The big devil in table tennis

Chapter 892 The contest of strength

This is the European Cup international competition!

How is it possible to cheat on something like this!

If you are caught cheating, you will be banned from the competition.

Impossible, absolutely impossible!

Jianhua still shook his head and refused to believe it.

Because just based on Li Yu’s words, it’s not possible

Jumping to random conclusions.

After Jianhua was confused, Han Yun on the side also said to Jianhua: "Brother Jianhua thought, how can the two of them play like this? I have never heard of him actually pulling the ball with his hands! Then he pulled the ball to Xu Xin It’s over!”

And look it’s true!

Just now Li Yu also said that the two of them were cheating, but Jianhua still didn't believe it. Now even Han Yun said that it seemed that this matter was already a fact.

If that's the case, is the referee blind?

Didn't they see that?

When Jianhua didn't speak, Li Yu whispered to Han Yun: "You also saw it, right? Their hands and feet are too unclean! They are tampering here!"

Li Yu, I also saw it. It was clear that they were about to lose, but they held the table tennis board and bounced it back with their hands. This was obviously a big case of cheating.

When Han Yun heard Sister Li Yu's words, he thought she had seen it wrong. He didn't expect Shi Zhen, and then said angrily: "These referees, didn't they see it? Even we saw it, how could they not see it?" Woolen cloth?"

If this is the case, then it seems that these referees are deliberately pretending not to know!

"Ah! Will this be very bad? Will Xu Xin and Shaojie encounter many obstacles if they win the championship in this competition?!"

Li Yu shouted softly.

Because even the referee didn't care about the behavior just now, what can happen next? Will they be allowed to do whatever they want?

In this case, wouldn't Xu Xin and Shaojie encounter many obstacles? Will the road to championship become increasingly difficult?

"Yeah, why didn't we think of it? Could Xu Xin and Shao Jiejie...?" Han Yun didn't dare to guess!

But Jianhua can only wait and see what happens!

Because you dare to cheat in front of all the spectators on the competition field!

It can be seen how powerful the forces behind them are. It may be difficult for Xu Xin and Shaojie to stand out from this competition!

Jianhua could only silently pray that the two of them could stand out in this difficult situation!

"Look, they are tied with each other!"

Xu Xin on the stage clearly saw that the ball had hit the opponent's table and bounced along the ground, but he was caught back inexplicably!

What's going on. He was at a loss!

When I continued to fight, I found that it was the same as before, and I was picked up by the opponent again!

This made Xu Xin have to wonder if the two players did something when they weren't paying attention.

In the following match, Xu Xin played more seriously and would not even let the opponent have any chance.

She didn't see it clearly just now, so she must make good use of it this time!

Then the ping pong ball hit Xu Xin effortlessly.

Seeing this, the other party sped up, and Xu Xin also sped up!

At some point, the table tennis ball banged on Shaojie's side, and when it hit the opponent, it bounced back!

This is impossible, this is absolutely impossible. Shaojie is in disbelief. He has obviously hit the opponent's table, and then the ball has fallen along the table to the ground, but why did it fly back again? Could it be that the opponent caught the ball from underground and returned?

At that time, he did see the way the opponent's athlete was bending his body, but it was impossible to catch the ball.

But how did the ball get to the table? This is too unbelievable.

Shaojie was completely shocked. Because he was so obsessed with watching, he almost hit the ball for a moment. However, the opponent's ball was hit by Xu Xin, and Shaojie realized it!

But it was too late. Shaojie caught the ball just a little bit away, but the ball fell along his table and fell to the ground, making a harsh sound!

"Shaojie, what's wrong with you? How can you still make such a low-level mistake!"

Xu Xin quickly reminded Shaojie when the opponent was about to serve!

"Them!" Shaojie couldn't say these words at all. Even if he knew that the other party was cheating, what evidence did he have?

All I could say was sorry: "Xu Xin, I didn't fight well just now!"

Then, Xu Xin said: "Be more attentive below!"

Then Shaojie and Xu Xin regained their energy and started playing ball!

The table tennis ball hit them again, and Shaojie looked absent-minded. He didn't play well just now, and now he is still playing very badly!

Lost two balls in a row!

Finally Xu Xin couldn't sit still anymore, "Shaojie, can you play well with some snacks? If this continues, we will lose!"

When Shaojie heard the word lose, he came to his senses again. He couldn't lose. How could he lose to a foreign team?

Besides, why should they cheat and beat the two of them in this competition? This kind of thing is absolutely not allowed!

Then Shaojie confidently promised Xu Xin: "The championship belongs to us!"

After saying that, he leaned forward and looked forward, with one hand tightly clenched into a fist and the other hand tightly clenching the table tennis racket!

The scarlet color in his eyes made the other party feel a little scared when he saw it.

how? Is it a challenge to the two of them?

The two opposing players are not afraid of them at all. Today’s championship must be theirs!

Then he served ping pong balls to Xu Xin and Shaojie with great disdain!

The table tennis balls were on their table, ping-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong, making a very loud sound!

The other party saw that Xu Xin and Shaojie were fighting even more fiercely than before, and the two of them began to fight with all their strength!

One ball after another made Li Yu and Han Yun in the audience a little anxious!

Even Han Yun was scolding, "They are so shameless, they actually cheated on the spot, and so did the referee, but they were still indifferent. What kind of cover-up game is this?"

Although I know there are a lot of unfairness in the competition, I am still angry and uneasy? ! But what can be done? Who said they couldn't bribe the referee? If they bribed the referee, wouldn't they still punish the opponent?

As a result, the other party easily cheated again and again and remained indifferent!

The only thing that can be done now is to hope that Xu Xin and Shaojie will work harder and try to kill these two unruly people!

"Han Yun, I believe that Xu Xin and Shaojie, even if the other party makes any small moves, they will face the difficulties without any problems!"

"Brother Jianhua, how long has this been? Haven't you seen that Xu Xin and Shaojie have already lost two goals? If this continues, the other party will definitely not give up and will continue to do it. It’s a little trick!”

"Don't you understand this? Even if they do small tricks, if Shaojie and Xu Xin are to play well, they will not bother to do these evil things. But if Xu Xin and Shaojie even do this If you can't deal with them at all, won't you still be eliminated by others in other international competitions in the future?"

They occasionally encounter this situation when they are playing, and it is a situation where the referee does not care!

In a situation like this, they can only respond randomly, that is, use their own strength to defeat them, leaving them helpless!

And now, this is what Xu Xin and Shaojie want to do!

Show your strength, let them know what real table tennis is, and let them know what real Chinese table tennis is!

"Brother Jianhua, why are you speaking for outsiders? Aren't Xu Xin and Shaojie from your national team?!"

She originally thought that Brother Jianhua would be like her, scolding these cheaters, but she didn't expect that Brother Jianhua not only didn't curse, but actually found it a challenge!

Seeing this, Xu Xin on the side said to Han Yun, "I think what Brother Jianhua said is indeed right!"

"What? Sister Li Yu, are you also confused? You also agree with Brother Jianhua's idea. Do you think cheating is a glorious thing?!"

However, Li Yu tilted his lips slightly, "Cheating is certainly not an honorable thing, but Xu Xin and Shaojie have been on the battlefield for a long time. If they can't even handle this, how can they be regarded as qualified drinkers?" Where’s the champion?”

This kind of thing will happen more and more in the future, and people will do all kinds of actions. Could it be that you lose the game just because you do all kinds of actions and don't play? Doesn't this make you even less capable? ?

When Li Yu finished speaking, Han Yun was enlightened, "Sister Li Yu, I understand. It turns out that the real table tennis championship is won through one's own strength. I heard before that Brother Lin Hui was beaten down by his opponent." Even though he is dead, he can still stand up and win the championship. It seems that this is the way to become a champion, and this is the spirit of a champion!"

From this moment, Li Yu truly realized why the road to championship is so difficult!

The two of them finally understood!

When Jianhua heard the conversation between Han Yun and Li Yu, he turned his attention to the stage again!

Xu Xin on the stage may have thought the same thing as him, realized the other person, and began to readjust her mood!

He was very puzzled and played table tennis!

The score was 4-2, and now it has started to become 4-3.

The score has been reduced by one point. It seems that Xu Xin and Shaojie have realized it!

Otherwise, how could we have brought the score closer to one point in such a short period of time!

Then there was a bang and the score became a tie!

4 is better than 4

"It looks like a tie. That's great. Xu Xin and Shaojie have caught up with them again now!" Han Yun said excitedly when he saw the score!

"Perhaps they also realized that the other party was cheating, so they launched a new round of challenges with them calmly. Otherwise, how could Xu Xin and Shaojie accept such a result so quickly, and even be able to overtake them?"

Li Yu was thinking as he spoke!

Only the moment of awakening can you catch the ping pong ball back!

Now they saw Xu Xin and Shao Jiejie roaring at their prey like lions!

He even has to tear the other party into pieces before he is willing to do it!

This made Li Yu couldn't help but feel that the inner qualities of Xu Xin and Shaojie were really great!

If this continues, it will definitely destroy the mentality of the two opposing athletes!

Sure enough, in the next game, they won three balls in a row, causing the opponent's players to collapse!

From their movements and expressions, it can be seen that they have bitter faces, which also proves that Xu Xin and Shaojie are extremely powerful.

At the same time, I also saw the corners of the mouth on Xu Xin Shaojie's face tilted slightly upward!

When Li Yu saw this scene, he felt relieved and turned his attention to Brother Lin Hui!

Brother Lin Hui still hit the ball hard. When the opponent hit the ball, he hit it steadily. Every foothold and direction of the ball was just like he had calculated it!

And what about the other party? Of course, he didn't just fight randomly. Like Brother Lin Hui, he made a careful choice!

Every time he hit a ball, he thought about what Lin Hui might hit. Even though it was only a short time, he had already fully pictured it in his mind!

However, Lin Hui is not afraid of the vagaries of the opponent's play when playing!

On the contrary, he felt that the other party was changing back and forth like this, but he wanted to know when he would have no next move, or what other moves he would make?

Lin Hui found it extremely challenging!

Time passed by minute by second, and the opponent and Lin Hui had been playing for so long, but they still couldn't decide the winner on this goal!

They are even still chasing each other, which makes the other party a little anxious and even irritable!

If the fight with Lin Hui continues like this, he thinks he will become even more irritable, because the score is getting closer and closer to success, and he must cut through the mess quickly. If he continues at this speed, it is possible It will drag him down!

Then the opponent's player began to speed up and hit Lin Hui!

However, Lin Hui handles this kind of ball as easily as he does every day!

It can be seen that the other party is already anxious, but Lin Hui does not want to end in such a hurry. He wants to continue the challenge with the other party!

The ball hit by the opponent slows down the speed!

The slow speed means that the two of them will become more and more stable when playing. Only when the playing speed is fast can they take advantage of the opponent's inattention and solve future problems!

But the table tennis ball seems to be constantly at the mercy of the other players.

Lin Hui plays a slow ball, while the opponent plays a fast ball. In this way, the two players are like a sea that does not merge with each other, chasing each other here!

In Lin Hui's eyes, what he pursues is stability, but in the eyes of the other party, what he pursues is annexation.

Only by annexing the opponent can you win this point!

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