host must win

Chapter 620 Ferguson and Wenger

Chapter 620 Ferguson and Wenger
In the media area, John Mortenson said again: "Let's take a look at Manchester United's starting lineup."


"Three midfielders? I really didn't expect it." John Mortenson shook his head. "Coach Ferguson's lineup surprised me. Fletcher, O'Shea and Park Ji-sung form a three-pivot midfielder..."

"Manchester United's lineup appears to be 442 on the surface. In fact, Rooney's position is a bit late, basically forming a double midfielder with Yin Jun, so it can also be regarded as a Christmas tree formation, with three midfielders in midfield, and then Yin Jun and Yin Jun. Rooney was behind Van Nistelrooy, feeding the Dutchman," Lineker said.

"The outrageous three midfielders! This is a retrogression of artistic football, and only Ferguson can form such a crazy conservative formation in order to win." The commentator at the Highbury Stadium sarcastically said, "Obviously, Ferguson also realizes Now Arsenal is not the chaotic team at the beginning of the season, he is afraid of Arsenal's offensive ability."


Seeing that Ferguson formed an astonishing three-pivot formation, with Fletcher in the center, Park Ji-sung on the left, and O'Shea on the right, Wenger was also taken aback by directly locking up the delivery path of the midfielder. He had no idea that Ferguson would So conservative.

Then, Wenger wanted to yell.

Asshole!That guy vowed in the pre-match press conference that he would score goals against Arsenal and attack, and then he came up with such a starting lineup.

It is common for the head coach to set off smoke bombs before the game, but other players just set off smoke bombs. This bastard is setting off poisonous gas.

"Three midfielders can't stop us from scoring!" shouted the commentator at Highbury Stadium.

"Arsenal will be in trouble." Compared with the commentator at Highbury Stadium, John Mortensen said with a frown: "Originally, Manchester United was known for being good at scrambling and intercepting. Now, with three midfielders, Gilber Toto and Fabregas will be in trouble, it will be difficult for them to play well."

After a pause, John Mortensen continued: "Hleb and Pires, one left and one right, I hope they can tear apart Manchester United's wings."

Then, he shook his head himself. Obviously, Ferguson was well prepared for this game. In order to deal with Pires on the right, today Manchester United's left back is not a defensive panacea Heinze, but a full-time left back with excellent offensive and defensive skills. Evra.

The referee for this game is Graham Ball. He is in the final communication with the line referee. After confirmation, he will blow the whistle to start the first half of the game on time.

More than ten seconds later, the referee Graham Ball blew the whistle to start the first half of the game. Amidst the huge cheers in the Highbury stands, the 2005-2006 Premier League match between Arsenal and Manchester United at home , officially started!

The boos at Highbury Stadium sounded harshly again.

Fletcher reached out his hand very friendly, trying to pull Gilberto up, but the latter obviously didn't appreciate it, ignored Fletcher's right hand, got up by himself, and gave Fletcher a fierce look.

Referee Graham Ball pointed at Fletcher two fingers, meaning the second time.

Fletcher made some innocent excuses, saying that he only touched Gilberto lightly, but seeing the referee's face was not good, he immediately shut up wisely.

At this point, 25 minutes into the first half, the Arsenal players on the field and the Arsenal fans in the stands had accumulated too much unhappiness.

"That guy fouled! It's the second time!" Gilberto got up and shouted at the referee, "It's time to draw the cards."

The referee immediately changed his expression, pointed at Gilberto, and sternly warned the Brazilian to shut up, and then Bibi, I will give you the card first.

Arsenal captain Henry hurried over and pulled Gilberto away, and then he came to negotiate with the referee.

Henry was not only protesting Fletcher's foul on Gilberto at this time, but also complained about the small actions of Manchester United's defensive players after the game started.

The referee Geboll said he had received Henry's protest and told him to shut up.


"Let's take a look again. When Manchester United players are defending, the small moves are very subtle." Lineker said, "Such small moves are harmless and also very hidden. On the one hand, it is difficult for the referee to find out immediately, and even It’s not enough to play the cards if you find it.”

"Arsenal have completely fallen into the trap of Manchester United. The two sides fought in midfield. This is exactly what Ferguson wanted to see." John Mortensen said.

After the start of the game, Manchester United's three midfielder configuration consisting of Park Ji-sung, O'Shea and Fletcher was like a wall piled up in front of the back line, which made the passing of Cesc Fabregas and Gilberto Silva The ball was difficult to pass, and it can even be said that it became difficult to hold the ball comfortably. This caused Hleb and Pires to frequently drop back to ask for the ball.

But the problem is whether it is Hleb or Pires, it is not so easy to move forward after taking the ball.

The task Ferguson gave to the three defensive midfielders was simple and clear: Arsenal's midfielders should not be able to comfortably hold the ball, let alone organize an attack.

In a word, do everything possible to paralyze Arsenal's midfield organization!
The three of them completed the task assigned by Ferguson very well. Fletcher and the others knew exactly how to defend Arsenal's artists. He led two helpers to encircle and suppress Arsenal's midfielder. Fletcher, O'Shea and Park Ji-sung are very proficient in their practical small moves, reasonable use of physical confrontation to attack the opponent, and taking tactical fouls at the right moment without taking cards.

Facing Manchester United's three midfielders, whether it is Cesc Fabregas, Gilberto Silva or Pires, or Hleb, who was the Bundesliga assist leader last season, all seemed very helpless. Unbearable.

Especially Pires, the 33-year-old French veteran, seemed uncomfortable in the face of this very tough physical confrontation.Every time I saw Park Ji-sung rushing forward desperately like Saburo, I would avoid kicking him a little bit.

For Park Ji-sung's desperate performance, Manchester United fans are very satisfied.But South Korean fans are an exception. After all, Park Ji-sung is the midfield engine of the South Korean team, but he has become a blue-collar worker doing dirty work at Manchester United, which makes them feel a little bit sorry for Park Ji-sung.

"Facing Manchester United's three midfielders, Arsenal struggled very much at home," said John Mortensen.

"It's not the three midfielders." Lineker shook his head and smiled, "When necessary, Yin Jun also retreated deeply in defense."

(End of this chapter)

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