host must win

Chapter 543 Provocation from Robinho

Chapter 543 Provocation from Robinho

Looking at the Brazilians celebrating wildly, Yin Jun was also very helpless.The huge gap in strength between the two sides has not changed because of the huge improvement in the world ranking of the Chinese team. Yin Jun knows very well that the world ranking of the Chinese team is very watery.Being able to reach the current position is basically brought about by his own arrogance.

Compared with another time and space, the overall strength of the Chinese team has improved due to the addition of a few foreign players, but there has not been a qualitative change.Previously, the Chinese team encountered mostly second-rate teams, barely able to compete with one or two teams, and coupled with their own cheating, they could also be lucky to win the victory.

In fact, most of them encountered some third-rate teams in Asia, or even low-rate teams, which pushed up the Chinese team's world ranking.

However, when you really encounter world-class teams such as Brazil, Brazil, and Germany, you will be exposed.

At the Rhein Energy Stadium, those Chinese fans who came from afar, although they knew in their hearts that there must be a gap between the strength of the Chinese team and the Brazilian team, and they were even mentally prepared to lose the ball, but Yin Jun's goal helped the Chinese team take the lead. Let them have some unrealistic fantasies.

However, when the Brazilian really exerted his strength and scored two goals in a short period of time to reverse the score, the Chinese team could not even touch the ball during the period. This situation caused everyone a big blow.

It is said that the praise is high and the fall is miserable, which is the situation that Chinese fans are facing at the moment.

For a while, most of the Rhine Energy Stadium fell into dead silence.

This kind of silence lasted for quite a while before someone sighed softly: "Actually, the performance is already very good..."

Soon after, someone echoed softly: "Yeah, it's already very good..."

Playing against the powerful five-star Brazil, there was no fear after the start of the game, and he even scored a goal.Although the Brazilian went crazy and scored two goals in a row, it was the Brazilian team after all, with Ronaldinho, Kaka, Adriano and other superstars, the starry Brazil!

So don't look at the score behind, look at the goals the Chinese team has scored, and see the shining points of the Chinese team in this game...

Many people think so.


When Ronaldinho assisted Robinho and sent the football into the goal of the Chinese team for the second time, Alihan kicked the air violently from the sidelines.

Even if the whole world thinks that the Brazilian team should lead the Chinese team, as the head coach of the Chinese team, he will still feel regretful and unhappy about this result.

Wu Jingui looked up to the sky beside him and sighed: "As expected of the Brazilian team!"

The coaching staff of the Chinese team has put a lot of effort into how to limit the Brazilian midfielder headed by Ronaldinho.

Because Brazilian midfielders, including Ronaldinho, Kaka, and Adriano, are all well-known stars, their characteristics are no secret to Chinese coaches. It is easy to know, so that targeted tactical arrangements can be made according to their characteristics.

It can be said that in terms of tactical arrangements, Alihan and his assistants have done everything they can do as a coach.At the beginning of the game, the successful performance of the Chinese team in defense also proved that their tactics are effective.

But if you only look at tactics in a football game, it is tantamount to talking on paper.No matter how good the tactics are, if they want to be effective, there must be players who execute them well.It has to be said that in this regard, there is still a big gap between the players of the Chinese team and the world's top teams in terms of personal ability.

Tactical theory is tactical theory, and players always have to discount it when they execute it.

And this kind of discount may not be too prominent at the beginning. After all, the physical fitness of the Chinese team players was still very good at that time, and the technical gap can be made up by active running.

But as the game progresses, when the players consume more and more physical energy, when defending the opponent's offense again and again, each execution is discounted a little bit, and the accumulated discount after many times has reached the point where it cannot be ignored , and finally this is the result now.

At the end of the first half, when the physical strength of the Chinese team began to be in crisis, they failed to prevent the Brazilian team's attack after all, allowing them to score two consecutive goals in just 5 minutes.


Unlike the frustrated Chinese team's coaching bench and bench, Brazil's coaching bench and bench are all cheering crowds.The substitute players of the Brazilian team rushed out of the bench, shook their fists towards the field, and shouted, as if they were demonstrating.

After the Chinese team advanced by a goal, it was not only the Brazilian players on the court who were irritated, but also those players sitting on the bench.They can't wait to let the Chinese know what the consequences of breaking the Brazilian team's goal will be.

This is the brightest time for you in this game, and it is also the last time!
Brazil coach Pereira showed a smile on his face, and he was relieved to see Ronaldinho in such a good state.

Although it is a little uncomfortable to concede a goal, but this goal has inspired a better Ronaldinho, and that is an acceptable price...

He clapped his hands on the sidelines and shouted into the field: "Good job, Ronaldinho! Good job!"

Ronaldinho, who was running back to his own half, had a bright smile on his face, and his iconic rabbit teeth were also exposed. Obviously, he was also very satisfied with his performance.

Robinho, who was beside him, turned around and found Yin Jun, who was staring at him.

Although Robinho is not well-known in world football, but in South America, especially in Brazil, Robinho has a great reputation, and nicknames such as "cycling boy" and "Pelé II" emerge in endlessly.

Robinho was famous not only for his skills, but also for his mischievous personality.Once, Robinho, the twin star of Santos, and Diego participated in a business event. When taking a makeup photo, the naughty Robinho pulled down Diego's suit and trousers, causing the audience to burst into laughter. The shy Diego suddenly blushed.

For the big brother Ronaldinho, Robinho admires from the bottom of his heart, thinking that he is the most powerful and talented star on the planet.

However, the European Ballon d'Or in the past two years and the World Player of the Year last year were all given to Yin Jun, and Ronaldinho got nothing, which made Robinho feel unfair for Ronaldinho: Why is that oriental boy who is one year younger than himself, able to overwhelm his big brother Ronaldinho and become the No. 1 football player in the world?
Therefore, when the opportunity presented itself, Robinho jumped out, and he wanted to severely humiliate that oriental boy!

So Robinho spread his hands, shrugged at the other party, then raised his head and laughed, turned around and ran back with Ronaldinho.

(End of this chapter)

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