host must win

Chapter 113 Flying Boot Gate

Chapter 113 Flying Boot Gate

While Yin Jun and his new national team teammates were preparing for the match against Estonia, the Chinese New Year passed.

On the [-]th day of the first lunar month, when countless Chinese were celebrating the Lantern Festival, in far away England, an FA Cup match was played between Manchester United and the Gunners Arsenal.

In this game, apart from the talented teenager leaving the team because of the national team game, Manchester United's lineup is very neat. In addition, the team has won consecutive games in the early stage, and the state is very good.

Coupled with the advantage of home games, all parties are optimistic about Manchester United defeating Arsenal and advancing to the quarter-finals of the FA Cup this season.

However, the result of the game was unexpected.After nine 10 minutes full of gunpowder, the scoreboard at Old Trafford showed a score of 0:2, according to international practice, the home team is ahead.

In other words, Manchester United lost at home!

In the away game, Arsenal scored goals from Edu and Wiltord in the 37th and 52nd minutes respectively, thus eliminating Manchester United 2-0.


How can the old man bear the fact of losing to his old rival Wenger, someone must pay for the loss.After returning to the locker room after the game, Ferguson pointed the finger at David Beckham, the team's number one star. Avant-garde Beckham failed to cover the hole left by the right wing.

In the dressing room, Ferguson and Beckham began to abuse each other.The quarrel intensifies, and both men want to have the final say.Later, Ferguson kicked his sneakers on the ground angrily, but the sneakers hit Beckham's eyebrows. One of his eyes was cut and blood flowed out!

Beckham, as the captain of the England national team, a world-class superstar, and a face-saving person, was so humiliated by Ferguson in front of so many teammates in the dressing room. Naturally, he couldn't bear it, and he had to stand up and fight back.

Fortunately, the team captain Keane and the Dutch striker Ruud van Nistelrooy were quick-eyed and quick-handed, they stopped the red-eyed Beckham, and also prevented a full martial arts in the locker room that was about to be staged.

Although the Manchester United team tried their best to play down the conflict in the dressing room, the corners of Beckham's cracked eyebrows could not be healed in a short period of time, and Britain is the country where paparazzi are most prevalent in the world, and the media are also afraid that the world will not be happy. Despite the chaos, this locker room conflict in the Manchester United team quickly became the hottest topic in the UK, and it also had an exclusive name "Flying Boots".

Although the Manchester United players were tight-lipped about the truth of the matter, the powerful British media quickly inquired about the inside story. For a while, the public opinion in the British Empire was turbulent.


In 2003, when the information age had begun, news spread very quickly.Just before the start of the warm-up match between the Chinese team and Estonia, China also got news about the conflict within the Manchester United team.

Because of Yin Jun joining Manchester United, the attention of domestic fans to Manchester United is extremely high, and even tens of millions of Chinese fans regard Manchester United as their home team.

It is obvious that Yin Jun, who is the main right midfielder in the Chinese team, is David Beckham's biggest competitor in Manchester United.Although he also performed well in other positions, many Chinese fans believe that Beckham blocked Yin Jun's way.

Originally, it was difficult for Yin Jun to compete with Beckham. On the one hand, it was because of the opponent's household registration, and on the other hand, it was because of the close personal relationship between Beckham and Ferguson, who are like father and son.Beckham, who came from Manchester United's youth training camp, is definitely the person Ferguson relies on most.

However, things are turning around now.After such a fierce conflict erupted, with Ferguson's strength, he would definitely not tolerate Beckham, and it was inevitable that the two would turn against each other.

This is not good news for Manchester United, nor for Manchester United fans in other countries.But for Chinese Manchester United fans, it is Yin Jun's chance to replace Beckham.

On the domestic Internet, there have been many remarks about Yin Jun replacing Beckham.


At the pre-match press conference between the Chinese team and Estonia, Yin Jun, who attended the press conference with the new coach Alihan, was asked by many reporters about his views on "flying boots".

For the emergence of "Flying Boot Gate", Yin Jun has long been mentally prepared, even waiting for it to happen.Partly because of memory, partly because of what he feels from the day-to-day relationship between Beckham and Ferguson.

As Beckham's popularity in the UK is getting higher and higher, and his weight in football is getting heavier and heavier, his influence in the Manchester United team is also increasing day by day, and there is even a tendency to surpass Ferguson. People are relatively high-profile, and the outbreak of conflict between the two is an inevitable result.

Of course, it is impossible for Yin Jun to say these things to the outside world. He doesn't want to talk about this matter at all, otherwise it may be deliberately misinterpreted by the media.

Yin Jun first thought that this was the press conference for the match between the Chinese team and Estonia, and he would not answer topics unrelated to the match.But the reporters naturally wouldn't give up easily, and asked around corners.

In desperation, Yin Jun said that he was far away in the country and did not know the situation in the UK.But based on his understanding of Ferguson and Beckham, they will not have such a conflict. There must be some misunderstanding, or the British media maliciously hype, wanting to cause trouble for Manchester United outside the field. I hope the domestic media will not follow what others say. , I believe that the truth of the matter will soon become clear.

Afterwards, Yin Jun stopped answering any questions.

Alihan on the side was very surprised to see Yin Jun's handling of this matter.How does this look like a young man who has just passed his 18th birthday for a week? It is exactly the appearance of those old Chinese officialdom he has dealt with the most during this time.

Alihan couldn't understand Yin Jun.

Since Yin Jun reported to the national team a week ago, Ali Han communicated with him a lot, mainly because Yin Jun is the best Englishman in the team, even better than the translator assigned to him by the Football Association. .In many cases, the translator cannot fully convey his meaning to other players, but Yin Jun can.

This may have something to do with Yin Jun being a professional athlete. As a supernova playing for Manchester United, Yin Jun has been exposed to the most advanced football concepts on the planet, so he can perfectly understand what he means.In this regard, the translator provided by the Football Association is not as good as Yin Jun.

After a few days, Alihan communicated more with Chinese players through Yin Jun and arranged team tactics.

In his opinion, Yin Jun is a passionate and helpful young man with great football talent and a humble attitude, but he did not expect that at today's pre-match press conference, he met a completely different Yin Jun .

(End of this chapter)

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