host must win

Chapter 181 Super Nova

Chapter 181 Super Nova
When Manchester United defeated AC Milan 3-0 at Old Trafford and won the Champions League again after 1999, the British "Times" not only reported the game on the front page, but also reported on important pages Yin Jun, the number one hero.

As the most authoritative newspaper in England, The Times believes that Yin Jun has already ranked among the top superstars in Europe.

A year ago, when Yin Jun joined Manchester United with the silver boots of the World Cup and the halo of the best team in the World Cup, the British media still had many doubts about this comet-like rising star, and even questioned and slandered him.

However, just ten months later, when Yin Jun used a League Cup title, a Premier League title and a Champions League title as return for Manchester United spending 1000 million pounds to bring him to Old Trafford, he spent a season in all competitions. When he made 46 appearances and handed over 36 goals and 29 assists, any doubts, doubts and slanders were dispelled.

In just ten months, Yin Jun conquered these arrogant British media and even more arrogant British people with his incomparable talent and astonishing performance all over the world!

Manchester United star Bobby Charlton said in an interview with The Times after the game: "If I were to present the European Ballon d'Or and the World Player of the Year, I would definitely award them to Yin Jun, because he In the past year, the most outstanding and dazzling superstar on this planet."

The Times also cited Yin Jun's outstanding performance in the Premier League and Champions League this season, and believed that Yin Jun is not only the most creative midfielder in European football today, but also the most aggressive killer.

"He can pass the ball and assist like a midfielder. He can also dribble the ball to attack the opponent's defense and attack the city for Manchester United. He has 36 goals and 29 assists in the season, and he has created 65 goals for Manchester United alone. , This data even surpassed that of Henry, who has scored the most goals in the top European leagues! There is no doubt that Yin Jun is already one of the most comprehensive and outstanding offensive players in the world!"


Not only the British media paid great attention to Yin Jun, but the major sports media in other major European countries also made a lot of reports on Yin Jun.

The German "Bild" believes that Yin Jun has been the best player in European football in the past season, not one of them.

"Bild" wrote in their report: "A player who scored 36 goals and provided 29 assists in the Premier League, scored 28 goals and provided [-] assists in the Champions League, has a full season. A player with [-] goals and [-] assists, even if he is not, but [-] years old, is also entitled to all the appreciation, even the European Ballon d'Or and World Footballer!"

The German "Bild" gave a very high evaluation of Yin Jun's performance in the Champions League final, thinking that Yin Jun is the most important player for Manchester United in this game, not only the two goals, but also his role on the court .As long as Yin Jun stays on the field, no matter where he is, he can pose a huge threat to the opponent.In order to defend Yin Jun, AC Milan often had to send two to three players to surround him, which put a lot of pressure on AC Milan's defense and caused AC Milan to be in a passive situation most of the time.


French "L'Equipe" also believed that Yin Jun was the MVP of European football in the past season.

"Although he is a newcomer, Yin Jun can almost be said to have integrated into Manchester United seamlessly. When he first arrived in the Premier League, he was absent from many games due to adaptation problems, but since his debut, Yin Jun has shown enough Outstanding strength and excellent performances in the Premier League, League Cup, FA Cup and Champions League."

"In the UEFA Champions League group stage, Yin Jun's performance was good enough. But his real explosion came in the knockout stage, where Yin Jun showed a key performance in almost every game. Real Madrid, Juventus, two top European clubs In the four games, Yin Jun was the best player in every game, and he showed excellent performance in every game."

"Such a player, in the Champions League final, is naturally the opponent's focus. But under the joint care of two superstar players, Gattuso and Costacurta, Yin Jun not only instigated Manchester United's first goal, Also scored the two goals behind Manchester United, and also planned many wonderful passes for his teammates, and had a few beautiful individual breakthroughs on the pitch."

The French "L'Equipe" believes that Yin Jun is the key factor for Manchester United to win the Champions League, and he is also the most dazzling superstar in European football this season. I believe that as long as Yin Jun continues to maintain this state, he will achieve even more amazing results in the future .


Spain's "Aspen" also made a key report on Yin Jun. At the same time, the mouthpiece of Real Madrid said that Real Madrid's biggest goal this summer should not be Manchester United's Beckham, but Yin Jun. A new rising superstar. "Aspen" compared Yin Jun and Beckham, and concluded that Yin Jun is younger, has better scoring ability, and can play more positions on the field. Even the Chinese market behind him is better than the British market. more promising.

In 2001, China's GDP surpassed that of Italy and ranked sixth in the world, not far from France and the United Kingdom.With the strong growth momentum shown by China in the past ten years, surpassing France and the United Kingdom is something that will inevitably happen in the near future.If Real Madrid signs Yin Jun, not only will they get a powerful new star, but they will also get a vast market.

As for whether Yin Jun can be snatched from Manchester United, "Aspen" does not consider it at all.

Are there any players on this planet who can reject Real Madrid?

Similar to "Aspen", there is also the newspaper "Mundo Deportivo" in Catalonia, Spain.This newspaper, the mouthpiece of Barcelona, ​​also reported on Yin Jun in great detail, and said that Barcelona should also make a move to bring the supernova to Camp Nou.

In the past 2002-2003 season, Barcelona lost all four.In La Liga, the red and blue team only ranked sixth in the end and missed the Champions League; in the Copa del Rey, Barcelona was also eliminated early; in the Champions League, although Barcelona broke into the quarter-finals, they were immediately eliminated by Juventus.

Such a situation naturally cannot satisfy the La Liga giants.In this summer, the red and blue army will inevitably undergo huge changes, and the team's reconstruction is also expected.And a supernova like Yin Jun is the cornerstone player that the team can choose for rebuilding.

(End of this chapter)

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