host must win

Chapter 577 Feelings

Chapter 577 Feelings
Yin Jun immediately felt very sweaty.

He knew that if he wanted to go to a good middle school like No. [-] Middle School, in addition to the excellent grades of the students themselves, it was also possible for the parents to have special skills.Therefore, there are more cases of blocking in each class.Although the higher authorities have issued many policies, there are countermeasures under the above policies, and there is not much change in the final result.

Yin Jun said to the young woman: "Hehe, I'm not a student of No. [-] Middle School, nor do I have younger brothers and sisters who want to come here to study. It's just that I have a relative here. Come and visit. I can't come here empty-handed. I guess it will be necessary to come here for dinner in the future." of."

"Oh, so it's from relatives." The young woman nodded and didn't say anything else.

Those who can live in this building are all the leaders of the school, or used to be the leaders of the school.For example, she herself, because her father-in-law once served as the vice principal of No. [-] Middle School, so the whole family has lived here.

This teacher building has the best conditions among the several teacher buildings in No. 160 Middle School. Almost every house has four bedrooms and two halls with an area of ​​more than 100 square meters.In other teaching buildings, there are 80 square meters of three bedrooms and one living room, [-] square meters of two bedrooms and one living room, and even one bedroom and one living room or single apartments, which are paid to faculty and staff with different conditions.

When the elevator reached the sixth floor, the young woman went out, and Yin Jun continued to go up.


When the elevator door opened again, Fang Yuanshan's wife Du Jingyuan was already at the door to greet her.

Although Yin Jun is a junior, but his status is different after all, she can't be negligent.

Seeing Yin Jun dragging four packing boxes over, Du Jingyuan was really startled, and exclaimed, "Ah! Xiao Jun, are you moving?!"

"Hey, come and visit Uncle Fang and Aunt Du. You can't come to the door empty-handed." Yin Jun dragged four boxes out of the elevator while talking, and watched Du Jingyuan who was in a hurry to lead him. Finally, he didn't meet someone in the corridor. When an acquaintance passes by.

"Didn't you just come here to play? Why did you bring so many things?" Du Jingyuan said with some reproach.

She took a general look at Yin Junlong who brought a hatchback Feitian Moutai, a piece of Zhonghua, and a lot of cosmetics, all of which are imported high-end products, which are difficult to buy in China.

The Fang family is not a small family. Fang Yuanshan is the real head of the district education committee, and she is also the logistics director of Danjiang No. [-] Middle School. The family is definitely not short of money.He also knew that Yin Jun, a big football star, was very rich, so he didn't care what gifts he brought over.It's just that after flipping through it, I'm still a little surprised. All the gifts add up, probably worth more than a hundred thousand!
Du Jingyuan was a little scared. The value of these gifts was almost the annual income of the couple!
"Hehe, they are all daily necessities. Auntie should save them and use them slowly. Anyway, they won't break after a year or so." Yin Jun said with a smile.


"Oh! Forget it, I'm too lazy to talk about you. I can't do this next time!" Du Jingyuan shook her head helplessly, and then said, "Well, I have to make a rule for you. When I come here in the future, I can only buy 50 yuan at most. Fruit below the price, otherwise it will not be accepted!"

"50 yuan? It's not enough to buy a board of bananas, is it?!" Yin Jun asked, rubbing his head.

It is still in 2005, and the price is still relatively close to the people. It is said that fruits should be relatively cheap, but Yin Jun found that the prices in small shops for gift fruits outside are relatively high. The store, that's called a black!
What's more, it's worth noting that in general campuses, merchants and hawkers are strictly prohibited from entering, so the small shops on campus operate monopoly businesses with high profit added value, very profitable, and the bosses are very nourishing.

"So don't bring these things with you when you come here in the future." Du Jingyuan was in a very good mood, and said with a smile, "Xiaojun, what do you want to drink?"

"Anything is fine." Yin Jun was not polite, and took a bottle of juice from Du Jingyuan.

"You have lived abroad for a long time now, are you still used to it when you come back?" Du Jingyuan looked at Yin Jun and asked with some concern.

Yin Jun replied: "It's okay. After all, it's the place where I grew up, so there's nothing I'm not used to."


The two talked for a while, and Fang Yuanshan just came back, and after seeing Yin Jun, he also had an affectionate face.

Seeing that Fang Yuanshan was more enthusiastic about him than Du Jingyuan, Yin Jun couldn't help feeling a little surprised.I don't know if this Uncle Fang really has a good impression of him, or if he has a better impression of his status.Although he really wanted to see the clues from Fang Yuanshan's expression.But it is undeniable that people who have been in the system until their early forties are basically regarded as smart people, and there is really no reason for it.

"Director Mingshan has a son like this, which is enough to comfort his whole life." Fang Yuanshan couldn't help being a little jealous, but it's a pity that he has a son and a daughter, and they bother him all day long. It's a headache to think about it. It would be great if he could change it.

But this kind of thing is just thinking about it. Fang Yuanshan was chatting with Yin Jun, and Du Jingyuan had already made the food.

"Why haven't Xiaofeng and Xiaolin come back yet?" Fang Yuanshan asked.

"Just now Xiaolin called back and said that he won't be coming back for the student union meeting tonight. Oh, Xiaofeng is also with her." Du Jingyuan replied.

"Aren't you going home for dinner again?" Fang Yuanshan was a little unhappy when he heard that his son and daughter were not coming back for dinner, but it was hard for him to say anything else in the presence of guests.

So the three of them sat together and began to eat.


It feels very strange for Yin Jun to eat with his former father-in-law and mother-in-law, and in another capacity.Many memories flooded into my mind inadvertently.

When he first met Fang Xuelin, Yin Jun knew that her parents didn't agree.Because Yin Jun divorced his ex-wife at that time and chose to leave the house, Thirty Lang became a person and still had nothing.And the work situation is not very good. In his thirties, he is still an ordinary staff member with no bright future. Basically, he will be like that in this life.

But considering the daughter's firm attitude, and the husband-in-law they chose for their daughter at first, it turned out that his character was really bad, which caused the daughter's unhappy marriage for ten years, and he reluctantly agreed with guilt. Fang Xuelin and her marriage.

However, fortunately, after the two got married, they had a harmonious relationship, and soon they had a pair of grandchildren, and the two changed their attitudes towards Yin Jun.

But in general, they are still not very satisfied with Yin Jun.

However, now I still have a normal relationship with their family, and I just came to visit as the nephew of a colleague, but their attitudes are completely different.

Of course, Yin Jun had saved Fang Xuelin because of it, but it was more because of his identity and status at this moment.

Yin Jun couldn't help feeling a little emotional, even Fang Yuanshan and his wife, who were not materialistic, still couldn't get rid of many things.

(End of this chapter)

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