My vision is different

Chapter 307 Consequences of Provocation

Chapter 307 Consequences of Provocation

"Lynn, I feel that something is wrong with your mood."

Frank is not stupid, as can be seen from the expressionless state behind Lin Shaojie's goal.

So far in the game, the Pacers have not played well, but Lin Shaojie, who has carried the offensive burden, quickly brought changes to the team.

The role of this core is obvious.

The current situation was caused by the unexpected factors of Paul George and Hibbert.

But don't forget that this is the Pacers. Besides the No. 13, George Hill and David West are among the main players. Best sixth man, and Luis Scola.

With such a lineup, the offense and defense are balanced. What can the Jazz, who is currently behind, use to compete against the Pacers.

Although there have been examples of "the underdog must win", the reason why that situation is called a miracle is because there are too few examples. At the very least, it is impossible for the Jazz in front of us to do it.

Not only coach Frank himself didn't believe it, assistant coach McMillan didn't believe it, even all the Pacers players didn't believe it.

With such a situation, why should the Jazz be proud in front of the Pacers? Is it because this is Salt Lake City?

or other?
As for Lin Shaojie's displeasure, Frank, as the coach, can tell at a glance.

"The Jazz didn't respect me or us, and that guy named Kanter has exceeded my bottom line. I won't go down this game. I'll 'play' with him for a while."

What Lin Shaojie didn't tell others was that when he faced Kanter, the player's "disdain" and "discrimination" towards him came from the bottom of his heart.

It's not that Lin Shaojie has encountered discrimination against him, a player from China. Such things are too common, but it is based on unfamiliarity and ignorance.

With Lin Shaojie's achievements in the NBA, just kidding, the Jazz has so many players up and down, no one in the current rebuilding team can compare with him, and he is not worthy of mentioning shoes.

The famous Jefferson, Richard Jefferson, but so what, after Lin Shaojie leads the team to win the championship, he will not be inferior to these people in terms of honor, the results of leading the team and the status of the team determine No, Lin Shaojie does not "fake" these veterans!

So the group of players who can keep silent and keep a respectful distance are considered qualified, but it's the first time I've seen someone as bad as Kanter.

In the restarted game, Lin Shaojie no longer faced the back line. He handed the ball back to George Hill, Stephenson played shooting guard, and he himself came to the position of small forward.

After only one round, everyone discovered that Lin Shaojie had gradually entered the paint, taking away part of West's responsibilities.

"Yellow monkey, this is not the place for you!"

Kanter wanted to block the shot, but it was obvious that Lin Shaojie's fake action was real, and Kanter's level was not up to par, so how could he bear it.

Lin Shaojie, who was deep in the low post, used a fake move to completely deceive his opponent after playing a post-up single, and got the shooting space, so he shot easily.

If there is no Kanter at the end, Lin Shaojie will continue the game properly, either returning to defense, or pressing the whole court.

But because of Kanter's words, Lin Shaojie became even more aggressive!

The cheerful Kanter stood on the baseline to serve as if nothing had happened, and Lin Shaojie walked to the other side with a calm expression.

Kanter wanted to pass the ball to Burke on the baseline, but towards the other side, Lin Shaojie, who seemed to be trying to block other Jazz players from receiving the ball, suddenly changed direction and rushed over at the moment Kanter passed the ball.


Maybe there are too many people who have forgotten the wonderful scene of Lin Shaojie stealing the bottom line. In this game, Lin Shaojie seems to have regained the feeling he once had.

Kanter's careless kick made a major mistake in front of Lin Shaojie's swiftness.

Burke didn't catch the basketball smoothly.

Lin Shaojie's long arm changed the direction of the basketball's flight. The Pacers' No. [-] grabbed the basketball again before it went out of bounds, and turned around to get rid of Burke who wanted to chase him.

Kanter, who stood under the basket again, shouted angrily at Lin Shaojie who was rushing over.


The one who greeted him was the still silent Lin Shaojie.

Fast speed, powerful steps, under the seemingly calm eyes, there seems to be a fire!
The footsteps in the air have been stepped on heavily, and Kanter's tall body takes off at the same time.

With Lin Shaojie's flexibility, he can completely turn around the defender in the air, but Lin Shaojie, who rarely uses all his strength to make his whole body into a "C" shape, has no doubts, just like LeBron, with a straight face A tomahawk dunk by the defender ended it all.

In the Life Smart Home Arena, home of the Jazz, Lin Shaojie announced his arrival with this domineering dunk.


Kanter felt as if he had been hit by a large truck driving at high speed, and his arm was pulled down subconsciously, but it was impossible for Lin Shaojie, who had already hung the frame, to be pulled down by him. This powerful force knocked out.

After landing, he staggered backwards and finally fell to the bottom line.

The silent stadium was once again boiling with the screams from the Pacers' bench. Lin Shaojie has such a fierce side, which is really rare.

The referee also blew the whistle at this time.


Lin Shaojie also made a foul on the inside of the Jazz, but Lin Shaojie did not end, but walked up to Kanter like a walk, stretched out a finger, and looked down at the player from Osman.

"This is the first time!"

Lin Shaojie's actions surprised the Jazz players. They thought there would be some dispute between the two, so they rushed over, and the referee also rushed over.

Kanter, who was lifted up from the ground by his teammates, looked at Lin Shaojie fiercely, but shouted at the referee with "aggrieved" in his mouth: "Referee, he is provoking, this is a serious foul!"

Lin Shaojie spread his arms and retreated slowly.

"If a cowardly guy is bullied, he will always find someone else to sue."

"Who do you call a coward?"

An angry Kanter wanted to argue with Lin Shaojie, but was pulled away by the referee.

"Mr. Quiet!"

After finishing speaking, the referee walked up to Lin Shaojie: "Lin En, we all know what you are like, but I don't want you to continue to provoke the opponent, otherwise it will be very difficult for me."

"Thank you sir, if I do something radical, you can justly punish some people, if you don't beat him down, his mouth is as unbearable as if he ate feces."

"Oh, that's what he provoked first, right?"

"Yes sir, I will not cause trouble for no reason!"

The players and the referee made eye contact with each other.

Corbin, who was sitting off the court, felt a little uneasy.

Lin Shaojie suddenly switched to the striker position. Although he played as a swingman, the attack just now was too tough, bigger than the power forward.

And it seemed that it was not aimed at the Jazz, but at Kanter.

Thinking of this, Corbin was a little speechless.

It's not that they can't see some of Kanter's behaviors, but as long as they don't put it on the bright side, more or less capable players are still quite popular in a team like the Jazz. After all, the league lacks some valuable big men.

When the Jazz served the baseline cautiously, Lin Shaojie let go of Burke, who was in possession of the ball, and handed him over to George Hill for defense.

The Jazz's safe delivery of the ball made Lin Shaojie not follow the player in possession of the ball, but retreated while looking around the Jazz's offensive formation.

Judging from the current formation, the Jazz are mainly on the inside. After all, they have lost too much on the outside.

Just after halftime, George Hill put more pressure on Burke. In desperation, Burke passed the ball to the veteran Jefferson, Richard Jefferson.

Unexpectedly, this player who once belonged to the Nets and Spurs was immediately targeted by Lin Shaojie.

When Lin Shaojie tried out before entering the league, Jefferson had left the Spurs to join the Warriors. He did not meet Lin Shaojie during the Spurs' trial.

Jefferson, who was living in the Warriors, didn't get too many opportunities. He was completely a substitute player. Therefore, his data in the Warriors plummeted. Whether it was the tactical system or other aspects, Jefferson didn't adapt to the Warriors.

Coming to the Jazz this season, the rejuvenated Jefferson's performance is not bad, but the veteran who is already over [-], [-] and [-], can't resist Lin Shaojie's defense. .

The two people are about the same size, but the difference in weight and body shape is a bit big.

It is also impossible for Jefferson to beat Lin Shaojie in terms of speed. He had no choice but to rely on his own strength to crush his opponent. When the Pacers saw this scene, no one stepped forward to help.

Under the continuous post-up singles, Jefferson was a little embarrassed to find that he didn't move a single step. He couldn't stand Lin Shaojie at all, and he was just standing still on the court.

Jefferson, who had no choice but to pass the ball back, just stopped the ball, and the power of "relying" behind him disappeared instantly. Jefferson almost walked, and when he was trying to stabilize his figure, a shot from behind him Lin Shaojie took the basketball away.

"Back to defense!"

Frightened, Jefferson hurriedly shouted.

But Lin Shaojie, who had already got the ball, did not show his speed. Instead, he patted the ball slowly, and then turned sideways to Kanter, who was retreating from the Pacers' inside line and hurriedly retreated.

"Ottoman, I'll hit you next!"

No matter his tone or demeanor, Lin Shaojie was almost provoking his opponent, his naked eyes were not concealed at all, full of contempt.

That anger burst out of Kanter's body all of a sudden.

"Alright, yellow-skinned monkey, do you think I'm afraid of you?"

Kanter's words made his teammates frown a little. They didn't know the details of what happened earlier, but they knew that the Pacers star was obviously angry. Now he is on the court, facing Kanter's provocative behavior, he has already made responded.

Did the referee hear this sentence, and what kind of penalty should he make after hearing it?

The referees didn't notice the seemingly noisy stadium, but the Pacers players obviously heard it.

It is precisely because of Kanter's words that the Pacers players guard their respective positions, walking or stopping, in fact, they are interfering with other Jazz players, preventing them from approaching the two sides who are "bullfighting"!

Sometimes words can't solve the problem, but the court has never been a convenient place to use fists. The Pacers have had enough of this kind of suffering, and they also believe that Lin Shaojie will handle it all.

Lin Shaojie, who started playing Kanter with his back in the half, had a heavy basketball touchdown that was unmatched.

Unlike Jefferson's back, Lin Shaojie's back is very effective.

Although Kanter exerted strength again and again, but with his height and weight, he couldn't stop him, and was pushed back by his opponent.

Lin Shaojie has thousands of ways to pass Kanter, but this collision of strength and strength is the most direct.

Although Kanter made many small moves, Lin Shaojie's counterattack was very tough.

In daily training, even Roy Hibbert didn't want to defend Lin Shaojie's back-up singles, because the hard bones hit his body and it hurt too much. After a training game, his upper body would be bruised!
Roy Hibbert, who was sitting off the court at this time, thought that the boss of the team was really helping him to vent his anger for his continuous fouls, and the warmth in his heart couldn't help but float up.

"The boss is usually strict, but he still supports me at critical moments."

Roy Hibbert, whose cheeks were black and red, thought with some embarrassment.

Looking at Kanter, who was also flushed, Hibbert knew that the Ottoman was probably not feeling well at all.

On the court, Kanter has been forced to a low position, although some teammate Favors saw such an unusual scene and wanted to respond.

But Lin Shaojie turned around suddenly, and deceived Favors who came to help defend.

But Kanter hurriedly took a step back because of his defense. As for Lin Shaojie, who was holding the ball, he had already jumped in place in the paint and hit the basket with a dunk.


No finesse, not even elegance!

Just jumping on the spot, the height of the jump and the staring eyes made Kanter, who was riding under Lin Shaojie, just feel a wave of humiliation in his heart.

He just took a step back, but there was a person hanging on his shoulders?

Favors pushed it out with both hands, but Lin Shaojie was already on the frame, so he was not afraid of his pushing, but because of Lin Shaojie's lower body strength, he was staggered by the rebounding force, if Favors hadn't helped him If you hit it, you will definitely fall again.

The referee's whistle blew and Kanter got his second foul.

Same 2+1.

The fans at the scene booed, they didn't care about those details, they only saw Lin Shaojie enjoying the star whistle.

Although the scene just now looked very cool, the player who was riding under him belonged to the Jazz, and the residents of Utah have never been cowards.

The booing all over the sky did not stop Lin Shaojie's footsteps. He took two steps forward, stretched out his index finger and middle finger, and said to Kanter, whose face was flushed.

"This is the second time!"

"Boy, do you want to fight?"

Favors also said restlessly from the side, all of them could see that Lynn was provoking Kanter.

"Shut your mouth and get the hell out of here!"

Lin Shaojie didn't turn his head, but said the words in his mouth instantly: "If you are willing to participate, I don't mind the two of you next time!"



Lin Shaojie didn't even take the step of retreating, and just looked at the two insiders calmly.

Hurrying back to his home half, Hayward, who was about to respond, saw that the atmosphere on the court was not right, so he quickly said to Lin Shaojie.

"Lynn, can you save me some face, can this matter be over?"

"This is between me and Kanter, thank you for your kindness, Gordon!"

Lin Shaojie's eyes were still looking at Kanter who was not far away.

"I don't know the result of the game, but I know very well that when I'm around, you don't even think about scoring a single point on the court. Osman, the coward who only complains, is ready to be replaced by the coach! "

Lin Shaojie "doesn't know how to flatter" and has the attitude of wanting to kill Kanter, which is the first time since he entered the league.

Hayward knows that this game is in trouble!
(End of this chapter)

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