The big devil in table tennis

Chapter 890 Do you want nirvana?

Bang, the ping pong ball fell to the ground. The moment Lin Hui saw the ball falling to the ground, his heart broke.

This ball was caught up by the opponent again, and he lost another goal to the opponent.

Looking at the ball falling to the ground, Lin Hui was filled with regret.

His mood even became inexplicably heavy. He lost another point.

He knew that this defeat had once again narrowed the gap between him and his opponents.

The opponent smiled triumphantly, seeming to challenge him.

Lin Hui was a little reluctant, took a deep breath, and tried to calm down his emotions.

Stand in front of the table again, adjust your posture, and prepare for the next ball.

His hand held the table tennis racket tightly, and all the muscles in his body were tense, ready to deal with the opponent's attack at any time.

Lin Hui stared at the table tennis ball with all his concentration, accurately predicting the trajectory and speed of the ball.

Lin Hui can feel his blood burning every time he hits a ball.

Every round made him be cautious, while the table tennis ball flew back and forth on the table, making a crisp sound.

Lin Hui's eyes began to become sharper, observing every move of his opponent, looking for opportunities to defeat him.

A series of tactics and techniques flashed through his mind, and he applied them flexibly during the game.

Finally, he found a way to break through his opponent's defense. He quickly adjusted his strategy and adopted a more aggressive attack, without giving his opponent a chance to breathe.

His ball speed became faster and more accurate, and every return shot was like a cry from the heart.

The opponent gradually felt the pressure increasing, and he had to concentrate, otherwise he would be defeated by Lin Hui's lightning speed.

"Brother Lin Hui, come on!" Han Yun in the audience kept shouting for Lin Hui.

Li Yu saw Han Yun shouting and couldn't help but join in.

I don’t know if Brother Lin Hui will win the championship again this time like before, but Li Yu naturally wants Brother Lin Hui to succeed.

Even the audience on the sidelines were cheering for Lin Hui.

Lin Hui heard the big guys cheering him on in the audience.

He couldn't help but speed up the table tennis ball again, so fast that his opponent broke into a cold sweat.

But he won't give up.

As the speed increased, he bravely fought back the table tennis ball played by Lin Hui.

Lin Hui was naturally not distracted and focused on waving the table tennis racket in his hand. Every movement focused on his full strength.

The racket drew an arc in the air, and the ball flew toward the opponent's corner like a meteor streaking across the night sky.

Facing such a sharp offensive, his opponent frowned slightly, tensed his body, and concentrated on waiting for Lin Hui's return.

His eyes were fixed on the ball, as if he wanted to read Lin Hui's intentions through the trajectory of the ball.

Lin Hui's return of the ball is fast and accurate, and every ball contains infinite power.

There was a crisp impact sound from the intersection of racket and ball, which once again aroused cheers.

Lin Hui felt the shouts from the audience, and his confidence and strength continued to expand.

He stared at his opponent with determination in his eyes.

He knows that this game is of great significance to him, and he cannot lose, let alone let everyone down.

He launched a fierce offensive again, and the table tennis balls flew back and forth on the table, like a group of dexterous butterflies dancing with their beautiful figures.

The ball was so fast that people couldn't react. The opponent could only block it with all his strength. Sweat dripped from his forehead and gradually formed droplets of water.

Every return shot seemed like his heart stopped for a moment, then accelerated again.

Lin Hui felt the tenacity of his opponent, and their fight became more and more fierce. The table tennis ball shuttled across the court like lightning, making bursts of sharp whistles.

Their sweat soaked their jerseys, but it did not weaken their fighting spirit.

Lin Hui gathered all his strength and launched the final attack again. he

The return ball hits the opponent like thunder, and the speed is dizzying.

The opponent tried his best, but was still unable to stop the speed of the ball. He could only watch the ball fly past him.

The ball hit the ground and fell to the ground with a crisp crash, then flew to the far corner.


Lin Hui won another goal from the opponent, which made Lin Hui's mouth tilt slightly.

The opponent put down his racket and crossed his hands to make a clicking sound, which was caused by the collision of bones.

It seemed that Lin Hui was venting his dissatisfaction.

However, Lin Hui is not afraid of this at all. As an athlete, how could he be intimidated by the opponent?

Besides, what if this is the opponent's tactic?

Thinking of this, Lin Hui smiled slightly at the other party to show his response.

This made the other party very angry.

He thought Lin Hui was provoking him.

Next, every time his opponent hit a ball, he became more sharp, and his stern look was the same as his own.

Lin Hui didn't look at the opponent's eyes at all, just stared in the direction of the ping pong ball.

And he responded to the ping pong ball, but this made the other party even more angry. He obviously wanted to arouse Lin Hui's anger. Not only was he not aroused, but it made him more and more angry. No, he had to speed up again.

The speed of his men increased again, but this was nothing to Lin Hui, just like a piece of cake!

Time passed by minute by second, and the two people were fighting for life and death on the stage. This made Li Yu in the audience couldn't help but become nervous, and even started to ask Jianhua, "Brother Jianhua, do you think Brother Lin Hui can do it this time?" Win?"

Li Yu's lack of confidence made Han Yun take it to heart, and even teased Li Yu, "Sister Li Yu, who told you not to be nervous before? I see, Brother Lin Hui is playing on the stage, you are more nervous than anyone else!" "

Previously, Sister Li Yu was telling him that they would succeed in playing, so there was no need to be nervous.

Why is Sister Li Yu now the same as she was before, still speaking incoherently? Han Yun even felt that this was not like Sister Li Yu's style!

Li Yu blushed after hearing this.

It was indeed Li Yu who persuaded Han Yun like this at the beginning, but now that this happened to her, she was no longer under control. Instead, it was Jianhua who put in a good word for this place.

"Don't say it's Li Yu, just say it's me. I'd be very nervous. Look, my palms are already sweating when I watch Lin Hui play. But I think Lin Hui won't give up easily. Besides, I think Lin Hui won't give up easily." Now, isn't Lin Hui two points ahead of the opponent? We still have to have confidence in Lin Hui!"

These words made Han Yun on the side curl his lips. Brother Jianhua knows how to be a peacemaker!

He didn't know that she was also very nervous at first, but Sister Li Yu calmly persuaded him that it would be okay, and the result would be victory anyway.

At that time, I probably didn’t expect Brother Lin Hui to be competing for the championship, so that’s why he said this!

At the same time, after Brother Jianhua said this, Li Yu

Still very nervous, even a little worried, he said, "Brother Jianhua, Brother Lin Hui just won two goals from the opponent, and the opponent immediately counterattacked. Although we are two goals behind now, why do I always feel that the opponent What about pediatrics?!"

"Besides, when you play with the opponent, you can feel the opponent's strength. Isn't it very strong?"

Li Yu asked Jianhua with some worry. At this moment, I am afraid that only Jianhua can relieve him!

Of course, Jianhua also saw Li Yu's nervous look.

He continued to comfort Li Yuji, "When I played with him, I was sick, so I didn't know his skills. If I hadn't been sick, maybe he wouldn't be as good as me, so Li Yu, you don't have to be nervous." Yes, we believe in Lin Hui and even more believe in our eyes!"

Jianhua had already mentioned this, so there was no need for Li Yu to continue asking. Instead, he turned his attention to the stage again.

On the stage at this moment, Lin Hui, who was playing ball, had just scored a point.

He knew that he couldn't relax at all at this moment. Just like before, because of his temporary relaxation, the opponent caught up with him. He had to take advantage of the fact that he had won two balls from the other party to win a few more balls in a row. , so that the gap between them becomes wider and wider, so that he can get closer and closer to success!

However, the other party would not give Lin Hui such a chance at all.

Everyone knows how dignified and glorious it is to stand in the championship position. No one gives up on the championship that is so close!

The opponent was even more sharp and started playing the ball towards Lin Hui. The table tennis ball was flying back and forth on the stage!

He knew that Lin Hui was a very good player, but for this success and for victory, he had to chase Lin Hui down from two goals he won!

Then, using his own unique folk remedies, he started to serve Lin Hui!

Lin Hui immediately saw that the opponent was actually serving this kind of ball, a chip.

Generally speaking, it is not recognized by the international community. He actually fired such a ball. This was so shocking to Lin Hui.

However, Lin Hui was not unfamiliar with this kind of ball. He calmly moved his body forward slightly, and then gently pushed the ball forward with the table tennis racket!

He easily caught the ball from the opponent!

However, this surprised the other party. Lin Hui actually knew that he wanted to play this kind of game and had a policy to deal with it!

It can be seen that his Internet speed has always been able to keep up!

But this had to hit him, and he sent the ball out again!

Every time he sliced ​​the ball, Lin Hui felt crushed.

This kind of ball is the most difficult to solve, and it is slightly less powerful.

The table tennis ball cannot go up to the table. If you throw it with a little force, the table tennis ball will hit the table!

Fortunately, Lin Hui is a battle-tested athlete. How could he make such a mistake?

His eyes are like rulers and he can accurately aim at the direction in which the table tennis ball will fall!

However, just when Lin Hui was full of confidence, the opponent hit the ping pong ball towards Lin Hui's left corner!

However, at this time, Lin Hui was standing at the corner, relatively far away.

Seeing that the ping pong ball was about to fall to the ground, Lin Hui had to run over quickly and catch the ping pong ball!

Only in this way can the table tennis ball land quickly!

When he thought that there must be no problem in this way, Lin Hui also acted according to this idea!

What Lin Hui never expected was that when the ping-pong ball landed on the opponent's table, the opponent dropped the ping-pong ball to the right corner of his table!

This made Lin Hui simply unbelievable, because he had to make more than half a circle to run from his left foot to his right foot, which was completely impossible!

Not only Lin Hui, but everyone thought that Lin Hui could not catch such a ball.

But Lin Hui still wanted to try. The moment he saw the ball landing in the right corner, he immediately accelerated his speed, ran over, and even stretched out his hand to gently put the table tennis ball on the table. beat!

As a result, everyone's long-awaited Qiu still didn't make it to the surface.

This also means that Lin Hui lost this ball.

The score quickly became 9-8 again.

The gap began to narrow again, which made Lin Hui frown.

He was extremely careful, but he finally let the other party catch up!

But what Lin Hui really didn't expect was that the opponent would actually use such a ball to hang him!

But to be honest, the most taboo thing on the playing field is this kind of ball. This kind of ball is so accurate that it can't even be hit back!

Whoever takes the initiative has the chance to win the ball!

The opponent was like this just now, but this will not affect Lin Hui's next performance. After all, Lin Hui knows that he still has two skills!

After being able to reach this point, he is about to reach the end. He will not let himself miss the championship easily!

After Lin Hui made a summary, his eyes were fixed on the direction where the table tennis ball was sent!

He will not give the opponent any more chances, nor will he allow himself to make too many mistakes!

Then the ping pong ball was in his hand, flying back and forth!

And since the opponent just scored a point, he started playing with more and more force and became heavier!

This made Lin Hui, who was already somewhat mentally burdened, start to become depressed and even heavy!

Soon, in less than two minutes, Lin Hui lost another point.

The score on the counter is 9 to 9.

Seeing the already tied score, Lin Hui couldn't help but frowned again.

It was simply unbelievable that the other party caught up with him so quickly, and it also confirmed that the other party's mentality must be much better, because this was the third time that he had caught up with Lin Hui. It can be seen that the psychological quality is not better than Lin Hui's. Lin Hui is generally strong.

At this moment, Lin Hui's mentality has collapsed to the edge!

He even doubted whether he really couldn't beat the opponent. If he couldn't beat the opponent, then he would be the champion today!

Lin Hui couldn't help but think of the other party. The scene of standing on the competition stage and laughing at him made Lin Hui's eyes brighten for a moment!

No, such a thing must not happen. He wants his country's five-star red flag to flutter in the wind, and wants all countries and people in the world to know that their five-star red flag is the reddest and most beautiful!

Lin Hui came back to his senses and quickly started playing table tennis again. He was even more energetic than before. Every time he hit the ball, he became more confident. He wanted to win the game and get the third place. One, he wants to use the five-star red flag at the highest point to face everyone and cheer!

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