host must win

Chapter 358

Chapter 358
As soon as Yin Jun closed and opened his eyes, eight hours passed, and it was the morning of May 5 in China.

The flight attendant reminded the plane that the flight will land at Beijing International Airport in half an hour, so that the passengers are ready to get off the plane.

Her mother, Yan Peixiu, still didn't have a good look at Yin Jun. Obviously, she still had a lot of opinions on Yin Jun's words that she would not marry Christy.However, after thinking about the flight all the way, coupled with the persuasion of other members of the family, there is no need to continue to trouble Yin Jun.

During the flight, his father Yin Mingshan and his elder sister Yin Chengmin were all cheering for Yin Jun, saying that Yin Jun would represent the national team in the German World Cup qualifiers this summer and the local Asian Cup, so he really didn't have time to think about marriage.

Moreover, Yin Juncai is only 19 years old, so he got married earlier.When he develops for a few more years and has a deeper relationship with Kirsty, maybe he will change his mind by then.

Due to subjective and considerable reasons, Yan Peixiu had to admit the fact that Yin Jun will not get married in the short term.However, although she accepted the result psychologically, the old man still wanted to express her dissatisfaction and teach Yin Jun a lesson, otherwise how would she discipline her son in the future?

At the exit of the Capital International Airport, Su Maozhen held a sign with "Yin Jun" and stood at the exit of the pick-up passage.

Since going to Manchester United for further study in the second half of 2002, after nearly two years of study, Su Maozhen has successfully obtained the B-level football coach qualification certificate issued by the Football Association, and also obtained a master's degree in business management from Sofford University.

Just a few days ago, he returned to China to join Alihan's coaching team and became a member of the Chinese coaching team.This is not a difficult task for him who is already a famous Chinese football player and has obtained the British coaching qualification certificate, not to mention that Yin Jun recommended him to Alihan.

The national team had known for a long time that Yin Jun would arrive at Beijing International Airport by flight this morning, so they sent him who had a good relationship with Yin Jun to pick him up.

Su Maozhen felt very relaxed and felt happy to see an old friend soon.

During the two years at Manchester United, Su Maozhen was busy studying, while Yin Jun was busy training and playing, and they didn't have much time to see each other.But for Yin Jun's situation, he has always been very concerned.He never expected that the little brother who didn't even grow hair had grown to the present level in just two years.

It can be said that this is more dreamlike than dreaming!

It was as if in the blink of an eye, the childish little brother in the dormitory had grown into a world-famous superstar.

Just at the prime time of the night before yesterday, the news broadcast took 3 minutes to report the news that Yin Jun led Manchester United to win the treble again. Champions League final MVP.

Hearing those words one by one, Su Maozhen's heart trembled.

As a professional footballer, he knows better than ordinary people how heavy and rare these titles are.


Just when Su Maozhen was looking forward to the scene where the two sides would meet, there was a sudden commotion in a place a little further away.He saw a large group of girls, holding lights, posters, and banners, rushing towards Exit [-] where he was.

The dense footsteps sounded like horseshoes, and these delicate and beautiful girls seemed to be cavalry charging for a group, scaring everyone in their path to dodge in a hurry, and some people were frightened for a while Confused, he turned around and ran away, looking like a heartless man being chased by so many girls...

Su Maozhen guessed what was going on when he saw this situation, and he also had a headache about how to complete the task of picking up the plane.

These crazy-looking female fans are all Yin Jun's fans!
Since his outstanding performance in the Korea-Japan World Cup, Yin Jun has won a large number of fans in China.And with the past two years, Yin Jun's achievements at Manchester United have become more and more outstanding, and his fan base has also become larger and larger, with people of all ages and social classes.

He is handsome, he is good at playing football, and his personal image is also maintained well. Yin Jun's ability to attract fans is really too strong.

The craziest among them are these girls from universities and middle schools all over the world, they can be called Yin Jun's NC fans.

This time the pick-up work is not so smooth...


Thinking of this, he put down the sign, dug out the phone's address book, found the driver, Old Sun, and made a call: "Uncle Sun, Yin Jun is coming out, where are you?"

"I'm behind you, Xiaosu..." A helpless voice came from the phone receiver and behind him at the same time. Su Maozhen was startled, put down the phone and turned around, and sure enough, he saw the driver, Old Sun, who had a wry smile on his face.

The old driver looked at the black and noisy crowd, shook his head and sighed: "Today is difficult..."

"How did Yin Jun's itinerary information get leaked?" Su Maozhen also frowned and looked at the girls who had already started chanting slogans.

"It wasn't really a secret, but I heard that there happened to be a big sister of Yin Jun's fan group here in the capital, and she was very organized, so I came up with this, saying that it was to cheer for Yin Jun's impact in the Asian Cup..." The driver, Lao Sun, is a native of Beijing and knows more about it.

The two looked at each other with wry smiles, it was really difficult to deal with such a group of fanatical fans of Yin Jun.If you don't pay attention, you may be blasted by fans on the Internet, and then you will have a taste of online violence.Those fans scolded people very ruthlessly.


The passengers on the flight that landed at the Capital International Airport during this period were all stunned by the noise outside when they left the airport.

Especially the passengers on the same flight as Yin Jun, they couldn't help getting a little excited when they thought that they had been on the same flight as Yin Jun before.

However, when they turned their attention to the group where Yin Jun's family members belonged, they were surprised to find that Yin Jun was not there.

"Where is Yin Jun?" Some people cast their eyes curiously. Everyone has heard of this star player who won the Champions League for two consecutive years. At this moment, they all want to see the demeanor of this big star.

When Yin Jun's family members finally reached the exit, the girls who had been waiting here screamed, although they couldn't jump directly in front of them due to the efforts of the airport staff to stop them.But they also shouted Yin Jun's name loudly through the railings, and at the same time raised the lights and posters in their hands, tore apart the eye-catching banners, and held them up high.There are even girls holding flowers and wanting to go up to present flowers for Yin Jun.

But what surprised them was that their "junzi" was not found in the team of Yin Jun's family.

A group of girls who had been screaming and cheering before looked at each other, a little at a loss.

(End of this chapter)

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