host must win

Chapter 601 Supporters and Competitors

Chapter 601 Supporters and Competitors

Manchester United did not rush to London in advance, but decided to go away at noon the next day.However, according to the usual practice, the team still stayed at the Lowry Hotel on the night before the game.

Yin Jun is no longer the inexperienced brat, he has already cleaned up, and he doesn't need to go home again.

He practiced until night fell before he went back to the locker room to shower and change.When he walked out of the locker room with his luggage bag, he saw Queiroz waiting outside and greeted him, "Yin, I knew you must still be there, so I'll take you there."

Yin Jun smiled and did not refuse, and accompanied Queiroz to the parking lot to pick up the car.Yin Jun vaguely guessed that Queiroz must have something to say to himself.

Sure enough, as soon as he got in the car and turned on the ignition, Queiroz directly expressed his intention.

"This afternoon, we had another one-hour meeting with the technical team, focusing on the selection of the team captain."

Yin Jun listened silently, he knew that he was also one of the parties involved.


As early as the afternoon training, many people, including Ronaldo and Fletcher, secretly said that Yin Jun should work harder to fight for it. After all, being the captain of Manchester United is also an honor.

Ronaldo quietly found Yin Jun during training in the afternoon, and persuaded him: "This is the captain, you can get it now as long as you stretch out your hand, why don't you fight for it?"

But Yin Jun has his own plan.

"The technical department and the coaching staff are more inclined to be in charge of you." Queiroz said.

Yin Jun was quite surprised. He originally thought that the technical department would not recognize him so much. After all, Manchester United is still a club that attaches great importance to youth training. How could they choose him?
Yin Jun said calmly: "I'm afraid my qualifications are not enough."

After all, he is only 20 years old and has only been in the team for three years. He has indeed performed very well, but the captain is the leader of the team, and he does not just have to perform well. He also needs a qualification.

This is also Yin Jun's most lacking and weakest point.

Manchester United has Giggs, Scholes, and Gary Neville, veterans from the Class of 92, and Mesozoic superstars like Ferdinand and Ruud van Nistelrooy, and these people are all eyeing the position of Manchester United captain.Although Keane said that he would communicate with Gary Neville and others to persuade them to support him, Yin Jun felt that it would be very difficult for them to give up.

The reason why Yin Jun has been unwilling to fight is because he knows very well that the captain is just a false name to him.If he got it, it would be a bit of a bonus, but if he didn't get it, it wouldn't affect him in any way.

Yin Jun's influence in the formation cannot be changed by a captain!

Yin Jun felt that if he got into trouble with Gary Neville and others because of the competition for the captain, it would not be worth the candle!

"We all know that this is your only weak link, but to be honest, we also think that no one is more suitable than you at this stage, and I understand your concerns." Queiroz laughed.

Yin Jun nodded, he knew that many things could not be hidden from Queiroz.The chief assistant coach knows the team so well, knows everybody so well, it's his job.

Queiroz continued: "So, we will hold a vote tonight, and everyone will choose the captain."

Yin Jun nodded, everyone should choose the captain, which is the most suitable choice at present.No matter who will be in charge in the end, there is nothing to say.

Queiroz finally said: "I just want to tell you, don't rush to express your position when the time comes, just wait and see."

Yin Jun nodded in agreement, this has no effect on him.If everyone decides it's going to be Gary Neville or someone else, he'll be a big push too.After all, it doesn't matter to him whether he is the captain or not.

What he wants most is that the team can maintain unity, work together and achieve good results on the field.


After arriving at the Laurie Hotel, Queiroz dropped him off at the door and drove to the parking lot by himself.

After Yin Jun entered the hotel, he came to his exclusive room familiarly. When Ronaldo saw Yin Jun enter the door, he immediately came over and said, "Yin, Neville is looking for the boss."

Yin Jun was taken aback for a moment, then frowned, but soon eased down.

He knows Gary Neville, this is a very strong guy, if he really wants to fight for the captain, then he will definitely go all out, and in fact he does have this ability, because in another time and space , It was he who took over the position of Manchester United captain left after Keane left.Because he is the most upright descendant of Manchester United, and he is the core of the team's defense.

Even Eun Joon doesn't mind supporting him if he really wants it.

"Are you really not worried at all?" Ronaldo asked anxiously.

Yin Jun smiled lightly and said: "You have always been very clear about what I want, the most important thing now is for the team to remain united."

"But I think you are more suitable. I am not convinced by others, so I will convince you." Ronaldo said.

Yin Jun shook his head with a smile and said, "Will you convince me?"

"Really." Ronaldo looked at Yin Jun and said seriously.

"Then you still say you want to kill me all day long?" Yin Jun asked with a smile.

Ronaldo blushed and said in a low voice, "That's... that's because... I regard you as the goal of my struggle."

Yin Jun looked at Ronaldo meaningfully and asked: "You mean, my goal is to be the captain first, and you will be the captain later?"

Ronaldo laughed and said, "If you have the chance, you definitely want to be one. I don't believe you don't want to."

Yin Jun nodded and said, "Of course it's best, but I don't care."

Ronaldo scratched his head in distress, and said anxiously: "At this time, I hope you can be as unreasonable as Roy."

"Go, get out of here." Yin Jun scolded with a smile.


Just as the two were chatting and laughing, there was a knock on the door of the room.Yin Jun went to open the door, and when he opened the door, he saw Gary Neville's embarrassed face.

Yin Jun greeted him enthusiastically as usual: "Hi, Gary! What's the matter?"

"The boss just said, let's pack up and go to the meeting." Gary Neville said.

After speaking, Gary Neville turned and walked to other rooms to inform others.

Ronaldo pointed to Gary Neville's back and complained to Yin Jun: "Look, let me just say, he is starting to adapt to his new role as captain now."

Yin Jun shook his head and couldn't help but laugh. Sure enough, these people are all close friends.

Since Ronaldo came to Manchester United, Ferguson has always arranged for Yin Jun to take Ronaldo with him because they are about the same age, and even arranged for them to live in the same room, so Ronaldo has always been Yin Jun's hardcore supporter.

Of course, this is just a competition for the captain's armband, not a big deal.

(End of this chapter)

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