Chapter 946 Too much

Xu Xin and Shaojie stood on opposite ends of the spectrum, their eyes showing determination and concentration, as if the only thing left in the world was the duel between them.

The ping pong ball flew back and forth between them, getting faster and faster, with sharp spin and power in every hit.

Their movements were skillful and fast, like a tacit couple, drawing wonderful arcs in the air.

Everyone gathered around the table tennis table, staring at the small white ball, anticipating whose side it would land on.

However, when the ball was in the air, it unexpectedly stopped in mid-air, as if it was fixed there by some invisible force.

There was silence, except for the faint hum of the ball in the air.

The four contestants' eyes met, and they couldn't help but look surprised.

It was as if the table tennis ball was suspended in mid-air, then accidentally dropped to the table, and was hit back by the opponent's player.

"What's going on?" Xu Xin couldn't help but ask.

Shaojie frowned and tried to hit the table hard to make the ball fall, but the ball remained fixed in place, unwavering.

Just when everyone was hesitant, suddenly, the table tennis ball began to fly back and forth between the four people, getting faster and faster, as if there was an invisible hand controlling it.

The four players' eyes were blurred and they could not keep up with the speed of the ball. They could only watch the ball flying around them.

The scene became more chaotic, and the ball flew faster and faster, making a sharp buzzing sound, which seemed to challenge the reaction speed and technical level of the four players.

The four players looked at each other and stopped the game with a tacit understanding, trying to work together to control the flying ping pong ball.

They tried to control the ball on their side, but the ball seemed to have a life of its own, flexibly avoiding their touches.

Beads of sweat broke out on the foreheads of the four players, and their eyes shone with determination.

They are determined not to be defeated by this mysterious ping pong ball. No matter what, they have to win this game.

The ping pong balls were flying around them, getting faster and faster, as if they were trying to break through the constraints of time and space.

The four players cooperated tacitly, constantly adjusting their postures and hitting methods, trying to find a breakthrough.

Their expressions were solemn and determined, determined to defeat this seemingly invincible opponent.

Finally, in an instant, the four players let out a low roar at the same time, and their rackets swung in unison, surrounding the table tennis balls, forming an airtight defense line.

Surrounded by them, the table tennis ball became more and more unable to escape, and finally, it landed on the table with a "pop" sound.

Seeing such a fierce situation, the table tennis balls flew back and forth on the table, making crisp snapping sounds, as if telling a fierce duel.

Everyone involved in the game is focused on the ball, nervously waiting for the next moment to happen.

Their faces were full of frightened expressions, as if the whole world had stopped and only the game continued.

The rackets were swinging rapidly in their hands, dripping with sweat, but they were not afraid, just pursuing the glory of victory.

The atmosphere in the audience was also tense and exciting, and everyone was guessing who would be the winner of this game.

Their eyes shone with anticipation, as if they could feel the joy of victory approaching quietly.

In this ever-changing game, every player has shown tenacity and skill.

Their movements are strong and accurate, and every shot is full of power and skill.

The tension on the court was breathtaking, as if the whole world was immersed in the atmosphere of this game.

Seeing such a fierce situation, the table tennis balls flew back and forth on the table, making crisp snapping sounds, as if telling a fierce duel.

Everyone involved in the game is focused on the ball, nervously waiting for the next moment to happen.

Their faces were full of frightened expressions, as if the whole world had stopped and only the game continued.

The rackets were swinging rapidly in their hands, dripping with sweat, but they were not afraid, just pursuing the glory of victory.

The atmosphere in the audience was also tense and exciting, and everyone was guessing who would be the winner of this game.

Their eyes shone with anticipation, as if they could feel the joy of victory approaching quietly.

In this ever-changing game, every player has shown tenacity and skill.

Their movements are strong and accurate, and every shot is full of power and skill.

The tension on the court was breathtaking, as if the whole world was immersed in the atmosphere of this game.

Bang, bang, bang, the ping-pong ball made a rhythmic hitting sound, as if the speed of two heartbeats was accelerating.

Xu Xin and Shaojie stood at both ends of the table, their brows slightly furrowed, and beads of sweat already oozing out from their foreheads.

Their eyes were fixed on each other, as if they wanted to catch each other's every move.

The ball flew back and forth so fast that it exceeded their limit, but they still gritted their teeth and worked hard to hit the ball back to the opponent's court.

Xu Xin felt that his arms were a little weak, but he subconsciously held the racket tightly without relaxing.

Shaojie's forehead was soaked with sweat, but his eyes became more determined.

This game is not just a simple game for them, but a test of their willpower and perseverance.

They doubt whether they can persist to the end, but they also know that only by persisting can they win this game.

At this moment, their emotions were beating rapidly on the field like ping-pong balls, intense and full of anticipation.

However, the ping-pong balls made continuous banging sounds on the table, as if they could never find a chance to stop.

Xu Xin and Shaojie swung their rackets nervously, but could not seize any opportunity to score, and their atmosphere became increasingly anxious.

The opponent seemed to sense their emotions and suddenly launched a powerful shot.

The ball flew towards Xu Xin like lightning. He saw the ball approaching fiercely and saw that his racket would not be able to block it in time.

His body seemed to be frozen in place, and tension and fear rose in his heart.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Shaojie reacted quickly and swung his racket in the direction where the ball was flying.

The racket collided violently with the table tennis ball, making a sharp "pop" sound.

The ball continued to fly forward, but was successfully blocked by Shaojie.

Xu Xin breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Shaojie gratefully. The two exchanged a look of understanding.

The opponent's offensive did not stop, and their counterattacks became more ferocious.

Xu Xin and Shaojie realized that they had to concentrate and no longer let their emotions control them.

They cooperated tacitly and began to change tactics, trying to find loopholes. The atmosphere on the court became tense and intense, and every ball carried the hope and struggle of both sides.

Lin Hui and Jianhua stood in the audience, their heartbeats seemed to speed up with the sound of ping pong balls.

Every thumping sound of the ball seemed to pierce every cell in them, making their nerves tense to the limit.

On the stage, Xu Xin was holding a table tennis racket and her eyes were focused on the young hero opposite. His eyes were full of determination and desire.

Shaojie's expression was also very solemn, and his eyes revealed his desire for victory and enthusiasm for the game.

The ping-pong ball flew back and forth on the table, the speed of the ball was dizzying.

The figures of Xu Xin and Shaojie moved quickly around the table, their movements as graceful and sharp as dance.

Sweat soaked their clothes, but they felt nothing and only focused on the fierce competition in front of them.

The audience held their breath and watched the two men on the court nervously.

Every hit made their hearts beat faster, as if they were at the game.

Their emotions rose and fell with the score, and they cheered for the players.

Xu Xin and Shaojie's eyes shone with determination as they constantly adjusted their postures and intensity in an effort to hit the ball more accurately and sharply.

The table tennis ball draws beautiful arcs in the air,

As beautiful as radiance.

There was a sharp "dong" sound and the ping-pong ball was passed.

Lin Hui and Jianhua's eyes were fixed on the rapidly rotating ping pong ball, and their heartbeats seemed to accelerate with the rhythm of the ball.

The ball drew a beautiful arc in the air and finally landed on the stage without falling to the ground. The game continued.

The four players continued their fierce competition in a tense atmosphere. Every move they made was full of strength and skill, as if they were demonstrating a difficult table tennis dance.

The sound of the racket colliding with the ball resounded throughout the playing field like thunder, which was shocking.

The spectators watched the game intently.

Some people clenched their fists in excitement, while others couldn't help but let out a low breath in their mouths, as if this could help them focus better on the game.

There was a tense atmosphere permeating the entire competition venue. Every shot and every counterattack determined the outcome.

The mood of the audience also fluctuated with the changes of the game. They seemed to be in a fierce battle. Every time they scored, their emotions were high, and every time they lost, their hearts were heavy.

Table tennis players showed their skills and perseverance without reservation, and every move they made was full of strength and determination.

The audience witnessed every wonderful moment of this game, as if they were in a visual feast, being deeply attracted and unable to extricate themselves.

The banging of table tennis balls echoed on the court, like an invisible sword, deeply piercing everyone's heart.

The racket dances in the hand, every hit is full of hope and goal, and every return is a challenge to one's own strength.

The young players were sweating profusely, and they went all out for every shot. Their body movements were graceful and smooth, as if dancers were beating the music of life.

Their eyes were focused and determined, and they quickly counterattacked the opponent's ball, as if they were racing against time.

The crowd in the auditorium was buzzing with cheers and cheers, as if the whole stadium was about to reach a climax.

Everyone is fully committed to the game and there is no chance of holding back.

They have only one belief in their hearts, that is to win, and for that victory, they are willing to make every effort.

The banging of ping-pong balls continued to ring through the court, and every round was a desperate struggle.

In this ever-changing competition, everyone is trying their best to show their strongest side. For the glory of victory and that exciting goal, they keep playing table tennis.

Bang, bang, bang!

The table tennis ball flies back and forth on the table, and every hit carries a powerful force.

The ball was so fast that it seemed to cut through the air, causing bursts of sharp sounds.

The opponents' eyes began to become anxious and beads of sweat appeared on their foreheads.

The game has been going on for a long time, but the situation is still deadlocked.

Every return of the ball is breathtaking, as if you are watching a life-and-death fight.

Suddenly, a ball flew towards the opponent's baseline. He struggled to return the ball, but was easily blocked by his opponent.

This blow seemed ordinary, but it was a fatal blow.

The speed of the ball is so fast that it is almost impossible to react.

But the ball was stopped by the referee again.

The atmosphere on the field instantly became solemn, as if the entire space was enveloped by the helpless result of this moment.

The ball is so fast that people miss it in the blink of an eye.

The opponents watched the fast-moving ping pong ball nervously, as if time had frozen at this moment.

However, just as the table tennis ball fell to the ground, the referee suddenly blew the whistle and stopped the game.

For a moment, the entire stadium fell into silence, as if even the air had condensed.

The athletes' expressions turned from anticipation to disappointment in an instant, and their eyes were filled with confusion and anger.

The referee's decision was like a sharp sword, instantly piercing the atmosphere of the game and making people unable to accept such a result.

There was a low murmur from the fans in the stands, and they exchanged puzzled looks, as if looking for answers.

The depressing atmosphere at this moment was suffocating, as if the entire space was shrouded in helplessness and disappointment.

The referee stood in the center of the field, facing the players and coaches surrounding him, his expression serious and firm.

Regardless of external pressure, he must stick to the rules and make unfair penalties.

The competition was temporarily suspended, but the suspense in people's hearts became more and more serious.

What kind of turning point will the referee's decision bring to the game?

What will be the mood of the players? In this moment of uncertainty, everyone is silently looking forward to the next development.

I'm even thinking about whether this game can continue properly.

Can I still watch the football properly?

It's always like this again and again, again and again, when is it a shot? It's just worrying for the people watching, but also very worrying for the players.

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