host must win

Chapter 137 The mighty Real Madrid

Chapter 137 The mighty Real Madrid
After the last training session before the game, players from both sides returned to the locker room one after another, preparing to officially play the game.Taking this opportunity, the coaching staff of both sides are also giving the teams pre-war tactical guidance.

According to the Real Madrid starting lineup previously obtained is a 4231 formation, the goalkeeper is the teenager Iker Casillas, Salgado, Hierro, Elguera and Roberto Carlos form the defense line, Makelele and Flavio partner With double midfielders, Figo, Zidane and Raul lined up in the forward line, and Ronaldo shot forward with a single arrow.

Such a lineup configuration is not unexpected. Obviously, in Bosque's eyes, this will be a tough battle.

The so-called heroes see the same thing, and Ferguson also formed exactly the same formation in this game.Goalkeeper Butters, Gary Neville, Wes Brown, Ferdinand and Sylvester form the back line, Roy Keane and Butt partner in the double midfielder, Yin Jun, Scholes and Giggs in their Lined up in front of him, Fan Ni shot forward with a single arrow.

Ferguson emphasized again: "As I said before, we will grab a wave after the opening of this game. In 10 minutes, if we can score, we will score, and if we can't score, we will retreat! We must not give Real Madrid a chance, especially After losing the ball."

At the same time, Bosque also said to the Real Madrid players: "Manchester United is a very difficult team. Yin Jun's personal abilities are very comprehensive, he has excellent organizational skills, and he is also very strong with the ball. With good speed and high scoring efficiency, he is one of the most threatening players for Manchester United, and we must pay attention to this game. Whether he appears on the left flank, right flank, or centrally, Our defense has to be [-] percent focused."

It is well known that Real Madrid's two rib defenses have gaps, and it is impossible for Del Bosque not to know.But there is only one Makelele. If you put it on the left, the right will be empty. If you put it on the right, you will naturally not be able to take care of the left.

"If I'm not mistaken, they will attack after the opening. This is one of the few opportunities for Manchester United. Their pressing in the midfield is very good, so they will use the opening to set up a round advantage. This is us. We must pay attention. Then let them grab it, and we will fight their counterattack!"


With the referee's whistle, this world-renowned focus battle finally kicked off.

Manchester United, who took the lead in the kick-off, did as Bosque expected before the game. They took the initiative to press and press, trying to speed up the rhythm from the beginning, and strive to play a wave of fast-paced attacks.But Real Madrid seems to have been prepared for this. With the advantage of passing and possession, they squatted patiently in their own half.

In the opening 2 minutes, after the two teams fought fiercely in the half of Real Madrid, Los Blancos took the lead in launching a threatening offensive. Figo took the ball twenty meters away from the goal and swayed past the defense. The player, shot with his right foot. The ball failed to hold down the ball and went higher than the goal.

Figo's long shot came from Ronaldo's pass.

Yin Jun began to realize that there was something wrong with the script of this game, and it was not completely in accordance with the ideas planned before the Manchester League. Real Madrid was obviously well prepared and was not afraid of Manchester United's attack.

In fact, Manchester United robbed, but did not attack, because it was difficult for them to grab the ball at the feet of Real Madrid players who are skilled in possession!

If Figo's sudden long shot just now did not create much threat, then the subsequent counterattack made people feel the sharpness of Real Madrid.

Makelele passed to Zidane at the front of the penalty area, and the latter passed into the penalty area. Ronaldo shoveled from seven meters in front of the goal.Although the ball slipped past the goal, everyone broke out in a cold sweat.

Everyone in Manchester United also realized that the rhythm of the game was completely wrong. They couldn't grab the ball at all, and instead exposed their defense.

With Manchester United's defense, can it block the attacks of world-class midfielders like Ronaldo, Figo, Zidane and Raul?

Ferguson has so much on-the-spot experience that even Yin Jun discovered the problem, so he naturally realized the problem and made adjustments quickly.

Manchester United's attack failed, and the team entered the defensive counterattack stage ahead of schedule.But even so, Real Madrid seems to be hitting a snake with a stick, unwilling to let Manchester United retreat easily, and slowly move forward.

Soon, the home team produced the most threatening attack since the start.Zidane crossed the top and passed into the penalty area, and Raul scored with a header.Butters blocked the ball in shock, but then Figo stopped the ball with his chest and volleyed directly.

Gary Neville made a contribution to the defense this time. Manchester United's right back chased Figo all the way. When he volleyed the goal, he interfered with the Portuguese midfielder, forcing the opponent to fail to hit the right position and directly hit high again.


After the opening game, the expected rushing attack did not work out, but Real Madrid created murderous intentions one after another.Manchester United appeared very passive on the scene, especially the defensive pressure in the midfield was very high.Roy Keane, Butt and Scholes basically stayed in front of the defense, which made it difficult for the frontcourt offense to create threats.

Manchester United's first shot came in the 10th minute.Yin Jun dribbled the ball along the right to launch a counterattack, passing the ball to Ruud van Nistelrooy in the middle.Hierro overwhelmed Ruud Ruud van Nistelrooy at the front of the penalty area, Yin Jun took a free kick and hit the wall, Butt's supplementary shot was blocked, Hierro's clearance was too light, Scholes' low shot was resolved by Casillas to the right.

But 2 minutes later, Real Madrid quickly launched a counterattack.Raul dribbled the ball into the penalty area on the right and shot directly, which was blocked by the returning center back Wes Brown.But 1 minute later, Real Madrid made a comeback. Zidane once again crossed the penalty area diagonally. Ronaldo once again overwhelmed Ferdinand with a header from close range. He wanted to hit a far corner, but failed to hit the goal. .

Real Madrid's continuous offense has put Manchester United under tremendous pressure.Whether it was Ronaldo's suppression of the two central defenders, Raul's activeness, or Figo's sharp dribbling breakthrough from the wing, Real Madrid's offense made Manchester United exhausted.

"It's not okay to continue kicking like this!" Yin Jun frowned and thought.

As the team's offensive player, what Yin Jun should consider most is how to score goals.Real Madrid's offense was very fierce, and the left back Carlos basically played as a left winger, with many defensive loopholes behind him.As long as he gets the ball at the right time, Yin Jun is sure to cause a little trouble for the opponent, and even score a goal.But the problem now is that it is difficult for Manchester United's midfield to pass the football to the frontcourt players smoothly!

(End of this chapter)

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