host must win

Chapter 574 Impressions

Chapter 574 Impressions
Yin Jun was about to take Yin Chengyu to leave first, and several people hurried down, and one of them, a middle-aged woman in her forties, shouted in a panic all the way: "Xiao Lin, Xiao Lin! Xiao Feng, your sister What's wrong?! Ah, what happened to her?"

Fang Xiaofeng stood up and replied: "Mom, Dad, my sister is fine, just a little tired, just take a rest, it was Yin Jun who saved her!"

The middle-aged woman didn't care about anything else, she knelt down on the beach, only cared about her daughter, and said with some relief: "Ah, it's fine, it's fine."

On the contrary, the middle-aged man held his breath, glanced at Yin Jun, and then said gratefully: "You are Xiaojun from Director Mingshan's family, right? I have heard Director Mingshan mention you, we Chinese, many times. I am proud of you, but I have never been able to see you. I never thought that you would save my daughter. By the way, I am Fang Yuanshan, the father of Fang Xiaofeng and Fang Xuelin. gone."

Yin Jun naturally knew this old Taishan himself.Listening to him thanking himself, Yin Jun felt a little strange.

Yin Jun knew that Fang Yuanshan worked in the district education committee, because he had not retired when he married Fang Xuelin in his previous life.

Yin Jun did not expect that Fang Yuanshan knew his father, and also knew the relationship between the old man and himself.

But this is normal, Yin Mingshan is an ordinary township clerk, and the deputy director of the airborne zone education committee, the people below will definitely pay special attention to his social relationship, and the relationship between his father and himself will naturally not be kept secret.


The Fang family still has a certain influence in the education department of Danjiang, especially Fang Yuanshan's eldest brother, Fang Yuanping, who is the principal of the No. [-] Middle School of Danjiang District, and can be regarded as a heavyweight in the education department of Danjiang.

Fang Yuanshan in front of him is the head of the personnel department of the district education committee, and was once a strong contender for the deputy director.As a result, his father was airborne and occupied this position, and Fang Yuanshan didn't know what attitude he had towards this.

But in Yin Jun's memory, he failed to get promoted after all, so it's not like his father picked his peaches.But Yin Jun didn't know whether Fang Yuanshan would think so.

Yin Jun's heart moved, a smile appeared on his face, and he said: "Uncle Fang praised me, I don't dare to be the pride of the people of the country. And saving Xiao Lin, I just did it with a little effort, anyone else would do the same. "

"Haha, your name is Yin Jun. Since you call me Uncle, I'll call you Xiaojun. Xiaojun, you don't have to be modest, saying that you are the pride of us Chinese is not what I said. It’s what CCTV said.” Fang Yuanshan laughed loudly, “As for saving the little girl Xuelin, it’s also not an easy matter. When will two people not be drowned in this Pengjiang River? Next is the vortex area, which is the entire Danjiang River. Can't find a few who dare to rush into the vortex area?"

"Uncle Fang won the award. At that time, no one would have thought so much." Yin Jun took it lightly, he didn't want to leave a feeling of being kind in front of this person.


The girl woke up quickly, and under the influence of Fang Yuanshan's wife's tears, the girl seemed to realize the danger just now, and sobbed softly.On the contrary, a group of men seemed very free and easy, talking and laughing and walking ahead.

Fang Yuanshan felt that the Yin Jun in front of him was not simple.

This is not easy, not only because of Yin Jun's current fame and status, Yin Jun's success is beyond doubt.

Fang Yuanshan felt that Yin Jun's attitude was not simple, but Yin Jun's attitude towards people and things.

To be able to become a section chief in the education committee, of course Fang Yuanshan also has his own set of skills.The Yin Jun in front of him is only about 20 years old. If he is an ordinary person, he suddenly becomes famous, he is definitely superior, and he can't wait to use his nose.Don't you see those little famous stars in TV and movies, each of them is worth [-] million, as if they wish the whole world knew about themselves.

But Yin Jun is different. From his words and demeanor, the kind of calm demeanor that is neither humble nor arrogant, neither arrogant nor rash, is difficult to see in young people of this age. In comparison, my son is completely different And language.

After some chatting, Fang Yuanshan was also impressed by Yin Jun's words and demeanor.

Walking from the bank of the river to the water place, after changing their clothes, the group walked back to the Education Commission compound. After half an hour, Yin Jun left Fang Yuanshan with a good impression, so that after Yin Jun left, Fang Yuanshan hated iron for being weak and taught his son a lesson, asking him to learn from Yin Jun.


"Brother Jun, are you tired?" Yin Chengyu asked doggyly as he walked home behind Yin Jun.

"Well, I'm a little tired." Yin Jun replied casually, "Saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda. No matter how tired you are, it's worth it."

"I'm really afraid that something will happen to you, Brother Jun. You are the hope of our Chinese football. If something happens, I can't afford it. Besides, I heard that Fang Xuelin is a famous vixen in the middle school. It's bad luck." Yin Chengyu said in a low voice.

Yin Jun was taken aback and asked, "Do you know her?"

Yin Chengyu nodded and said: "Well, I met Cheng Chuan when I went to the No. [-] Middle School last time. You also know, I like to see beautiful women, and then I found her. But Cheng Chuan warned me and told me to keep it with her. distance."

Yin Jun knew that the brother Chengchuan that Yin Chengyu was talking about was the son of Yin Jun's second uncle, Yin Mingxiao's family, who was two years younger than Yin Jun.

The three brothers and sisters of Yin Jun’s father were named by Grandpa Yin Jun according to the principle of “Filial piety comes first”.

In Yin Jun's memory, Yin Chengchuan and Fang Xuelin seemed to be in the same grade, but not in the same class.

As for Fang Xuelin who came together with him in another time and space, Yin Jun naturally couldn't understand him very well.Even some things in her student days are very clear.She is a well-known beauty in Danjiang No. [-] Middle School. In addition to her outgoing personality, she has a great reputation in the school. She was also the vice-chairman of the student union in the second year of high school.

Beautiful girls are always easy to be criticized by others, especially those with a lively personality like Fang Xuelin, so many bad rumors were faintly spread among the students.

As for his cousin Yin Chengchuan, he is completely a nerd, probably because he heard some gossip and saw that Yin Chengyu had thoughts about Fang Xuelin, so he issued a warning.

Yin Jun remembered that when he and Fang Xuelin were together, this cousin once objected.

(End of this chapter)

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