host must win

Chapter 314 As stable as a rock, as fast as thunder!

Chapter 314 As stable as a rock, as fast as thunder!
As his fame grew, Yin Jun became more and more the key target of the opponent's marking in the game, and he has gradually adapted to this state.

In fact, as a strong team, Arsenal's marking of Yin Jun can only be regarded as mediocre. When encountering some teams, it is really crazy, because they will find one or two bodyguards for Yin Jun during the game, inseparable Follow him, and there will even be a third or fourth person, who are always ready to guard against Yin Jun.

Although Yin Jun is trying his best to create opportunities for his teammates, Arsenal's defense is indeed the first line of defense in the Premier League. It is really very difficult for Manchester United to penetrate their defense.

Yin Jun was not in a hurry, he still ran patiently and actively in series, looking for opportunities.

As the offensive brain of the team, he must remain calm and focused at all times.

Soon, the opportunity Yin Jun was waiting for came!

Manchester United stole the ball once from the backcourt and made a long pass to the right side of the frontcourt.

Ronaldo grabbed the first spot, but was pressed by Arsenal left back Lauren, and had to take it back and pass it to Yin Jun who caught up behind him.

As soon as Yin Jun received the ball, Edu and Lauren immediately gave up Ronaldo and rushed to Yin Jun.The two Arsenal players stood in front of Yin Jun like a wall.

Yin Jun turned around at the first moment to protect the ball, but the two still fanned out behind them, pressing hard every step of the way.

Yin Jun quickly glanced around, Solskjaer was in the middle, Giggs was behind him, the two were followed by Arsenal's two central defenders Kolo Toure and Campbell, but he couldn't pass the ball, Can only be brought back.

This is a game strategy, and he expected that the two players would not be able to follow him back at the same time.As long as both of them come out, Ronaldo will have a chance.


Sure enough, Edu didn't come up, and Lauren followed behind Yin Jun, not giving him a chance to turn around.

At the same time, Arsenal's youth training striker Jeremy followed Gary Neville, and they did not intend to give Yin Jun any direction to pass the ball.

The opponent is pressing every step of the way, getting closer and closer to the right line. Arsenal's defensive strategy is to force Yin Jun to take the ball out of bounds by himself. This is also a very common, but at the same time very practical defensive strategy .

"The closer the defense is, the easier it is to take fake moves, as long as you move fast enough!"

This is the meeting gift that System Xiaozhi gave to Yin Jun, a very important point mentioned in the player experience book.After getting this experience book, all relevant things have been engraved in Yin Jun's memory.

At this moment, Yin Jun had no choice.

Playing in the Premier League for almost two seasons, Yin Jun's confrontation ability is considered top-notch. Lauren's body run behind him did not make Yin Jun lose his balance, but his pace was a little faltering, but he still held the ball steadily.

He is watching the opponent, and the opponent is also watching him.

When Yin Jun suddenly accelerated forward, Lauren was taken aback, thinking that Yin Jun was going to use his speed to get rid of his defense, and immediately followed from Yin Jun's right side.

The left side is the sideline, and his defensive intuition told him that as long as he gets stuck on the right side, Yin Jun will not be able to fly.

But Yin Jun was waiting for him. As soon as Lauren moved, Yin Jun skillfully hooked the ball behind his left foot, and he himself suddenly stopped and turned around from the left side.

Suddenly, the ball came in front of Yin Jun, and Yin Jun turned around smoothly.

The entire Villa Park stadium screamed, and both sides were attracted by Yin Jun's actions.


After Yin Jun turned around, he was facing the attacking direction, while Lauren was facing him, and the situation was completely reversed.

Yin Jun quickly dribbled the ball forward, and before Edu approached, he crossed it to Ronaldo who was supporting him.

Cristiano Ronaldo understood, and headed diagonally to the middle lane.

Edu was worried about the middle and quickly approached Vieira, intending to join hands to block Ronaldo's breakthrough.But at this moment, Ronaldo, who was originally facing the top of the penalty area, passed the ball behind him.

Yin Jun slanted behind Edu at the fastest speed, and after receiving the pass from Ronaldo, he had already reached the front of the penalty area.

At this time, only the central defender Kolo Toure was left in front of him, and another Arsenal central defender, Campbell, was marking Solskjaer.

Kolo Touré became the last defensive player on the team. He knew very well that if he failed to block Yin Jun, he would be single-handedly as soon as he entered the penalty area, so he was very focused and kept a close eye on him. After seeing Yin Jun, he didn't dare to slack off in the slightest, even if the sweat ran down his brows and the corners of his eyes, he didn't take care of it, but he was only thinking about Yin Jun who was getting closer and closer.

But just when Yin Jun was about to enter his defense zone, he didn't expect this Chinese kid to speed up and make a gesture to cut to the top of the arc.

Almost instantly, Kolo Toure realized something was wrong.

Before the game, Arsenal also made enough preparations for Yin Jun. The report given to him by the scouts clearly showed that Yin Jun's left and right feet are very good.If Yin Jun is allowed to cut horizontally to the top of the arc, he can hit the goal directly with his left foot.


"Damn it!" Kolo Toure didn't have time to think about it. He knew very well that with Yin Jun's ability, as long as he slowed down for a few tenths of a second, he might be shot directly by Yin Jun, creating a murderous intent.

But just when Kolo Toure shifted his center of gravity to the right, trying to block Yin Jun, he suddenly felt a figure flicker in front of him, Yin Jun didn't cut in, and slid past his left side.

But when Yin Jun quickly passed by Kolo Toure, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him, and it was getting closer and closer.

what happened?

Yin Jun didn't have time to see who it was, and his instinctive reaction was that the opponent's goalkeeper attacked.But this is the frontier of the penalty area. Did the goalkeeper attack too far?
It was too late for Yin Jun to think about it. When the Arsenal goalkeeper Lehman opened his arms and rushed forward, Yin Jun almost subconsciously took advantage of the situation.

Lehman was also determined to win this attack. He had already seen through Yin Jun's false move to go to the middle, so he immediately abandoned the door and rushed to the left side of Kolo Toure.

His calculation was very clear, and when Yin Jun swayed past Kolo Toure, he threw his ball down.

People can pass, but the ball must stay!
But what I didn't expect was that this time the attack that was determined to win suddenly happened.After Yin Jun swayed Kolo Touré, his reaction was still fast, and the ball did not escape his control, which allowed him to poke the ball along the way, and the football slid past Lehmann's side.Lehmann quickly turned sideways to intercept the ball, but was still a step too late.

Yin Jun took advantage of the trend and accelerated to catch up. Finally, before the ball was about to go out of the baseline, he swept horizontally. The football almost brushed the right post and crashed into Arsenal's goal.Yin Jun, on the other hand, rushed out of the court and hit the opposite billboard.

(End of this chapter)

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