host must win

Chapter 424

Chapter 424
Yin Jun sat on the visiting team's bench and watched the game silently.

Regarding Alihan telling him before the game that he was not arranged to start because he was worried about his injury, although Yin Jun expressed his understanding verbally, he had some thoughts in his heart.

As a professional footballer, if you're worried about getting hurt, then don't play football at all.

What's more, he has been playing in the Premier League, which is known for its confrontation, and has basically not been injured. These Kuwaitis can do it?

As for the Kuwaiti jumping over the wall in a hurry and using extreme tactics to deal with him, if you are really worried about this, then you might as well not call me to Kuwait, that will give me half a month of rest.

Yin Jun had some guesses in his mind. He knew that his reputation in the country was too high, and his influence in the national team was too great. Even the domestic fans only knew him as Yin Jun. As for the head coach, whoever was in that position didn’t know Same?
Therefore, Ali Han wants to prove to the fans that he is the most indispensable person for this Chinese team.Even without Yin Jun, he can lead the Chinese team to victory.

It's just that, after halftime, Alihan should have found out that he messed things up!

Of course, these are just Yin Jun's guesses. He didn't express anything, and he didn't show any bad emotions when facing the media.

Even if the team lost the ball and fell behind, he still just watched the game quietly on the bench, and did not discuss the team's gains and losses with his teammates next to him.

Yin Jun found that after losing the ball, the Chinese players on the field unified their thinking and began to want to counterattack in an all-round way.

Alihan's starting tactic in this game is defensive counterattack, because the Chinese team has a psychological advantage, and a draw is acceptable. Even if they lose, it is not the end of the world.Not Kuwait, they have to win.While a draw could keep them theoretically hopeful, in reality they are hopeless.

It is impossible for the Chinese team to lose even one point in the final round against Xiangjiang, since both sides are Chinese after all.

Therefore, they must press out and fight.

However, it is obvious that Alihan did not allow all players to understand his intentions and thinking clearly, which caused some players to think that he wanted to attack, but some players felt that he wanted to defend.

Eleven people on the court have eleven ideas, no matter how strong the team is, they will not be able to play their strength.

Not to mention, the head coach must take the blame for this.

In addition, the state of many players is indeed not exciting enough. On the one hand, it is related to the absence of myself, Sun Jihai and Zheng Zhi.Shao Jiayi wanted to support the Chinese team's offense alone, which was really difficult.


The Chinese team has made a lot of personnel adjustments in this game. Yan Song, who has been playing the main force before, is also sitting on the bench. Xu Yunlong is on the right side, and Yang Pu is on the left side.In this game, left forward Yang Pu and left back Sun Xiang both performed abnormally.

Of course, this has something to do with Kuwait being good at attacking from the right, that is, focusing on the left of the Chinese team.

On the contrary, Kuwait's left side, which is the right side of the Chinese team, did not play a threat in this game, which should not be. According to the news obtained by Yin Jun, Xu Yunlong played with an injury.

In addition, Dong Fangzhuo and Li Jinyu on the front line, Li Weifeng and Zhang Yuekun on the defense line, these players are obviously not in good condition, and even the goalkeeper Liu Yunfei has made several mistakes that should not have been made.

It can be said that the mentality of the national football players in this game is indeed a little out of balance, otherwise all of them would not have performed unsatisfactorily.

When everyone was in a hurry, Ali Han and his Dutch assistant De Jong whispered to each other for a while.Afterwards, De Jong turned around and shouted at Yin Jun: "Yin, hurry up, go warm up!"

Yin Jun nodded, put on his training vest and walked out of the bench.

When Yin Jun appeared on the sidelines to warm up, it affected the hearts of countless Chinese fans watching the game anxiously in front of TV sets across the country. Everyone was looking forward to his appearance.

This 19 years old young man has saved the Chinese team from danger time and time again on the court. Tonight, he can still do it, because he is Yin Jun, the youngest European Golden Globe winner in history. omnipotent!


Yin Jun knew that the current situation was very urgent, so he warmed up very seriously, trying to activate his body in the shortest possible time.

Especially the temperature in Kuwait is very high today, and the high temperature makes his body a little tired and lazy.If he is not fully active, he will definitely not be in a good state when he plays.

After 5 minutes, Yin Jun finished his warm-up and returned to the coach's bench.

Alihan immediately walked over and whispered to him: "Yin, we are in trouble now. Our current situation is very bad. The frontcourt offense failed to play a threat, but the backline frequently made mistakes. The goal just now was indeed true. It should be very wrong, but the mistake has been made, and we have to make up for it."

Yin Jun nodded, and it is useless to pursue the responsibility for conceding the goal now.The field is changing rapidly. It can only be said that Sun Xiang made a wrong choice based on a wrong judgment at a critical moment, which eventually led to the team conceding a goal.

"It's not that we have no chance. We have scored more than a dozen times into the opponent's 30 meters area, but the problem now is that we have no way to create a threat within the opponent's 30 meters area. I have no other requirements for you. You go to the opponent's [-] meters area. Do what you do best, organize the team's attack and send the damn ball into Kuwait's goal!"

Yin Jun nodded and said, "I see."


Soon, the Chinese team used a chance of a dead ball to complete the substitution adjustment.Yin Jun came off the bench, and he replaced the injured right midfielder Xu Yunlong.

This player has always played as a right back before, but Ali Han let him play as an avant-garde in this game, which also shows the coach's intention to defend and counterattack, but his performance can only be regarded as mediocre.

Xu Yunlong happened to be on the side near the coach's bench, and quickly walked to the sidelines, hugged Yin Jun, and said in his ear: "Captain, it's up to you, come on!"

Yin Jun nodded, patted Xu Yunlong on the shoulder, and then quickly ran into the court.

At the moment when Yin Jun appeared on the stage, more than 1000 Chinese fans and Chinese fans who came to the Peace and Friendship Stadium to watch the game cheered one after another.Even some Kuwaiti fans applauded and cheered for Yin Jun.

Although Yin Jun is Chinese, he is also a representative of Asian players. He has won glory for Asian players on the top European stage and won him many fans all over the world.

(End of this chapter)

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