host must win

Chapter 334

Chapter 334

When Yin Jun was letting go of his deep thoughts, Kirsty's voice sounded beside him: "Honey, I'm a little troubled recently..."

Yin Jun was taken aback for a moment, and asked, "Affliction? What anguish?"

"I don't know how to spend that money..." Kirsty said.

"Uh..." Yin Jun was dumbfounded.The words of the beautiful British girl beside me are a bit too Versailles, according to a popular saying when he traveled here.If ordinary people hear this, they will definitely feel very embarrassed.

However, he somewhat understood Kirsty's thoughts.

As expected, William Hill did not dare to take Kirsty's account. After all, the bet has already caused a lot of noise, and the whole UK and even the whole world know it. Kirsty is also a famous anchor, and the public The character, relying on her account, has a great impact.

So, shortly after Yin Jun scored 30 goals in the Premier League and the bet came into effect, the people from William Hill contacted Kirsty and fulfilled the bet.

When the news came out, the share price of William Hill Company on the London Stock Exchange rose a lot.Obviously, William Hill's approach has greatly increased the confidence of shareholders and lottery players in them, driving up the stock price.

This made William Hill not only did not lose because of this bet, but earned a lot of word of mouth.

Of course, Kirsty also became the real beneficiary. After deducting all kinds of taxes, she had a total of 40 million pounds in hand, and she went from being worth a million pounds to becoming a billionaire.

Originally, Kirsty's income was regarded as a high-income class among the British, and her life was very good, with nothing to worry about.Now that she has suddenly received a huge amount of income, which has doubled her personal assets, it is indeed likely to cause a sense of loss.


Beauty asked her for advice, and Yin Jun was really trying to find a way for her.The two are now a couple, and they can be regarded as one. Of course, he hopes that Kirsty's wealth can maintain or even increase in value.

Yin Jun really wants her to invest in China, which is undoubtedly the most effective guarantee in the world in the next 20 years.As the biggest engine of the world's economic development in the next 20 years, the rapid development of China's economy can be said to be opportunities everywhere for capital.Coupled with some of his memories, the possibility of losing money is almost non-existent.

But considering that Christy might not be willing to go to China, plus some other reasons, Yin Jun did not make this suggestion.Instead, he said, "Why don't you buy Manchester United's stock?"

Because Manchester United's performance in the past two seasons has been very good, winning the Premier League for two consecutive years, winning the Champions League last year, and breaking into the Champions League final this year, Manchester United's stock price has been rising.Coupled with the news that the Glazer family in the United States will acquire Manchester United since the end of last year, Manchester United's current stock price has reached a record high: 3.11 pounds per share, with a total market value of 8.155 million pounds!
This is the most valuable sports club in the world today!

Since Manchester United may also win this year's FA Cup and Champions League next year, it is foreseeable that Manchester United's stock price will usher in a wave of rise.If Kirsty buys Manchester United's stock at this time, it will definitely be profitable.

The problem is that Kirsty's funds are quite a lot. When converted into Manchester United's shares, she would account for almost 5% of the shares.Such a large transaction may cause quite a shock and cause some troubles.

In fact, Yin Jun knows that the Glazer family has been buying shares of Manchester United in the market recently, which is also an important reason why Manchester United's stock price has risen by nearly 0.8 pounds in the past six months.If Kirsty enters the market at this time, there will definitely be conflicts with the American Vampire.


Kirsty's perspective on the matter must be different from Yin Jun's. She said quietly: "My dear, is it really good for you to let a Liverpool fan become a shareholder of Manchester United?"

Yin Jun really can't understand the perspective of die-hard fans, especially female fans.Although he was also a die-hard Manchester United fan, as Diaosi, he obviously did not consider becoming a major shareholder of Liverpool. He said with some hesitation: "Whether you are a Liverpool fan or not has nothing to do with making money, right?" ? For example, it is definitely impossible for you to use your money to buy Liverpool stocks now?"

Kirsty glanced at Yin Jun with some resentment, the guy's words were a little bit heartbreaking.

Liverpool is also a listed company, but because of poor performance in recent years, it is definitely unwise to invest tens of millions of pounds to buy Liverpool's stock.

But to be honest, if she really buys Liverpool shares, she can become the largest shareholder with the largest number of shares.The current market value of Liverpool is less than 40 million pounds, and Kirsty's 10 million pounds invested is enough to win more than [-]% of Liverpool's shares.


Seeing that Kirsty has no interest in becoming a shareholder of Manchester United, Yin Jun is not reluctant.Although the two are together, Yin Jun will not force her to change her position.

However, Yin Jun really doesn't understand the investment environment in the UK.I only know that the economic situation in Great Britain and even the entire European Union will be weak in the next 20 years.

Yin Jun quickly thought of another way, which is to let her invest in the beautiful country.As the number one power in the world, although the future economic development of the beautiful country is not as good as that of the rabbit, it has always maintained development.

Moreover, Yin Jun also has some understanding of the development of several giant companies in the beautiful country in the future.For example, you must die, like Amazon, and like Tesla... Although the bosses of these companies will have major changes in their personal stances towards flower growers in the future, Christy is not Chinese, but from the beautiful country. Don't worry about the hardcore little brother's family.

Of these three companies, one or two have just been established, and the development of the other one is not going well. With so much capital invested by Kirsty, she can get a lot of shares.As long as you keep holding it, even if you just pay dividends, you will be a proper tens of billionaires in the future.

So Yin Jun mentioned it to her.

British people like to go to the beautiful country for development these years, and Kirsty is no exception. Hearing this, she is very interested, and said that she will seek professional advice later, and then seriously consider these few investments.

Yin Jun didn't care too much, it was Kirsty's money, not his.Although the two are lovers, Yin Jun has no intention of eating soft meals.And in terms of personal financial situation, Yin Jun is no worse than Kirsty at present, even if she made a fortune recently.

(End of this chapter)

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