host must win

Chapter 338 Wise Who Wants to Steal a Chicken

Chapter 338 Wise Who Wants to Steal a Chicken

With Millwall's strength, it is impossible to be Manchester United's opponent.The test of Ferguson and Manchester United for Yin Jun actually falls behind in the Champions League final.

In order to prepare for the subsequent Champions League final, in the FA Cup final, Ferguson only gave Yin Jun his half-time playing time.Ferguson clearly told Yin Jun before the game that no matter whether he played well or badly, he would be replaced after the intermission.

Yin Jun's understanding of this is that Ferguson asked him to use half a game to get this Championship team!

The Football Association has passed a resolution that the previous League One will be renamed the Championship next season.

Millwall also knows that their strength is far inferior to Manchester United, but since they have entered the FA Cup final, their goal cannot be the runner-up.So after the start of the game, they took advantage of the opportunity of abundant physical fitness to launch the offensive first, hoping to take advantage of Manchester United's unstable foothold, first steal one from Manchester United, and then shrink back to defend.

In the first 6 minutes of the game, the pre-emptive Millwall unexpectedly took the initiative on the field.Millwall's left-back David Livermore was very active.The midfielder was born in the Arsenal youth training camp. In the 1998-1999 season, he entered the Arsenal's first-team squad, but was not able to play.

David Livermore has witnessed Manchester United reaching the pinnacle of the Triple Crown, so he does not want his rival to achieve the Treble again in five years.

He frequently added assists.Gary Neville looked a little embarrassed facing the fast and delicate Livermore.However, although Gary Neville is 29 years old and has entered the ranks of veterans, he is in good condition this season, his speed is not slow, and his experience is very rich. Livermore passed him twice, but he is very good. It's about to come back to catch up.

Wise, as the head coach and player, also started this game, playing the single midfielder in 4141.But he looks very relaxed on the court, he is happy with the current situation.

Sitting on the coach's bench, Ferguson looked very relaxed, but his clenched fists betrayed his inner emotions.

If you want to achieve the Triple Crown again, today's game is also very critical.The FA Cup is known as a hotbed of unpopularity. Manchester United's overall strength is indeed dominant, but it is not impossible to be upset.

"Soon!" Ferguson muttered to himself.


This time, Livermore and the team's Australian midfielder Tim Cahill hit a wall-to-wall cooperation, passing Gary Neville, and then he was just about to pick up speed when he saw Manchester United centre-back West. Sylvester jumped up.

The timing of Sylvester's pounce was so good that Livermore was taken aback and quickly passed the football.

"Steal the ball!" Lineker yelled.

Livermore's cross to his team-mate was intercepted by the nimble Gary Neville.

"This was premeditated, Sylvester came to make up, and Gary Neville, who had just been passed, was already ready to steal and intercept!" John Mortensen shouted.

After Gary Neville intercepted the ball, he quickly passed the football to Roy Keane, who came to meet him, who immediately passed the football to Scholes, who organized the attack. This is Ferguson's tactical requirement , Manchester United's two midfielders, Keane is responsible for protection, and Scholes is responsible for organizing the offense.

At this time, Gary Neville had already spread his feet and ran forward.

Almost at the same time Scholes received the ball, Wise moved, and he jumped at Scholes who received the ball.

As a former opponent for many years, Wise is very aware of Scholes' ability and knows that Scholes must not be given enough time and space to control the ball.

The timing of Wise's attack was also calculated very well. He planned to steal the ball while Scholes was catching the ball.

"Wise stepped forward to press Scholes... beautiful!" Lineker exclaimed excitedly.

Facing Wise, who was rushing forward, Scholes leaned forward slightly, resisting the opponent's upward trend, but dexterously knocked the football to Wes Brown behind him with his heel, and then Wise missed. !
Millwall, who wanted to go first, has been on the offensive very violently in the past few minutes, and the formation is very forward. Just now, their midfielder Wise actually pressed to the top of the arc of Manchester United's penalty area. Now, Wise has missed , The direct consequence of this short-cut is that Millwall's half-time is a large space!
"Wise is coming in too hard, Millwall's midfield is out of touch!" John Mortenson shouted.


Wes Brown didn't delay, and directly handed the football to Scholes again. The latter pulled the ball and turned around, looked up, and immediately passed a long pass to Yin Jun, who had rushed to the front!
Lineker shouted: "Manchester United's counterattack!"

Yin Jun stopped the football beautifully. At this time, there were only three Millwall defenders in front of him. At this moment, on the right side of Manchester United, Ronaldo was advancing at high speed, and behind him was the one who had just completed the steal After that, Gary Neville sprinted forward desperately, and on the left, Giggs was also sprinting forward, and in the middle of the front, Ruud van Nistelrooy was also running.

At this moment, Manchester United instantly formed a five-on-three situation in the frontcourt.

Yin Jun quickly passed the football forward, Ruud van Nistelrooy caught the ball, he didn't let the football stay under his feet, but knocked back, Yin Jun who had rushed up also kicked the ball, and directly divided the football, Quickly transferred to the foot of Ronaldo on the right.

Ronaldo dribbled the ball forward at high speed. At this time, Millwall's left-back Ryan rushed up to participate in the attack just now, and he was still chasing after him.

After receiving the ball, Ronaldo cuts directly into the penalty area!

Millwall's central defenders were defending Yin Jun and Ruud van Nistelrooy just now, thinking that they would break through directly from the center. Unexpectedly, the two passed with both feet, and the football went to the right. At this time, central defender Darren Ward only Can hastily pounce on Ronaldo.

Ronaldo didn't mean to slow down at all, and Ward didn't slow down at all. He judged that this young man was planning to pass himself!
It's no wonder that Ward thinks so. This season, Ronaldo is already famous in England for playing alone and loving to show off his skills.

Ward fell to the ground and shoveled, Ronaldo jumped up to avoid the shovel!

"Boy, you're still young!" Ward was proud, and then he was shocked, "Where's the ball?"

He missed the tackle!

"Beautiful!" Lineker exclaimed.

It turned out that when Ronaldo was about to come into contact with the defender, he poked the football to the side with a toe, and he himself jumped up to avoid the tackle.

(End of this chapter)

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