host must win

Chapter 285

Chapter 285
After making an appointment with Gary Neville, Yin Jun turned around and walked back to the court, whispered a few words to Scholes, and made a few gestures to Ruud van Nistelrooy and Ronaldo in front, making sure that they understood what he meant, He looked back at Gary Neville standing on the sidelines.

Manchester United's right back stood on the sidelines, raised the ball above his head with both hands, and his body was in the posture of serving at any time. Yin Jun, Scholes and Ronaldo all came to respond, and Porto also arranged dense defensive players on this side. One stares at the other, preventing Manchester United's players from receiving the ball easily.

Yin Jun was walking slowly on the field, while observing every move of every player around him, especially paying attention to their various details. He knew very well that this often determines success or failure.

Deco has noticed the communication between Yin Jun and Manchester United players before. As the core player of Porto, he is also arranging this time's throw-in defense, and Porto left back Valente's defensive task this time is Yin Jun.

Valente also followed Deco's request, but followed Yin Jun every step of the way, ensuring that even if he couldn't grab the ball before Yin Jun, he must not let Yin Jun directly face the penalty area or make a pass from the bottom.

Suddenly, Yin Jun, who had been walking slowly, sped up and ran back, pointing forward at the same time.Gary Neville threw the ball directly without any hesitation.

Faced with the sudden change, Valente quickly chased after Yin Jun without hesitation, and Deco was also startled, and rushed forward immediately.


Yin Jun has no time to think about all this. He seems to feel that the time is very slow. He can clearly feel the ball flying towards him. He puffed up his chest and stopped the ball forward. The strength and angle made him very familiar.Then, he raised his right foot to meet the ball falling in mid-air.

Both Valente and Deco are experienced defensive players, and the cooperation between the two is also very tacit. Yin Jun must not make the slightest mistake in stopping the ball, otherwise the ball will be lost.

But what stunned everyone was that the ball in mid-air seemed to be stuck to Yin Jun's instep, and it was unloaded by him without leaving his sole at all.

Deco rushed towards him quickly, but Yin Jun still managed to get ahead of Deco quickly. He covered the ball with his foot, blocked Valente who was rushing up to grab the ball with one hand, and swiped the ball behind him with his left foot. Then he was felled to the ground by Deco who came flying with a shovel.

All of this happened in the blink of an eye, and Gary Neville was still out of bounds. After seeing where the ball was going, he immediately started to catch up.

Valente was blocked by Yin Jun, and the start was half a beat slow, allowing Gary Neville to take the lead. After catching up with the ball, the latter directly crossed the ball with a curve, and hung the ball in front of the goal.

Carvalho has been predicting where the ball will land and keeps retreating, but Ruud van Nistelrooy quickly stepped in and rushed behind Carvalho before Jorge Costa, leaping high and facing the ball. As soon as the header was probed, the football turned in one direction and hit the upper right corner of the goal directly.


The players in Porto raised their hands one after another, and Carvalho even chased after the referee, constantly signaling that Van Nistelrooy had a hand to hold him down when he took off, which made him unable to take off at all.

Yin Jun fell to the ground, and there was severe pain from his right foot. Although he dodged subconsciously, wearing shin guards, and protective items exchanged from the system, Deco's foot still made him feel safe. He felt like he was about to break his leg, but after hearing the cheers from the fans, he still smiled.

Finally scored!
The clear whistle of the referee also sounded again. Obviously, it was a valid whistle for a goal.

The referee obviously ignored the protests of the Porto players, because he did not think Ruud van Nistelrooy's jumping action violated the rules.As for the Porto players, especially Carvalho's protest, this is just a subconscious performance of the side that lost the ball. They always don't want to be scored.

In addition, the referee walked up to Deco who had just fouled Yin Jun after the penalty was valid, and showed him a yellow card.He deliberately kicked Yin Jun just now, knowing that he couldn't grab the ball, he didn't stop.It's just that, out of the principle of favorable attack, the referee did not interrupt the game.

The Porto players were very dissatisfied with the referee's penalty, and everyone walked back to their own half aggrieved.In the stands of the Dragon Stadium, the fans of the home team were also dissatisfied, and boos rang through the huge stadium.

But this is nothing but a barking dog, and it won't change anything.


After the referee judged that the goal was valid and showed Deco a yellow card, he waved to the sidelines to signal Manchester United's team doctor to enter the field.

It was only at this moment that everyone suddenly realized that Yin Jun was still lying on the ground, and Gary Neville and Ronaldo were standing beside him with concern.

The Manchester United players who were celebrating all came back one after another, Ruud van Nistelrooy even forgot to celebrate and rushed to Yin Jun's side.

The coaching staff on the sidelines and the Manchester United players on the bench were all worried.

The famous BBC narrator John Mortenson said: "Judging from the slow-motion playback, Deco kicked Yin Jun over without any force just now. This is definitely a very brutal violence. If It wasn't that Yin Jun hid and avoided a little, maybe he was about to break his leg!"

"Our only hope now is that Yin Jun will not be injured too badly. He is only 19 years old, full of talent, and has been favored and expected by countless people. His performance in this game is also very good. Ruud van Nistelrooy's goal just now It also came from his planning, and it would be a pity if he got injured because of this.”

Countless Manchester United fans all over the world are watching Yin Jun on the field through TV at this moment.

The team doctor is dealing with Yin Jun's right leg, but it seems that the situation is still not good, and soon signaled that the stretcher has also entered the field.

John Mortensen said again: "It seems that Yin Jun is seriously injured. I don't know if he can continue to play..."

In front of the TV, many Manchester United fans prayed for Yin Jun.

In this game, Manchester United was obviously passive in the away game. Manchester United fans couldn't imagine that if the team's midfielder lost the brain of Yin Jun, how would they play?
Ferguson was also anxious like an ant on a hot pot on the sidelines, asking loudly about the situation on the field. When Yin Jun was carried out of the field on a stretcher, he also rushed forward to understand the situation immediately.

It is now 2:1, and Manchester United is temporarily leading, but if he is allowed to choose, he would rather not have the ball than Yin Jun get injured. This is a big blow to Manchester United.

(End of this chapter)

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