host must win

Chapter 308

Chapter 308
Ferguson did not choose to draw the victory with Arsenal at Highbury Stadium. After Arsenal equalized for the second time, he decisively asked the team to fully retreat.

On Arsenal's side, Wenger made a last-ditch effort.Before Manchester United kicked off, Arsenal had three players in a row, and all of them were substitutions and adjustments to strengthen their offense.High school defender Nishioka replaced Kolo Touré, Bergkamp replaced Pires, and Gilberto Silva replaced goal-scorer Reyes.

When Arsenal made consecutive substitutions, Arsenal also called captain Vieira to the sidelines and told the opponent to continue to attack and focus on Wes Brown.

After equalizing the score and seeing the hope of winning, Arsenal's morale is even stronger.Amid the cheers of the Arsenal fans in the stands at Highbury, they continued their assault on Manchester United's goal.

However, they have not been able to find a way to break the United goal again.

Ferguson also made a second substitution adjustment. Djemba came off the bench and Yin Jun was replaced.

There were boos all over the Highbury Stadium. Obviously, the Gunners fans didn't like Yin Jun, the "culprit" who caused Arsenal's inability to score three points at home.


When Yin Jun left the field, it was already the 90th minute.

Obviously, Ferguson's substitution was completely aimed at delaying time.But what he didn't expect was that in the next few minutes, it was Djimba who stole the scene.The Cameroon international first created Clichy's card, and then had a conflict with Arsenal's defensive backbone Saul Campbell. If the referee hadn't been lenient, Campbell would have been sent off with a red card for accumulating yellow cards.

In the last 1 minutes of the game, Ronaldo's shot close to the penalty area was saved by Arsenal goalkeeper Lehmann, and Djemba's shot hit the shoulder of Arsenal player Edu.Djemba complained about Edu's handball, and the two players quarreled again.

Finally, amidst the cacophony of boos at Highbury, the referee blew the full-time whistle.

"Match over, game over, Arsenal draw 2-2 at home to Manchester United."

"This is a result that both parties are not satisfied with, but it is a result that both parties can accept. Arsenal's unbeaten record continues, while Manchester United retains the hope of winning the championship."

"This is a game dominated by young people. Four goals, three were scored by young people. For Manchester United, Yin Jun and Cristiano Ronaldo who scored goals were both 19-year-old teenagers, and helping Arsenal The second goal that finally equalized the score was also scored by the 20-year-old Spanish kid Reyes."

"More than that, there are many young people who have performed well on the field. For example, Fletcher on Manchester United's side, and Clichy on Arsenal's side."

"Before the game, many people were worried that Fletcher would not be able to cope with the impact of Arsenal's attacking line led by Thierry Henry, while it would be difficult for Clichy to stop Yin Jun, Mr. Golden Ball."

"After the game, we found out that both Fletcher and Clichy performed very well and did not make any big mistakes."

"There is another person whose performance is very unexpected to everyone, and that is Wes Brown, who has been criticized before. In the early period of Ferdinand's suspension, the performance of the Manchester United defender was a disaster. This is also the key to Manchester United being overtaken by Arsenal in the standings in the previous period, or even reversed."

"Before this game, Manchester United's Belgian defender Van Buyten was accidentally injured in the winter transfer window, and he is likely to be reimbursed for the season. Everyone is worried that Manchester United's defense will collapse in this game, but under tremendous pressure, Wes Brown was very consistent today."



When the commentators began to comment on the performance of the players, Yin Junzheng looked at the field in a daze, with a very complicated mood.

It seems that Arsenal's unbeaten record of 49 games is really a destiny, and they can't stop it even by hacking.

At the same time, Ferguson was very polite and took the initiative to find Wenger to shake hands.

A draw with Arsenal in the away game, although not the perfect result, still made Ferguson satisfied and his mood improved.

Although Wenger and Ferguson fought fiercely, before this game, the two had a constant war of words. During the game, the two even broke out on the sidelines several times.But he is also a man of manners and will not refuse to shake hands with an opponent, especially if the opponent takes the initiative.

Of course, this is also this time. After turning around, the two will definitely continue to fight until the end of the season and everything is settled.

After the two shook hands, Wenger asked: "How did you come up with the idea?"

Ferguson asked puzzledly, "What did you say?"

Wenger said: "Cristiano Ronaldo, that Portuguese boy, you put him in the striker."

"Look, you didn't expect it at all, and that's why I did it." Ferguson laughed.

Wenger glanced at the old guy, turned around and left without saying anything.He was afraid that he could not control his good temper and wanted to curse.


The peak match between Manchester United and Arsenal is not the final battle of the Premier League this season, but it really blows the clarion call for the Premier League title.

With 8 rounds left in the Premier League, the difference of 2 points is not a difference at all.The competition between the two teams has really entered the stage of bayonet fighting.Every subsequent round of competition may affect the final championship.

Different from the unclear ownership of the Premier League champion, another big event that fans care about has become more and more clear, and that is the bet on whether Yin Jun can score 30 goals in the Premier League this season.

At the beginning of the season, several British betting companies offered odds on Yin Jun’s goals this season. Among them, William Hill, the largest betting company in the UK, set the odds for him to score 30 goals at extreme odds. Exaggerated 1 to 5001.

Not many people care about such odds. After all, Yin Jun played in midfield at Manchester United before. It is normal not to score too many goals, but it caused Yin Jun's dissatisfaction.When chatting with Ronaldo in private, he said that he wanted to challenge the goal of 30 goals.Then this matter was exposed by Ronaldo, which triggered a series of topics.

The most shocking one was that the famous British hostess Christy Gallacher bet 30 pounds on William Hill's betting point, betting that Yin Jun could score [-] goals.

Today, with only 30 rounds in the Premier League, Yin Jun has already handed over 26 games with 27 goals.The scoring rate of more than 1 goal per game completely shocked England.

At this time, no one doubts that Yin Jun can score 30 goals, especially when the competition between Manchester United and Arsenal for the Premier League title is heating up.

What everyone is concerned about now is, will William Hill fulfill this bet?

(End of this chapter)

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