host must win

Chapter 580

Chapter 580
Shuxiang Mendi is located in the northern suburb of Danjiang, at the foot of the picturesque Feixian Mountain.Although it is a newly built community, the supporting facilities here are very complete. After all, the owners here are either rich or expensive.

In the core area of ​​the community, there is a particularly luxurious villa. The owners of the community call it "Junyuan" because the owner of this villa is the superstar Yin Jun.

The total area of ​​this villa is as high as 1200 square meters, of which the construction area is about 400 square meters, and the construction area is more than 1000 square meters.In addition to the rockery pond and garden in the front of the villa, there is also a 30*15 futsal field at the back of the villa near Feixian Mountain.

In the original design of the villa, there was no such futsal field. After buying this villa, Yin Jun redesigned and naturalized the area behind the villa, and created such a futsal field. .

Although Yin Jun has never lived here, he has hired special staff to take care of the villa on a regular basis, so it is ready to move in at any time.

After seeing Yin Jun driving the car into this ultra-luxurious villa, Fang Xuelin was a little stunned, as if Grandma Liu had entered the Grand View Garden.

Originally, Fang Xuelin already thought that her family was pretty good, but after seeing Yin Jun's villa, she felt that her family was really poor.

Fang Xuelin still knew something about this only villa complex in Danjiang.Like Yin Jun's villa, the total price is definitely more than 3 million, plus the decoration, I'm afraid it can't be done without 5 million.

5 million, that is the astronomical funds that their family can save for 30 years without eating or drinking!
But for Yin Jun, this is just a property he bought casually, and no one comes to live here.

At the same time, a thought emerged in her heart: Since she followed Yin Jun here, does it mean that she was hidden by the golden house?


Yin Jun didn't know the strange thoughts in Fang Xuelin's mind, took out the key to open the door, turned on the light, and then went directly to the second floor of the villa, where the bedrooms and guest rooms are located.

Yin Jun pointed Fang Xuelin to a guest room, motioned her to live in it tonight, and then went to his master bedroom.

But I didn't expect that when Yin Jun was washing in the bathroom of his master bedroom, Fang Xuelin, who had taken a bath, followed in after wearing a bathrobe, and immediately curled up on the bed, covering his life on the bed by the way .

"Hey, why did you sleep with me?" Yin Jun asked while washing.

"If I don't sleep with you, who will I sleep with?" This sentence is a bit grammatical, but Fang Xuelin doesn't care.

Yin Jun took a shower and brushed his teeth, then took a few deep breaths with satisfaction, and was about to go out to rest in another room, and said in his mouth: "Hmph, you don't pay attention to your own when you are alone. reputation?"

"Fame? Hmph, do you think I still have a reputation?" Fang Xuelin snorted softly.


Fang Xuelin's words made Yin Jun suffocated. As far as he knew, although Fang Xuelin was the vice president of the student union in No. [-] Middle School, she was actually not a gregarious person. The main reason was not only that she was too beautiful, but also a little arrogant. Her unique personality also made her an alternative in the eyes of her classmates. Coupled with the position of the vice chairman of the student union, she was naturally isolated by the classmates.

"Fang Xuelin, don't pay attention to the gossip from outsiders. The reason why they say this is either because they are envious of your beauty, or they say that grapes are sour because they can't eat grapes."

Yin Jun considered his words for a while, felt that his words were a bit serious, and said playfully: "Wear other people's shoes, walk your own way, let others go barefoot."

Fang Xuelin burst out laughing at Yin Jun's words, and asked, "Do you think I'm pretty?"

Yin Jun said seriously: "It's not beautiful, but very beautiful."

"Really?" Fang Xuelin was overjoyed.

"Really! It's more real than pearls!" Yin Jun smiled, "Okay, go to sleep, I'm going to sleep too."

"You are not allowed to leave!" Fang Xuelin yelled quickly, "Your room is too big, I sleep here alone, it's scary..."

"If you're afraid, turn on the light." Yin Jun said as he walked out.

Fang Xuelin got up from the bed and said, "I'll follow you wherever you go!"

Yin Jun spread his hands and said helplessly, "Miss, what are you going to do this evening?"

Fang Xuelin said weakly: "This bed is so big, we can sleep on one side alone, well water does not interfere with river water..."

Yin Jun had no choice, knowing that this girl could do what she said, and she would definitely follow her if she went to another room by herself, so she got on the bed from the other side and lay down on the side.


"Do you really want to sleep?" Seeing that Yin Jun didn't seem to want to pay attention to him and was going to sleep, Fang Xuelin was a little busy.

Yin Jun turned off the light casually, and said angrily, "Hmph, what else can you do if you don't sleep in the middle of the night? If you are in good spirits, just sit there."

"Don't sleep!" Fang Xuelin jumped up all of a sudden.

Yin Jun ignored her, turned his head to the wall, and fell asleep.

Fang Xuelin had nothing to do, she was so angry that she could only beat the bed vigorously.

Yin Jun was really sleepy. He always went to bed early, and it was already very late today. He was already too sleepy. After lying down, he fell asleep very quickly, even the sound of snoring came out.

Seeing that Yin Jun had really fallen asleep, Fang Xuelin rolled her eyes, crept to Yin Jun's side, and lay down next to him.

It was already past eleven o'clock in the evening, and Fang Xuelin began to feel drowsy. She even yawned a few times, but she couldn't bear it anymore, and gradually fell asleep.

In a haze, Yin Jun only felt a body slipping into his arms, but he didn't realize it in his mind. He thought it was Ye Lanqiu, so he stretched out his hand into the other's arms in a daze, and untied the bathrobe with one hand. One hand caught the bathrobe on the opponent's body and lifted it up.

Fang Xuelin was also in a daze, only feeling that the other party's chest was steaming and comfortable, so she curled up into a ball by herself, with her back to the other party and squeezed into the other party's arms, but she didn't expect the other party's hand to stretch out from behind to relieve her pain. Open the bathrobe and poke inside.

Fang Xuelin was so startled that she lost all sleepiness, why did she curl up in Yin Jun's arms in a daze?
And this mischievous hand was undoubtedly Yin Jun's, it almost shattered her heart, and a burst of inexplicable pleasure spread all over Fang Xuelin's body, making her tremble uncontrollably.

What made her even more terrified was that Yin Jun's other hand lifted her bathrobe to her waist.

Rao Fang Xuelin was willing to Yin Jun, but such a reckless and abrupt action still made her scream out loud.

(End of this chapter)

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