with a ball. As expected, Jianhua was exhausted and couldn't catch it!

The ping pong ball fell to the ground and made a very loud sound!

This also means that Jianhua lost the game.

Jianhua was a little downcast and felt depressed. After all, he had no choice but to lose this game!

Although in the past, I vowed to everyone that no matter what I did, I would still be in third place.

When he really lost the game, he felt suddenly lonely and even panicked!

However, what Jianhua didn't expect was that the audience burst into loud applause!

Is this applause given to him?

At the same time, he also saw the opponent's athlete and applauded him!

It seemed like it was really given to him. Did everyone think that he lost with great honor?

At this moment, Han Yun and Li Yu also hurriedly ran onto the stage, "Brother Jianhua, everyone is applauding your perseverance. Everyone should know it. You fainted during the game yesterday, but you still insist on playing today." !”

When Jianhua heard this, not only was he not happy, but he became very ashamed.

If he is in good health and does not fall ill, he will definitely be able to finish this game.

As for whether the result of the game is victory or defeat, he is willing to accept it!

But during this game, he could only passively accept it!

"Brother Jianhua, let me help you go down and have a rest!" Han Yun saw Jianhua's weak appearance and quickly reminded him!

Jianhua still didn't react from the previous game.

"Brother Jianhua, you should take a rest as soon as possible. Your health is important. You have been playing for such a long time, are you already very tired?!"

It was only under Li Yu's urging that Jianhua came back to his senses.

Indeed, he was very tired after playing for such a long time.

With the help of Han Yun, we came to the backstage!

At the same time, I heard Han Yun say to Jianhua, "Brother Jianhua, take a rest and drink some water. I was scared to death just now!"

Needless to say, Han Yun said that Jianhua felt that his body was a little unable to hold on, but he still managed to hold on!

After all, he wants to leave a good impression on everyone in Europe and the world competition!

But Jianhua still said to Han Yun, "I've made you worry."

"Brother Jianhua, you are really worrying Han Yun. Han Yun feels as if you are competing for the championship. You are always absent-minded and wandering around! All my thoughts are on you!"

At this moment, Li Yu saw Han Yun's devotion to Brother Jianhua and had to tell Brother Jianhua. Otherwise, how could someone as dull as Brother Jianhua know that Han Yun was good to her.

"Thank you, Han Yun!" Jianhua said affectionately to Han Yun.

Han Yun said shyly: "Brother Jianhua, what are you talking about?"

This made Li Yu on the side feel that he was a little redundant, so he walked away quietly.

And thinking that Brother Lin Hui should play with the second place now. Whether he can become the champion depends on Brother Lin Hui!

At the same time, Jianhua stopped Li Yu the moment she went out, "Help me cheer for Lin Hui!"

When Li Yu heard this, he stopped, turned to Jianhua and said, "I will!"

Then Li Yu left with peace of mind, leaving Han Yun and Jianhua behind.

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