host must win

Chapter 159 Premier League Championship Celebration

Chapter 159 Premier League Championship Celebration
After the game, the losing Everton left the field quickly, and even the Everton fans in the stands left quickly. Obviously, they didn't want to watch their opponents celebrate, even if the relationship between the two clubs was not bad.

Goodison Park has become a stage for Manchester United's carnival. More Manchester United fans who were originally outside the stadium, after the Everton fans left, poured into the stadium and appeared in the stands to watch the team's team history No. 15 celebrations of winning top league trophies.

After the Manchester United players celebrated on the pitch, they returned to the dressing room, and the pitch was left to the staff to arrange the awards ceremony.

The Manchester United players were also celebrating in the dressing room. Champagne was sprayed bottle after bottle, and the players were full of the strong smell of champagne.

Ten minutes later, there was a knock on the door of the visiting team's dressing room at Goodison Park.The official staff came to inform them that the award ceremony site had been set up, and it was time for them to come out to receive the awards and cups!
Everyone ran out of the dressing room excitedly, especially some players who had never won the Premier League championship, they were even a little bit excited.

The coaching staff were the first to reach the podium, followed by the players.Yin Jun took the stage among the teams and received his Premier League Championship medal from the guest of honor, Premier League CEO Richard Scudamore.

Then, under the eyes of everyone, amidst the red ribbons falling from the sky and singing "We are the champions", captain Roy Keane and second captain Ryan Giggs won the Premier League championship trophy together.

At that moment, all Manchester United players cheered happily, and Yin Jun was among them.

The cameraman pressed the shutter and recorded this wonderful moment.


The Manchester United celebrations at Goodison Park continued, and many family members of Manchester United players also came to the away game with the team. They appeared in the stadium one after another, celebrating with the players and taking photos together.

Since Yin Jun's parents and family members are still in China, he did not have any relatives or friends present at today's celebration.But he was not alone. Not only his teammates took photos with him, but also the media reporters who broke into the stadium pointed their guns and short cannons at him.

Yin Jun is also one of the major contributors to Manchester United's championship this season. His contribution to the team's victory in the Premier League is no less than Ruud van Nistelrooy, who won the league's Golden Boot and the best player in the Premier League.

In the long season of 38 rounds, Yin Jun has played a total of 7 league games for the team since his debut in the Premier League against Tottenham in the seventh round, contributing 27 goals and 18 assists in a double-double, and directly participated in 14 goals. Ball, even more than Ruud Ruud with 32 goals and 25 assist!
Even in the entire Premier League, Henry, who directly participated in the number of goals and averaged the number of goals created per game, only had 24 goals and 23 assists and directly created 47 goals, which can overwhelm Yin Jun!
Yin Jun's average number of direct goals per game is 1.19, while the French striker's is 1.27 goals. They are also the only players among the 20 teams in the Premier League who have averaged more than 1 goal per game!

With such an outstanding performance, Yin Jun has become one of the hottest players in the arena, and naturally won the praise of the media.

In the history of the Premier League, or even the entire history of England's top league, no player performed better than Yin Jun in his debut season!


Several domestic media also sent reporters to the scene, including the official media.

Even reporters from Japan and South Korea appeared on the scene.

As the first Asian player to win the Premier League title, and the second Asian player to win the league title in the five major leagues after Hidetoshi Nakata, Yin Jun has truly grown into a representative figure of Asian football players, and his influence has gone far beyond Even in China, Yin Jun also has a large number of fans in Japan, South Korea and other Asian countries.

Yin Jun was interviewed by a reporter from CCTV Five. He said excitedly: "Although we have won the championship ahead of schedule, we still performed very well in the game. We played wonderful football in the away game. Now is the time for us to celebrate. I have worked so hard for the title and I am very happy that this great team has always given me confidence and I am proud to be part of Manchester United."

When asked about his plans for the summer holidays and next season, Yin Jun said: "We will talk about next season next season, because we haven't finished this season's competitions yet."

Because of the promotion to the Champions League semi-finals, Manchester United still has at least one game this season, and that is the second round of the Champions League semi-final against Juventus at the Alpine Stadium in Turin, Italy three days later.

If Manchester United can achieve good results in the away game and finally reach the final, then they will appear again at Old Trafford in the Champions League final on the evening of the 28th of this month!

United's celebration at Goodison Park wasn't long as they boarded the team bus and headed back to Manchester with the trophy.

At Old Trafford, in downtown Manchester, there is a grander celebration waiting for them.

In the setting sun, surrounded by hundreds of thousands of Manchester United fans, the Manchester United bus drove into downtown Manchester and into the Old Trafford Stadium.

To the cheers of 7000 more than [-] loyal Red Devils fans, captain Roy Keane once again presented the Premier League trophy, while Van Nistelrooy held the Premier League Golden Boot in one hand and the best player in the Premier League in the other The trophy appeared at Old Trafford.

The Manchester United players then left Old Trafford in a double-decker bus and took to the streets of Manchester for a parade in the twilight.

The destination for the parade is Manchester Town Hall, where the Manchester United team will be received by current Manchester Mayor Tom O'Garahan and attend a celebratory dinner he prepared for Manchester United.

However, the wanton celebration of the Manchester United people stopped at ten o'clock in the evening on this day. This was Ferguson's death order to the players.After ten o'clock, all players must go home to rest, because Manchester United will resume training the next day, and then fly to Italy on May 5 to prepare for the second leg of the Champions League semi-final on the night of May 13.

With the Premier League title already in hand, Ferguson set his sights on the Champions League trophy.He is eager to win the second Big Ears Cup in his career!
The current situation is undoubtedly very favorable for Manchester United.Because they have not only won a 3:1 victory at home in the first round, but also have a lot of advantages in the schedule.

The Premier League has ended, but Serie A, where the other three of the Champions League semi-finals are located, has 2 rounds left.

Although Juventus has won the championship ahead of schedule, the league is not over yet, and it will more or less involve some of the energy of the three teams. It is not as good as Manchester United who can fully prepare for the Champions League.

(End of this chapter)

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