My vision is different

Chapter 302 The Lucky Boy

Chapter 302 The Lucky Boy

"My God, you did it, there is nothing in this world you can't do."

After the game, Kobe rushed over immediately, his "little hands" put his arms around Lin Shaojie, who responded with a smile.

Su Zhen, who followed closely behind, was held tightly in Lin Shaojie's arms. The flashing lights at the scene were too dazzling, so Su Zhen could only close his eyes and lean against that broad chest.

The on-site media, which pursue hot spots, almost photographed Lin Shaojie as a player with his own brilliance.

On this ordinary night, Lin Shaojie accomplished something that most players could not do.

He has brought his personal highest scoring record to 60+. This is the youngest 60+ player in the league so far, and it only took 31 shots to achieve this achievement.

Kobe, who was embracing Lin Shaojie in the crowd, was as excited as if he got it himself.

Soon, in the face of reporters' interviews, the Black Mamba seemed a little incoherent.

"You know what? When I saw Chris (Paul) foul Lynn, I knew that guy was in big trouble.

We all knew during the special training that you can target Lynn, but don’t try to win the game with small moves. No one wants to do that on the court with that crazy person. It’s getting yourself in trouble. "

"Kobe, Lynn didn't play the whole game today, do you think he might challenge your scoring record?"

"Why not?"

Kobe responded without hesitation.

"I know that guy will do it sooner or later, look at the Pacers' opponent, they are the Clippers, the Clippers who are going to be the first to compete this season.

But so what, no matter who it is, facing Lynn like this is invincible, I can't think of anyone else who can beat the Pacers.

Maybe the only one who can beat the Pacers is their next opponent. As for the Blazers, I don't think they have this possibility. "

Lin Shaojie scored 62 points and swept the league like a storm. Although this season, the previous single-game scoring record was also held by Lin Shaojie. It was when he faced the Cavaliers that he won this season. The first 50+, 52 points accounted for this season's personal single-game scoring record.

Now, the No. 13 is making a comeback again. The Huaguo, who has not made trouble for a long time, has once again raised his personal single-game scoring record to 62 points. This is a score that makes it difficult for other players to look behind.

50 is easy to get, 60 is hard to find!

Don’t talk about 60+ now. He is the only player in the league who can stand above the level of 50+. With his own hard work, Lin Shaojie, who managed to make himself dominate the list, has been blown to the sky by basketball fans. .

Look at the fans in Huaguo, each and every one of them couldn't help themselves after the game.

"That's right, we didn't even make it to the finals of the World Championships, but so what. Coach Lin didn't even show up. In the Asian circle, I'm just asking you, who else can challenge his position. Even in the U.S. The basket is also the only one.”

The domestic media have long criticized the World Championships, but they can't say anything to refute it. After all, they played too badly, so they can use this to cover up their embarrassment.

Taking into account Lin Shaojie's mouthpiece, Li Dacheng, a well-known basketball reporter, sent back an on-site report.

"This confrontation between the eastern and western powerhouses, I saw from beginning to end, magnificent, ups and downs. It is the Pacers who take the initiative on the field, but facing the Clippers, facing a Clippers with unknown factors, the Pacers In fact, the game is not easy. Usually, after the score difference is too large, Director Lin will sit on the sidelines and rest.

But in this game, especially after re-playing in the last quarter, Director Lin played the entire final period, which usually only happens during the playoffs.

It can be said that Paul, Chris Paul, caused this situation. His meaningless foul caused the Clippers to lose and lose. Here, I summarize Paul’s previous foul videos. watch. "

The "caring" Li Dacheng is accompanied by a video. There are also many fans who like Chris Paul in China. Everyone knows some things. Generally speaking, the first impression of Paul is not bad.

However, in the video released by Li Dacheng, Paul did not have the "wei Guangzheng" shown in the first impression. On the contrary, "black feet" and "black hands" are not uncommon.

"So Paul is so dark?"

Indeed, as far as that stature is concerned, if you want to make a difference in defense and don't take some small measures, you must be unsatisfactory, but some of them are just going to useless people. On the whole, Chris Paul in defense really lacks sportsmanship.

In this era where success is regarded as a hero, Paul, who seems to be successful, seems to be right, but it is a pity that the video is here, zoomed in to a certain extent, everything is invisible, and Paul was caught.

"I don't think it's like what Paul said, he is not innocent, I can feel the power of that kick, if the other person is unconscious, I can feel it.

Of course, George (Hill)'s concern for me also allowed Paul to escape punishment. "

When Lin Shaojie interviewed reporters after the game, he didn't give Chris Paul the slightest bit of face.

Paul George, who returned to the locker room after the game, found Lin Shaojie. The teammates looked at the "second" and found the boss. He had a private matter to talk about. West was very winking and wanted to take the other teammates to leave, but Paul George was entangled. After a while, he reached out to stop it.

He felt the need to make it clear in front of the big guys in the locker room.

"Lynn, like everyone else, I respect your position in the team very much. Now we can play so easily and defeat one strong enemy after another. You have done a lot of things that we can't do."

After saying this, Paul George seemed to have let go of the burden in his heart, and he didn't have any scruples when he said other things.

Roy Hibbert, who was changing clothes on the side, curled his lips. He felt that Paul George was a bit "shy," not cool at all, and far less fearless than he showed in the liquor store.

"Isn't it just a "60+" score? You, the top scorer in the team, surrendered and surrendered. I think I resisted a few training games before I bowed my head."

The heartless Hibbert made such an expression, how could Lin Shaojie and Paul George not far away not see it?
Lin Shaojie looked at Paul George's black face with blood welling up, and he glanced at Hibbert.

"Roy, do you think Paul is wrong?"

"No, I think what Paul said is very correct, we need a leader to carry us forward, whether on or off the court, no one can be more suitable than you."

Roy Hibbert's words made everyone in the locker room burst into laughter, and Paul George looked much better.

"Lynn, you know, Daniela is about to give birth. It's not long since I signed a new contract. I need to prove myself on the court. I need your help."

It was the first time for Paul George to say some things, and it was not the first time for some things to be said. At least in front of the new players, there were some things they didn’t know, but the old players knew it very well.

David West was very happy with Paul George's aboveboard "be low and be small", because a team can only make one voice, which is the first step of unity.

Today's Pacers have never been the kind of team that looks tough and flamboyant, but the Pacers are not cowardly, and they can be tough when they come.Regardless of whether you are leading or lagging behind, you can always catch up and overtake. The fact that you have not lost a single defeat so far is the best proof.

West enjoys this atmosphere very much, just like he did in the Hornets back then. Of course, the current Pacers atmosphere is better than then, and the results are even better. It is a position that "Queen Bee" Chris Paul has never reached.

It's a pity that Chris Paul's foul destroyed the "friendship" and "harmony!"

As for Paul George "reaffirming" Lynn's leadership in the team and wanting his help, West felt that this was very timely.

Seeing Lin Shaojie nodding his head and gently patting the opponent's shoulder with his hand, this scene not only fell into the eyes of West, but also was seen by all the players.

"Thank you for continuing to respect me. In the next game, you can try the joy of offense, but you also have to do your best on defense, understand?"

"Of course, no one knows defense better than me, except you!"

It was obviously something that seemed to be unfavorable to him, but Paul George's words confirmed his identity as the "second child" in front of everyone.

When that big hand patted his shoulder, a warm current flowed through his whole body. Paul George even felt a little complacent, as if he was praised by his parents when he was a child.

In Lin Shaojie's eyes, Lao Hei's temperament is similar to their aesthetics, and they are very unified. At the very least, he must not be too nice to them.

It's the concept of fighting Mien and raising Michou.

After the game, Lin Shaojie, Kobe and others had a short gathering, and then turned around and flew to Portland. Originally, Su Zhen didn't have to travel far, and could stay in Los Angeles and wait for his parents' arrival.

But Paul Allen, who was far away in Portland, sent a message to Lin Shaojie, welcoming him to Portland as a guest, and hoped that he would bring his family with him.

At that time, Lin Shaojie, who was still on the plane, seemed to "inadvertently" revealed the news. Except for West, a "wise man" who was thoughtful, the other players were full of envy.

At this time, Paul George realized that sometimes he really thought too much. A player like Lynn, even if he is not engaged in basketball, will make a difference in other places.

Although Lynn is unique on the court, being able to be favored by the rich owner of the Blazers is not justified by pure ball skills.

Otherwise, why did Paul Allen have such close personal relationships with other outstanding players?

I heard, just heard that Lynn also bought some Microsoft shares, which are also worth a lot.

Thinking of the current Danny Granger and his bleak financial situation, Paul George didn't want to have that kind of future either.

Look at Lynn, he's known as a "stingy!" in the eyes of the media.

He doesn't even have a "luxury house". As for his house in Huaguo, perhaps in the eyes of the beautiful country, any football star who has not bought a lot of assets in the beautiful country is a "stingy" person.

Lin Shaojie's "ruthlessness" to himself has made his financial expenditure very benign, and his continuous investment and good projects born one after another have given him a very wide source of income. He is definitely the most commercially successful player in the league.

Even if LeBron is called the best "businessman" by others, it can't stop Lin Shaojie's current benefits.

First respect clothes and then respect people.

It's not that everyone doesn't know about Danny Granger. Look at the group of people who used to be by his side, and now they all left him one by one.

Paul George didn't want to either, but the boss in the past didn't take him with him and began to isolate himself, so what can anyone do.

The muddled thoughts made the players not rest well on the plane. Coach Frank also saw this. After getting off the plane, he hurriedly urged everyone to rest quickly. The three-hour flight time was not a very good experience.

After getting off the plane, Lin Shaojie took Su Zhen and Frank to confess and attended Paul Allen's dinner party.

The other players could only watch the vehicle with the special license plate gradually move away. They only heard about it before, but now they actually saw it, and they still felt a little sour and jealous in their hearts.

"Lin En knows all big people, and a little leak through the fingers is enough for us to eat and drink."

As Lin Shaojie's hard-core supporter, Stephenson must have spared no effort to "support" the boss. He still recognizes Paul George's understanding of current affairs.

"By the way, Lance, has BodyArmor asked you to renew your contract?"

Roy Hibbert asked in a rough voice.

"Of course, I performed well this year. Mike called me personally to renew the contract. I am very satisfied with their offer."

The complacent Stephenson got the envious eyes of many players.

Although Lin Shaojie is no longer the largest shareholder of BodyArmor, the shares he retains still occupy a large share, even far exceeding the founding team.

As the founder, Mike Leiboer called Lynn's younger brother to renew the contract, obviously showing good behavior that everyone can see.

It's not about money, it's about "respect!"

Stephenson is about to renew his contract with the Pacers. His current annual salary of less than one million is the most cost-effective player in the team. If he wants to renew his contract at this price, he will definitely not be able to.

You know, although Stephenson's style of play is far from that of Crawford, the team's status is similar to that of Crawford, and he is the first substitute on the Pacers' back line.

Whether it is George Hill or Lynn, he needs to fill this vacancy after he is off the court.

In addition to being a bit weird in temperament, Stephenson is not bad on the court. He is an obedient and easy-to-use player. The most important thing is "cheap!"

The kind that costs almost nothing.

As for the outside?
Every family has its own hard-to-read scriptures, at least Stephenson is not a "good guy," that's all.

More than half a year ago, on the same cold day, Lin Shaojie and Paul Allen met at a "roadside stand". At that time, there was also Ballmer, the head of Microsoft.

Now, I should never meet Ballmer again!

The vehicle stopped slowly in front of the gate, and Lin Shaojie and Su Zhen, dressed in casual clothes, looked at the mansion in front of them.

The vehicle drove for a while after entering the gate. This is a standard American mansion with no internal buildings visible from the outside.

It is winter, but the green plants around the residence are evergreen all year round. The trees that seem to grow randomly are actually carefully pruned.

In those seemingly inconspicuous places, every place is the result of the accumulation of gold dollars.

"Ellen really enjoys it!"

Lin Shaojie sighed from the bottom of his heart.

"Hi Lynn, long time no see!"

When Paul Allen appeared at the door, he stretched out his arms to hug Lin Shaojie.

"My God, your girlfriend is so beautiful, like an angel."

Paul Allen who let go of Lin Shaojie exclaimed, although he wanted to show his praise with a hug, but Lin Shaojie hugged Paul Allen instead.

"You have a good vision, but I know that you have many angels and devils. Su is my angel."

Lin Shaojie's words made Allen a little embarrassed. In the beautiful country, his image of a playboy is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Soon, Su Zhen stretched out his hand and shook hands with Paul Allen.

This big boss who often appears in the Internet age has already become a talking point among others. He is a legendary figure.

Soon, another "red neck" with a loud voice appeared behind the three of them.

"Long time no see, Lynn!"

"Steve, long time no see!"

Lin Shaojie and Su Zhen didn't expect that Steve Ballmer would "sneaky" appear at Allen's house.

The people who had exchanged greetings quickly walked into Allen's mansion, and the appearance of the female relatives made Su Zhen not too embarrassed.

Soon, three men gathered in the backyard.

It was obviously not a very good weather, but the temperature under his feet kept reminding Lin Shaojie how luxurious Alan's private house was.

It is very likely that the "earth dragon" has already covered the entire courtyard, which makes it look lush.

For many people, their lifetime income may not be able to cover his "heating bill!" in winter. It is a luxury.

"Show Time is awesome, how did you come up with such an idea."

Allen held a non-alcoholic drink and raised a glass to Lin Shaojie. Lin Shaojie was "stubborn" not to drink, and his stubborn character did not arouse Allen's dissatisfaction. On the contrary, this kind of dedication was often verbalized by this playboy. superior.

Allen, who became someone else's talking point, one day also used Lin Shaojie as a talking point, bragging in front of his friends!

And Paul Allen's talk has already leaked out. The busy chef is preparing meals not far away. Maybe it won't be long before a group of people can sit under the lights that don't look like winter, pushing glasses and changing dishes.

"I'm still young, and now it's the mobile age, so of course there must be some cool and new ideas."

"I heard that many of your employees are from China, right?"

Ballmer asked in passing.

"Of course, they are very hardworking. Although I strictly forbid working overtime, they always want to do things better and more perfect. You know, there is no shortcut to success. It can only consume more time when the direction is right. .”

"Just like your country of Hua!"

Ballmer raised his glass and praised: "You are the most hardworking people I have ever seen, and you have the same achievements in the economy, a toast to you."

Lin Shaojie also toasted in response, and everyone knew what the topic was talking about.

The growing data of the "Show Time" short video is exaggerated day by day, almost showing explosive expansion. A product that no one could have imagined, swept young people in the beautiful country like a storm.

Now this trend has blown from the west coast to the east coast, and then across the Atlantic Ocean, conquering cities and territories in Europe, and even the old Maozi has many young people using it.

"Lynn, I don't deny that this is a great product in the mobile era. He has shown a deep heritage and appeal to young people. Although he was born on the west coast of the beautiful country, this is a product that belongs to the Chinese people. , unless you decide to emigrate, but I think even if you emigrate, you can't solve some problems.

Can you see what I mean? "

"Of course! Thank you Steve. I understand what you mean. Although capital is profit-seeking and does not want to have national boundaries, as long as it is mixed with 'political' governance, it will be unacceptable."

Lin Shaojie responded: "People from Google have approached me before, but they misjudged the value of this product. This is like my child. Of course I don't allow others to look down on him."

"Damn Google, they're lying on us sucking blood!"

Ballmer said angrily that everyone here understands that without the rise of Google, a rising star, Ballmer's position would still be stable. Although he is now the head of the company, he is like a mascot. It can only be seen, but it doesn't actually work, even if he is the largest individual shareholder of Microsoft.

However, with the rise of Google, the "protection fee" handed over to Microsoft every year is quite a bit, and Microsoft also sucked a lot of blood standing behind Google.

Ballmer's tone of venting is obviously "personal anger!"

"So, are you going to raise money?"

Allen took the opportunity to say, "We're both very bullish on the future of 'Show Time'.

"Of course, I can't hold on any longer!"

Lin Shaojie pretended to be helpless and said: "I didn't expect his development to be so fast. In order to ensure the user experience, we have made some restrictions in many aspects. If we can let go, I think the number of users will be even better.

Nowadays, there are several imitators after us. Their product experience cannot be compared with ours, but their valuations are higher than Google's original bid, so I think Google is not very sincere.

Now I need some partners to accompany us to grow together, we need to build our own walls for ourselves.

If you want to join in, I very much welcome? "

"Of course, why not!"

Ballmer smiled: "Not only me, but also Allen!"

"Well, as friends, I think you are good partners, but in order to ensure that the will of the founding team is reflected, there may be restrictions on equity."

"Of course, we are already old guys. We know that this belongs to young people and your world. We will not interfere. What we need is a chance!"

"Can I ask one more question, is this your personal behavior or Microsoft's behavior?"

"Of course it's me, Microsoft is Microsoft's business!"

Mentioning this matter, Steve Ballmer was furious: "The group of bullshit directors can't wait to let the successor take over. I am now a guy with an empty name. They don't know who it was at the beginning. Take them to make a fortune together, now that the money given is less, they actually "

Steve Ballmer doesn't mind being a "gossip!"

"I'm fed up with that group of guys. Christmas. I'm going to announce my retirement plans on Christmas. Now I'm just speaking for myself. Microsoft's business is left to them."

After finishing speaking, Ballmer looked at Lin Shaojie with some doubts.

"Lynn, you don't think my personal influence is not as good as Microsoft, so..."

Of course, Lin Shaojie knew that Ballmer's influence was far from that of Microsoft, but in Paul Allen's house, how could he be so lacking in EQ?

"We are friends, and I very much welcome you to fight side by side with Allen and me. Our valuation may be a little high, but I think the subsequent returns will make you a lot of money.

Of course, if Microsoft can also join in and give Google a little color, I think we will earn more. No one will dislike their money, right? "

Even with Steve Ballmer's net worth, he would not despise himself for earning a little more.

He can completely buy the bottom at a "low price", and then pull Microsoft into the game, and pay at a "high price". Although this kind of thing requires some manipulation, it is not difficult. As long as you are "compliant," no one will criticize.

Those who have talked about business will chat about some lace news, especially the pedestrians will go to the white palace to be received by the Grand Commander.

This is the first time in the history of the Pacers.

As for the pioneers under Allen.

If the Pacers in the East want to successfully defend their title, then the Trail Blazers in the West want to overthrow the traditional forces in the West.

The Trail Blazers, who were originally one of the western powerhouses, have been reborn this season after spending a lot of money in these years. So far, they have beaten the Spurs with 14 wins and 3 losses, ranking first in the Western Conference.

Of course, this result is far from that of the Pacers, but the Blazers are in the West, and the two sides are competing against each other.

As for Lin Shaojie's 62 points in Los Angeles, it has become a talking point on the wine table. If Ballmer hadn't put on Microsoft's skin, he would be no different from the "red neck" in the south. It's hard to see that this bald The guy who got it looks like an IT guy, but he looks like a farmer anyway.

"I promise, if the opportunity is right, I'll play with a team that looks good, but I don't know anyone that fits my fancy."

Ballmer at the table wiped his mouth and said with emotion.

"After watching Lynn's game, I always feel worse when I watch other people's games. Paul, what do you think?"


Paul Allen pointed to himself, and then said to Steve Ballmer: "As long as Lynn nods, I will use all the resources in my hand to exchange him for the Blazers."

After finishing speaking, Allen laughed to himself: "It's a pity that I know that Lynn will not come to Portland. He feels terrible about here!"

This time, everyone burst into laughter. The video of Lin Shaojie facing off against the "Bang Pai" elements on the street is still circulated in the circle from time to time!

The poor law and order environment in some parts of Portland will certainly not lead to good results.

It's just that the people at the dinner table didn't know whether Allen's words were a joke, or whether he really planned to do so.

At least Ballmer felt that he had this in mind.

The Trail Blazers have such a good record this season, but they lack "star flavor". After removing the weak bench players this season, plus the introduction of Thomas Robinson, veteran Williams, Watson and others, coupled with Lillard, Aldridge and other core players.

The Blazers' main players and substitutes are excellent, especially Lillard's performance, which can be called a must.

But Aldridge's 15-year contract expired, and this has become a concern for the Blazers' uniform team.

During the offseason, there was a lot of news about Alder's transfer. This is a player who can be the boss and the second child. He is definitely a player in the top [-] or even the top [-] in the league.

But all the people added up did not have more influence than Lin Shaojie alone.

He is Kobe of the Pacers. Looking at the dismal state of the Lakers this year, everyone is looking forward to Kobe's "return of the king".

A team like the Trail Blazers can only play steadily, hoping to make a big splash this season.

When the hustle and bustle finally calms down, commercial matters have a preliminary intention, and the rest needs to be discussed and worked out by the two parties, no, the teams behind the three parties.

Let's talk about things on the court after the comparison.

Before the end, the three of them took a group photo with their family members, and the female family members even played a short video of Show Time, which made the atmosphere of the whole dinner very good.

It wasn't until Lin Shaojie took Su Zhen away that Alan and Ballmer turned around.

"What a lucky boy!"

"Lucky? I don't think so, his vision is very good!"

Allen drank a little too much, his face was flushed.

The same is true for Ballmer, but he seems very sober instead.

"A person who can reach a cooperation with Coca-Cola is not just lucky enough to make sense. Believe it or not, if Buffett is not so sensitive to the Internet, he will definitely talk to Lynn."

Allen shrugged and said indifferently: "Anyway, we are on the same boat now, and it is better to be friends with an illegitimate child of the goddess of luck than to be accompanied by bad luck!"

"Hopefully, I've been feeling terrible lately, and Show Time should turn my luck around."

After drinking the last sip of wine in the glass, Ballmer shouted at the top of his voice.

"Honey, we're leaving."

"Aren't you staying here tonight?"

"No, I feel that I will disturb your dreams. There is still a ball game waiting for me tomorrow. I look forward to seeing the outstanding performance of No. 13. Lynn has my blessing."

"Shit, I also want the team to win, and of course Lynn can win statistically."

"Don't even think about it. It's impossible. I know that kid very well. He won't admit defeat on the court. Let's wait and see. If it wasn't for a bet, it would be a hundred dollars."

"Come on, I will be afraid of you?"

"Who knows. If you can stay, maybe I won't go."

Paul Allen knew that Ballmer was drunk, and his experience at Microsoft for so many years had become a hurdle he couldn't overcome in his life, and the two sides almost drew an equal sign.

It doesn't feel good to be kicked out now. Ballmer, who said "I fired them" all day long, knows very well that he was eliminated by the times. If you don't follow him when that thing comes, he will Can shoot you to death on the shore.

Fortunately, the two old guys caught the pulse of the times again, and it seemed that this time, it was in the hands of a young man.

As for Ballmer's desire to buy a team for fun, maybe it can be achieved tomorrow, maybe the day after tomorrow, or half a year or a year, always looking for a suitable "cut-in" opportunity.

Anyway, he has already prepared banknotes and is waiting for the opportunity to enter the market.

(End of this chapter)

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