host must win

Chapter 281 Manchester United's Rectification Movement

Chapter 281 Manchester United's Rectification Movement

Keane's words were quickly echoed by head coach Ferguson. He said that Keane's words made sense, and young players should learn from their predecessors to learn how to play football and how to behave.

"Roy (Kean) set the bar high and as it should," Ferguson said. "When you play for a club like Manchester United you have to give your all. I think Keane was Remind the young players that one day they will take over the responsibility of leading Manchester United, when the likes of Keane, Butt, Giggs, Scholes and Neville are at the end of their careers, young people need to take this responsibility responsible."

Judging from the current situation, the young people of Manchester United are obviously not yet capable of independently taking on the role of the team. Ferguson still relies on a group of older generation players to win the world.

Among the young people that Ferguson spent playing time to cultivate, Ronaldo and Fletcher are the most promising, but they also exposed the most problems.

Keane did not specify exactly which young players' attitudes made him angry, but it can be heard from his words that there are indeed "one or two young people" who are already satisfied with the status quo.

In the current Manchester United team, Ronaldo, the most valuable young man and known as the "No. [-] Rising Star", has the most news outside the field. He not only attracts attention with his dribbling, but also often gets drunk in bars and other negative news. .

In the last few games, although Ronaldo had a good performance when he played, his state was extremely unstable, and he even drew direct reprimands from Keane and others on the court.


Regarding the problem of young people's growth, Ferguson showed a generous side. He said: "When Roy said they were slack, he meant that at some moments in the game, they might be a little slack, but young players are prone to this. They will A little erratic, a little immature, what they lack in experience at critical moments in the game, but the experience will make up for it."

Ferguson added: "Brothers like Neville, Butt, Scholes and Giggs have taken responsibility in the past ten years. Giggs has won eight championship trophies, and he may win the first one this season. Nine seats, that's what experience brings."

The implication of Ferguson's words is very clear. With so many role models to learn from, young people should naturally grow up faster, especially when they have not won any honors. Complacency and slack are completely unforgivable.

Whether it is Keane or Ferguson, they subconsciously exclude Yin Jun from the young players. Even if Yin Jun is two days younger than Ronaldo and more than a year younger than Fletcher, you are very It is difficult for people to treat a player who has won the European Ballon d'Or as a young man, even if this person is really young and has just passed his 19 years old birthday.

What's more, even if Yin Jun is included in the category of Manchester United's young people, his brilliance alone cannot conceal the reality of the poor performance of Manchester United's young players as a whole.

In addition to Ronaldo's amazing performance at the beginning of the season, as the season progressed, the performance of the Portuguese genius gradually became flat.

As for Fletcher and O'Shea, and even the earlier Wes Brown, the growth in the past one or two years has obviously been somewhat unsatisfactory.

As far as the current Manchester United team is concerned, there is not a single young player from Manchester United's youth training who has gained a firm foothold in the team!

This is a very embarrassing situation. Manchester United, which is famous for its youth training success rate, is getting more and more unsatisfactory.The two most outstanding young people recently, whether it is Yin Jun or Ronaldo who has risen this season, are actually not considered the results of Manchester United's youth training.


After Keane's criticism of the young players, on the flight to Portugal, several young Manchester United players, including Ronaldo, seemed a little silent, even heavy.

Keane is not only the captain of the team, but also the leader of the team. These young people do not yet have the courage to challenge Keane's authority, let alone refute his criticism.

What's more, these guys also know their current performance, making it difficult for them to have the confidence to resist Keane's criticism.

Of course, if Yin Jun, the representative of young people, stood up, the situation would definitely be different, but from what they saw Yin Jun's performance, he obviously didn't intend to stand up and speak for young people like them.

In fact, after Keane issued his criticism of young players, he remembered that Yin Jun was actually a young man, and he was worried that Yin Jun would really stand up for his peers.

However, Yin Jun has always been very calm. Even when this issue was mentioned in an interview with reporters, he said that the captain was right. The young people of Manchester United should demand themselves more strictly and grow up and mature as soon as possible.

Only then did Keane breathe a sigh of relief.


Since Yin Jun joined Manchester United, Keane has been very optimistic about Yin Jun, and Yin Jun has never let him down, and his growth rate has even far exceeded his expectations.

Since this season, Keane has increasingly felt that his physical condition cannot keep up with his consciousness, and a feeling called powerlessness has been pressing in his heart almost all the time.Keane is well aware that this feeling will only get worse as he gets older.

Turning 8 in August, Keane is well aware that the days left in his career are dwindling.When he and Giggs, the older generation of Manchester United gradually withdraw from the stage of history, the future of Manchester United belongs to Yin Jun's generation.

In Keane's mind, Yin Jun is the leader of Manchester United's new generation in his mind, but just as he was able to succeed at Manchester United, it is also because of the help of Giggs, Beckham, Scholes, and the Neville brothers. Similarly, if Yin Jun wants to lead Manchester United to a higher position, he also needs help.

Judging from his private communication with Ferguson, Yin Jun will be the leader of the new generation of Manchester United, but the newcomers like Ronaldo, O'Shea, and Fletcher are not low in status, that is, the new generation of Giggs and Beckham. Tom, Scholes, Neville brothers...

But judging from the current performance, the growth of Ronaldo, O'Shea, and Fletcher obviously cannot meet his and Ferguson's positioning of these people.

Then, there was this scene where he stood up and went crazy after being tied at home by Leeds United, the mortal enemy.

Neither he nor Ferguson communicated with Yin Jun on this issue. On the one hand, he wanted to see if Yin Jun was really as mature as he showed, and on the other hand, he was worried that if the rumors were revealed first, the expected effect would not be achieved.

However, judging from Yin Jun's performance, this little guy is indeed very mature. He has no dissatisfaction with the old man's criticism, and even agrees with their criticism. the effect they envisioned.

(End of this chapter)

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