host must win

Chapter 324 Take advantage of his illness to kill him

Chapter 324 Take advantage of his illness to kill him
On the evening of May 5th local time in Spain, the Riazor Stadium.In the second leg of the UEFA Champions League semi-final, Manchester United challenged Deportivo away to Deportivo.

It started to rain in the afternoon in A Coruña, and there was a strong wind. Spanish King Juan Carlos came to watch the match at Riazor Stadium. are strictly separated.Tickets for seats near the King reportedly fetched €2 on the black market.Zapatero, who was elected prime minister of Spain last month, also said he would be there to support Depor, but he did not come.

Irueta replaced the suspended Andrade with Cesar.Tristan, Hector, Nebett, Pandiani, Scaloni, and Victor all have yellow cards, and Manchester United has 8 more players who are in danger of suspension.

About 3 Manchester United fans came to the away game to cheer for the team.

After the opening game, the two sides continued the stalemate in the first round. Depor, who had never reached the European final, seemed a little nervous. Facing the Champions League final that was one step away, the inexperienced Deportivo players couldn't control their mentality. .

Such a situation does not exist for Manchester United players, so they are anti-customers and gain the upper hand on the scene.

Just in the 11th minute of the game, Manchester United seized an opportunity. Ronaldo quickly ran out of space and got a chance to counterattack.


Compared with other sports, there are eleven players on both sides of a football match. Including the referee, there will be a total of 23 people on the field. Except for the two goalkeepers whose activity areas are fixed in the penalty area, the rest of the players are basically at high speed. During the movement, they interspersed with each other, and if you don't pay attention to it, it's like watching flowers on horseback, and you miss it.

For any competitive game, concentration is the most important basic quality of a player.This is especially true for football games with many people and frequent interspersed running.

In football games, the most easily exposed problem of inattention is that you can't catch the ball.

When Manchester United steals the ball in the backcourt, Yin Jun gets the ball in front of his own penalty area and observes the front. Deportivo's left central defender, Cesar Martin, who replaced the injured Andrade in this game, started Obviously he didn't catch the crisis because he thought the ball was still in the frontcourt.

But in the next step, when Yin Jun made a long pass over the top and quickly sent the ball behind Deportivo's defense, he realized the danger in a hurry.

Just when he turned around to chase the ball, Ronaldo had passed him at the fastest speed, like a gust of wind, quickly caught up with the football, and easily stopped the ball with his chest.


Fortunately, not all Deportivo defenders are as distracted as Cesar Martin.Another of their central defenders, the Moroccan national Naibet, reacted immediately, quickly returned to the defense, and blocked Ronaldo.

The two were one-on-one. After stopping the ball in the chest, Ronaldo quickly started and wanted to use his speed advantage to get rid of the opponent, but Naibert decisively took a foul and tripped Ronaldo to the ground.

The referee gave a yellow card without hesitation.

For this yellow card, Nebett did not make any appeals.He also felt that it was very worthwhile to use a yellow card to resolve a single chance of Manchester United.

Naibet knew very well that if the Manchester United teenager was allowed to pass, neither he nor Deportivo's left-back, veteran Enrique Romero, would be able to stop the kid's assault.


Deportivo won the respite and quickly retreated to organize the defense in the penalty area.

Yin Jun's free kick accurately found Solskjaer, but the Norwegian striker's header slightly missed the crossbar.

Although they failed to score a goal, Manchester United gave the opponent's defender a yellow card in just 1 minutes of the opening, and Ferguson's opening tactics played a role.

Deportivo's coach Ruieta was very bitter on the sidelines, and kept complaining to the fourth official, apparently thinking that the punishment was too severe.

As a central defender, with a yellow card on his back, he will only restrain his hands and feet, and cannot let go of his hands and feet at all.Especially the game has just started, which is even more detrimental to Naibet's defense at the back.

Of course, in comparison, if they don’t foul and they are directly passed by Ronaldo and enter the penalty area, their defense will be difficult to stop, and they will only be more passive when they are scored, so Naibert’s choice is also justifiable. .


Ferguson stood on the sidelines, looking more relaxed from the start of the game.When he saw that Ronaldo gave Deportivo's central defender Naibet a yellow card, he laughed directly.

Although the subsequent frontcourt set kick failed to score, but such a result is already considered good.

"This kid's short-distance explosive power is getting better and better, especially when he gets rid of it." Ferguson praised.

"Yes." Mike Phelan nodded. "The two defenders of Deportivo couldn't stop him just now. Fortunately, Nebett fouled decisively, otherwise the goal would have been secured."

If Ronaldo's performance made them very satisfied, then Yin Jun's performance surprised them both.Whether it was the over-the-top long pass just now or the free kick just now, they all showed Yin Jun's good overall view.

Looking at the court again, Yin Jun kept retreating, but at the same time he was appealing to his teammates to try his best to launch an offensive towards Naibet's position, Ferguson and Mike Phelan looked at each other and smiled again.

What a shrewd boy!

Naibet had a yellow card and he was playing with his hands tied, but Yin Jun signaled his teammates to play him more, which was a bit worse, and he felt like taking his life while he was sick.

This is definitely a very commendable choice in a football game.


On the pitch, with Yin Jun's greeting, Manchester United's offense quickly tilted towards the area guarded by Naibet.

With Yin Jun and Solskjaer, plus two wingers Giggs and Ronaldo, Manchester United's attack line kept hitting Deportivo's defense, putting tremendous pressure on Deportivo's defense.

No.201 minutes, Giggs made an oblique pass from the left to the front of the penalty area, and Solskjaer made the transition to Ronaldo.

Ronaldo didn't have a chance, he pushed the ball back to the midfield without stopping and gave it to Yin Jun.

Yin Jun quickly crossed the ball to the right, Gary Neville slipped in, took the ball directly to the right side of the penalty area, pulled out Romero, and then suddenly crossed into the penalty area.

At this time, Yin Jun had already run to the neutral position. After receiving a cross from Gary Neville in the penalty area, facing Cesar, he took advantage of the situation and pulled to the left, swung his left foot and hit him directly!

Football is like a cannonball that goes straight to Deportivo's goal.Although their goalkeeper Molina made a flying save, he still couldn't prevent the ball from getting into the goal.

(End of this chapter)

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