host must win

Chapter 369

Chapter 369

After overcoming the opening attack of the Bahrain team, the Chinese team showed more and more threats.

In a defense, Bahrain's No. 352 left wingback Rashid Dosari, who played in a 8 formation, was intercepted with the ball. Yin Jun quickly caught up with the ball and avoided Dosari's counterattack. Take to the middle road.

Bahrain's defensive midfielder No. 29 Mohammad Khobar was very close to Yin Jun, and immediately leaned over to defend.

When Yin Jun saw Hubaier approaching, he took advantage of the trend and led to the middle, and forcibly got rid of his opponent.

After throwing away the two Bahrain players, Yin Jun suddenly changed direction and dribbled the ball towards the goal.But at this time, the Bahrain team's other defensive midfielder No. 13 Ratar Youssef, and the left center back No. 16 Sayed Adnan, as well as Youssef who was just thrown off by him, all quickly They surrounded him and surrounded him in the middle.

This made Yin Jun feel like he was being caught by the urn, but he still quickly found a way out of the ball and immediately passed the ball back to the right. Unfortunately, Dong Yuzhuo did not understand his intention and failed to pull the ball to the side in time .

Dosari quickly returned to the defense and directly cleared the ball with a big foot.


Although the Chinese team's attack this time failed to create a threat, Yin Jun's continuous dribbling breakthrough still won a round of warm applause from the [-] spectators in the stands. The Chinese team's fans were obviously very satisfied with his performance.

The continuous acceleration of dribbling breakthroughs and changing directions made Yin Jun a little breathless.This short-distance continuous burst, the body mainly performs anaerobic exercise, which consumes the most energy and is the most likely to make people tired.

But Yin Jun didn't pay much attention to these. After playing in the Premier League for two seasons, he has long been used to this kind of game rhythm, and his physical fitness is enough to support this kind of high-intensity game.

After all, the intensity of the Premier League matches far exceeds that of the Asian Cup!
Not to mention that Yin Jun has also played a more intense Champions League match, which is the most intense football match on the planet!
When walking back, I was somewhat depressed.

As the number one star of the Chinese team, but also the most threatening player, Yin Jun knew before the game that he would be marked by the Bahrain team.

After the game started, he was followed by a Bahraini defensive player at any time, and there were other Bahraini players ready to flank Yin Jun at any time, which confirmed Yin Jun's guess.

After he got rid of Dosari just now, Huber's attack was very timely. If he was a second slower, Yin Jun would have been able to change the direction, instead of cutting inward horizontally, he would have gone straight forward diagonally.

Horizontal and oblique insertion are two completely different effects.At the very least, Yin Jun has to change direction and go straight after going horizontally.

I have to say that the defense of the Bahrain team is really meticulous.

Yin Jun turned his head and glanced at the coach of the visiting team on the sidelines.Their head coach seemed in a good mood, grinning obscenely as he watched his team defuse a Chinese attack.

"He should be able to make it work for his targeted defensive tactics?" Yin Jun thought.

Yin Jun could feel that the Bahrain team's defensive focus has always been on himself, and it was relatively successful, which directly led to the passiveness of the Chinese team after the opening.

How to do?If you continue to play like this, if the Bahrain team really scores first, then the Chinese team will be passive.

We must find a way to break through their defense!


Yin Jun searched hard for an opportunity.

Soon, the Bahrain team once again launched a wave of offensive against the Chinese team. Their No. 10 core player Samir An shot a very threatening long-range shot, which slightly touched the post and went out of the bottom line, scaring everyone in the Workers Stadium. jumped.

The ball almost went in!
Yin Jun also got a chance soon.

This time, he suddenly appeared on the left side of the midfield to catch the ball, quickly dribbled the ball forward, grabbed the ball before Khubar, and sent the ball accurately to Dong Fangzhuo's feet with a through ball.However, when Xiao Dong hit the goal with his kick, he was interfered by Hussein Baba and Mohammad Juma. He failed to hit the right position and kicked the ball directly, which was a bit outrageous.

Dong Fangzhuo was also very depressed, on the one hand because he was also flanked by the Bahrain defenders, and on the other hand because there were indeed some problems with his shooting skills.

In fact, what Dong Fangzhuo admired most about Yin Jun was his ability to grasp opportunities.The youngest winner of the European Ballon d'Or, who is only half a year older than himself, can be said to be the person who grasps the best opportunities in football.According to statistics, Yin Jun's shot conversion rate is as high as 39.6%, that is to say, he will score a goal almost every 2.5 shots.

In mainstream European leagues, the conversion rate of top shooters is just over 20%. Yin Jun's conversion rate has basically reached twice this standard!
You know, Yin Jun's shot conversion rate is so high based on the fact that he scored forty or fifty goals per season, not four or five goals!
In fact, in the past 2003-2004 season, among the players who scored more than 10 goals in European mainstream leagues, except for Yin Jun, none of them had a conversion rate of more than 30%!


Yin Jun soon saw Zhao Junzhe.

The midfielder with the nickname "Zhao Yijiao" retreated a bit after the start, which caused the team's central position to be empty when counterattacking. If Zhao Junzhe or Zhou Haibing can move forward quickly Plug it in, with their long-range capabilities...

Thinking of this, when Yin Jun ran back to his own half, he did not forget to wink at Zhao Junzhe.

The two have played together in the national team for two years, and they have a tacit understanding with each other. Yin Jun made a wink, and Zhao Junzhe guessed the intention, hesitated, and nodded.

Afterwards, Yin Jun made another gesture with Dong Fangzhuo.

The Bahrain team did a good job in terms of overall offense and defense, very efficient and very fast.It can be inserted quickly when attacking, and can retreat quickly when defending.

When the Chinese team stole the ball again and played a counterattack, when Yin Jun received the ball, Bahrain team left winger Dosari had already blocked him, and Khobar was behind him.

Just by taking a look, Yin Jun could guess that it would be difficult for him to break through the defense of these two players alone, let alone Yousef who was eyeing him.

But this time, what Yin Jun wants is to attract attention.So after he received the ball, he quickly started, dribbling the ball directly to Dosari, forcing the Bahrain team's defense to retreat again and again.

When he retreated to the 30 meters area, Yin Jun suddenly stepped on his bicycle a few times, but he didn't pass anyone. Instead, he feinted his shot, changed direction and dribbled the ball inward.

Yousef rushed forward quickly, but Yin Jun was faster, pushed the ball with his right foot and sent the ball to the middle.

A flash of lightning suddenly flashed in the Bahrain midfielder's mind: Oops!Got it!

(End of this chapter)

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